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uavitor Het Books by Robert C. Tucker hin Karl Marx ind Philosophy and M The Soviet Poli ‘The Great Purge Trial (codtor) The Marsian Revolationary Ides Stalin as Revolutionary, 1829-29292 A Study in History and Personality "The Lenin Anthology (editor) Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation (editor) THE MARX-ENGELS READER SECOND EDITION Edited by ROBERT C. TUCKER W-W+ NORTON & COMPANY New York » London Capital, Volume One KARL MARX et ut eat Mo's azum o,Vokae Oe pie ia eee bak cca ced Tog Copa o's wy “Te age shen tga ith Man’ Pace oe St German etn, Mead oe sem, and Preto he Fee el fone fm thet of the Eni etn of 157, 0 ated {fm te Shi Ces elton by anol Mowe cb Had veg ond SSR awe an temp ha nen mae eo pov he cos Seto tat tty me he ae srament and be ce cho Seen tomes Inmet Mans ft ve bn lee he tres of ving pce Preface to the First Gennan Edition work, the Sst volume af which {now submit to he pubic forms he cotati of ty Ket der Pltschen Ostone tn (A Conon oe Cri of Pt Eon) pb rh Gn alyo. The long paste between fhe fst prt and the con {Enso tos aco ney yen ation i ain ad im interptd ny wore rth tice of ok exer work i smmarbed in She Sit tne chptew of thie won, Tht x done not mec fr he se ofetckon and compsiness The pretation of the so ietontter improved Av scmstances ina a Peay sey ple el tea inthe ester bok re ere weraed ook Toe felt cones pms onked ont folly tha se Ty eoutcd upon ints sles The sextions om he fist of Sicha oe and of mony at on oo a> thers The reader of fhe caer work wl fd, howevet in the fs othe Set chapter aston somes of reece Tele to The tsoy of tho tense ao : Capital, Volume One + 295 “hat ever Dining i iu holds in all cenes, To under stand the fit chapter pce te ection to ona the a $38 of commits, wil herctore, rset the get dy ‘ht which oners meeps he seat the suatanee sale and he ag Whe av mach i wa Boe The populubed The vale fem, whowe fy developed shape the mney form, i ay elemetiy an simple. Newel De un mind as frre than ses sought inf eo the bottom oft whist onthe eer hand, tthe soe a Js of mach more ope sd empl fxs thet hes Fea ‘estan appeximation, Wy? Deen the boy es epin ‘lk i thre of ry than ete el ofthat by. ie Znaisis of ccatomie fom, morerey, eter miaesepe or Shei get of Te ae ston at ep ja in bows oe he eomsnoitye a he praest of boutor the luc form of he commons the cemomi {elm To Ge spel deer, Te aR of thos forms seems fm pon inti dns i fat ea wih ln, Tt they ae ofthe sme orders thew dae win mire acon. ‘Wit the esepton of the sect on vue fom, therefore, this volume sino stand sees the bee nf ely pe Sopp of cous, ader nh wing fo la someting ew and these thnk frie ‘The phys ether obsees phys! phenomena where they scat in ther met pel form and melt fee om dota Infence, of wheter pom, he makes expesinents nde ce to that seth ance ofthe pesemtnon ys sal lye tn th work [hive to ermine the aptalat node of pre {en andthe conditions of postion an exchnge sotspondng fo that ode. tp tothe proeat tine, tir cine pnd b Fag Hn. Tati the eon wy Eoghan este hit ste tion ithe development of my corel ia I, meee Gena rer ssh shod tthe contin of te Heals Inde tapes nbc orf opinion ce forts hime th the hoop Tak Cetus thingy ste ot BA Mictes ip iiat Zoailiay are ware Git ape aie Wekit tetany fot af wa gona SNE a 296 + The Critique of Capitalism ers bad mutant in, De te fbul maratr® Tey ota uation ofthe higher ther dere of detlopnent of te soil solagontone that esl frm the natal Te eapaistpouction es 3 question of thse Lvs there {Nec of ese tenons working ath on neesty toward ne {ENC seule Tie county tht more developed iadontalyoaly Shas, to the lege Teepe, Te Gut apa Ror HF WHEE TATE PAM TAU natal iu among the Germans [for istane, inthe factories prope) the Condition cf things much wone than in England, becuse the Sountepose Of the Factory Aes i wanting. In all other spheres, fe ikoal the rst of Continental Western Europe, safer not only Fon the development of capitalist prodoction, but alo fom the fheompletenes, ofthat development. Alongside of modem evil a Athol series of iberited evils pre yang from the pave eval of antiquated modes of production, wath their inevitable {nn of socal sod political anachrowims. We safer not ony from the vig, But fom the dead, Le mor waist fe vf “The socal satis of Cenmauy and fhe ret of Continental Waster Europe are, in comparson with those of Bagland, trctchedly compiled. But they raise the vel fst enough to let SS pro he’ Meo eo blind We sol Be Spall at the state of things at tome, a8 in England, ov gov SFaments nd paliaments appointed periodically commision’ of qui into, economic conditions, i these. commissions. were med wh th ee leary poe 0 ge at dhe tah twas orable ty Gnd for ths purpare men a8 competent a fee fiom enisship and respect of pesons ay ate the Baglsh factory Tupecton ber medical reporters on pubic health, her commsion- cof imqury into he explotation of omen aud cid, into Fousing nd food. Perscos wate & magi cap thatthe mons he Tented down ight not see hrm. We draw the magic cap down (ver eje and cae as 4 macbelieve that there sre nd ones, Tet uy nat deceive ourgeles on this AS in the 18th century, the Americ wat of independence sounded the ton for the Euro poss ldle-clas, sou the 15th century, the Amecian Civt War Randel forthe Boropean workings. In England the progres Of soenl aitepation fs pupable. When it has reached a cetain pom it must seatt on the Conficnt. Thee i will fake 2 fort Rove bret or more humane, accord tothe degree of develop tnent ofthe workingcise ite Apart fom higher motives, thee. {ore thet owe mest important interests tate to the cases tht 2.7. way aoa ym 2 The dnd man oi ty ag oe Capital, Volume One + 297 ane forthe nonee the rag one, he eroval of eli temo Atle hindrances tothe fee development of the workings Foe {his ceo, aswell a other, T have given 20 lage's sce fo ths tolume to estoy the details ane rel of Eaglsh tcory legiation. One nation exn aa shoud ler om ether And ened ‘hen a sci as got up the igh rach forthe dicey ofthe a ews of movernent-and si he ltimte ai ofthis werkt hy te he soi bw of oti of ma soe Init can neither clea by old lenpy nor seme by feel nee. tents, the obtacesofered by the tccenive phase of nol evelopment. But team shorten nd lenen the ipangs “Fo prea posible minndentnding a word pa the op tus he Lndord ino sense coeur deve. aut hee ad ‘uns av dea wth oly 3 fara they te the pesonieatons fconomi catego, embosinents of pasta Cveeatone and lassinteres, My standpoint, fom which the evolution of the zonomie formatinn of society is viewed 35+ proses of natural his Ta tbe domain of Plt Economy, fie sient ingsiny mets not mete the sue epemic sl other oman. The pect nature ofthe material i dest, somone a fos into te Held of atl, he most volt, rea and malignant pions of the Inuman breast the Furies of poste imtewst. The Engl Esublshed Church, eg, wl more rex padon anata on 38 at 9 ati han 3/9 fit, Ney atic ‘sl is cup fev, as computed with etiam of estng property teat, Nevertte, thee san aometilable strane fete, ‘8, t the Be book polished sin the lst fw weeks: "Core Spondence with Her Nojest's Mesions Abroad arin insta Questions and ‘Trades’ Unione” The sprsentatine of he Eoglsh Crow in foreign countries thove deelae in so many words Ghat in Germany, Pc, tobe bial the and ats of the ‘ropean Continent, a radical change im the existing relations between capital and labour i as eident and inevitable se In Eng. Jand, At the same time, on the athe side of Hhe Alantie Oct, Mr. Wade, vcepresdeat of the United States? deelted in public ‘Stuer ‘Heads Wale of Ohie 398 + ‘The Critique of Capitalism tabi of Savery, 4a hang ofthe Pope in ad ext ep te oder anon Ths ae sgn Of he times, nt tobe hidden by pple netings that, aft ‘Rinsing of eapital and oF propery Rolie ee maviee wont Spey tte kab St owe of the process of the Soe Memaemhautce Sse fa a en te eo, wow a afretine the maxi ofthe get lose IS gui itn conn lascia die nt" at Mars London, July 5, 1867 Ki Preface to the French Edition “To he citizen Maurice Lachatre a oar ie of bling the wansaton of Dis Keg tah ROME th fom e nk le more sie ese seston wich (0 me autres en ot ‘is the reverse ats the god sie of our sgn, ut ee cx me ett Beth sae hich toe empleo a mt ey ee apicd oon set mae Sera ke nt hg rn, a ee ai aay mate to cae to» conan ce te conan Deven ee pcs ae the Se ee ea tat have aod tha pasion, no e de ema See thy wi bane to ween tome Tits daha 1m pei To cere, ee i te by Pings orem hon reales who 2a {Pt your we ca, ter atl i | | | | | Capital, Volume One» 299 lauth. There sno royal read to scence, and only those who do not ‘reid the fatiguing clisnb of is steep paths havea chance of gain: jing its Jaman ste Baliewe me, eae eitzen Your devoted, London, March 38, 1873 Kol Mare From the Afterword to the Second German Edition ‘That the method employed in “Das Kapitat” has been litle ‘understood, is shown by the various conceptions, contradictory ne to another, that have Been formed of i ‘Thus the Paris Resue Postvte reproaches ne in that, on the fone hand, 1 teat economies metaphyscally, and on the other hhand-—imigine!—confine mypelf to the mete cate sualyts of actual fats, insted of wating wcepts (Comtist ones?) for the cookshops of the fore. Im anmwer to the reproach iv re metaphye Jes, Peofesor Sieber has it "in so far as st deals with ctv hers, the method of Mae s the doduetive method af the whole Engh School, school whose faiings and virtues ate common to the est heortc economists,” M, Black—"Les Théorckens du Sociale en Allemagne. Extat du Joureal des Bconomistes, Juillet et Aoi 1S7e" omles the dicey Hat ny neo saa and se: “Bar eet ouvrage M. Marx se classe pan lex expt analytes les plus éminents. German reviews, of couse, shiek out st “Tege Tian sophistics” The European Alesenger of St. Peterbugg in an aiticle dealing exclusively with the method of "Fas Kapital (May rumbet, 1872, pp. 427-436), finds my method of inquiry sever realise, bot my method of presentation, enfortunately, German Aleta. Te says; “At fst sigh, ifthe judgment i based om the extemal form of the preseataton of the subject, Mary isthe met ideal of deat philosophers, alvays in the German, te, the bad sease of the wor, But in point of fact hes innitely more relic than all his foresunness in the work of economic entciem, He ex inno sense be eilled am idealist” T cannot answes the writer better than by aid of 2 few extracts from Ine ow enicnm, which may Inerest some of my reodersto whom the Rusia origina i nae cessible 6 i wok es be ice ana he mein nc in” | 300 + ‘The Critique of Capitalism ‘After quotation fiom the preface to my “Cet of Poll eee Spaltn, 1839 pp. 1V-VI, where Teigue the mates Fg of my ineltiods the writer goes on: “The ene thing ANG, af moment to Mar 0 fad the ba of the phenome Wh ehose mwestiation he i eoncemed nd wot ony that low Women fo ine winch grvems thee pheuomeng, in 3 fr 36 Shey ane» dente form ang ato caaneion within a given his tonkatpeds OF sul greater moment ham i the law of thei ‘Sto of ir development, te of thet Wansion from one {Bim nto tothe, fom one sss of einexows ity diferent fehl once dcovred, be vestigaes n deta the cet in ‘ley it acess ism sol Tes Consegoent, Maren troubles hms aboot one ting 0 show, by nig scent aes ition, he necosly of adewsave determinate onder of soci [Sado aed to etabch, a impale a postle, the facts that seve him for fundamental string pons. For this que fneughs it he proves, a the sme fine, both ee nec of he pest cider Hf thing, and the necessity of auother one ino uch the fst mst meray pss ove, ad his all the sme, “Hetter en tele or donot beixe wheter they are oo: Sow oc uncomsets of fe Manx tts te socal ovement a 4 proces of waa Mtr, governed by has not only independent ct mon nfl comtdouscs a ntligree, but tc oh ie eon ting, dtemining tat wily comesouness abd intligene.- 1 sme his of ato the comes clement las a pas Shondinte, then itis clfevdent that ei guy whose sub seater session, ca, Kes ha snything els, he 6 {iis my form of o any volt of, consciousness, That i t0 {hat ol the de, bt the mater phenomenon alone ean see at {tt point Such an inguy Wi cone il to the conten {atom andthe comparsow of 4 fact, not wi dea, Dut wih sovher fe. For ths nguiy, the ne Ping of moment, Eat oth fats be yestigated ae secutely st posble and that they Scalsform, er with spect the ote diferent moments of Sa etltiny button pestant ofa he tgid ana of he sEhig f succesiony, of he sence an Conatenations i which {he dteent sage of sae an eoaion preset themsaes. But weil be sid, the general as of econome Ife ae one and the me no matter eheter they se applied to the present ofthe Foot This Manx diestly denis, According to fy such sbabact Tm do not est, On the conary, im is opsion every historet Jed has ows of sou, AE Soon 3 Sy has olive 8 Even period of development, abd ie paing oer Fm one gen ogy (snr tap t be sabes slo to oter Iva 2 ‘rod, econo e oes 4 phenomenon analogy tthe hit | | | | Capital, Volume One > 301 toe of elation in other branches of bic. Theol economists smunderstood the mature of conamic laws why they ened the ela of hs nd cst Amato aay 53 phenomena sows tit socal eran fer atung thea Seles is fundatentai plant estate Nap, ne nd the ne ‘Phenomenon fills under quite dflset los in consquenc of the fiferentsuctue of thon organs 48+ whoe of the vrsins OF this indidal agin, of the diem ondons tn which {hose og fonction. ke. Mars eg dene tha he nv of popule tion i the same at al Himes and fal lace. He ams, on the Eontany, Hh vey stage of deveepmet i ot of Pop 1 the ng ie of dec of te eve, sail condions and the iw gocrting then vary oo ‘Wit Mar sets inet he to of folowing ae explaining form this point of view the economia eablhed bythe sear of cat be only ting it sty sei maa he Sim hat ee acest session fo ceo fe must ve ‘The scenic value of sich an nguty lism Ue cloning of the speci ws that regulate the og, cence, development, eth given socal orgnim and its veplacrncat by anther and Ugh os And th ae a, pa of ch, Maes nk TWhibt the wate pictus what be takes to be etaty spin lg se ote of it} geneous way, what che is he ptutng but the daketc oa he pute but fhe ike ‘OF coune the method of pesenation mst dies frm from shat of tng The later ha to sppopste the mately Seta tovamiye it diferent fore of development, ta te ont the teen Cn after iw Se, can he cl ne tent be adequately dent eis dome ceil the cf he eter sey eed nt he 8 ay Sppeat asf we had before 4 mete po! contucn ‘iv dactic method i ot only dftent from the Hegelian, but ists dest oppo To Hege the Me proceso the Mutan ba fen he pci of hg vi mr he nme of he Ke cen anton into a independent sj, the dem ofthe el and he eal word is only the eaten, phenome da form of "the Tdea”™ With me, om the Gntaty te Hea ‘othing ee thin the miter world ested by th human mind, fn tant nto fx of though "The myitiing side of Hegson let xt meaty thy year ao, a tne nf i a stl the fashion. Bot just 36 Fat ‘tvking atthe ft sole of “Dae Kapa” wat He god ple te ofthe peers, armgne medion epigonts who now talk age Ps 302 + The Critique of Capitaliom fn eultared Germany, to treat Hegel in the same way a the Brive ‘Mows Mendelohn in Lessing’ time treated Spinoza: 95 8 Nfl dag therefore openly-svowed anjself the papi of that Tghty Sinker, and even texe and these, in the chapter on the they of value, coqueted withthe modes of expression pedir to IWim. The mystiGenton which daletie suflers in Hegel's hands, by tno means prevents him fom being the fist to present ts genera {bran of werking ina comprchensse and conscious mannes. Wath hw iti standing om its head. It must be thmed sight side op “zw, if you woul cover the rational kermel within the mystical ‘tell ‘its mystified form, dialectic became the fashion in Gemany, tecause it seemed fo teansfigure wd to glorify the existing sate of thiys lo its ational form 3 senda and abomination to bour- feoidom and is doctinaie professors, becanse it ances i its EEimpeehension an alfrmative recognition of the existing sate of things, atthe sine time al, the recognition of the negation oF that inte of ts inevitable brecking up; Becanse it segardsexery hi tericlly Geveoped socal fomn 2 in tuid movement, and therefore fas inte accom ts transient maze aot Tess than its momentary fesstnee, besause i Jets nothing impose upon it, amd is im its ‘eoenoe cited and revolutionary “The coutaditions iaerent i fhe movement of capitalist sooty Jmpressthernsehres pon the pracueal bourgeois most stekmnaly in {he cinages of the penodie ere, through which moder sodustry {ns and whose esowning pot isthe universal criss. That cri is nce agi aprnhng iho yt heli Sage; and by the onietaity of ts theatre and the intersity of ss feton it wil drum diets cwen into the heads of the mus Toompstart of the new, holy Prss-German empire. Leadon, January 24,2873 Kort Mere Part 1. Commodities and Money (CHAPTER I. COMMODITIES Section 1, The Two Factors of « Commodity: UseValue and Value (The Substance of Valu and the Magnitude of Vee) ‘The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist mode of redaction preva, presents its as “an immense accumulation of Capital, Volume One 303 commits unt tng a single commodiy. Ou a fon min tiene ent he ess comma "sme the bt ple ef ae hing shat ris proper ates dan nan fon sent ante ‘The st of wants nthe fr tence, pg ta beste mates ier Neher ne we rmnct tw tam how the oie! sen tse wan stewards ears of obstinacy mone of Peoeton ry ul hing kn, rp, x mayb kd a fa he two pnts en fg ad uy Titan soembgs of ny ppt and sy etre be of win ios ee To led th os aes things the we f ton © Sos 9 ‘the establishment of socially-recognised standards of measure for ‘the quantities of these useful objects. The diversity of these meas- tre fuss og pry in the ere nue of toc be tment apnea She yes te masa scale Bu diy Tat Tn fa Bon tnd be pl popes he Simi tas no ence prt at soe Se amit tng. 2 wevalug, so LT propery of = “MOM midependent of the amount of Tabour raqired to appropriate its useful qualities. When tating of uscvaluc, we Bley aunee ob Gling with dette gunn sath ans ‘of wetches,ynds of nao tons of on, Tho nsvaluc of com Shade fu te aia fo peal sey, tof Coe com EEL Bee mee oti an intdoick vere gees" si te ae 9° Retlea etee Seog es ie Saeed Troon ee lay Lowes eoamoatl Hot 304 «The Critique of Capitalism form of society we ate sbout to consider, they ar, in addition, the nates deportonis of exchange-alue SE eer oak prot oof asx qumbiaine Schnee for Hime of anther srt elation constantly chang a a gee mapa Ped Go cate a cameo ae a Ea Ts mepthy emnesed ia xn commence cms omndclon os Lat TR te ters Ite more ds. eee ay eg ater ot meat echnge fr x oe ar ee fw oe ome a a ce ppories, feed fone cng, te ae eae ee tog Bat e's Uchng yal Baa de” eek ope the cage of gun oe Be ee ag Psat pate mt at oxlange iis wets Shey dtl tach alc Teo at {He ald exchange alos of gen commodity expres a soe pam oa te mode of ‘ 4 i prson, the penne Pm jet Cision fom can nT pn Be are aga en io tan Seedeg ee sme la de icp pe Sty Be pa soho eryhce rages "thar ontnan “something” cennot be either a geometrical, « Ake Sine ete ate lb. Sars ae vib SE ia Capital, Volume One + 305 caties elim our atention only im 30 far as they alfet the oily of Mose commodities, make them uscvalues, But the exchange of ‘commodities is evidently an act charactensed by a total abstraction from usevalue. Then one usevalue i ust as good a8 another, poe ‘vided only it be preset in sufcent quantity. Or, a8 old Barbon "3S, “oue sort of wanes are as good as another, ifthe wales be ‘equ. There is no difeence or dstincion in things of equal vale. ‘An hundzed pounds’ worth of esd o ion, of as geat vale 4s ‘one hundred pounds! worth of silver ar gold.” Ax weralus, Commodities are, above all, of diferent qilites, but as exchange: ‘ales they are mezely dierent quamtiis, and consequently do not Contain a atom of mova If ten we leave out of consideration the wsevalue of commods P fergone tuake abstraction fom it weave, ve make abstraction at the sme time fom the material elements and shapes that make the product's mevafue; we sce in if m0 Tanger a table a house, ya, or any other woeful thing, Is existence #5 a material thing is pat aut of sight. Neither can it any longer be ‘egacded asthe product of the labor ofthe joiner, the mon, the Spinney, or of any other definite Kind of productive labour Along vith the mseful qualities ofthe products themselves, we pt out of Sight both the ‘weful character of the various Kinds of labour ‘mode in them, and the concrete forms af that labour, here is ‘othing lft but what i common to them aly lace maucal ta — fone a Tet us now consider the ves ofeach of there prot: eo sists ofthe same onsubstanbialselty in cach, a mee congeltion| oF homogeneous human bbou, of above power expended within regard to the mode ofits expenditure All that these things now tell uy 3 that human Tabourpower has been expended in thei tion, fbx amas sour i embodied than Whe Toked — ‘ag ayn oF Wie ead nee Soma Te a hey ae “Watts, We hase scen that when commodities are exchanged, thee cexchange-alue manifest ituell as something totally Independent of fheit usesalve. Bur if we abstact fiom their ase value, there remains their Value as defined above, Therefore, the common su iene “The progress of om ivesigation wll Show that exchangevaine isthe only form in ‘which the value of commodities ea matifet its or be expressed For the preset, however, we have to consider the nature of value independetly of ths, is fom. “Avusevalue, of wel atic, therefore, har value only Beawse 306 * ‘The Critique of Capitalism Inuman labour in the abstract has boen embodied or materialised in LE Tow, than, f the mantede of this vale to be mesured? ily, by the quantity ofthe val reating substance, the boot, Ce inhale. The quan of abo weer mes “PeUpIE might think That if the value of a commodity is cerned by te sty of ibour seat on ie moe etd est he ise oe atte won somo ‘atu ne el Satin, Te ee, however, that forms the rbstanee of yalW. 5 homagensous human Ce ia aap Tie Ted tpn oa enn Te Tr of he “lor Sf coder pedicel by at sot, cots ee st Welomcpencns a of hana anon cpt gh weer Moemenbe il unis Eth of thee ws the finest co art nie se of ee Taupo af set sd tas het cy at 0 a requites For prodacing a commodity, no more tine than i needed Se Sepa eee ci ooo a os al ctor seroquel to oda aie wr the Srna cna of det, snd sth te age dope of {Sina nent eit th ee oct ope inane ne Based. poly vedued by onctalf the ou red to mene guy of a tect The had [ation ara ater MB conned fo requie ese tea a treba oa ht he pin fe how of te Ur apes teh ang” Income fl te al foes oe oan ae nines the magnitude of the Serer So Srey i pnrtn! ach a SS St ee een noe eof done Commodi thats whet gi SREP aoa ne cole ef wich Sn bp ee Er tne ht ene ee osm —— Sate Rik eal by tbe pwd Ga stot Po 8, Se EL See gece anne te POR ee Bis Sit nant: Sonya: Eanes (he tees deeb So batten sce SPE | the lei Hhe smount oF labour exialised in hat ail, and lege neva mt wae eee Oe Te the praca Tf Capital, Volume One * 307 ‘As vals, all commodities ate only definite muses of cgealed Jubourtime.” ‘The valve of a commedity would therefore remain constant, if the labouctime sequited for is production also remained constant, Bat he ltr changes with ever yadaton i the productive of Iubose Bris determined by vanans cieumstances, amongst others, Dy he average amount of sk ofthe workmen, the slate of science, and the degiee of its peacheal application, the Sociol orgimastion of producti, the extent and capabiities of the tncans of production, aad by physical conditions. For example, the ‘ame amount of labour in favourable senons is embodied in 8 bushel of com, and i unfavourable, omy mn four. The same labour ‘extracts fiom rich mines more metal than fom poor mines. Dia mods ae of very ae ccene om the eth is, ad eae their discovery costs, on an average, a great deal of labour-time ‘Consequently meh labour is vepsesented i «small compass. Jacob doubes whether gold has ever Deen pad for at is full value. This applies still more to diamonds, According to Eschwege, the fla produce of the Braztian diamond mines for the eighty year, ‘tig in 183, bal not ee the pee of onan Jar! verge prodace of the sugar and colfee plastations of the ‘me country, slthough the dismonds cost mach more bout, and there fore epresented moe vale, With richer mines, the same quantity of labour would embody itelf in more damonds, and their vale would fl Tf we could sucesed at small expenditure of labout, in converting carbon into diamonds, thei vale might fll below tat of bts, Tn_genr, dhe get’ the protien of bor esis the labo ne Toyune Tore redaction Sf a] labour the greteris the hbourtine required forthe production of an article, and the greater ists valve. The vale of «commodity, Le therefore, vais decry asthe quantity, and inversely a¢ the po- Aductivenes, of the lnboar incorporated nit ‘A thing cn be « asevale, withont sing value. “Thie the ease whenever ts uility to min i nt due to labour, Such ae ai, vgia soil, natal meadows, de. A thing can be useful, avd the product of human tabour, without being « commodity. Whoever dvcetiy Sates his wants with the pundig indeed, wesalies, but no sti sil uszsalustand oot only for others, witht moe “Th medial peisant produced goitenteor for hs feudal aed and tthe-com fo his panon_ But nate the quitrat-com no he tithecom became commodities by reson of the fc tt they had r 5408 ~ ‘The Critique of Capitaine teen profaced or thes, To Recor commodity produc mst [ehEitene ty anthes wont pa ee aoa Sig fave, va Sap Aeon oF wy Tt the ting wl, te hbo Tonmaed i che bos does ot cots abo and herefoe ‘ates soe ‘Section 2. The Tworfeld Character of the Labour Embodied in A Sint sight commodity presented itelf to us as « complex of two thing-mevalne and exchangeralue. Later on, we sa also fit labour, ton, posses the sme twofold Aatut, for, 0 Bra ind expreision in sale, toes not posess the sme chatacters: tue tht belong to at ae creator of twesalues. Tas the fist 10 point out aid to ciamine entically the twofold nature of the Tour contained in commodities. As thi point 1s the pivot on whic a clear comprehension of Polieal Economy turn, we must 2 more into detail iets take tro commoditits such 28 a coat and 20 yards of Tine, an let the former be double the value of the ate, 50 that, iF 20 itd of linen — W, the coat — 2, "The coat isa wsevalac that satisfies a patcular want, ft exit noe is te rtut of a special sor of prodoctive activity, the matore Sf which i determined by its aim, mode of operation, subject, fens, and coal. The labour, whore wtihty i thus presented by the vale in use of is proc, 0 i ll seta) Labour. In this eoonexion we ‘consider only sts useful ee "Ae the coat and the linen se two qualitatively diferent use sales, go luo ate the two forms of Inbour that produce them, tt Torin und weaving, Were these two objects not qualitatively difer sent, not produced respectively y us lanot Stand to each other in the ration of commodities. Cats fe not exchanged for cows, one wevalve Is nol exchanged for ‘another of the ste kind. “To ll the diferent vases of valves in use here comespond as smany diferent Kinds of vical bow, clsifed according to the ‘wdc, genus specs, and vate to which they belong sm the soca Avision of labour. ‘This division of labour is 3 neces forthe preduction-of commoditag, Dut T does aot ollow, com ‘Ercey-tiat the proton of commodities isa necesay condition for the division of labour, Im the prinatve Indi carnmunty these alae ss eh Pa contour ‘ | | Capital, Volume One * 309 is social division of abou, without production oF commodities. Or, to take an cxample netcr home, in every fctory the bout is Alivided according to a sytem, but this division not brought shout by the operatives murualy exchanging their individ prod: ‘et, Only such products ean become eommaditce mith regi #0 teach ott as result fom diferent kinds of labour, cach kin being fazed on independently and forthe account of private sndidoal tea, Ui rem salu cauuoi confit cach — —iher at commodifies, unl the taful labour embod in

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