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com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

Written Magic
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi †kÖô mnvwqKv
iPbv I m¤úv`bvq
bvwn` nvmvb
cÖKvkK - Nahid24 Publications
Nahid24 Publications
‡iwR : evsjv‡`k cy¯ÍK cÖKvkK I we‡µZv mwgwZ m`m¨,bxjdvgvix
ÔWritten Magic’ eBwUi ISBN : 978-984-34-9609-6
1g ms¯‹iY : 19 wW‡m¤^i, 2020
cÖKvkK KZ…©K me©¯^Z¡ msiwÿZ
ÔWritten Magic’ eBwUi QRcode

ÔWritten Magic’ eBwUi Barcode

cÖKvk‡Ki wjwLZ AbygwZ e¨wZZ GB eB‡qi †Kv‡bv Ask cybtgy`ªY,d‡UvKwc wKsev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv Dcv‡q
cÖKvk Kiv wbwl×| †KD Kwc Ki‡j Zvi weiæ‡× AvBbMZ e¨e¯’v †bqv n‡e|
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

DrmM© t cig kÖ‡×q evev I gv †K hviv Avgvi Rxe‡bi †kÖô m¤ú`|

cÖ”Q` I AjsKvi t bvwn` nvmvb
eY©web¨vm t bvwn` nvmvb
gy`ªY t ¯^vMZg Ad‡mU cÖ‡mm GÛ wcÖw›Us,
nKvm© gv‡K©U, wbD gv‡K©U, ivRkvnx (01712-077211)
g~j¨ t 130.00 UvKv (Fixed Price)
wek^we`¨vjq fwZ© cÖ¯‘wZg~jK Video Class & Live Class cv‡eb Avgvi Nahid24 BDwUDe
P¨v‡b‡j| Link/url: Youtube.com/Nahid24

‡h †Kv‡bv cÖ‡qvR‡b t
Website : www.nahid24.com
Mobile : 01787943429,01995477029
Facebook Page : Written Magic - wjwLZ g¨vwRK
Link/url : Facebook.com/writtenmagicbook
Facebook Group : Varsity win- wek^we`¨vjq fwZ© mnvwqKv
Link/url : Facebook.com/groups/varsitywin
Youtube Channel : Nahid24
Website : www.nahid24.com

iPbv I m¤úv`bvq
bvwn` nvmvb
Founder of Nahid24
cÖKvkK - Nahid24 Publications

iPbv mn‡hvwMZvq

Gg. we ivqnvb ‡gvt Avj-Avwgb KvRx

XvKv wek^we`¨vjq XvKv wek^we`¨vjq

Zvwbe ingvb RvbœvwZ wRwbqv

ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjq ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjq

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

mywcªq wkÿv_©xe„›`,
Avm&mjvgy AvjvBKzg

me©cÖ_g K…ZÁZv ¯^xKvi KiwQ cig Kiæbvgq gnvb Avjøvn& ZvAvjvi wbKU| eZ©gvb GB cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi hy‡M ‡h
†Kv‡bv cvewjK wek^we`¨vj‡q PvÝ cvIqv, †mvbvi nwiY cvIqvi gZB KwVb n‡q wM‡q‡Q| 2019 mv‡ji c~e© ch©šÍ
QvÎ-QvÎxiv MZvbyMwZK avivq cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡q‡Q,mdjZv †c‡q‡Q| wKš‘ GLb wek^we`¨vj‡qi wm‡jevm Avi c~‡e©i gZ
†bB| GLb MCQ Gi cvkvcvwk wjwLZ cixÿv w`‡Z nq| XvKv wek^we`¨vjq,ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjqmn Av‡iv A‡bK
wek^we`¨vj‡q MCQ Gi cvkvcvwk wjwLZ cixÿv n‡q _v‡K| wKš‘ wjwLZ cixÿvi wm‡jevm, gvb eÈb m¤ú‡K©
QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i mwVK aviYv bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y wjwLZ cixÿvq Avkvbiæc dj jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GRb¨ QvÎ-
QvÎx‡`i `ywðšÍv `yi Ki‡Z A‡bK cwikÖg K‡i Avwg iPbv K‡iwQ “Written Magic” eBwU| GB eB‡qi
ïiæ‡ZB weMZ eQ‡ii Xvwe,ivwei mKj BDwb‡Ui evsjv, Bs‡iwR, mvaviY Áv‡bi wjwLZ cÖkœ I DËi mshy³ K‡iwQ
‡hb QvÎ-QvÎxiv wjwLZ cÖ‡kœi aiY eyS‡Z cv‡i| Gi c‡i cÖ‡Z¨KwU UwcK m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv Ges bgybv
cÖkœ I DËi mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| wjwLZ cixÿvi Ab¨ eB¸‡jv‡Z A‡bK Acª‡qvRbxq UwcK w`‡q QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K
weåvšÍ Kiv n‡q‡Q| “Written Magic” eBwU‡Z ‡Kv‡bv AcÖ‡qvRbxq UwcK Zz‡j aiv nq wb| welqwU hvPvB
Ki‡Z GB eB‡qi Av‡jvwPZ welq¸‡jvi mv‡_ weMZ eQ‡ii wjwLZ cixÿvi cÖkœ¸‡jvi aiY wgj Ki‡jB eyS‡Z
cvi‡eb| “Written Magic” eBwU m¤ú~Y©iæ‡c AvqË Ki‡Z cvi‡j wek^we`¨vjq fwZ© cÖ¯‘wZi wjwLZ cixÿvq
m‡ev©”P Kgb co‡e BbkvAvjøvn|

G eBwU c‡o wkÿv_©xiv DcK…Z n‡j Z‡eB Avgvi cwikÖg I cÖ‡Póv mdj n‡e e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| ‡h‡nZz GKgvÎ
Avj-KyiAvb Qvov †Kvb MÖš’&B wbfz©j bq| Avi gvbyl I fz‡ji D‡aŸ© bq ZvB Awb”Qv m‡Z¡&I eBwU‡Z †Kvb fyj -ÎæwU
_vK‡j ÿgvi `„wó‡Z ‡`L‡eb|

cwi‡k‡l -
mK‡ji Kv‡Q ‡`vqv cÖv_©x|
‡gvt bvwn` nvmvb
cÖKvkK - Nahid24 Publications
Founder of Nahid24

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

2019-20 mv‡j XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q †Kvb ‡Kvb BDwb‡U KZ bv¤^v‡ii wjwLZ cixÿv n‡q‡Q?

wek^we`¨vjq BDwbU evsjv Bs‡iwR mvaviY Ávb

XvKv wek^we`¨vjq K/A 20 20
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq L/B 25 20
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq M/C 9 24
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq N/D 15 15 15

2020-21 mv‡j XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q †Kvb ‡Kvb BDwb‡U KZ bv¤^v‡ii wjwLZ cixÿv n‡e?

wek^we`¨vjq BDwbU evsjv Bs‡iwR mvaviY Ávb

XvKv wek^we`¨vjq K/A 20 20
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq L/B 20 20
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq M/C 7 18
XvKv wek^we`¨vjq N/D 14 14 12

Xvwei wjwLZ cixÿvi cÖ¯‘wZ †bIqvi c~‡e© wb‡Pi e·wU co–b

XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡qi wjwLZ cixÿvi wm‡jevm m¤ú‡K© mwVK aviYv _vK‡Z n‡e| †Kvb †Kvb wel‡q KZ
bv¤^v‡ii cÖkœ n‡e, †Kvb †Kvb UwcK †_‡K cÖkœ Kiv n‡e GBme bv †R‡b Ah_v †Kv‡bv UwcK c‡o mgq
bó Ki‡eb bv| evRv‡ii A‡bK eB‡q AcÖvmw½K wKQz UwcK ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv cixÿvq Avmvi †Kv‡bv
m¤¢vebv †bB| GRb¨ Avgiv Avgv‡`i GB eB‡qi ïiæ‡ZB weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jv mshy³ K‡iwQ hv‡Z K‡i
Avcbviv Avcbv‡`i wjwLZ cixÿvi wm‡jevm m¤ú‡K© mwVK aviYv jvf Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Z‡e GB eB‡qi
†Kvb Ask ev` w`‡q co‡eb bv| aiæb, ÔLÕ BDwb‡U GK Aby‡”Q` †_‡K cÖkœ G‡m‡Q Avcwb hw` g‡b
K‡ib †h, ÒAvwg †Zv ÔNÕ BDwb‡U cixÿv w`e, ZvB Avgvi GUv co‡Z n‡e bvÓ Zvn‡j fzj Ki‡eb| GB
eB‡q †Kv‡bv Acªvmw½Z welq †bB| †Kv‡bv UwcK ev` w`‡q covi gZ bq| GB eBwU Avcbvi wjwLZ
cixÿvi cÖ¯‘wZi Rb¨ m‡ev©”P mnvqK n‡e| wKš‘ Xvwe (MCQ), ivwe, Pwe,Rvwei cÖ¯‘wZi Rb¨ Varsity
Win eB co‡j me‡P‡q Kg mg‡q m‡ev©”P cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z cvi‡eb| Varsity Win eBwU GL‡bv bv
wK‡b _vK‡j www.nahid24.com I‡qemvB‡U AW©vi Kiæb| Avgiv Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi
gva¨‡g eBwU cvwV‡q w`e|
Avgv‡`i †níjvBb bv¤^vi - 01787943429 (mKvj 9 Uv †_‡K - ivZ 9Uv)

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24


XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡qi mKj BDwb‡Ui weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ I DËi ............................................................. 06-20
evsjv wjwLZ........................................................................................................................... 21-100
Aby‡”Q` .................................................................................................................... 21-29
mycÖm½ D×…wZ e¨vL¨v..................................................................................................... 30-37
evK¨ MVb.................................................................................................................. 37-49
Abyev` ..................................................................................................................... 49-54
e¨vKiwYK welqvejx ..................................................................................................... 54-66
evsjv iPbv ................................................................................................................ 66-74
mswÿß cÖkœ I DËi (Short Questions) ....................................................................... 74-89
GK K_vq cÖKvk .........................................................................................................90-93
evMaviv..................................................................................................................... 94-99
mgv_©K kã / cÖwZkã ................................................................................................ 99-100
Bs‡iwR 2q cÎ wjwLZ ............................................................................................................ 101-149
Sentence Making ....................................................................................... 101-107
Paragraph................................................................................................... 107-113
Fill in the Gaps .......................................................................................... 113-119
Short Questions......................................................................................... 120-125
Explain the following concepts ................................................................. 126-131
Précis Writing ........................................................................................... 131-137
Figure of Speech ........................................................................................ 137-141
Literature ................................................................................................... 141-144
Proverb & Translation ................................................................................ 145-149
Bs‡iwR 1g cÎ wjwLZ ........................................................................................................... 150-200
Previous Year Question Analysis .............................................................. 150-166
Textual Idioms .......................................................................................... 166-170
Poem with Explanation .............................................................................. 170-190
Special Questions from Text Book ............................................................ 190-200
mvaviY Ávb wjwLZ ............................................................................................................... 200-229
Aby‡”Q` ................................................................................................................ 200-229
Free Hand Writing Skill ............................................................................................ 230-240
Tense ................................................................................................................ 240-248
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi †Kv_vq cvIqv hv‡e ??

ïiæ‡ZB Avgiv XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡qi weMZ eQ‡ii wjwLZ cÖkœ¸‡jv GK bR‡i †`Le| GB cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi Ly‡R cv‡eb GB
eB‡ZB| wKš‘ †Kv_vq? cÖkœwU †h Uwc‡Ki, †mB UwcKwU covi mgq ïiæ‡ZB weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ I DËi †c‡q hv‡eb| †hgb
Xvwei wjwLZ cixÿvi Aby‡”Q` †_‡K ‡h cÖkœwUi DËi Avcwb LyR‡Qb †mwU Aby‡”Q` Uwc‡Ki ïiæ‡ZB †c‡q hv‡eb|

Dhaka University B unit Written Question (2019-20)

(evsjv wjwLZ)
1. Aby‡”Q`wU co Ges wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jv (K-N) DËi `vI : 2.5 × 4 = 10
iv¯Ívq GKUv wiKkv bvB| Zv wiKkvi c‡ivqvI †m GLb Ki‡Q bv| †iBb‡Kv‡Ui †fZ‡i nuvU‡Z nuvU‡Z evm÷¨vÛ †h‡Z Zvi
†Kv‡bv Amyweav n‡e bv| †iBb‡Kv‡Ui Ici e„wó co‡Q Aweivg| Kx gRv, Zvi Mv‡q jv‡M GKwU †duvUv| Uywci eviv›`v †e‡q
cvwb Mwo‡q co‡j K‡qK †duvUv †m †P‡U †`‡L| wVK cvb‡m ¯^v` bq, Uywci †ZR wK cvwb‡ZI jvMj bvwK| Zv‡K wK
wgwjUvwii g‡Zv †`Lv‡”Q? cvÄve A¨vwU©jvwi, bv †ejyP †iwR‡g›U, bv Kg¨v‡Ûv †dvm©, bvwK c¨viv wgwjUvwi, bvwK wgwjUvwi
cywjk,- I‡`i ‡Zv G‡KK ¸wói G‡KK bvg, G‡KK myiZ| Zvi †iBb‡Kv‡U Zv‡K wK bZyb †Kv‡bv evwnbxi ‡jvK e‡j g‡b
n‡”Q? ‡nvK| †m †ek nbnb K‡i nuv‡U| †kl-‡ng‡šÍi e„wó‡Z †ek kxZ-kxZ fve| wKš‘ †iBb‡Kv‡Ui wfZ‡i Kx my›`i Ig|
wg›UyUv GB †iBb‡KvU †i‡L wM‡q Kx fv‡jvB †h K‡i‡Q|
K) Uywci †ZRÕ ej‡Z Aby‡”Q‡` Kx ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q?
L) Aby‡”Q‡` e¨eüZ Ô¸wóÕ, ÔmyiZ'- kã `ywU cvwK¯Ívwb evwnbxi cÖwZ K_‡Ki we‡kl `„wófw½i cwiPq enb K‡i| Kxfv‡e?
M) 'wg›UyUv GB †iBb‡KvU †i‡L wM‡q Kx fv‡jvB †h K‡i‡Q|' Dw³wUi Zvrch© Kx?
N) Aby‡”Q`wU‡Z Ô‡iBb‡KvU' wK‡mi cÖZxK n‡q D‡V‡Q- Zv ms‡¶‡c †jL|

2. mycÖm½ D×…wZ e¨vL¨v Kit 5

K) Ôgvby‡li e„w× †Kej ˆ`wnK bq,AvwZ¥KI|Õ
L) Ô‡Zvgv‡Z i‡q‡Q mKj †KZve mKj Kv‡ji Ávb
mKj kv¯¿ Luy‡R cv‡e mLv,Ly‡j †`L wbR cÖvY|

3. e½vbyev` Ki: 5
Kuakata is one of the unique tourist spots in Bangladesh. It allows a visitor to watch both the
sunrise and the sunset from the beach and that perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world's most
attractive beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical natural setting. It is also a
holy land for several religious communities. Each year thousands of devotees come here to
attend various festivals.

4. evK¨ MVb Ki: 5

English Written
5. Write a paragraph by analyzing the significance of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman’s Historic Speech of 7th March 1971. 10

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24
6. Fill in each gap of the following passage with appropriate word(s) from the basket
given below. 5

pollutes discharges waste free toxic

dumped since paid back because of

Dhaka city____the bounty of the river Buriganga by sucking life out of it. According to
newspaper report, the Buriganga is dying_____ pollution. Huge quantities of_____ chemicals
are _____ into the river every day. The city____ about 4500 tons of solid waste every day and
most of it is directly released into this river.

7. Make sentence with each of the following words : 1×5=5


Dhaka University D unit Written Question (2019-20)

(evsjv - 15)
1. wb‡Pi Aby‡”Q`wU evsjvq Abyev` Ki 10
What’s more, it recognizes that we Rohingya are not alone. Many other ethnic groups in
Myanmar-including the Kachin,the Shan,the Karen-endure shocking violence at hands of the
armed forces of the central government. The United Nations concludes: The Myanmar military,
the force behind this vicious cycle of murderous abuse, must be brought to account. We must
end decades of impunity for some of the worst crimes known to huminity in recent years.

2. wb‡Pi PwjZ ixwZi M`¨vskwU ï× K‡i wjL 5

QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i evbvbfz‡ji gnov AvRKvj †ek weeªZKi n‡q DwV‡Z‡Q| kvšÍbv, K_‡cvK_b,`~iexb, †`ŠivZ¨ BZ¨vw` evbvbI
†``vi fzj n‡”Q| ïay evbvb fzj bq,`yf©vM¨RbKfv‡e evK¨ MV‡b e¨vKiYMZ wel‡q Zvnv‡`i Am‡PZbZv jÿbxq| Zviv
†hgb †hŠwMK I RwUj ev‡K¨i web¨vm Ki‡Z fyj K‡i, †Zgwb evK¨mg~‡ni g‡a¨ h_vhZ ms‡hvM š’vc‡biI Aï×Zv †`Lv
hvq| e¯‘Zt Gme iß Kiv wVK Pzj‡LRy‡i †jv‡Ki e¨vcvi bq ixwZgZ mvab K‡i nvZ cvKvB‡Z nq|
(Bs‡iwR - 15)
3. Translate the following paragraph into English. 5
gv Avgvi me‡P‡q eo mgv‡jvPK wQ‡jb| wZwb Avgvi me †mwgbv‡i †h‡Zb| Avwg mvejxjfv‡e K_v ej‡Z bv cvi‡jI wZwb
eyS‡Z cvi‡Zb| Avgvi Kv‡R ev K_vq †KD Kó †c‡j wZwb mveavb K‡i w`‡Zb| wZwb ej‡Zb, 'g‡b †i‡Lv gv, Zywg P‡j
†M‡j gvbyl ‡Zvgvi e¨enviUvB g‡b ivL‡e|'
4. Write a paragraph on the political leadership of the Father of the Nation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in ten (10) sentences 10

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24
mvaviY Ávb (we‡kølYag©x) -15

5. Ô‡dmeyK I Avgv‡`i mgvRÕ- wel‡q `kwU (10) ev‡K¨i GKwU Aby‡”Q` wjL| 10
6. Ôwµ‡KU we‡k^ evsjv‡`kÕ wel‡q cuvPwU (5) evK¨ †Zvgvi AwfgZ `vI| 5

Dhaka University C unit Written Question (2019-20)

1. Translate the following sentences into English : 5

a. ‡m Avgvi †P‡q kw³gvb|
b. we`¨v Ag~j¨ ab|
c. ‡`‡ki Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mw¤§wjZ cÖ‡Póv `iKvi|
d. ‡m A‡bK K_v|
e. PÆMÖv‡g Zvi cvBKvwi e¨emv Av‡Q|

2. Translate the following sentences into Bangla : 5

a. It is now three minutes to four.
b. The growth in the expert sector this year surpassed all expectations.
c. He has run into debts.
d. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
e. How much do I owe you?

3. Explain the following concepts in english: 5

a. Cyber crime
b. The literary term ‘Sonet’
c. International Mother Language Day
d. Corporate Social Responsibility
e. Online Shopping

4. Make a precis of the following passage: 5

There is an enemy beneath our feet- an enemy more deadly for her complete impartiality. She
recognizes no national boundaries, no political parties and no population groups. Everyone in
the world is threatened by her. The enemy is mother earth herself. When an earthquake strikes,
the world around us trembles. The power of a quake is greater than anything man can produce.
An earthquake strikes without warning. When it does, its power is immense. If it happens in
urban areas, the damage is huge, Buildings collapse, bridges fall and gaping cracks appear in
busy streets. If the quake strikes at sea, huge tidal waves sweep inland. Earthquakes happen
when two large pieces of Earth's crust called tectonic plates suddenly slip. These plates slowly
move over a long period of time. It is not possible to predict when an earthquake is due, but
scientists today are trying to find some way of fighting earthquakes. It is possible that sometime
in the near future mankind will discover a way of protecting itself from earthquakes.
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

5. ms‡ÿ‡c Ôevsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wk‡íi mgm¨v I m¤¢vebvÕ kxl©K evsjvq iPbv †jL| 5

6. Answer the following short questions 5 × 4 = 20

a. ÔjvjmvjyÕ †K †Kb mvgvwRK Dcb¨vm ejv nq?
b. Write a few lines about your mother, Mention the qualities that make her dear to you.
c. mg¤^q Rv‡e`v wjL‡bi D‡Ïk¨ D‡jøL Ki|
d. ‰eÁvwbK e¨ve¯’vcbv Kx?
e. ‡fv³v evRvi wefw³ Ki‡Yi wfwËmg~n D‡jøL Ki|
A_ev, GKwU dv‡g©i gybvdv m‡ev©”PKiY j‡ÿ¨i †P‡q m¤ú` m‡e©”PKiY jÿ¨ †kÖq †Kb? e¨vL¨v Ki|

Dhaka University A Unit Written Question-2019-20

1. mvigg© †jL (AbvwaK Pvi ev‡K¨) :
Avwm‡Z‡Q ïfw`b, w`‡b w`‡b eû evwoqv‡Q †`bv, ïwa‡Z nB‡e FY|
nvZywo kvej MuvBwZ Pvjv‡q fvwOj hviv cvnvo,
cvnvo-KvUv †m c‡_i `y'cv‡k cwoqv hv‡`i nvo,
‡Zvgv‡i †mwe‡Z nBj hvnviv gRyi, gy‡U I Kzwj,
‡Zvgv‡i ewn‡Z hviv cweÎ A‡½ jvMvj aywj;
ZvivB gvbyl, ZvivB †`eZv, Mvwn Zvnv‡`wi Mvb,
Zv‡`i e¨w_Z e‡¶ cv †d‡j Av‡m be DÌvb|

2. fve m¤úªmviY Ki (AbvwaK Pvi ev‡K¨) :

MÖš’MZ we`¨v Avi cin‡¯Í ab
b‡n we`¨v, b‡n ab, n‡j cÖ‡qvRb|

3. evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy× wb‡q QqwU evK¨ †jL:

4. wecixZ kã †jL : K. Avmgvb L. ¯’zjeyw× M. KvíwbK

(English Written)

4. Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Which poem are these lines taken from?

Who is the writer of the poem?
What does he mean by "Life is a broken-winged bird"?
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24
5. Write six sentences on “The influence of culture on adolescents”.
6. Write six sentences on the importance for our livelihood.
7. What is a rhyme? Why do writers use rhyme in poems?
evsjv wjwLZ
[ wcÖq fwZ© hy‡×i ˆmwbKiv! †Zvgiv wbðq AeMZ Av‡Qv, ïay gvÎ MZ eQ‡i XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cix¶vq wjwLwZ cÖkœI
G‡m‡Q|GeviI MZeQ‡ii gZ GgwmwKD Gi cvkvcvwk wjwLZ cÖkœI n‡e e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Qb KZ©„c¶|MZ eQ‡ii gvbweK Z_v
L BDwbU Gi wjwLZ cÖkœ we‡kølY Ki‡j †Zvgiv †`L‡Z cv‡e me©cÖ_g cvV¨eB †_‡K GKwU Aby‡”Q` Zy‡j w`‡q Zvi mv‡_
mvgÄm¨c~Y© 4wU cÖkœ Kiv n‡q‡Q|cÖwZwU cÖ‡kœi gvb 2.5 wQ‡jv|‡gvU 2.5×4=10 b¤^i wQ‡jv| G eQiI GKB ai‡bi cÖkœ
Avmvi m¤¢vebv †ewk|ZvB Avgiv MZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jvi mgvav‡bi cvkvcvwk cÖZ¨‡vKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© M`¨ I c`¨ †_‡K ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
Aby‡”Q` Zy‡j w`‡q †m Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ I mgvavb w`‡qwQ|AvkvKwi Avgv‡`i bgybv cÖ‡kœi cvkvcvwk wm‡jevmfy³ M`¨ I c`¨
f‡jv fv‡e Avq‡Ë Avb‡Z cvi‡j GB wel‡q Lye fv‡jv b¤^i AR©b Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e,BbkvAvjøvn| ]

➤weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœt-

1.Aby‡”Q`wU co Ges wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi (K-N) DËi `vI| (Xvwe L 19-20)
iv¯Ívq GKUv wiKkv bvB| Zv wiKkvi c‡ivqvI †m GLb Ki‡Q bv| ‡iBb‡Kv‡Ui †fZ‡i nuvU‡Z nuvU‡Z evm÷¨vÛ †h‡Z Zvi
†Kv‡bv Amywe‡a n‡e bv| †iBb‡Kv‡Ui Ici e„wó co‡Q Aweivg| Kx gRv, Zvi Mv‡q jvM‡Q bv GKwU †duvUv| Uywci eviv›`v
†e‡q cvwb Mwo‡q co‡j K‡qK †duvUv †m †P‡U †`‡L| wVK cvb‡m ¯^v` bq,Uywci †ZR wK cvwb‡ZI jvMj bvwK? Zv‡K wK
wgwjUvwii g‡Zv †`Lv‡”Q? cvÄve AvwU©jvwi, bv evjyP †iwR‡g›U, bv Kg¨v‡Ûv †dvm©, bvwK c¨viv wgwjUvwi, bv wgwjUvwi
cywjk,I‡`i †Zv G‡KK ¸wói G‡KK bvg, G‡KK myiZ| Zvi †iBb‡Kv‡U Zv‡K wK bZyb †Kv‡bv evwnbxi †jvK e‡j g‡b
n‡”Q? †nvK| ‡m †ek nbnb K‡i nuv‡U| ‡kl-‡ng‡šÍi e„wó‡Z †ek kxZ-kxZ fve| wKš‘ †iBb‡Kv‡Ui †fZ‡i Kx my›`i Ig|
wg›UyUv GB †iBb‡KvU †i‡L wM‡q Kx fv‡jvB †h K‡i‡Q|

K)'Uywci †ZR' ej‡Z Aby‡”Q‡` Kx eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q?

L)Aby‡”Q‡` e¨eüZ '¸wó',myiZ'- kã `ywU cvwK¯Ívwb evwnbxi cÖwZ K_‡Ki we‡kl `„wófw½i cwiPq enb K‡i| Kxfv‡e?
M)'wg›UyUv GB †iBb‡KvU †i‡L wM‡q Kx fv‡jvq †h K‡i‡Q| ' Dw³wUi Zvrch© Kx?
N)Aby‡”Q`wU‡Z '‡iBb‡KvU 'wK‡mi cÖZxK n‡q D‡V‡Q -Zv ms‡¶‡c †jL|

★DËit-MíKvi AvLZviæ¾vgvb Bwjqv‡mi '‡iBb‡KvU' M‡íi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi †`Iqv n‡jv--
✪✪K Gi DËit ‡iBb‡KvU M‡í byiæjû`v wcÖwÝcv‡ji Zj‡e K‡j‡R hvevi D‡Ï‡k¨ evmv †_‡K †ei nb|‡m mgq e„wó †`‡L
Zuvi eD gyw³hy×v wg›Uyi †iBb‡KvU †ei K‡i Zuv‡K co‡Z †`b|wZwb †iBb‡KvU c‡o †ewi‡q c‡ob Aweivg e„wói gv‡S|
ZLb e„wói †duvUv †iBb‡Kv‡Ui Uywc †e‡q civi mgq wZwb K‡qK †duvUv †P‡U †`‡Lb| wKš‘ ZLb cvwbi ¯^v` cvb‡m †bB| Zv
Uywci †Z‡R A_¨©vr †iBb‡Kv‡Ui Mi‡g Ges M‡Ü weK…Z ¯^v‡` cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| Avi c‡iv¶fv‡e Uywci †ZR ej‡Z †jLK ee©i
wgwjUvwii b„ksmZv I ee©iZv‡K eywS‡q‡Qb|

✪✪L Gi DËit ‡iBb‡KvU M‡íi K_K 'I‡`i †Zv G‡KK ¸wôi G‡KK bvg,G‡KK myiZ' evK¨wUi gva¨‡g wZi¯‹v‡ii my‡i
cvwK¯Ívwb nvbv`vi‡`i cwiPq w`‡q‡Qb| 1971 mv‡j cvwK¯Ívwb nvbv`vi evwnbxiv wewfbœ MÖæ‡c fvM n‡q G‡`‡ki gvbyl‡`i

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24
Dci Svwc‡q c‡o|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Kv‡iv Kv‡iv bvg wQ‡jv cvÄve AvwU©jvwi, evjyP †iwR‡g›U,Kg¨v‡Ûv †dvm©, c¨viv wgwjUvwi,
wgwjUvwi cywjk Av‡iv KZ Kx| cÖ‡Z¨KwUi †cvkvK,A¯¿m¯¿ Ges Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ wQ‡jv bvbv ˆewPZª¨| K_‡Ki we‡kl `„wófw½
wQ‡jv we`vq K_K Av‡jvP¨ welq¸‡jv †Lqvj K‡ib|

✪✪M Gi DËit 'wg›UyUv GB †iBb‡KvU †i‡L wM‡q Kx fv‡jvq †h K‡i‡Q| ' Dw³wUi Øviv MíK_K wb‡R‡K fvM¨evb g‡b
K‡i‡Qb| †iBb‡Kv‡Ui Kvi‡Y wZwb A‡bK myweav †fvM Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Qb|e„wói wfZ‡i K‡j‡R †h‡Z Amyweav nq wb| Mv‡q
†iBb‡KvU _vKvq wZwb wiKkvi c‡ivqv bv K‡i nbnb K‡i P‡j hvq evm÷¨v‡Ûi w`‡K| Avevi †iBb‡KvU covi Kvi‡Y
Zv‡K wgwjUvwi †Mv‡Îi g‡Zv g‡b nw”Qj,d‡j wZwb †Pvi,evUcvi‡`i †_‡K wbivc` wQ‡jv| GQvovI †iBb‡KvU Mv‡q _vKvq
†kl †ng‡šÍi e„wói kxZkxZ fve †_‡K wZwb i¶v cvq|Av‡jvP¨ welq¸‡jvi Kvi‡YB byiæjû`v cÖ‡kœv³ Dw³wU K‡ib|

✪✪N Gi DËit Aby‡”Q`wU‡Z †iBb‡KvU mvn‡mi cÖZxK n‡q D‡V‡Q| †iBb‡KvU Mv‡q _vKvq byiæjû`v wiKkvi c‡ivqv bv
K‡i nbnb K‡i P‡j hvq evm÷¨v‡Ûi w`‡K| †iBb‡KvU Mv‡q _vKvq †Pvi evUcviiv byiæjû`v‡K †`‡L cvwj‡q hvq|ZLb
byiæjû`v wb‡R‡K mvnmx g‡b K‡i|gyw³hy×v wg›Uyi mvnm Zuvi g‡a¨ RvMÖZ nq Ges †m wb‡R‡K wgwjUvwi evwnbxi mv‡_ Zyjbv
K‡i| wgwjUvwii cÖwZ Zuvi fq ZLb `~i n‡q hvq|myZivs Aby‡”Q`wU‡Z †iBb‡KvU mvn‡mi cÖZxK|

➤bgybv cÖkœt- 1. Aby‡”Q`wU co Ges wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi (K-N) DËi `vI|

‡`L,Avwg †Pvi e‡U, wKš‘ Avwg wK mva Kwiqv †Pvi nBqvwQ? LvB‡Z cvB‡j †K †Pvi nq?‡`L,huvnviv eo eo mvay, †Pv‡ii
bv‡g wknwiqv D‡Vb, Zuvnviv A‡b‡K †Pvi A‡c¶vI Aavwg©K| Zuvnv‡`i Pywi Kwievi cÖ‡qvRb bvB ewjqvB Pywi K‡ib bv| wKš‘
Zuvnv‡`i cÖ‡qvRbvZxZ ab _vwK‡ZI †Pv‡ii cÖwZ †h gyL Zywjqv Pv‡nb bv,Bnv‡ZB †Pv‡i Pywi K‡i| Aag© †Pv‡ii bv-‡Pv‡i †h
Pywi K‡i, †m Aag© K…cY abxi| †Pvi †`vlx e‡U, wKš‘ K…cY abx Z`‡c¶v kZ ¸‡Y †`vlx|‡Pv‡ii `Ð nq;‡Pv‡ii g~j †h K…cY,
Zvnv` `Ð nq bv †Kb?
K)"LvB‡Z cvB‡j †K †Pvi nq?"Dw³wU ms‡¶‡c we‡kølY Ki|
L)" huvnviv eo eo mvay, †Pv‡ii bv‡g wknwiqv D‡Vb, Zuvnviv A‡b‡K †Pvi A‡c¶vI Aavwg©K|" K_vwU eywS‡q ej|
M)"‡Pv‡i †h Pywi K‡i,‡m Aag© K…cY abxi| " evK¨wUi Zvrch© Kx?
N)"weovj"M‡í weovj wK‡mi cÖwZK?

★DËit-MíKvi ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨v‡qi "weovj " M‡íi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ ¸‡jvi DËi †`Iqv nj|
✪✪K Gi DËit K_vq Av‡Q,"Afv‡e ¯^fve bó"|¶yavZ© gvbyl Pywi K‡i †L‡ZI wcQcv nq bv| Zviv ¶yavi Zvobvq b¨vq-
Ab¨vq‡eva nvwi‡q Lvevi Pywi Ki‡Z eva¨ nq| Afve bv _vK‡j †KD †Pvi nq bv, eis Afve _vK‡j,‡L‡Z bv cvi‡j †Pvi
nevi m¤¢vebv _v‡K| weovj M‡í †jLK weovj‡K cÖm‡½ G‡b eySv‡Z †Póv K‡i‡Qb,gvbyl ¶yav wbevi‡Yi Rb¨ wb‡Ri Ávb
†eva nvwi‡q Pywi K‡i †L‡ZI wØav‡eva K‡i bv| ¶yavi Kvi‡Y Pywii g‡Zv RMb¨ Aciva gvby‡li bxwZ‡ev‡ai Kv‡Q Zy”Q n‡q
✪✪L Gi DËit " huvnviv eo eo mvay, †Pv‡ii bv‡g wknwiqv D‡Vb, Zuvnviv A‡b‡K †Pvi A‡c¶vI Aavwg©K|" K_vwU Øviv
†jLK abx‡`i fyj Avc¨vqb I AfveMÖ¯’ gvby‡li cÖwZ `vwqZ¡nxbZv‡K eywS‡q‡Qb| mgv‡Ri abx †kªYxi †jv‡Kiv wb‡Ri ¯^v_©
nvwm‡ji Rb¨ mgvRcÖwZ‡`i Avc¨vqb Kivb,Zviv LvB‡Z bv PvB‡j †Rvi K‡i Lvevb| wKš‘ Aciw`‡K Mixe‡`i cÖwZ Zviv
`„wócvZ K‡ib bv| Zv‡`i‡K Lvevi †`b bv,AcÖ‡qvRbxq LveviUyKz bi`gvq †d‡j w`‡jI Zv Mixe‡`i Kcv‡j Ry‡U bv|A_P,
¶yavi Zvobvq Lvevi Pywi Ki‡j Zvi Rb¨ kvw¯Íi weavb K‡ib| wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y©
eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

mycÖm½ D×…wZ e¨vL¨v (M`¨)

✪weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœt-
☆e¨vL¨v Kit
1."gvby‡li e„w× †Kej ˆ`wnK bq, AvwZ¥KI|" (Xvwe L 19-20)
Drmt cÖ‡kœv³ DׄwZwU †gvZv‡ni †nv‡mb †PŠayix iwPZ "Rxeb I e„¶ " cÖeÜ †_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q|
cÖm½t gvbyl Rxeb †h mKj cÖvYxi Rxeb †_‡K g~j¨evb Zv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨B †jLK cÖ‡kœv³ evK¨wU wj‡L‡Qb|
e¨vL¨vt cÖvY _vK‡jB cÖvYx nIqv hvq|wKš‘ gvbyl bvgK cÖvYx n‡Z n‡j g‡biI cÖ‡qRb| cÖvYxi e„w× N‡U ïay kix‡i| wKš‘
gvby‡li e„w× N‡U gb Ges kixi `yB fv‡eB| A_©vr ˆ`wnK Ges gvbweK ev AvwZ¥K| GRb¨ ejv nq,gvbweK ¸Ynxb gvbyl
cïi mgvb|gvbweK ev AvwZ¥K ¸Yvewji Rb¨B gvbyl Ab¨ mKj cÖvYxi †_‡K Avjv`v,me©‡kªô cÖvYx|

bgybv cÖkœ
1."‡Zjv gv_vq †Zj †`Iqv gbyl¨RvwZi †ivM"
Drmt cÖ‡kœv³ DׄwZwU cÖvewÜK ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq iwPZ"weovj"cÖeÜ †_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q|
cÖm½t hvi A‡bK Av‡Q Zv‡KB gvbyl AviI †ewk mvnvh¨ K‡i,AfveMÖ¯’‡`i w`‡K †KD ZvKvq bv|GB welqwU eySv‡Z †jLK
cÖ‡kœv³ gšÍe¨wU K‡ib|
e¨vL¨vt ¯^v_©ev`x gvby‡liv wbR ¯^v_© D×v‡ii Rb¨ hv‡K †L‡Z ej‡j wei³ nq Zvi Rb¨ †fv‡Ri Av‡qvRb K‡i| A_P †h
¶yavZ©, †L‡Z cv‡i bv,Ac‡ii Kv‡Q mvnvh¨ Pvq Zv‡K Zviv Zvwo‡q †`q| Gai‡Yi KvR‡K †jLK gbyl¨RvwZi †ivM e‡j
AwfwnZ K‡i‡Qb|

2. "wZwb Ggb †envB Pvb hvnvi UvKv †bB A_P †h UvKv w`‡Z Kmyi Kwi‡ebv|"
Drmt cÖ‡kœv³ DׄwZwU wek¦Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii"AcwiwPZv"Mí †_‡K Pqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
cÖm½t Av‡jvP¨ Dw³wUi gva¨‡g †jLK mgv‡Ri †hŠZyK cÖ_v I †g‡q cwievi‡K wbh©vZ‡bi welqwU Zy‡j a‡ib|
e¨vL¨vt AcwiwPZv M‡í Abyc‡gi gvgv Abyc‡gi Rb¨ Ggb N‡ii †g‡q Pvb,hv‡`i †ewk m¤úwË _vK‡e bv, Zvn‡j H †g‡q
Abycg‡`i N‡i gv_v †nuU Kwiqv Avwm‡e,Zv‡K †kvlY Kwi‡jI †m Pyc gvwiqv _vwK‡e|wKš‘ Ggb †envB Pvb hvi UvKv bv
_vKv m‡Ë¡I UvKv w`‡Z †`ix Ki‡e bv|A_¨©r myweavgZ hZ Lykx †hŠZyK Av`vq Kwi‡Z cvi‡e|Zvn‡j eD Ges †eqvB n‡e
Zv‡`i evwoi m¤ú~Y© AbyMZ|

3."wk‡i w`‡q euvKv ZvR †X‡K iv‡L UvK"

Drmt cÖ‡kœv³ DׄwZwU †iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ †nv‡m‡bi"Pvlvi `y¶y"cÖeÜ †_‡K Pqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
cÖm½t Av‡jvP¨ Dw³wUi gva¨‡g †jLK K…lK‡`i wejvwmZv‡K `vwi‡`ª¨i g~j KviY wn‡m‡e wPwýZ K‡i‡Qb|
e¨vL¨vt Av‡jvP¨ As‡k 'euvKv ZvR'Øviv K…lK‡`i wejvwmZv Ges UvK Øviv Zv‡`i Pig `vwi`ª¨Zv‡K eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Avgv‡`i
†`‡ki K…lKiv w`b w`b Av‡iv `wi`ª n‡q hv‡”Q, mf¨Zv bv‡g Pig wejvwmZvi Rxeb Rvcb Kivi Kvi‡Y, Av‡jvP¨ Dw³ Øviv
†jLK †mB welq Bw½Z K‡i‡Qb|
4. "Ii †mœnvZyi AvZ¥v eû`~i †_‡K Avgvq AvnŸvb K‡i G‡b‡Q"
Drmt cÖ‡kœv³ DׄwZwU wef~wZf~lY e‡›`¨vcva¨vq "AvnŸvb" Mí †_‡K msKjb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
cÖm½t Av‡jvP¨ Dw³wUi gva¨‡g AvnŸvb M‡í eywoi g„Zy¨i wVK ciw`b AvKw¯§K fv‡e †jL‡Ki MÖv‡g nvwRi nIqvi e¨vcviwU
eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi
Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

evK¨ MVb

[ wcÖq AbyRiv! MZ eQi XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq wjwLZ fwZ© cix¶vi L BDwb‡U cuvPwU evK¨MVb Kivi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| hvi
cÖ‡Z¨KwU wm‡jevmfy³ M`¨ I c`¨ †_‡K †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨KwU evK¨MV‡bi gvb 1 K‡i †gvU 5 b¤^i wQ‡jv| GB eQiI
L BDwb‡U evK¨MVb Avkvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q| ZvB Avgiv MZ eQ‡ii cÖ‡kœi evK¨MV‡bi cvkvcvwk M`¨, c`¨ I AwZwi³ welq
†_‡K †ek wKQy bgybv evK¨ MVb †`wL‡qwQ| Avgv‡`i bgybv cÖ‡kœi cvkvcvwk wm‡jevmfy³ M`¨ I c‡`¨i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© k‡ãi
evK¨MVb Avq‡Ë Avb‡Z cvi‡j †Zvgiv GB wel‡q m¤ú~Y© b¤^i cv‡e e‡j Avgiv wek¦vm Kwi|]

➤weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœt

✪evK¨MVb Ki t Z‡cveb, mgxPxb, Awebvkx,g~j¨‡eva, evZvqb (Xvwe L 19-20)
Z‡cveb : Kweiv Z‡cveb †cÖgx n‡q _v‡K|
mgxPxb : ivmyj (mt) Gi mgv‡jvPbv Kiv mgxPxb Kg© bq|
Awebvkx : fv‡jvevmv me©‡kªô Awebvkx A¯¿|
g~j¨‡eva : g~j¨‡evanxb gvbyl cïi mgvb|
evZvqb : evZvqb w`‡q Puv` †`Lv hvq|

➤bgybv evK¨ MVbt-

gvR©vi(weovj) : ivqnvb GKRb gvR©vi †cÖgx|
lwó(jvwV) : Ah_v weovj‡K lwó w`‡q †g‡iv bv|
MÐ~l(GKgyL ev GK‡Kvl Rj): evsjv‡`‡ki A‡bK ¯’v‡b weï× MÐ~l cvIqv KóKi|
mIMv`(Dc‡XŠKb) : mIMv` cvVv‡j †bZv Lywk nq|
cÖ‡`vl(mܨv) : cÖ‡`v‡li c~‡e© N‡i wd‡i AvwmI ˆewK|
RyU(cvU) : RyU‡K evsjv‡`‡ki †mvbvjx Avku ejv nq|
gnx‡Z(c„w_ex‡Z) : gwi‡Z PvB bv Avwg GB my›`i gnx‡Z|
KivwZ(KivZ w`‡q KvR K‡ib whwb) : Rwgi KivwZi ¯¿x wQ‡jb|
bwo(jvwV) : A‡Üi m¤^j bwo Avi K¤^j|
Kzwb©k(m¤§vb cÖ`k©b) : mr‡K Kzwb©k Ki Amr †_‡K `~‡i m‡iv|
‡gwK(wg_¨v) : †gwK mKj aŸs‡mi g~j|
gbyl¨Z¡ : gbyl¨Z¡nxb gvbyl cïi mgvb|
weK…Zeyw×(h_vh_ wPšÍv‡PZbvnxb) : weK…Zeyw×i e¨w³iv mgv‡Ri Rb¨ ¶wZKi|
moMo (gyL¯’) : wek¦we`¨vj‡q moMo we`¨vi †Zgb g~j¨ †bB|
e¨Äb(ivbœv Kiv ZiKvwi) : `vw`i nv‡Zi e¨Äb †L‡Z A‡bK gRv|
Abkb ag©NU (‡Kv‡bv b¨vh¨ `vwe c~i‡Yi j‡¶¨ GKUvbv Avnvi eR©‡bi msKí) : e½eÜy ev½vjxi AwaKv‡ii Rb¨ Abkb
ag©NU KiwQ‡jb|
cøæwiwmm(e¶e¨vwa) : gwnDwχbi cøæwiwmm †ivM wQ‡jv|
wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi
wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv
Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24

➤weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœt-

[MZ eQi XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi L BDwb‡Ui wjwLZ cix¶vq GKwU Bs‡iwR Aby‡”Q`‡K e½vbyev` Ki‡Z ejv nq,hvi gvb wQ‡jv
5 b¤^i| wVK †Zgwb N BDwb‡UI e½vbyev` Ki‡Z ejv nq, hvi gvb wQ‡jv 10b¤^i| Avevi GKB mv‡_ N BD‡b‡U GKwU
evsjv Aby‡”Q`‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z Abyev` Ki‡Z ejv nq,hvi gvb wQ‡jv 5 b¤^i|G eQi L I N BDwb‡U e½vbyev`/ Bs‡iwR Abyev`
Av‡m‡Z cv‡i| ZvB Avgiv MZ eQ‡ii Aby‡”Q‡`i Abyev‡`i cvkvcvwk wKQy ¸iæZ¡c~Y© bgybv Abyev` w`‡qwQ| hv AvqË Avb‡Z
cv‡i wk¶v_©xiv GB wel‡q fv‡jv Ki‡Z cv‡i|Z‡e GB wel‡q AwaK fv‡jv b¤^i cvIqvi Rb¨ wb‡qvwgZ cÖPyi evK¨ PP©v Ki‡Z

e½vbyev` Kit- (Xvwe L 19-20)

1.Kuakata is one of the unique tourist spots in bangladesh.It allows a visitor to watch both the
sunrise and the sunset from the beach and that perhaps makes kuakata one of the world's most
attractive beaches.The long and wide beach at kuakata has a typical natural setting. It is also a
holy land for several religious communities .Each year thousands of devotees come here to
attend various festivals.
e½vbyev`t KzqvKvUv evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg GKwU Abb¨ ch©Ub †K›`ª |GwU GKRb `k©bv_©x‡K ˆmKZ †_‡K m~‡h©v`q Ges m~h©v¯Í
DfqB †`Lvi my‡hvM †`q Ges m¤¢eZ GwUB KzqvKvUv‡K we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg AvKl©Yxq ˆmKZ cwiYZ K‡i| KzqvKvUvi j¤^v I
cÖk¯Í ˆmK‡Zi GKwU bv›`wbK cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek i‡q‡Q | GwU †ek K‡qKwU ag©xq m¤cÖ`v‡qiI GKwU cweÎ f~wg| cÖwZ eQi
nvRvi nvRvi f³ wewfbœ Drm‡e †hvM w`‡Z GLv‡b Av‡mb|

2. e½vbyev` Kit (Xvwe N 19-20)

What's more, it recognizes that we Rohingya are not alone. Many other ethnic groups in
Myanman-including the kachin,the shan,the karen-endure shocking violence at the hands of the
armed forces of the central government. The United nations concludes:the Myanmar
military,the force behind this vicious cycle of murderous abuse must be brought to account .We
must end decades of impunity for some of the worst crimes known to humanity in recent years.
e½vbyev`t AviI A‡bK wKQy GwU ¯^xK…wZ †`q †h, Avgiv †ivwn½v GKv bB|‡K›`ªxq miKv‡ii mk¯¿ evwnbxi nv‡Z KwPb, kvb,
K¨v‡ib mn wgqvbgv‡bi AviI A‡bK b„‡Mvôx fqsKi mwnsmZv †`Lvq| RvwZms‡Ni wm×v‡šÍ gvqvbgvi mvgwiK evwnbxi
nZ¨vKv‡Ûi wbh©vZ‡bi GB P‡µi wcQ‡b †h kw³ i‡q‡Q Zv‡K Aek¨B MY¨ Ki‡Z n‡e| mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸wj‡Z gvbeZvi
Kv‡Q wKQy N„b¨ Aciv‡ai Rb¨ Avgv‡`i K‡qK `k‡Ki `vqe×Zvi Aemvb NUv‡Z n‡e |

3.Translate the following paragraph into English :(DU D 19-20)

gv Avgvi me‡P‡q eo mgv‡jvPK wQ‡jb| wZwb Avgvi mg¯Í †mwgbv‡i Ask wb‡Zb| Avwg mvejxjfv‡e K_v ej‡Z bv
cvi‡jI wZwb eyS‡Z cvi‡Zb| Avgvi KvR ev K_vq †KD AvNvZ †c‡j wZwb Avgv‡K mveavb Ki‡Zb| wZwb ej‡Zb,"
g‡b †i‡Lv gv,Zywg P‡j †M‡j gvbyl †Zvgvi e¨enviUvB g‡b ivL‡e'|

Translation : Mom was my biggest critic.She used to attend all my seminars.She could
understand even if I could not speak fluently .She used to make me careful when someone got

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hurt in my work or words.She used to say,' remember mother,men will only mind your
behavior aften your leaving'.
bgybv cÖkœ I DËi
1. Corona is name a virus in the Nidu virus category. Which was first caught in China on
December 19. Then gradually it spread all over the world. It first appeared in Bangladesh in
March 2020. About 120 million people worldwide have been infected and about 500,000 have
died so far. In addition to taking lives, the corona virus has stopped the movement of the whole
world. It has brought disaster to the economy, closed the education system. Sadly, no antidote
has yet arrived on the market. However, the whole world is trying together.
Abyev`t wb`y fvBivm e‡M©i GKUv fvBiv‡mi bvg K‡ivbv| hv wW‡m¤^i'19 †k me©cÖ_g Px‡b aiv c‡o| Gic‡i ax‡i ax‡i GUv
cy‡iv we‡k¦ Qwo‡q hvq| evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g †`Lv †`q 2020 Gi gv‡P©| we¯Í„wZi KivjMÖv‡m GLb Aewa cy‡iv we‡k¦ cÖvq 12 †KvwU
gvbyl AvµvšÍ n‡q‡Q, gviv wM‡q‡Q 5 jv‡Li gZ | Rxeb †K‡o †bqvi cvkvcvwk K‡ivbv fvBivm _vwg‡q w`‡q‡Q cy‡iv we‡k¦i
MwZ‡K| wech©‡q wb‡q G‡m‡Q A_©bxwZ‡Z, eÜ K‡i w`‡q‡Q wk¶v e¨e¯’v| `yt‡Li welq n‡jv Gi †Kv‡bv cÖwZ‡laK GLbI
Av‡m wb evRv‡i| Z‡e, GK‡Î †Póv K‡i hv‡”Q cy‡iv wek¦|

wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi
wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
e¨vKiwYK welqvejx
[ XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq N BDwb‡Ui wjwLZ cix¶vq MZ eQi e¨vKiwYK wel‡q 5 b¤^i wQ‡jv| GB eQiI N BDwb‡U e¨vKiwYK
welq †_‡K cÖkœ Avm‡e| ZvB Avgiv MZ eQ‡ii cÖ‡kœi mgvav‡bi cvkvcvwk †ek K‡qK AvB‡U‡gi bgybv e¨vKiwYK cÖkœ
†`wL‡qwQ| Avkv Kwi bgybv cÖ‡kœi cvkvcvwk Avgv‡`i "fvwm©wU DBb" eB‡qi e¨vKiwYK welqvejx fv‡jv fv‡e AvqË Avb‡Z
cvi‡j †h †Kv‡bv wk¶v_©x GB wel‡q fv‡jv b¤^i Zyj‡Z cvi‡e| ]

➤weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœt-

1.wb‡Pi PwjZ ixwZi M`¨vskwU ï× K‡i wjLt-(Xvwe N 19-20)
QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i evbvbfy‡ji gnov AvRKvj †ek weeªZKi n‡q DwV‡Z‡Q| kvšÍbv,K_‡cvK_b, `~iexb, †`ŠivZ¨ BZ¨vw` evbvbI
†``vi fyj n‡”Q| ïay evbvb fyj bq,`yf©vM¨RbKfv‡e evK¨ MV‡b e¨vKiYMZ wel‡q Zvnv‡`i Am‡PZbZv j¶bxq| Zviv
†hgb †hŠwMK I RwUj ev‡K¨i web¨vm Ki‡Z fyj K‡i, †Zgwb evK¨mg~‡ni g‡a¨ h_vh_ ms‡hvM ¯’vc‡biI Aï×Zv †`Lv hvq|
e¯‘Zr Gme iß Kiv wVK Pyj‡LRy‡i †jv‡Ki e¨vcvi bq ixwZg‡Zv mvab K‡i nvZ cvKvB‡Z nq|
✪DËit- QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i evbvb fy‡ji gnov AvRKvj †ek weeªZKi n‡q D‡V‡Q | mvšÍ¡bv ,K_‡cvK_b, `~iexb, †`ŠivZ¥¨
BZ¨vw` evbvbI †``vi fyj n‡”Q| ïay evbvb fyj bq,`~f©vM¨RbKfv‡e evK¨ MV‡b e¨vKiYMZ wel‡q Zv‡`i Am‡PZbZv
j¶Yxq | Zviv †hgb †hŠwMK I RwUj ev‡K¨i web¨vm Ki‡Z fyj K‡i, †Zgwb evK¨mg~‡ni g‡a¨ h_vh_ ms‡hvM ¯’vc‡biI
Aï×Zv †`Lv hvq| e¯‘Zt Gme iß Kiv wVK †Muvd‡LRy‡i †jv‡Ki e¨vcvi bq ixwZg‡Zv mvab K‡i nvZ cvKv‡Z nq|

wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi
wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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bgybv cÖkœ I DËi

1.wb‡Pi PwjZ ixwZi M`¨vskwU ï× K‡i wjLt-
GKwU fvlvi †mŠ›`h¨© dz‡U D‡V D”Pvi‡Y|A_P QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i GB D”Pvib wkLv I cÖ‡qvM †¶‡Î Abxnv †`Lv hvq|
Aa¨¶,cÖavb,Kj¨vb, Amxg BZ¨vw` D”Pvi‡YI Zvnviv fyj Kwiqv _v‡K| A‡b‡K ï× evbv‡b wjL‡Z cvi‡jI mwVKfv‡e
D”PviY Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| e¯‘Zt evsjv D”PviYwewai m~² wbqg Zv‡`i‡K AKvj cv_‡i †d‡j w`‡m| hw` Zvnviv GB wel‡q
gv_v Lvov K‡i Zvn‡j Lye mn‡R D”Pvi‡Yi mgm¨v `~i Kwi‡Z cvi‡e|
✪DËit GKwU fvlvi †mŠ›`h© dz‡U D‡V D”Pvi‡Y| A_P QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i GB D”PviY wkLv I cÖ‡qvM †¶‡Î Abxnv †`Lv hvq|
Aa¨¶,cÖavb,Kj¨vY, Amxg BZ¨vw` D”Pvi‡YI Zviv fyj K‡i _v‡K| A‡b‡K ï× evbv‡b wjL‡Z cvi‡jI mwVKfv‡e D”PviY
Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| e¯‘Zt evsjv D”PviY wewai m~² wbqg Zv‡`i‡K AKvj cv_v‡i †d‡j w`‡m| hw` Zviv GB wel‡q Kvb Lvov
K‡i Zvn‡j Lye mn‡R D”Pvi‡Yi mgm¨v `~i Ki‡Z cvi‡e|

2.wb‡Pi M`¨vskwU PwjZ ixwZ‡Z wjLt-

Pvwnqv †`wLjvg-nVvr wKQy eywS‡Z cvwijvg bv| cÖ_‡g g‡b nBj,I‡qwjsUb nVvr weovjZ¡ cÖvß nBqv,Avgvi wbKU Avwds
wf¶v Kwi‡Z Avwmqv‡Q| cÖ_g D`¨‡g,cvlvYer KwVb nBqv, ewje g‡b Kwijvg †h, wWDK gnvkq‡K BwZc~‡e© h‡_vwPZ
cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv wMqv‡Q,G¶‡Y Avi AwZwi³ cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv hvB‡Z cv‡i bv| we‡kl AcwiwgZ †jvf fv‡jv b‡n| wWDK
✪DËit †P‡q †`Ljvg -nVvr wKQy eyS‡Z cvijvg bv| cÖ_‡g g‡b n‡jv ,I‡qwjsUb nVvr weovjZ¡ cÖvß n‡q,Avgvi wbKU
Avwds wf¶v Ki‡Z G‡m‡Q | cÖ_g D`¨‡g,cvlvYer KwVb n‡q, ej‡ev g‡b Kijvg †h, wWDK gnvkq‡K BwZc~‡e© h‡_vwPZ
cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv wM‡q‡Q ,G¶‡Y Avi AwZwi³ cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv †h‡Z cv‡i bv| we‡kl AcwiwgZ †jvf fv‡jv b‡n| wWDK

1.ms‡¶‡c 'evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wk‡íi mgm¨v I m¤¢vebv' kxl©K evsjvq iPbv †jL| (Xvwe M BDwbU 19-20)

"evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wk‡íi mgm¨v I m¤¢vebv''

f~wgKv t ch©UK‡K ejv nq ÔInvisible Export GoodÕ ev ÔA`„k¨ ißvwb cY¨Õ| we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨ Avgiv hZ¸‡jv c_ †e‡Q
†bq ågY Zvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Avi ågY wccvmy gvby‡li wbZ¨ Pvwn`vi Dci wfwË K‡i c„w_ex Ry‡o M‡o D‡V‡Q nvRv‡iv
ch©Ub †K›`ª| mg‡qi mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡q ch©Ub †K›`ª¸‡jv‡K Av‡qi Ab¨Zg Drm wn‡m‡e cÖwZôv Kivi Aweivg †Póv Pj‡Q|
Avi GB wPšÍv †PZbv †_‡KB ch©Ub M‡o D‡V‡Q wkí wn‡m‡e| evsjv‡`k cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i jxjvf~wg| cÖvPxbKvj †_‡KB G
†`‡k ch©UK‡`i AvMgb AvRI BwZnv‡m wPi¯§iYxq n‡q Av‡Q| eZ©gvb mg‡q evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq Av‡qi Ab¨Zg GKwU Drm
n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q ch©Ub wkí|wKš‘ evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wk‡íi A‡bK mgm¨vI i‡q‡Q|

ch©Ub wk‡íi msÁv t ms‡¶‡c, RvMwZK m„wó `k©bv‡_© e¨w³i A‡bvcvR©bg~jK ¯’vbvšÍi, A¯’vqx Ae¯’vb Ges Gi mv‡_ m¤ú„³
wµqvw`‡K ch©Ub ejv hvq| ch©Ub‡K †K›`ª K‡i hLb A_©bxwZ Avjv`v GKwU MwZ cvq ZLb Zv‡K e‡j ch©Ub wkí|
AvšÍR©vwZK ch©Ub we‡klÁ ms¯’vi msÁvbyhvqx Ôch©Ub n‡jv †Kv‡bv DcvR©bg~jK Kv‡R hy³ bq Ges ¯’vqxfv‡e emwZ M‡o bv
Ggb e¨w³i ågY Ges †Kv_vI _vKv †_‡K DrmvwiZ cÖc Ges m¤ú‡K©i mgwó|Õ

1. ‡hvMv‡hvM Ges AeKvVv‡gvMZ `ye©jZvt ch©Ub wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU
https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
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bgybv cÖkœ
1. cÙv †mZy `w¶Ye‡½i m¤¢vebv
f~wgKv t evsjv‡`k b`x gvZ„K †`k| G‡`‡ki me©‡Î b`x c_ Rv‡ji g‡Zv Qwo‡q Av‡Q| cÙv evsjv‡`‡ki wØZxq e„nËg b`x
hvi ˆ`N¨© 366 wK‡jvwgUvi| Avi GB cÙv b`x‡ZB wbwg©Z n‡”Q evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Ye‡½i ¯^‡cœi cÙv‡mZy| †mZywU wbwg©Z
n‡j GwU n‡e `w¶Y Gwkqvi `xN©Zg †mZy| cÙv †mZyi Øviv `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji 29wU †Rjv ivRavbx XvKvmn †`‡ki c~e©v‡ji
mv‡_ hy³ n‡e| ZvB `w¶YvÂj mn cy‡iv evsjv‡`k ZvwK‡q Av‡Q cÙvi w`‡K,KLb cÙvi Mf©‡_‡K †R‡M DV‡e Zv‡`i RvMÖZ
¯^‡cœi cÙv †mZy|

cÙv‡mZyi Ae¯’vb : evsjv‡`‡ki wØZxq e„nËi b`x cÙvi Dci wbwg©Z n‡”Q "cÙv †mZy"| gywÝMÄ †Rjv Ges kixqZcyi †Rjvi
gv‡S cÙv †mZyi Ae¯’vb gvIqv I RvwRiv c‡q‡›U| ivRavbx XvKv †_‡K cÙv †mZyi `~iZ¡ gvÎ 30 wK‡jvwgUvi|

GKbR‡i cÙv‡mZy : ‡`‡ki cÖ_g wØZj †mZy A_©vr Dc‡i moK I wb‡P †ij| Gi Ici w`‡q M¨vm jvBb, we`y¨r jvBb hv‡e|
`w¶YGwkqvi `xN©Zg †mZy| ˆ`N¨© 6.15 wK‡jvwgUvi| cÖ¯’ 18.10 wgUvi| wbg©vY e¨q cÖvq 290 †KvwU Wjvi, Dfq cÖv‡šÍ
ms‡hvM mo‡Ki ˆ`N¨© 12 wK.wg., b`x kvmb-14 wK. wg.f~wgK¤ú mnbkxjgvÎv wiLUvi †¯‹j 9, †mZyi Avqy®‹vj n‡e 100 eQi,
†jb 4wU, cvBj msL¨v 286 wU, KvVv‡gv-wØZj, wbg©vY `ªe¨ B¯úvZ moK fvqvWv±-3.18 wK. wg. †ij fvqvWv± 0.532 wK.
wg.| f~wg AwaMÖnY n‡e 1,124.77 †n±i|

cÙv‡mZyi HwZnvwmK ¸iæZ¡ t `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji gvby‡li wPiRxe‡bi †mvbvjx iwOb ¯^cœ GB cÙv †mZy| GKwU ivR‰bwZK
cÖwZkªæwZ Ges ¯^‡cœi mdj ev¯Íevqb n‡”Q cÙv †mZy| †`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji gvby‡li `xN© w`‡bi `vwe GB cÙv †mZy|GB
cÙv †mZyi gva¨‡g ïay `w¶Y wKsev cwðgv‡ji gvbyl DcK…Z n‡e bv,DcK…Z n‡e cy‡iv evsjv‡`k| m„wó n‡e bZyb Kg©ms¯’v b
I RvZxq Av‡qi Drm|evsjv‡`k wek¦‡K ZvK jvwM‡q cvwo w`we Dbœq‡bi Av‡iv GKwU wmwo|

cÙv‡mZy I `w¶Ye‡½i Dbœqb m¤¢vebv : †`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji gvby‡li `xN© w`‡bi `vwe GB ¯^‡cœi cÙv †mZy|hv ev¯Ívq‡b
Dbœq‡bi Øvi Db¥y³ n‡e `w¶Yv‡j| evsjv‡`k K…wl cÖavb †`k| G‡`‡ki cÖvq A‡a©K †jvK K…wli mv‡_ mivmwi RwoZ|
†`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðgv‡jI e¨vcK nv‡i K…wlKvh© msNwUZ n‡jI DbœZ †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Afv‡e K…lKiv Gme `ªe¨ †`‡ki
Ab¨vb¨ A‡j †cuŠQv‡Z e¨_© nq| GKgvÎ †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi AcÖZyjZvi Rb¨B M‡o D‡Vwb wkí Kj-KviLvbv| cÙv‡mZy
wbwg©Z n‡j G A‡j wkívqbmn A_©‰bwZK Kg©KvÛ e¨vcKnv‡i †e‡o hv‡e|d‡j Dbœq‡bi wkL‡o †cuŠQv‡Z cvi‡e `w¶YvÂj|
‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v : ‡`‡ki Rb‡Mvôxi GK e„nËi As‡ki emevm `w¶Y-cwðgv‡j| wecyj GB Rb‡Mvôxi hvZvqv‡Zi Rb¨
weKí c_ bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y gvIqv-RvwRiv c‡q›U Ges cvUywiqv-‡`ŠjZw`qv wngwkg Lvq| G‡Z `xN© hvbRU, hvÎx `y‡f©vM,
e¨emv evwY‡R¨i Pig ¶wZmvab n‡q _v‡K| cÙv‡mZy wbwg©Z n‡j `w¶Ye‡½i †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Acvi Øvi Ly‡j hv‡e|_vK‡e
bv Avi †hvMv‡hvM mgm¨v|
`vwi`ª¨ `~ixKiY : cÙv‡mZy c‡iv¶fv‡e `vwi`ª¨ `~ixKi‡Y f~wgKv ivL‡e| GB cÖ‡R‡± A‡bK †jv‡Ki Kg©ms¯’vb n‡e| d‡j
cÖwZeQi 0.84 kZvsk `vwi`ª¨ wbimb n‡e e‡j we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ|
wkívqb : wkívq‡bi c~e©kZ© n‡jv DbœZ †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v I AeKvVv‡gv|G‡Zvw`‡b `w¶Yv‡j †hvMv‡hvM mgm¨vB wkívq‡bi
evav wQj| cÙv‡mZy wbwg©Z n‡j GB mgm¨v Avi _vK‡e bv, d‡j `w¶Y e‡½ wkívq‡bi e¨vcK MwZ †e‡o hv‡e| B‡Zvg‡a¨B
†`kxq eo eo wkí cÖwZôvb cÙvi Icv‡i wkí ¯’vc‡bi AvMÖn †`wL‡q‡Q|Ges A‡bKB KvR ïiæK‡i w`‡q‡Q|

wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi
wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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Answer the following short questions

1.'jvjmvjy' †K †Kb mvgvwRK Dcb¨vm ejv nq? (Xvwe M 19-20)
DËi t ‰mq` IqvjxDjøvni cÖ_g Dcb¨vm 'jvjmvjy' GKwU mvgvwRK †cÖ¶vc‡U iwPZ Dcb¨vm| †jLK MÖvgxY mgv‡Ri Kzms¯‹vi,
AÜwek¦vm, cÖZviYv, ag©e¨emv, mnR-mijZv BZ¨vw` welq¸‡jv Lye PgrKvifv‡e Zy‡j a‡ib Dcb¨vmwU‡Z| gneŸZbMi
MÖvgevmxi mnR-mijZv I ag©wek¦v‡mi my‡hvM wb‡q fÐ ag©e¨emvqx Kxfv‡e cÖZviYvi Rvj we¯Ívi K‡i wb‡Ri ¯^v_© nvwmj K‡i
†mwU-B wkíiƒc †c‡q‡Q 'jvjmvjy' Dcb¨v‡m|
Dcb¨vmwU‡Z †`Lv hvq, cÖZviYvi gva¨‡g gvRv‡ii Avq w`‡q gwR` wKQy w`‡bi g‡a¨B gneŸZbMi MÖv‡g A_©‰bwZK I
mvgvwRKfv‡e cÖwZwôZ nq| MÖvgevmx hv‡Z wk¶vi Av‡jv‡q Av‡jvwKZ n‡q gwR‡`i gvRvi‡Kw›`ªK fÐvwgi Rxebavi †_‡K
m‡i †h‡Z bv cv‡i, †mR‡b¨ †m wkw¶Z hyeK Av°v‡mi weiæ‡× we‡ivax n‡q I‡V|Gfv‡e bvbv †KŠk‡j MÖvgevmxi mv‡_ cÖZviYv
K‡i wb‡Ri ¯^v_© D×vi K‡i Dcb¨v‡mi fÐ cxi gwR`| †hwU evsjvi nvRv‡iv nvRv‡iv MÖv‡gi ev¯Íe wPÎ| GB R‡b¨B 'jvjmvjy'
†K mvgvwRK Dcb¨vm ejv nq|
bgybv cÖkœ I DËi

1.'wmivRD‡ÏŠjv ' †K †Kb HwZnvwmK bvUK ejv nq?

DËi t wmKvb`vi Avey Rvdi iwPZ ÔÔwmivRD‡ÏŠjvÕÕ bvUKwU 1757 mv‡ji cjvkx hy‡×i cUf~wg‡Z iwPZ ZvB G‡K HwZnvwmK
bvUK ejv nq|1757 mv‡j cjvkx hy‡× wmivRD‡ÏŠjvi civRq I cZb‡K †K›`ª K‡i bvUKwU iwPZ n‡q‡Q| BwZnv‡mi a~mi
AveZ© †_‡K g~jKvwnbx M„wnZ n‡jI wmKvb`vi Avey Rvdi AZ¨šÍ `¶Zvi mv‡_ G bvU‡K eZ©gvbKv‡ji Rxeb wRÁvmv‡K
BwZnv‡mi KvVv‡gvi g‡a¨ cÖwZ¯’vcb K‡i‡Qb| Pvi A‡¼ ev‡ivwU `„‡k¨ bvUKwU iwPZ| Gi g‡a¨ AvUwU `„‡k¨B wmiv‡Ri
Dcw¯’wZ i‡q‡Q| g~jZ bvUKwU wmivR‡K †K›`ª K‡iB AvewZ©Z n‡q‡Q| Gi Kvwnbx ïiæ n‡q‡Q hy× w`‡q| wmiv‡Ri evwnbx
†dvU© DBwjqg `~M©‡K AvµgY K‡i Bs‡iR ˆmb¨‡`i Nv‡qj K‡i‡Q| wKš‘ wmiv‡Ri g‡b ¯^w¯Í †bB; Zuv‡K wmsnvmb Py¨r Kivi
Rb¨ Pj‡Q bvbv iKg cÖvmv` lohš¿| loh‡š¿i Rvj µgk we¯Ívi jvf K‡i‡Q| G‡Z hy³ n‡q‡Q Avcb Lvjv N‡mwU †eMg,
†mbvcwZ wgi Rvdi Avwj Lvb, ivq `~j©f, RMr †kV cÖgyL AgvZ¨eM©|‡Póv K‡iI wmiv‡Ri †kl i¶v nq wb| Ae‡k‡l
lohš¿xiv Rqx n‡q‡Q| wmiv‡Ri g„Zy¨ Z_v GK †e`bven cwi‡e‡ki ga¨ w`‡q bvUKwUi cwimgvwß N‡U‡Q|
1965 mv‡j mvgwiKRvšÍv AvBqye Lv‡bi `ytkvm‡b c~e©evsjvi gvbyl hLb w`‡knviv ZLb wmKvb`vi Avey Rvdi ÔÔwmivRD‡ÏŠjvÕÕ
bvUK iPbv K‡i evOvwj‡K †`k‡cÖ‡g DØy× K‡ib| wZwb †P‡qwQ‡jb wmivRD‡ÏŠjvi kw³, mvnm I †`k‡cÖg‡K c~e©evsjvi
gvby‡li g‡a¨ Qwo‡q w`‡Z hv‡Z Zviv m•Ne× n‡q cwðg cvwK¯Ív‡bi `ytkvm‡bi weiæ‡× iæ‡L `uvov‡Z cvi| me©w`K we‡ePbv
K‡i †QvU-Lv‡Uv †`vl-ÎæwU ev‡` wmKvb`vi Avey Rvd‡ii ÔÔwmivRD‡ÏŠjvÕÕ bvUKwU GKwU HwZnvwmK bvU‡Ki `vwe`vi|

7. Write a few lines about your mother, Mention the qualities that make her dear to you.
(DU C 19-20)
The person who love me very much is my mother. She is an ideal housewife,very gentle, polite,
affectionate and intelligent. She keeps our house neat and clean. She is an educated woman and
she takes great care of my education. She is my best teacher and guide.Moreover, she is my
best friend in this word. She is very king and helpful to the poor. She likes to keep good terms
with her neighbors. She is a woman of plain living and high thinking.She directs me to follow
the right path. She wants me well educated and established in life. She used to make me careful
when someone got hurt in my work or words.She used to say,' remember mother,men will only

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mind your behavior aften your leaving'. I am proud of having such an ideal mother and I also
love my mother more then my life.

8. Write a few lines about your favorite teacher, Mention the qualities that make him/
her dear to you.
A teacher takes part in nation building and he is an asset to a country.According to schoolers"
A teacher is an architect of a nation."Md.Aksadul Alam is my favorite teacher.Basically , He
teach me English . For many reasons he became my favorite teacher.The most important causes
a) He holds the attention and interest of the students.
b) He is a clear speaker with good, strong, pleasing voice which is under his control.
c) He makes lessons interesting to the student.
d) He makes the student spell bound in the class. He discovers the treasure hidden inside the
e) His methods of teaching are easy and lucid.He Can make any grammatical problem easy. If
any student fails to understand any grammatical problem he helps the student to understand
f) He is regular and punctual to his duties.
However, for his good activities he is respected by all the students. Other teachers also like
him very much.No student likes to miss his class.For all his qualities he is my favorite teacher
and he is a philosopher, guide and ideal to me, I am pound of him.

2.Write a few lines about "Mujib Barsha and Bangabandhu".

Answer :
Bangladesh government declared the year 2020 and 2021 as "Mujib Borsho". Basically, 100
Birth year Celebration of Father of the Nation of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman is call "Mujib Borsho". It has been celebrating with due respect from january 2020
through various programmes and events.And it will be celebrating untill 2021.UNESCO also
made the decision unanimously to celebrate the " Mujib Borsho".But the cause of Corona it is
celebrating shortly. Father of the Nation of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
was born on 17 March, 1920 at Tungipara in Gopalgonj .During his life time, he always thought
about the Bangali,he fought for the rights of Bangali Nation.He had a great contribute during
language movement in 1952. He spearhead the Bangalis' Liberation struggle in 1971.He
announced independence of Bangladesh on 26 march 1971.For his contribute, he is often called
the father of Bangli nation.And he has also a title "Bangabandhu ".He served as the first
president of Bangladesh.He is our consciousness, philosopher, guider, and leader , we are proud
of him. wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j
Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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Bs‡iwR wjwLZ

Sentence Making
Previous Year Questions [DU B ; 19-20]
Pjyb †`‡L †bB weMZ eQ‡i XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q wK ai‡bi cÖkœ G‡mwQj|
1. Heritage- Bangladesh has a rich heritage of folk music.
2. Empowerment – The empowerment of women is increasing day by day in our country.
3. Hospitality – Hospitality is a great virtue of a man.
4. Fascination – Dhaka University has a fascination to all of its own beauty.
5. Integrate – We need to integrate this new product seamlessly into the framework.
Zvn‡j Avgiv †`Ljvg †h cÖ‡kœ 1 wU word †`Iqv _vK‡e, Avgv‡`i †mB word w`‡q GKwU sentence ‰Zwi
Ki‡Z n‡e|

wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv nj, Avkv KiwQ G¸‡jv †_‡K Kgb Avm‡e|
[Sample for Sentence Making]

➢ Apartheid – Nelson Mandela fought his lifetime to eliminate apartheid form the world.
➢ Icon – Nelson Mandela is an icon of peace and reconciliation.
➢ Shackles – We should try to break the shackles of racism.
➢ Manifestation - It was the essentiality the revelation or manifestation of the truth of God.
/ He hates race discrimination and all its manifestation as well.
➢ Healing – She spent twenty years for healing him. / It is the proper time for healing of the
➢ Chasm – The moment to bridge the chasms has come.
➢ Emancipation – Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujubur Rahman fought against the Pakistani
government for the emancipation of the people of Bangladesh.
➢ Isolation – According to Doctors and Experts, Covid-19 affected patients should stay in
➢ Centrifuge – Using a centrifuge to spin out these components can speed up the process.
➢ Spacecraft – He pulled away to take her hand, and they walked hand-in-hand toward the
small spacecraft.
➢ Launch – Bangabandhu Satellite lunched faultlessly in 2018.
➢ Cosmonaut – My childhood’s dream was to become a cosmonaut.
➢ Spacesuit – Cosmonauts wear spacesuit and prepare themselves for the space mission.
➢ Nausea – Tereshkova experienced nausea and physical discomfort at the time of 16 days
in space.
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Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
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[ Pjyb †`‡L †bB weMZ eQ‡i XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q wK ai‡bi cÖkœ G‡mwQj ]
** Write a paragraph by analyzing the significance of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman’s Historic speech of 7th March 1971 (DU-19-20:B-Unit)
** Write a paragraph on the political leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in ten sentences. (DU-19-20:D-Unit)

Zvn‡j Avgiv †`L‡Z ‡cjvg †h paragraph Text Book ‡_‡K A_ev Text Book Gi evB‡i †h‡Kv‡bv Topic ‡_‡K
Avm‡Z cv‡i| GRb¨ Avgv‡`i paragraph gyL¯Í bv K‡i wb‡R wb‡R ‰Zwi Kiv wkL‡Z n‡e| cÖkœ n‡”Q Zvn‡j Avgiv
Bs‡iwR‡Z paragraph ‡nvK ev †h‡Kv‡bv wKQz wb‡R wb‡R ‰Zwi Kie wKfv‡e? Avgvi †Zv e¨vwmK fv‡jv bv...................
DËi : Avgv‡`i Tense m¤ú‡K© m¤ú~Y© aviYv _vK‡Z n‡e| Tense m¤ú‡K© m¤ú~Y© aviYv _vK‡j Avgiv Bs‡iwR‡Z †h‡Kv‡bv
evK¨ ‰Zwi Ki‡Z cvie Ges paragraph ‡nvK ev †h‡Kv‡bv wKQz wb‡R wb‡R ‰Zwi Ki‡Z cvie| Tense m¤ú‡K© m¤ú~Y©
aviYv cvIqvi Rb¨ BDwUD‡e Tense Nahid24 wj‡L Search K‡i Avgvi 5 wU wfwWI †`‡L wb‡eb| GQvov Avwg GB
eB‡q Tense wel‡q GKwU UwcK w`‡qwQ| †mwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co‡eb| g‡b ivL‡eb ¯‹zj K‡j‡Ri gZ GLv‡b ‡ewk
wjL‡j †ewk bv¤^vi cv‡eb bv| mwVefv‡e hw` 10 wU ev‡K¨i gva¨‡g gyj welqe¯‘ Zz‡j ai‡Z cv‡ib, Zvn‡jB †ewk bv¤^vi
cv‡eb| Paragraph ‡jLvi Rb¨ hw` †Kv‡bv c‡q›U gv_vq bv Av‡m Zvn‡j †h wel‡q Paragraph wjL‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q †mB
welq‡K Kx, ‡K, ‡Kb, wKfv‡e, ‡Kv_vq, DcKvwiZv, AcKvwiZv, gZvgZ GBme w`‡q cÖkœ Kiæb A_ev fveyb| Avkv KiwQ
A‡bK fv‡jv fv‡jv idea gv_vq P‡j Avm‡e| aiæb ÔNewspaper (msev`cÎ)Õ wel‡q Paragraph wjL‡Z ejv n‡jv|
Zvn‡j Avcbv‡K fve‡Z n‡e - msev`cÎ Kx? wKfv‡e msev`c‡Îi ïiæ, †Kb msev`cÎ cov DwPZ, msev`c‡Îi DcKvwiZv,
msev`c‡Îi AcKvwiZv, †Kv‡bv mgm¨v _vK‡j Zvi mgvavb.... Gfv‡e fve‡j †h‡Kv‡bv wel‡q †Kv‡bv wKQz †jLv A‡bK mnR
n‡q hv‡e| wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡jv, G¸‡jv †_‡K aviYv wb‡Z cv‡ib| Avkv KiwQ G¸‡jv †_‡K Kgb Avm‡e|

wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv nj, Avkv KiwQ G¸‡jv †_‡K Kgb Avm‡e|
Corona Virus

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for
virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or
COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. This is due to the rapid increase in the number
of cases outside China over the past 2 weeks that has affected a growing number of
countries.Retrospective investigations by Chinese authorities have identified human cases with
onset of symptoms in early December 2019. While some of the earliest known cases had a link
to a wholesale food market in Wuhan. Corona Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that
are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild
to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There

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are many different kinds and some cause disease. A newly identified coronavirus has caused a
worldwide pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19.
some coronaviruses can be transmitted from person to person, usually after close contact with
an infected patient, for example, in a household workplace, or health care centre. It depends on
the virus, but common signs include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath,
and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute
respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. Novel coronavirus a new strain of
coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.Standard recommendations to
prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when
coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone
showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.Common signs of
infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing
difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory
syndrome, kidney failure and even death. wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU
https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born in Tungipara of Gopalganj on March 17, 1920.
Since his childhood he had showed his bravery and promptness in everywhere and contributed
in different fields. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was one of the organizers of Bangla Language
Movement since 1948. The popular leader, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, played an important role
in Six Point Movement and the anti-Ayub movement. In 1970 the absolute majority of his party
in winning seats than all parties in West Pakistan was not accepted. This and the deprivation of
many other rights led to the bloody civil war and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared
Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan on March 26, 1971. After nine months of bloody war
against West Pakistan and getting 30 lakhs people killed and many women raped we got our
independence. Without his contribution it was not possible to have an independent country.
After liberation he held the new independent country's ministerial post for three years. He has
expressed his dream of Sonar Bangla during his lifetime and on 15 August, 1975 he was killed
with his wife and three sons. For his leadership and contribution in different sectors he was
given different names and recognization from home and abroad. Bangabandhu is not only a
name but also a history. He has been the father of people and the crown-less emperor in the
minds of people. We have a golden opportunity to celebrate this man's birth century as 'Mujib
Borsho from March 17, 2020 to March 26, 2021 and to mark the golden jubilee of Bangladesh's
independence. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina unveiled the logo of Mujib Borsho on January 10.
To mark the moment the yearlong programs have been adopted at home and abroad. Some
programs on different historic days like March 25, 26, April 17 (Mujibnagor Govt Day), March
7 (the Six Point Day) and August 15 (the National Mourning Day) have already been organised
but in shortened version due to..... wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU
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Fill in the Gaps

Pjyb weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jv †`‡L †bB| Previous Years Questions (DU:19-20)
**Fill in the each gap of the following passage with the appropriate word(s) from the
basket given below.

Pollutes discharge waste free toxic

dumped since paid back because of

Dhaka city ____ the bounty of the river Buriganga by sucking life out of it. According to
newspaper report, the Buriganga is dying ___ pollution. Huge quantities of ____ chemicals
are ____ into the river every day. The city ___ about 4500 tons of solid waste every day and
most of it is directly released into this river.

Ans: [ ‡h‡nZz k~Y¨ ¯’v‡b a,b,c Gi gZ †Kvb Adkb †bB, GRb¨ DËi Ki‡Z n‡j Avcbv‡K cy‡iv passage wU wj‡L
mwVKfv‡e Fill in the gap cyib K‡i wb‡P Underline Ki‡Z n‡e ]

Answer: paid back because of toxic dumped discharges

wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡jv cÖvKwUm Kivi Rb¨, Avkv KiwQ Kgb Avm‡e

1. Mandela _____ (a) be ___ among the first to advocate armed resistance to apartheid, going
underground in 1961 to form the ANC’s armed wing. He ____(b) leave __ South Africa and
___(c) travel___ the continent and Europe, studying guerrilla warfare and building support for
the ANC.Branded a terrorist by his enemies, Mandela _____ (d) sentence ___ to life
imprisonment in 1964, isolated from millions of his countrymen as they ____(e) suffer___
oppression, violence and forced resettlement under the apartheid regime of racial segregation.
He ___(f) imprison___ on Robben Island, a penal colony of Cape Town, where he ____(g)
spend ____ the next 18 years before being moved to mainland prisons.
Answer: (a) was (b) left (c) travelled (d) was sentenced (e) were suffering (f) was
imprisoned (g) had been spending

2. Mandela was treated in the 1980s for (a)_____ and later required an operation to repair the
(b) ____to his eyes as well as treatment (c) ____ prostate cancer in 2001. His sprit, however,
(d) _____ strong. “If cancer wins I will still (e) ______the better winner,” he told reporters in
(f) _____ of that year. “When I go (g) _____ the next world, the first thing I will (h)___ is look
for an ANC office to (i) ____ my membership.” Most South Africans are proud (j) ______ their
post-apartheid multi-racial ‘Rainbow Nation.’ wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y©
eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
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Short Questions
➢ What are the two main parts or the speech? (The Unforgettable History)
Ans: The two main parts of the speech are the discussion on the suppression and injustice
of the West Pakistani rulers, and the way of liberation of the people of the then East

➢ Why does Bangabandhu say that “the 23 years of our history with Pakistan is a
history of repression and bloodshed?” (The unforgettable History)
Ans: It is so said because during the whole period Bengalis were repressed and they had to
shed blood on nominal reasons.

➢ How do you differentiate between the ‘struggle for freedom’ and the ‘struggle for
emancipation?’ (The Unforgettable History)
Ans: Struggle for freedom is to free to the nation from other’s clutches, and struggle for
emancipation is to stop all kinds of deception.

➢ Where do you see the difference between other human organs and the brain? (How
Your Brain Traffic)
Ans: The difference between other human organs and the brain is that the other organs keep
working visibly but the brain keeps working invisibly.

➢ What is the difference between a computer and the human brain? (How Your Brain
Negotiates Traffic)
Ans: The difference between a computer and the human brain is that the human brain is
that a computer brain is an artificially intelligent machine that is programmed to do work
under fixed conditions; but the human brain is naturally intelligent and it can run under
ever-changing conditions.

➢ What is a CPU? What are its functions? (How Your Brain Negotiates Traffic)
Ans: CPU means the ‘Central Processing Unit’. It is an artificially intelligent machine that
is programmed to do specific jobs under fixed conditions and judgements.

➢ What are the main challenges facing a driver?

Ans: The main challenges of a diver usually face are to restrain and adjust himself or herself
with the ever changing and unexpected movements of other vehicles and pedestrians.

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wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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Explain the following concepts in english

Pjyb weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jv GKUz †`‡L †bB|
3. Explain the following concepts in english [ DU Unit-C: 2019-20] 5
a. Cyber crime
b. The literary term ‘Sonet’
c. International Mother Language Day
d. Corporate Social Responsibility
e. Online Shopping

Avgiv †`L‡Z †cjvg †h, Short Question Gi gZ wKQz UwcK †`Iqv _vK‡e| †mB welqUv / UwcKUv Avgv‡`i
Bs‡iwR‡Z Explain Ki‡Z n‡e| †h‡nZy cÖwZwU cÖ‡kœi gvb 1 bv¤^vi, ZvB 1-2 jvB‡bi g‡a¨ †jLv DwPZ|

[ DU Unit-C: 2019-20] cÖ‡kœi mgvavb wb‡P †`‡L †bB|

a) Cyber crime - Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a
computer network or a networked device.
b) Sonnet - poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English
typically having ten syllables per line.
c) International Mother Language Day - International Mother Language Day is a worldwide
annual observance held on 21 February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural
diversity and to promote multilingualism.
d) Corporate Social Responsibility - Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a type of
international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a
philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or
ethically-oriented practices.
e) Online Shopping - Online shopping is the activity or action of buying products or services
over the Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller’s website, selecting something,
and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or service online with a
credit or debit card or upon delivery.

wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡jv cÖvKwUm Kivi Rb¨, Avkv KiwQ Kgb Avm‡e

➢ Facebook : Facebook is an American online social media and social networking service.
It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and
roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.
➢ YouTube : YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San
Bruno, California. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube
now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.
➢ Email : The full form of ‘Email’ is Electronic Mail. It is a method of exchanging
messages (mail) between people using electronic devices.

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➢ Pdf : The full form of ‘ pdf ’ is Portable Document Format. It is a file format developed
by Adobe in 1993 to present documents, including text formatting and images.
➢ Centennial : Centennial is a word to describe something that has lasted for 100 years.
➢ COVID-19 : COVID-19 is known as the coronavirus pandemic. It is an
ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December
2019 in Wuhan, China.
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wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|
Précis Writing
Précis Writing Gi Rb¨ ‡h welq¸‡jv gv_vq ivL‡Z n‡e t
➢ Précis Writing g~jZ Summary Writing Gi gZ
➢ Précis n‡Z n‡e Gi wZbfv‡Mi GKfvM| D`vnib¯^i~c hw` passage wU _v‡K 300 k‡ãi, Zvn‡j precis wU
n‡Z n‡e 100 k‡ãi| G‡ÿ‡Î GKUy Kg ev ‡ewk MÖnb‡hvM¨|
➢ Précis wU wjL‡Z n‡e wb‡Ri fvlvq| passage ‡_‡K nyeyny ‡Kvb jvBb Zy‡j †`Iqv hv‡e bv|
➢ passage ga¨ †_‡K cÖ‡qvRbxq avibv wb‡q Précis wjL‡Z n‡e wb‡Ri fvlvq| †Kvb Acª‡qvRbxq Z_¨ †`Iqv hv‡e
➢ Précis Gi GKwU wk‡ivbvg w`‡ZB n‡e|
➢ Précis memgq Indirect Speech G wjL‡Z n‡e|
➢ Précis Writing G Compound,complex Sentence eR©b K‡i Simple Sentence G wjL‡Z n‡e|

Aek¨B ‡h welqwU gv_vq ivL‡ZB n‡e

Précis Gi Rb¨ mwVK Title wbe©vPb Kiv Lye Riæwi| Passage Gi 1g 2 jvBb bZzev ‡kl 2 jvB†b Précis Gi
g~j K_v _v‡K| Avgiv Passage Gi 1g 2 jvBb bZzev ‡kl 2 jvBb c‡o mwVK Title wbe©vPb Kivi †Póv Kie|
Précis ‡jLvi c~‡e© Passage wU fv‡jv K‡i co‡Z n‡e| Gici Passage wUi wKQy main Point Ly‡R †ei
Ki‡Z n‡e| †mB Point ¸‡jv wb‡Ri fvlvq wjL‡Z n‡e|

Make a Précis of the following passage: [DU-19-20: UNIT-C]

There is an enemy beneath our feet- an enemy more deadly for her complete impartiality. She
recognizes no national boundaries, no political parties and no population groups. Everyone in
the world is threatened by her. The enemy is mother earth herself. When an earthquake strikes,
the world around us trembles. The power of a quake is greater than anything man can produce.
An earthquake strikes without waning. When it does, its power is immense. If it happens in
urban areas, the damage is huge, Buildings collapse, bridges fall and gaping cracks appear in
busy streets. If the quake strikes at sea, huge tidal waves sweep inland. Earthquakes happen
when two large pieces of Earth’s crust called tectonic plates suddenly slip. These plates slowly
move over a long period of time. It is not possible to predict when an earthquake is due, but

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scientists today are trying to find some way of fighting earthquakes. It is possible that sometime
in the near future mankind will discover a way of protecting itself from earthquakes.

Ans: Title : You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake
Earthquake is mankind’s deadliest enemy which strikes without any warning and is a treat to
everyone. Its power supersedes anything mankind can produce. it doesn’t count any specific
region, groups or power of mankind. It can wipe out an entire city, cause huge tidal waves and
massive avalanches. Scientists are trying to find out ways to protect the world from
earthquakes but at this point they can only predict where an earthquake will strike so that some
precautionary measures can be taken in advance.

wb‡P wKQz bgybv cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡jv cÖvKwUm Kivi Rb¨, Avkv KiwQ Kgb Avm‡e

1. Make a Précis of the following passage:

A good book is one of our best friends. It is the same today that it always was and it will never
change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in
times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and
instructing us in youth, comforting and consoling us in age.
Title:- Usefulness of books.
A good book is a patient, never-changing and cheerful friend helping us in sorrow, in youth
and comforting and consoling us in old.
2. Make a Précis of the following passage:
Life is to be lived and not wasted. We should measure our achievements not by the wealth we
have amassed but by what we have done to ad to human happiness. To know whether our
lives have been lived fruitfully, we should ask ourselves: Have we relieved the sufferings of
those who are in distress? Have we fought injustice and cruelty in life? If the answer is in
affirmative, our lives have been lived.
Ans : Title: Life is to be lived and not wasted
Life lived successfully is the life which has been spent in relieving the sufferings of others
and making them happy.

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Figure of speech

A‡bK mgq fwZ© cwi¶vi Bs‡iwR KweZv / Mí †_‡K jvBb Zy‡j w`‡q ejv nq GLv‡b †Kvb literary term e¨envi
Kiv n‡q‡Q? G¸‡jvi DËi w`‡Z Rvb‡Z n‡e!

Simile: hw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ `ywU wfbœ wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ Zyjbv †evSvq Ges as I like _v‡K Zvn‡j simile n‡e|
A Comparison between two dissimilar things using words such as "As,Like,Resemble,The
same as,As like as,As if".
➢ What is Simile?
Answer: The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as is known to be
simile. Or A comparison between two (dissimilar) things.

Examples From Textbook:

▪ She Walks in beauty like that night. (G ev‡K¨ iv‡Zi †mŠ›`‡h©i mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q
Like e¨envi K‡i)
▪ I wandered lonely as a cloud.
▪ We have short time to stay as you.
▪ She walks in beauty like the night.
▪ Continuous as the star that shine.
▪ We have as short a spring.
▪ As your hours do,and dry away.
▪ She danced like a desolate wagtail.
▪ Like to the summer's rain
▪ Or as the pearls of morning's dew
▪ As quick a growth to meet decay,As you or anything.

More Examples
▪ He is like a tiger.
▪ She smiles like the sun.
▪ He is as hungry as elephant.

Metaphor: A comparison between two dissimilar things. hw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ `ywU wfbœ wRwb‡mi g‡a¨
A®úófv‡e Zyjbv Kiv nq Ges as I like bv _v‡K Zvn‡j metaphor n‡e|
➢ What is Metaphor?
Answer: Metaphor is an implicit or indirect comparison two dissimilar things without
using as, like, such as etc.

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➢ What is play?
Answer: A piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre, one or radio.
➢ What is drama?
Answer: A drama is a magical performance on the stage.
➢ what is tragedy?
Answer: A tragedy means a serious play with a sad ending.
➢ What is monologue?
Answer: A long speech by one actor in a play or movie is called monologue.
➢ What is soliloquy?
Answer: When a speaker speaks his thoughts aloud it is called soliloquy.
➢ What is prologue?
Answer: An introduction to a play or a literary work.
➢ What is epilogue?
Answer: A closing speech in a play, often delivered after the completion of main action is
called an epilogue.
➢ What is comedy?
Answer: A light play with happy ending.
➢ What is protagonist?
Answer: The hero or central character of literary work is protagonist.
➢ What is catastrophe?
Answer :The tragic ends of dramatic events.
➢ What is climax?
Answer: A climax is point of greatest intensity.
➢ What is elegy?
Answer: An elegy is a poem /song expressing sadness.
➢ What is an epic?
Answer: A long poem/A long story dealing with brave deeds.
➢ What is Ballad?
Answer: A kind of short narrative poem.
➢ 78.What is fiction?
Answer: A branch of literature that describes imaginary people and events.
➢ What is eulogy?
Answer: A formal composition or speech expressing high praise of somebody is called
➢ What is Phoenix?
Answer: A mythological bird.
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➢ bvP‡Z bv Rvb‡j DVvb euvKv = A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
➢ Mv‡Qi `kUv †_‡K cv‡Zi GKUvB fvj = A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
➢ b¨vov GKeviB †ejZjvq hvq|/Ni‡cvov Miæ wmu`y‡i †gN †`L‡j fq cvq = A burnt child always fears fire.
➢ KB gv‡Qi cÖvY k³ eo = A cat has nine lives.
➢ awi gvQ bv QyuB cvwb = A cat loves fish but is loath to wet her feet.
➢ WyešÍ gvbyl LoKz‡Uv †c‡jI AuvK‡o a‡i = A drowning man catches at a straw.
➢ Aíwe`¨v fq¼ix = A little learning is a dangerous thing.
➢ d‡jB cwiPq = A tree is known by its fruit
➢ `yf©vM¨B A‡bK ¯’v‡b †mŠfv‡M¨i g~j = Adversity often leads to prosperity.
➢ `yt‡Li ci myL Av‡m = After cloud comes fair weather.
➢ †Pvi cvjv‡j eyw× ev‡o = After death comes the doctor.
➢ byb Avb‡Z cvšÍv dzivq = After meat comes mustard.
➢ hZ nvwm,ZZ Kvbœv = After sweetmeat comes sauce.
➢ bvbv gywbi bvbv gZ = All feet tread not in one shoe.
➢ wb‡Ri wRwbm mK‡jB fvj †`‡L = All his geese are swans.
➢ PK& PK& Ki‡jB †mvbv nq bv = All that glitters is not gold.
➢ kl fvj hvi,me fvj Zvi = All’s well that ends well.
➢ †hgwb ey‡bv Ij,‡Zgwb evNv †ZuZyj|/‡hgb KzKzi,‡Zgb gy¸i = As is the evil,so is the remedy.
➢ †hgb Kg©,‡Zgb dj = As you sow, so shall you reap.
➢ _v †bB,Zvi gv_v e¨_v! = Bachelor’s wife and maid’s children are always well taught.
➢ hZ M‡R©,ZZ e‡l© bv = Barking dogs seldom bite
➢ we‡q Ki‡Z Kwo Avi Ni euva‡Z `wo = Before you marry,be sure of a house where in to tarry.
➢ b¨vsUvi †bB evUcv‡ii fq = Beggar may sing before a pick-pocket
➢ wf¶vi Pvj Kuvov Avi AuvKvov = Beggars must not be choosers.
➢ Kzm‡½ _vKvi †P‡q GKv _vKv fvj = Better alone than in bad company.
➢ `yó Miæi †P‡q k~b¨ †Mvqvj fvj =Better an empty house than an ill tenant.
➢ †Pv‡i †Pv‡i gvmZy‡Zv fvB = Birds of a same feather flock together.
➢ Kqjv ay‡jI gqjv hvq bv = Black will take no other hue.
➢ AvKvk Kzmyg iPbv Kiv = To Build castle in the air.
➢ ¯úóv¯úwó K_v ejv = Call a spade a spade
➢ †Z‡j gv_vq †Zj †`Iqv = Carry coal to Newcastle.
➢ Djy e‡b gy³v Qov‡bv = Cast pearls before swine.
➢ Av‡M Ni,Z‡e †Zv ci = Charity begins at home.
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English 1st Part

XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q MZ eQi English 1st Part †_‡K cÖPzi cÖkœ G‡m‡Q| myZivs G eQiI Avm‡e| wKš‘ evRv‡ii †Kv‡bv
eB G GB welq wb‡q †KD ‡Kv‡bv K_vB e‡j bv| Avkv ivLwQ Avgv‡`i GB Admission English 1st part Ask ‡_‡K
XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q kZfvM Kgb co‡e|

weMZ mv‡ji cÖkœ¸jv we‡kølY Ki‡j †`Lv hvq †h Bs‡iwR cÖ_g cÎ †_‡K †ewkifvM cÖkœ mivmwi Av‡m| ZvQvov wi‡Ub
As‡k cÖvq me cÖkœ Bs‡iwR 1g cÎ †_‡K Av‡m| GRb¨ Avgv‡`i fv‡jv K‡i Bs‡iwR 1g cÎ eBwU fv‡jv K‡i co‡Z n‡e|
cÖ_‡g eB‡q hy³ Kiv weMZ mv‡ji cÖkœ¸‡jv (‡gBb eB‡qi c„ôv bv¤^vi †idv‡iÝ) †`L‡jB eyS‡Z cvi‡e †h †Kvb †Kvb
welq¸‡jv cov DwPZ| Gi g‡a¨ KweZv, me cv‡Vi Abykxjb ¸‡jv Av‡M †kl Ki‡e| Gi c‡i me cv‡Vi †fvKveyj vwi¸‡jv
my›`i K‡i co‡j Avkv Kwi Xvwei L BDwb‡Ui Rb¨ A‡bKUv mnvqK n‡e|

Xvwe wi‡U‡bi Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© g‡b n‡q‡Q Avgvi Kv‡Q t

1. Abyev` evsjv †_‡K Bs‡iwR

2. Abyev` Bs‡iRx †_‡K evsjv
3. Aby‡”Q` ï× KiY
4. e¨vKiY fyj wPwýZ Kib
5. Bs‡iwR‡Z mgmvgwqK welq G Aby‡”Q` wjL
6. mv¤cÖwZK welq G AwfgZ

Admission English 1st part

[Referring with Text book page number for every question ]
2019-20 ( B-Unit,DU)
1. Coleridge's poem " The Rime of the Ancient Marinar " is a – [Text book page no: 93 ]
a) lyric b) sonnet c) ode d) ballad Ans-d
2. The poet William Blake has compared the schoolboy to —— [page : 57 ; line: 15-20 ]
a) a prisoner b) a great schooler c) a caged bird d) a brave warrior Ans -c
3. The word ' Emancipation ' means —– [page : 10; line : 7-8 ]
a) Advocate b) Liberation c) engage d) portrait Ans -b
N.B. " liberty - freedom" both word could be appeared the other set instead of " emancipation
- Liberation " [Page : 10 & 4 ]
4. Chosse the correct spelling from the flowing. [ Text book Page : 190 exercise : 8 no: a ]
a) Assurance b) Asurrance c) Assurrance d) Assurrence Ans -a
5. The word " Diaspora " is related to -- [ Text book page : 132 line : 1-3 ]
a) appearance b) concentration c) entrance d) migration Ans -d
6. People lauded Mandela's humanity, kindness and dignity '. In this sentence, the.......
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*** Special questions from text Book ***

➢ what does 'Apartheid ' refer? Ans. discrimination
➢ The word 'emancipation ' means - [DU: 19-20] Ans. Liberation
➢ The nick name Nelson Mandela was Ans. Madiba
➢ The word ' freedom ' refers to - [DU: 19-20] Ans. Liberty
➢ When did Tereshkova make her first jump Ans. 21 May 1959
➢ The film " My Brother , the Traffic policeman " was directed by Ans. Filipos Pikrofholas
➢ How was the relation between Pikrofholas and Kiki? Ans. Romantic
➢ What percentage of milk samples contained pesticide? Ans. 40%
➢ The amounts of pesticide in local food samples are ____ times greater then the limits set
by the European Union? Ans. 20
➢ The word ' sophisticated ' means _____ Ans. Refined
➢ Who are the usual clients of Foyot's? Ans. Higher class people
➢ The lady guest was in the habit of ___ Ans. Taking much food
➢ What does the word ' imposing ' refer to the text? Ans. Impressive to look at.
➢ The grandmother sat ___ Ans. Under a tree
➢ How was ther hair of the girl in the picture? Ans. Long and loose
➢ 'Faded picture ' means ___ Ans. Pale and bright less picture
➢ 'Rummage ' means ____
Ans. To move things around carelessly while searching for something
➢ 'Drapery ' means ____ Ans. Cloth or clothing hanging in loose folds
➢ Shilpi was born in ____ Ans. 1293
➢ What made a serious disagreement between Shilpi and Rashid and their close relatives?
Ans. Deeply rooted culture traditions and practices
➢ The word 'offspring ' means _____ Ans. Children
➢ The word 'counselling ' means _____ Ans. Giving advice
➢ Why are 'Lemonade days ' observed in USA? Ans. To rise funds to help children with
➢ Neuroblastoma is ___ Ans. Disease of brain
➢ How did Rayan raise money to help people?
Ans. By doing household chores and public speaking or clean water issues
➢ What does the phrase mean ' pass away '? Ans. Die
➢ University should be made _____ Ans. To receive intellectual hospitality
➢ The word 'hospitality ' means _____ Ans. Friendly and generous reception
➢ The word 'humiliation ' means _____ Ans. Indignity
➢ The word ' acknowledge' means _____ Ans. Accept as true
➢ The word ' intellectual hospitality ' means _____ Ans. Warm reception of people
with intellect
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➤weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ t
1.'‡dmeyK I Avgv‡`i mgvR'-wel‡q `kwU (10) ev‡K¨ GKwU Aby‡”Q` wjL| (Xvwe N 19-20)
DËit-eZ©gv‡b mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hv‡Mi GKwU RbwcÖq gva¨g n‡jv †dmeyK| GB †dmeyK Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri Rb¨ †hgwb
Kj¨vYKi †Zgwb AKj¨vYKiI e‡U, A_¨©vr G mydj I Kzdj `yBw`KB i‡q‡Q| Gi mydj¸wji Ab¨Zg n‡jv - Gi gva¨‡g
Lye mn‡R mgv‡Ri †LuvR-Lei †bIqv hvq, mvgvwRK m‡PZbZv e„w× Kiv hvq, ¯^vaxbfv‡e wb‡Ri gZ, Awf‡hvM, civgk©
BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Kiv hvq| ZvQvov †dmeyK wb‡Ri e¨vw³MZ ¯§„wZi Wv‡qwi wn‡m‡eI e¨envi Kiv hvq| Lye mn‡R wb‡Ri AR©b,
Ae¯’v Ges fv‡jv wKsev Lvivc jvMvi welq¸‡jv mgv‡Ri Ab¨‡`i mv‡_ †kqvi Kiv hvq|
Avi Gi Lvivc n‡jv - A‡bK mgq †dmey‡Ki gva¨‡g Z_¨wenxb fyj msev` Lye `ªæZ mgv‡R Qwo‡q c‡o d‡j bvbv D‡ËRbvi
m„wó nq| Gi Kvi‡Y ZiæY mgvR wcZv-gvZvmn wbKUvZ¥x‡`i †_‡K `~‡i m‡i wM‡q wbR¯^ AbjvBb RM‡Z Wy‡e _v‡K| ZvQvov
GwU AwaK e¨env‡i †Pv‡L mgm¨vmn A‡bK ¯^v¯’¨nvbx N‡U| A‡bK mgq †dmeyK AvBwW n¨vK K‡i A‡bK nqivwb Kivq
n¨vKviiv|‡dmey‡K wb‡Ri wbivcËv wbwðZ K‡i, ¯^v¯’¨wewa †g‡b, wbqgZvwš¿Kfv‡e †dmeyK e¨envi Ki‡j Z‡eB Zv Avgv‡`i
mgv‡Ri Rb¨ g½jRbK n‡e|

2.' wµ‡KU we‡k¦ evsjv‡`k ' wel‡q cuvPwU ev‡K¨ †Zvgvi AwfgZ `vI| (Xvwe N 19-20)
DËi t eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q RbwcÖq †Ljv n‡jv wµ‡KU hvnv we‡k¦i `iev‡i evsjv‡`k‡K K‡i‡Q
cwiwPZ,m¤§vwbZ,‡MŠievwš^Z| wµ‡KU we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q eo AR©b" hye wµ‡KU wek¦ Kvc 2020",GQvovI evsjv‡`k
AR©b K‡i‡Q A‡bK Uªwc| evsjv‡`‡ki bvix wµ‡K‡Ui me‡P‡q eo AR©b 'DB‡gb Gwkqv Kvc'| Avevi evsjv‡`‡ki wµ‡KU
†L‡jvqvo mvwKe, Zvwgg, gvngy`Djøvn, gy¯ÍvwdRyi ingvb mn Av‡iv A‡b‡KB we‡`‡ki gvwU‡Z wcÖwgqvi wjM †L‡j
evsjv‡`k‡K Av‡iv D¾¡j K‡i| w`b w`b evsjv‡`‡ki wµ‡KU DbœZ †_‡K DbœZZi n‡”Q|
bgybv cÖkœ
3. 'K‡ivbv AwfÁZv'-wel‡q `kwU(10) ev‡K¨ GKwU Aby‡”Q` wjL|
DËi t cy‡iv c„w_ex Ry‡o AvZ¼ m„wó Ki‡Z mdj n‡q‡Q †h fvBivmwU Zvi bvg K‡ivbv fvBivm| hv wW‡m¤^i'19 †k me©cÖ_g
Px‡b aiv c‡o Ges ax‡i ax‡i GUv cy‡iv we‡k¦ Qwo‡q hvq| evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g †`Lv †`q 2020 Gi gv‡P©| we¯Í„wZi KivjMÖv‡m
GLb Aewa cy‡iv we‡k¦ cÖvq 12 †KvwU gvbyl AvµvšÍ n‡q‡Q Ges gviv wM‡q‡Q 5 jv‡LiI †ewk | GB mgq wk¶v cÖwZôvb eÜ
_vK‡jI AbjvB‡b Pj‡Q K¬vm, cix¶v Avi eÜy‡`i m‡½ AvÇv| N‡i _vKvi G mg‡q †KD Qwe AuvK‡Q, †KD Mvb Ki‡Q,
†KD bvP Ki‡Q, Avevi †KD M‡íi eB c‡o ev †Ljvayjv K‡i wKsev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv bZyb wKQy K‡i mgq KvUv‡”Q|cÖ_g w`K
†_‡K GLb gvbyl K‡ivbv AvZ¼ KvwU‡q wKQyUv ¯^vfvweK n‡q D‡V‡Q| cÖ_gw`‡K cy‡ivcywi M„newÜ _vK‡jI GLb mevB ¯^v¯’¨
wewa †g‡b evwn‡i PjvPj Ki‡Z _v‡K|GB K‡ivbv fvBivm _vwg‡q w`‡q‡Q cy‡iv we‡k¦i MwZ‡K,gvivZ¥K wech©‡q wb‡q G‡m‡Q
A_©bxwZ‡Z| Z‡e K‡ivbv Avgv‡`i‡K †ek wKQy wk¶vI w`‡q‡Q, †hgb- wb‡Ri Av‡qi wKQy Ask †hvMvb ivLv,me mgq
cwi®‹vi- cwi”Qbœ _vKv, ¯^v¯’¨wewa †g‡b Pjv‡div Kiv BZ¨vw`I K‡ivbvi e„nr wk¶v|ZvQvov GwU weÁv‡bi `yf©jZv cÖgvY K‡i
w`‡q‡Q, `xN© GK eQi †Póv K‡iI †KD Gi †Kv‡bv Kvh©Kwi cÖwZ‡laK GLbI Avwe®‹vi Ki‡Z cv‡i wb, hvnv AvaywbK weÁv‡bi
Rb¨ j¾vRbKI e‡U|
4.'BwZnvm-HwZ‡n¨i kZe‡l© XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq'-wel‡q `kwU(10) ev‡K¨ GKwU Aby‡”Q` wjL|
DËi t bvbv evav AwZµg K‡i hvÎvUv ïiæ nq 1921 mv‡ji c‡njv RyjvB | cÖwZôvKv‡j XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q wQ‡jv 3wU
Abyl`, 12 wU wefvM Ges gvÎ 60 Rb wk¶K, 877 Rb QvÎ-QvÎx Avi 3wU AvevwmK nj| wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b Zv eû¸‡Y e„w×
†c‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki mKj RvZxq Av‡›`vj‡b mvg‡bi mvwi †_‡K †bZ„Z¡ w`‡q‡Q XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq| wet `ªt GB PDF G
gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi
mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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wjwLZ cixÿvq fv‡jv Ki‡Z n‡j Aek¨B d«x n¨vÛ ivBwUs Gi `ÿZv _vK‡Z n‡e| d«x n¨vÛ ivBwUs G `ÿ n‡Z n‡j
mevB‡K fv‡jv K‡i Tense Rvb‡ZB n‡e| GRb¨ mevi K_v wPšÍv K‡i Tense m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv Kiv nj :


wµqv ev KvR m¤úvw`Z nIqvi mgq‡K tense e‡j|

Tense cÖavbZ 3 cÖKvi|

(1)Present Tense
(2)Past Tense
(3)Future Tense

Tense ‡Pbvi Dcvq

wµqvi †k‡l
j,g _vK‡e ‡hLv‡b-Past Tense ‡mLv‡b
j,g bvB †hLv‡b-Present Tense ‡mLv‡b
e _vK‡e ‡hLv‡b-Future Tense ‡mLv‡b

Tense evsjv Bs‡iwR

Past Tense Avwg evRv‡i wM‡qwQjvg I went to Market.
Present Tense Avwg evRv‡i hvB I go to market.
Future Tense Avwg evRv‡i hve I will go to market.

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, wµqvi †k‡l wb - Past Tense, wµqvi †k‡l bv - Present Tense

Tense evsjv Bs‡iwR

Past Tense Avwg ¯‹z‡j hvB wb I didn’t go to school.
Present Tense Avwg ¯‹z‡j hvB bv I don’t go to school.

Past Perfect Tense

➢ ‡Pbvi Dcvq : evsjv ev‡K¨ wµqvi †k‡l Ôj,gÕ _vK‡e + 2 wU NUbv D‡jøL _vK‡e + Ôc~‡e©/c‡iÕ _vK‡e
➢ Structure 1: Sub+had+verb Gi past participle+object (hw` _v‡K) +before+Sub+verb
Gi past form+object (hw` _v‡K)

Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

Nahid24.com Written Magic Youtube : Nahid24
➢ Structure 2: Sub+ verb Gi past form+object (hw` _v‡K) after+Sub+had+ verb Gi
past participle+object (hw` _v‡K)

Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMxwU gviv †Mj The patient had died before the doctor came.
Zzwg Avmvi c‡i Avwg †Mjvg I went after you had come.

Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMxwU gviv †Mj - The patient had died before the doctor came.

Zzwg Avmvi c‡i Avwg †Mjvg - I went after you had come

g‡b ivL‡eb, evsjv ev‡K¨i 2q AskwU Bs‡iwR‡Z cÖ_‡g nq Ges evsjv ev‡K¨i 1g AskwU Bs‡iwR‡Z 2q ¯’v‡b nq|
Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ before _vK‡j c~‡e©i As‡k had hy³ n‡e Ges after _vK‡j c‡ii As‡k had hy³ n‡e|
‡h As‡k had hy³ n‡e †mB As‡k - had + verb Gi past participle Ges Aci As‡k verb Gi past form.

GB eBwU co‡Z †Kv‡bv mgm¨v n‡j BDwUD‡e search Kiæb - Nahid24 , search K‡i †h P¨v‡bjwU cv‡eb †mLv‡b Xz‡K
†`L‡eb GKwU Playlist Av‡Q : Dhaka University Written Class by Nahid24 , GB Playlist Gi me¸‡jv
K¬vk Ki‡j XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡qi wjwLZ cixÿv wb‡q Avi †Kv‡bv `ywðšÍv Ki‡Z n‡e bv| A_ev mivmwi Dhaka University
Written Class by Nahid24 wj‡L BDwUD‡e search Kiæb| †Kv‡bv cÖkœ _vK‡j †dmey‡K search Kiæb : Varsity
Win : wek^we`¨vjq fwZ© mnvwqKv , GKwU MÖæc cv‡eb, †mB MÖæ‡c ‡cvó Ki‡j Avkv KiwQ Avcbvi cÖ‡kœi DËi †c‡q hv‡eb|
‡dmeyK †cR : Nahid24 Publications
‡dmeyK MÖæc : Varsity Win : wek^we`¨vjq fwZ© mnvwqKv
I‡qemvBU : www.nahid24.com

wet `ªt GB PDF G gvÎ Aí wKQz †cR †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| m¤ú~Y© eBwU https://nahid24.com ‡_‡K AW©vi
Ki‡j Avcbvi wVKvbvq Kzwiqvi mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cvwV‡q †`Iqv n‡e|

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Written Magic – XvKv wek^we`¨vjq wjwLZ cixÿvi ‡kÖô mnvwqKv

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