Mohammad Safat Uddin - Midterm - STPR1

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Name- Mohammad Safat Uddin

ID- 171011131

Course Code- MSJ 11341 Sec-1

Answer to question number 1

Public relations has long aspired to be seen as a strategic management function, given the same respect
in the board room as marketing and human resources. Strategy formation consists of a combination of
planned and emergent processes. It consists of planned programs as well as more ad reactive responses
that emerge in response to issues and stakeholder concerns.

To make any business success we do to have to take care of the stakeholders who can be clients,
suppliers, partners, investors, employees or the board of community. Building strong relationships with
stakeholders and maintaining those takes effort, time and well thought out action plan.

 Actively build strong relationship- we know what you would like to achieve and know what it will
take to achieve that vision. We need to share this vision with our stakeholders on a regular
 Involve stakeholders- Ask for their advice. A very powerful question we can use is how we can
serve you. This will keep their thinking positive and will always be by our side.
 Schedule periodic touch base sessions- Regular meetings keep us and our stakeholders on the
same page and this means we are able to pick up potential challenges before they even arise.
 Keep your word- what we need to do is to keep our promise always, cause if we are having a
good relationship with them they will definitely trust us. So we cannot break their trust on us.
 Have an open mind- When we are after a good relationship, we need to understand that the job
of the other party is not to feed our ego. They will have contradictory opinions, they will say
things we don’t like but we need to accept that.
Answer to question number 2

The more our perspective customers see, hear, and read about us in more places like web sites, face
book posts, articles, radio shows, blog post etc, the more we are seen as an expert. When people see
and hear what we have to say, chances are they will go to our website to learn more. This is an
opportunity to seek the viewers easily. When our customers are ready to purchase what we offer, we
want to be the first business that comes to mind. Being consistent with our marketing efforts it itself
attractive to potential customers. Visibility also attracts affiliates, partners, and joint ventures.

Duties of advertising are classified into different categories those are informing, advertising and
encouraging, seeking cooperation. Scholars have enumerated two sub duties for public relations that
include advertisements and formalities that these are public relation tools, not duty, and its purpose and
nature. Formality include may be such as delivery, acceptance, settle and hospitality. Advertisements
include one-sided informing a particular topic. In present era we don’t believe communication is the
most important element, butit can be the basic knowledge and most important developing factor in
modern humans and other foundation of the present century.

Answer to question number 3

Public relations aim at informing the public, investors, partners, potential customers, employees, clients,
to influence them to make a positive perspective about the company and the brand. To build trust and
strong public relationship with the customers the organization may also participate in activities like
donations, support of arts, sporting events, free education.

Example- Investors Relations: Publishing quarterly reports, press releases and regulatory disclosure.
Responding to analyst, media and investor inquires.

Marketing is a management process, which is concerned with the buying and selling of products and
services, which includes all the activities that involve the movement of product from concept to the
customer. Product designing, warehousing, transportation, delivering, branding, selling, pricing are all
part of marketing activities. Marketing is everything company does to gain and retain customers.

Example- Advertising: Paying to reach your target audience with a message.

Answer to question number 4

Community relations refers to the initiatives companies use to partner with and contribute to their
community. It has many forms, dependent on the company’s mission and goals as well as the needs of
their respective communities. A community relations plan is how you communicate, as an organization,
with key stakeholders. Incorporating input, data and opinions culled from clients, stakeholders and
employees helps to consider existing perceptions about organization when charting community course.
Community relation managers develop a strategy and programs designed to represent the organisation
favorably and make positive contributions to the community. Supports marketing initiatives and
represents the organization at events.

Example – A well planned community relations strategy is to everyone’s benefit, no matter company’s
size. From employee satisfaction to customer loyalty, good community relations are key to the success
of your business. A fitness studio can be a great example of it.

The End!

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