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What is Inclusion and what is not inclusion? Inclusion is to normalize our

differences, it is to integrate all people in society, inclusion seeks to ensure that all social
groups, especially those who are in conditions of exclusion, can have the same
possibilities and opportunities to fulfill themselves as individuals.

 Inclusion does NOT try to bring the person closer to a "normalized" model of being,
thinking and acting, it accepts each one as they are, recognizing each person with
their individual characteristics.
 Inclusion is NOT giving everyone the same, but giving everyone what they need to
be able to enjoy the same rights.
2. What does she means when she says "Inclusion isn't a placement option".
I think it refers to belonging to a group, because we may be within a group of people but,
they just don't make us feel included
3.What do we achieve when we provide a good instruction?
Helps all of us be more successful, more confident and more competence
4. What is Membership, Relationships and Skills in terms of a good outcome of
Membership Is how we interacting with the group, with the school. Relationships is how
the child interacts on a one-to-one basis with other children. skills are the innate abilities
that we have as people
5. Do those three outcomes (Membership, Relationships and Skills) work
independently? If not, explain why. no, they do not work well because we can meet
people who are excellent engineers, excellent doctors but if they do not have a good way
of relating to other people, then all this could not work independently, it is like a clock, or a
machine, every screw so that everything works well
6. Personal Question: Why do we care about Inclusion in Education? we care about
inclusion in education because we are a group of people, a community, where each one is
different and learns in different ways, so we want to care about each one so that we all
have and enjoy the same things

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