Feedback Log Ecis 3790-Fall 2020

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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How will you encourage students

to use the feedback?
Day 1 Whole Group: The students were With this written feedback on their
provided with written feedback. RACE writing rubric, I want
Language Arts/Social Studies The teacher printed out each students to use the feedback on their
student's completed worksheet and rubric in the readers workshop the
wrote comments on the students' next day. During the “reading
work. For the students who response” center the next day, the
completed the activity accurately students will use the feedback on
the teacher wrote “Great job! You their rubrics to make corrections to
were a great text feature detective. their writing responses and their
You really know how to use text worksheets.
features to find details.” The
students who did not complete the
activity accurately the teacher
wrote, “Good try! Come meet with
Miss Christy and we will talk more
about these text features” The
teacher will also list specific text
features that the students identified
accurately and inaccurately. The
students received a total written
score out of 8 points. They received
2 points for restating part of the
question, 2 points for answering the
question, 2 points for citing
evidence, and 2 points for
explaining the evidence.

Student 1: This student performs at

grade-level and does not display
any difficulties during language
arts, therefore, he did not receive
any differing feedback from his
peers regarding the content.
However, he struggles with
focusing and staying on task. He
received differentiated feedback for
behavior. The student was given
nonverbal feedback on his behavior
by having a sticky note placed on
his desk and when he is on-task I
will draw a checkmark on his sticky
note. When he got 4 checkmarks, he
received a classdojo point.

Student 2: This student was

provided with verbal feedback
through praise and corrective
feedback in addition to the written
feedback for the writing activity.
This student struggles with reading
and writing and needs constant
reassuring when completing
assignments due to her lack of
confidence in her abilities. I will tell
the student “You did a great job
restating the question/answering the
question/citing evidence/explaining
evidence!” for verbal feedback and
“You forgot to _____,” “Let’s
reread the question and see if what
you wrote accurately answers the
Day 2 Whole Group: The students I will encourage the students to use
were provided with verbal this feedback for future lessons by
Math feedback. As I walked around telling them “Tomorrow you will
the room taking anecdotal notes, continue learning about fractions. I
want you to think about what i told
I provided the students with
you that you did well and the
verbal feedback through praise corrections we made when you
and corrective feedback. When continue to learning more about
praising the students I said “You fractions.” I will tell the students
did a great job correctly that the steps that we went over for
identifying the fraction model identifying unit fraction models are
that represents the unit the same steps they will use when
fraction!”, “I like the strategy learning about parts of a whole.
you used; crossing out the
fraction models that did not
represent the unit fraction.”, and
“You definitely understand what
a unit fraction is and what it
looks like! You correctly
identified ____ of the unit
fraction models.” The corrective
feedback the students received
was “That fraction model does
not show the unit fraction
given. Let’s figure out the
correct one together.” and
“Recheck the model you chose
for ___ unit fraction. I think
you may have miscounted how
many equal parts the model
should have.” and “Remember
unit fractions always have a
numerator of 1, meaning that
only 1 of the equal parts should
be shaded.”

Student 1: This students has an

IEP for a specific learning
disability in math. However, he
has met all of his IEP goals for
math this school year and is
performing on grade-level in
math when given the support
indicated in his IEP. Therefore,
he will be given one-on-one
support in completing the
worksheet to remind him of the
steps. When completing the
problems, the students will be
provided with verbal praise for
correctly completing each step
to solve the problem.

Student 2: This student struggles

with math and is in the process
of being identified for a learning
disability in math. This student
has very low confidence in her
abilities in math, therefore, this
student will be provided with the
same verbal praise, but more
frequently. Along with
affirmations. I told this student
“You are doing great!,” “I told
you that you can solve these
problems,” and “I am so proud
of your progress.”
Day 3 Whole Group: The students I will encourage the students to use
Science were provided with written the feedback in future lessons by
feedback on an exit slip. The having conferences with them the
exit slip was scored using a next day. The students who had it
indicated on their exit slip will use
point system and the students
the feedback to know if they need
total score was written on their to meet with me for small-group
exit slip. If the student’s showed intervention.
little to no understanding I wrote
“see me” on their exit slip.

Student 1: This student performs

at grade-level and does not display
any difficulties during science,
therefore, he did not receive any
differing feedback from his peers
regarding the content. However, he
struggles with focusing and staying
on task. He received differentiated
feedback for behavior. The student
was given nonverbal feedback on
his behavior by having a sticky note
placed on his desk and when he is
on-task I will draw a checkmark on
his sticky note. When he got 4
checkmarks, he received a
classdojo point.

Student 2: This student enjoys

science and completing
hands-on activities. She tend to
participate and has much more
confidence in herself and her
abilities in regards to science.
Therefore, the feedback she
receives in addition to the
written will be extensive verbal
praise for her participation and
performance during the science
lesson. I told this student “You
are on-task!,” “You definitely
know your states of matter and
their properties. You correctly
matched each state of matter to
the rootbeer float experiment.”

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