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(CE 212: STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND MATERIALS SESSIONAL, LABORATORY REPORT Experiment No: SM-03 Experiment Name: Hardness Test of Metals For Instructor Only Name of Instructor: Signature: Marks: Organization | Results (02) (03) Discussion (03) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020 Experiment Title: Hardness Test of Met Standard: ASTM E 18 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials, > Objective of the Experiment * To determine the Rockwell Hardness Number of metal specimens ‘To find the Brinell Hardness Number from the Rockwell Numbers. * To find the ultimate tensile strength of the metal specimens from the Brinell Hardness Number . + Tocompare the obtained tensile strength of the metals with thei actual ultimate tensile strength obtained from tensile test. > Significance This experiment provides fundamental knowledge on hardness of materials, hardness test procedure, hardness testing types, hardness testing machine, hhardness of different metal specimens, failure pattems ete. Apparatus Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine > Specimen Specimen of mil (Hs). steel (MS), brass, cast iron, aluminum and high strength steel > Brief Procedure Get the Rockwell Hardness Tester ready for testing. Place the specimen upon the anvil of the tester. the anvil and the test piece by elevating screw until the specimen comes in contact with the indenter (1/16" - dia Steel ball for Rockwell B and120° Diamond Brale for Rockwell). ‘Apply the 10 kg minor load on the specimen by moving the pointer of the dial three times. + Apply the major load (90 kg for softer materials and 140 kg for ‘harder materials) on the specimen by pressing the appropriate handle. ‘= Retum the handle to its original position a few seconds after the application of the major load (je., the major load is withdrawn now). * Read the position of the pointer om the scale ofthe dial as the Rockwell Number (B-scale is used for softer materials and C- scale for harder materials). * Take three readings for each specimen by changing the location of the indentation. * Repeat the above steps for each specimen > Data Sheet soesne | TPE |S Tansee) an | | an. | Sem Material | maior ‘minor (kg) 35 cast liorgo | B lI/16"[ 46 Jao. [34.3 | 53.309 iron tall | 40 “| 3t orga |B IIZI6 1 49-6 [PES Brass ball | 32 7 > Sample Calculation Tor cast __irons © Applied minor load = lokg MeApplied major load=90 kg Seale used > B Trdentor= 1/16" ball Tderlified Rockwell no.= 35, 46,40 Mean RN» 35+ 464 40 3 2 40 Bete Brinell numbers 343 (from toble) Tensile strength = 3D) N/mm 753-809 ksi > Result The tensile strength The tensile strenglh | Tor_brasss hae minor ran 10 I Applied major load = 90 kp lefts used > B | [Tndenbr « big" ball “Tdentified Rockwell numbers= 31,8280 | Rv, St &2+ 0 3 |Mean > 2 Brinell number= 19-6 Lirem lable ) Tevsile Strenglh= 494 N/m m™ | 2 21.65 ksi cast iron > 53-809 ks; Bi6S kst of of brass = > Discussion JThe hardness values obtained each time ‘or the Same specimen are slightly different. Them differences may be due to the gpains, grain boundaries, defects and impurities of surface oF the specimen. 2) For cast tron, the to be 40. Tnenpolation gcould not be done was rot found. So, the closest value, which and "BR? seale Was used: The mean RN was found beequse an Interval of two close Values Sg. was selected and the — Brine|] number tensile stoenglh vere found accordingly, 3) The tensile strenglh of wild steel collected from group % i+ 26-5) ksi» For cast iron i qour rroup, the value was 53-909 ksi. 5, the hardness oF mill Steel is greater than cast iron. So, Cast iron is 4 soft material and mild steel isa hard — moterial . 3 10 by minor loud was applied to penetrate through the rust layer of the — Specimens 2)Brinell harclness number of amy natertal show its ability ability of the material to to mainlain ik shape on the ist The che 1: t Ee tie nfoy ln is 1. Why Hardness test needs to perform in engineering practice? Hardness is the property of a material that enables it to resis! plastic cleformation, penetration, indentatic, and scratching. Therefore, hardness is importont From an engineering standpoint because resistance to wear by either friction or erosion by steam, oil, and water generally, increases with hardness. The application of hardress o testing enables to evaluate a — mederial’s properties, such as 5 a strenglh, ductility and Wear resistance and so helps fo determine we Whether a material on treatment is Suitable Tor the purpose material yene require A hardness test is typically performed by pressing a Specifically dimen. sloned and loaded object C indenter) into The surPace of — the material tested. The hardness determined by measuring the depth of inden. is enetration 9” by measurin the size yor of the — impression left by an indenter. an important need in Hardness tests serve ee ee recente even though they that con be termed hardness. based on experiments and mcstny unique The _ tests observation , chie? value quuality are empirical, nather than fundamental theony - Its is as an inspection device, able certain lifTerences in material when 4o detect they _ anise even though these differences may 1” umdefinable. For example, He lols of material that have the ‘some hardness may or may nof he alike, but if their hardness is different, the woterials certainly are rot alike. 6 As a result, of mony tests, Comparisons have been prepared using Brmulas “bles and grephs that show fhe ~ relationships bel ween the results of various hardness tesk of speciFic alloys - Expesune fo loads, pressures and extreme temperatures in manuPachering has the potentia| to affect the performance of pews comprised of metals and metal alloys. Due h come plex specimen geomelny ant linear — conneletion between hardness art tensile strenalh in metals, hardness testing is offen the w best way of establishing that components will survive ard perform in their intended applications. As a result, hardness testing has become an essen. tal part of the ayuality control process Accurotely cleterming the hardness of a ma- jerial fir any iven application invelves several factrs Including the type of material, specimen geomelny, surface conditions, exposure to heat treatment precesses, and production Pequi- rements 7

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