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TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces

L5 Activity

Experiential Learning
Construct: Situated Learning & Community of Practice

Name: Harrison Clark

Date: April 7, 2021
Your Assigned Facilitator: Davis

NOTE: Please bold all your responses so nothing is missed when your work is assessed.

You have learned about the theory of situated learning and have discussed some common
models for situated learning in your small group discussions.

This activity pertains to your future target job, by applying situated learning principles.


First paragraph: Define situated learning

Second paragraph: Select one of the models that make use of the theory and use scholarly
resources to define it. (Andragogy,
Apprenticeships, Service Learning, Internships, Trajectories, Coaching, Communities of

Third paragraph: Explain how you might use this model to support your professional
You should include 4 or more in-text citations from readings provided as well as resources you
find related to the models. Add these sources to the reference list below.
(300-400 words)
(12 pts):

Situated learning is an educational theory of learning first developed by J. Lave in

the late 1980s (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning,
2012). While there is not an exact definition, according to an article published in 2001, it
was roughly defined “the core idea behind the different uses of this term is to create a
situational context for learning that strongly resembles possible application situations in
order to assure that the learning experiences foster ‘real-life’ problem solving” (Renkl,
2001). In essence, situated learning is the practice of ensuring that any learning achieved
has real-life application i.e., situational context.
Within situations in which situated learning is concerned, the topic of shadowing
is an excellent example of how to explain situated learning within a real-world
application. Shadowing, sometimes also referred to as job-shadowing, is the practice of
a learner spending time with a professional within their desired learning field for an
extended period of time, in order to see the application of their learning in real-life
experiences (Doyle, 2020). This practice is a direct reflection of the theory of situated
learning, as the very definition of shadowing is almost synonymous with that of situated
learning. As explained further within an online article by Chris Drew, a college professor
who’s published numerous articles pertaining to learning, the benefits to situated
learning through shadowing are that students can see how their learning is used within
real-world situations, the learning is active and engaging, and the social and
communication skills built through shadowing are key 21st century skills (Drew, 2021).

As someone who is going to become a speech therapist, the requirements to

become licensed includes the completion of supervised clinical hours. This practice is a
form of situated learning, similar to an internship, almost, as it is the chance for which
students have the opportunity to apply their classroom learning to the real-life practice of
speech therapy.

My word count: 317

How could situated learning models help you meet the 21st century competencies, be more
prepared for your future target job, and be a more qualified and cutting-edge professional as
you search for a job?
(Review the 21st century competencies at )

(100-125 words)
(5 pts):

According to the 21st century learning framework, a few skills relevant to

situational learning listed within the document are communication, collaboration,
flexibility and adaptability, social and cross-cultural skills, as well as leadership and
responsibility (Battelle for Kids, 2019). These directly relate to the concept of situated
learning. This is due to the fact these skills can be developed in situations like an
internship, shadowing or those in which the learner is expected to learn somewhat
vicariously through both supervised on-hands activity, as well as observing a
professional within the learning environment. The development of these skills, then,
would give those learners an advantage above any other professional who may have not
been able to experience the same opportunities.

My word count: 118


Here is an example goal from my life: As an expert in teaching with technology, I would like to
be more supportive and resourceful to other faculty…as a leader and a role model. I am
interested in addressing this leadership goal because I have had instructors from bioscience at
ASU ask me to help them improve their teaching, and that situation made me feel that I have
not been visible enough in some of the ways I use technology in my teaching. I think this goal
will help me expand my ability to support the use of technology in teaching and learning from my
current PreK-12 focus to a broader range, PreK-20.

What area of your future target job do you feel most inadequate? Explain the situation. (75-100
(3 pts):

Ideally, I would like to become a practicing speech therapist within a school

system, potentially working in hospitals during the summer/when I can. I feel most
adequate with the required knowledge, as I have not taken any communication disorders
courses at ASU. I am interested in the topic, however, and frequently watch YouTube
videos about the lives of speech therapists, as well as just general information related to
the career.

My word count: 70

Situated learning will probably not address this goal in its entirety but can support you
addressing this goal in some ways. In what way(s) can your involvement in situated learning
support your development in this area? (150-200 words)
(7 pts):

Along with the prerequisites I have to take starting this fall for grad school, I am
also required to complete 40 or so hours of supervised clinical practice. This would be
somewhat of a combined internship/shadowing opportunity, both of which are examples
of situated learning. While I can absolutely study the topic of speech therapy and
communication disorders, the real-life experience and situated learning that has to occur
in order for me to become proficient in the practice of speech therapy is absolutely
required. Furthermore, even after all of the prerequisites for the program, along with the
clinical practice, in order to receive my license, even more documented hours of clinical
practice have to be recorded. After receiving my license, in order to specialize within a
specific concentration of speech therapy, I have to hold my license for a certain amount
of time, as well as the completion of a certain number of clinical hours specifically
related to the concentration. Speech-language pathology is a career path that requires an
extensive amount of situated learning.
My word count: 174

Explain why you think it is appropriate for you to address this goal using a situated learning
approach. What models of situated learning will be useful and why? Specifically, how do you
envision these models being used? Include in-text citations to reference at least 2 sources. Add
these references to the Reference list below. (175-200 words)
(8 pts):

This goal requires situated learning, as failure to complete the supervised clinical
hour would result in the failure of the goal. Within a blog post written in 2015, situated
learning as well as the subsequent application within a learning community are explored.
Group activities, role-playing, scenario-based learning and technology are all given as
examples of applications of situated learning (OriginLearning, 2015). Within the actual
program I am going to be in, it could be assumed that at least all of these will be used
once, if not more than once, especially in regard to scenario-based learning and
technology, as all of the knowledge gained during the program will have a practical
Within the field of speech-pathology as well, the application of role-playing
practices was studied within a 2017 research article. While the exact conclusion of how
effective of a strategy it is specifically to speech-pathology as a whole, it was suggested
that due to the practice’s effectiveness with children with autism spectrum disorder (of
which a considerable amount attend speech therapy [AutismSpeaks, n.d.), that there is a
positive correlation between the effectiveness of role-playing within speech-therapy
(Abdoola, Flack, Karrim, 2017).

My word count: 191


Create a process that will lead to you attaining your goal. Your plan must utilize one or more
situated learning models brought up in the discussion board activity. Include at least 3 activities
that will lead to your success.
(15 pts, 5 points for each well-written activity)

Goal Summary:

Activities you will Situated Learning People or “Tools” and resources

participate in that will model utilized communities I will that might be helpful
lead to the attainment (Andragogy, collaborate with for (e.g., social networks,
of this goal. (Describe Apprenticeships, this activity* books, technology
in detail.) Service learning, tools, etc).
Communities of

Funny enough, I This would be a He works at I have to look into

was just talking to a direct example Hartford Hospital, in the prospective
friend last week who of shadowing. Hartford, CT. shadowing
is a nurse who opportunities at the
suggested I try to hospital (if it is
shadow a speech listed anywhere).
therapist at the
hospital he works
at. He has had
numerous people
shadow him, and
that he doesn’t think
it would be a
problem, so I have
been looking into
shadowing there!

I have been getting This would ASHA is the I would have to visit
emails from ASHA most likely fit organization I would ASHA’s site in order
(American Speech into the need to contact. to find some events
and Hearing community of that I could sign up
Association) about practice model. for. The link is
virtual talks and https://www.asha.or
other events geared g/events/!
towards speech
pathologists and
have considered
signing up for one.

As stated before, This would The program is a There will be

the program I am most likely fit M.S. in Speech- numerous books,
starting this fall into the Language Pathology resources and tools
requires me to apprenticeship at Southern needed, as this is
complete a certain model. Connecticut State going to be a two-
number of University. year program at
supervised clinical minimum (still super
hours in order to excited for it
continue in the though!)

In order to try and This would I would be in contact N/A, unless

understand more most likely fit with Paula, my suggested
about what the next into the grandmother’s best otherwise by Paula.
however many years community of friend.
of my life are most practice model.
likely going to pan While I have only
out, I have been spoken to Paula
talking to my (my
grandmother’s best grandmother’s
friend, who is a best friend), she
retired speech still has had
therapist who has contact with
been more than numerous other
helpful with giving speech
me information as therapists, so I’d
well as tips and be fairly certain
tricks that she’d to say that some
picked up over the knowledge is
years. collective.

Within the last few On a personal Technically, to a The link to the

lessons, I have been level, this would degree, this involves Facebook group can
finding Facebook be more of a the thousands of be found here
groups for both community of people linked within https://www.faceboo
practicing speech- practice model. the groups of
language However, seeing Facebook. alslpforum.
pathologists as well the peer
as speech-language criticism of Here is an example
pathology students. speech screenshot of a
While I seldom pathologists’ post:
understand the practices could
technical terms also be
being used, some considered
previously coaching.
unfamiliar terms are
recognizable to me,
as well as being
able to see the
actual discussions
of people’s
practices being both
analyzed and
improved via peer

*Think broadly about collaboration. Remember that through social networking, collaboration can
take place at a distance.


An entrepreneurial network, according to Higgins and Kram, is a “high developmental network
diversity, high developmental relationship strength” (2001, p.270). What strategies will help you
operationalize this plan while effectively enhancing your Entrepreneurial Network? Include at
least 2 in-text citations from the Higgins and Kram article from L4. Add these sources to the
Reference list below. (250-300 words)
(10 pts):

In order to facilitate the development of an entrepreneurial network within my

field, I need to continue the interactions I have been having within the Facebook groups
I’ve joined that are specifically for speech-language pathologists and speech-language
pathology students. This in turn, would be high developmental network diversity, as
coupled with the real-life interactions I would potentially be having with other speech-
language pathologists, creates a variance of both who provides support as well as how
support is provided (Higgins, Kram, 2001). In addition, the implementation of situated
learning would most likely include group collaboration within the program I am going to
be enrolled in, which in turn, could result in the further addition of other individuals to
my developmental network and therefore, the diversity of it.
As stated within the article, “While the strength of diverse networks lies in the
variety of information such ties tap into, the advantage of strong ties stems from the
motivation individuals have to act on behalf of a focal person” (Higgins, Kram, 2001). In
order to achieve this type of strong relationship, I would need to become familiar with
other individuals within my field. If I were in a medical setting/hospital, I would want to
not only become familiar with other speech pathologists in the field, but also fellow
workers within the medical setting/hospital. Even if they are not speech pathologists,
they have potential unrelated skills that I could apply to my own professional growth. If I
were in a school system, this would be relatively the same concept. Working with
children in itself is a whole entire profession, let alone actually performing whatever
career duties you have as well. With that in mind, if I were to develop friendships and
strong tie relationships with the fellow educators, they may be able to help me develop
my skills working with children.

My word count: 307

References (10 pts)
Note: no credit will be given unless your references are formatted per APA. See Owl at Purdue
as a guide.

Abdoola, F., Flack, P., & Karrim, S. (2017). Facilitating pragmatic skills through role-play in

learners with language learning disability. South African Journal of Communication

Disorders, 64(1), 12 pages. doi:

AutismSpeaks. (n.d.). Autism Statistics and Facts.


Battelle for Kids. (2019). Framework for 21st Century Learning.

Doyle, A. (2020, July 18). What Is Job Shadowing? The Balance Careers.

Drew, C. (2021, December 26). Situated Learning Theory (Lave & Wegner) - Pros & Cons

(2021). Helpful Professor.

Higgins, M. C., & Kram, K. E. (2001). Reconceptualizing Mentoring at Work: A Developmental

Network Perspective. The Academy of Management Review, 26(2), 264.

Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. (2012). Situated

Learning - NIU - Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. Northern Illinois



Origin Learning. (2015, March 31). 4 Ways to Apply the Situated Learning Theory. Blog -



Renkl, A. (2001). Situated Learning: Out of School and in the Classroom. International

Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 14133–14137.

Wikipedia contributors. (2021). Situated learning. Wikipedia.

Professional presentation (professional language, grammar, spelling, word count) (10

Please proofread your work to be sure it meets university level writing standards. Note that if
your written work does not meet this standard, you will be asked to revise and resubmit within 3
days, and these points will be lost. The Writing Center can provide support. See for details.

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