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TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces

L6 Activity

Performance Feedback
Constructs: Evaluation and Feedback

Name: Harrison Clark

Date: 04/14/2021
Your Assigned Facilitator: Davis

NOTE: Please bold all your responses so nothing is missed when your work is assessed.

NOTE: This document must be submitted with the url to your survey (paste below when
requested) as well as a stand-alone Excel document (submitted as an attachment). If you
do not submit all three deliverables you will receive 0 points for the entire assignment,
and be asked to resubmit a completed assignment within 24 hours. In this case there will
be a reduction of 10% of the possible points.

Background Information about Performance Reviews

Think about the learning institution you envision for your future target job. Your responsibility
would be to contribute to the goals and mission of that organization. There are several ways to
measure your success. You would want to document your progress towards these goals. You
would want your responsibilities to be measured in a way that is reliable and credible, and fair.

Most organizations have institutionalized a performance review process, which is usually

handled through the organization’s human resources department as a formal, annual process.
The purpose of a performance review is to evaluate the job performance of an employee. The
performance review is typically used as justification to increase salary or to offer advancement
in position.

There is much research suggesting traditional performance reviews, conducted by an

employee’s supervisor, at best have limitations, and can sometimes be detrimental to morale
and motivation.

A Complementary System
In addition to an annual performance review, research has shown pairing multiple rating sources
can provide more accurate, reliable, and credible information, and insight about an employee’s
performance and limitations. Additionally, research has shown that evaluation systems that use
a variety of rating sources to supplement the supervisor’s evaluation are more influential on
employee change and motivation.

The 360-degree evaluation was established to provide multiple angles of review of an

individual’s work-related performance. It is conducted by administering a questionnaire to
individuals who have contact with the employee, including:

· self
· subordinates
· peers
· superiors
· clients/customers/students

For this activity you will ask others to take a 360-degree assessment about your behaviors.
Those who take the assessment on your behalf can be your superiors, peers, customers, and
possibly subordinates. You can do a 360 of yourself in your work environment, an organization
where you volunteer on a consistent basis, or any other group-based setting such as a club or
church group. As a backup plan, you can do a 360 of how your family members see you. The
idea is to review your behaviors from others’ perspectives, to learn more about yourself, and to
use the insight gained to improve yourself in the given environment.

Asking someone to review your attitudes and behaviors puts you in a very vulnerable position.
To help you understand the power of being vulnerable, and how being vulnerable can change
the way you interact with others, watch this TedTALK by Brené Brown, socialwork scientist: The
Power of Vulnerability.


Review this document to get a more complete explanation of benefits of a 360-degree

assessment. Pay special attention to the respondent categories and the precautions. This will
help you make good choices as you progress through this activity:
United States Office of Personnel Management, Performance Management Practitioner Series
(1997). 360-degree assessment: An overview. Retrieved from

Before you go further, explore the context of your 360. Provide a summary of the situation,
including the purpose or vision of the organization, your roles and responsibilities, who you are
responsible to, who your equals are, who reports to you (if applicable), and who the system
serves (e.g., the customer, client, patient, where applicable) (3 pts):

I currently work at Starbucks as a supervisor. At its core, Starbucks is founded on the

principle of humility and is extremely customer oriented. Realistically, Starbucks is also
a coffee (and then some) shop as well. Within the job, I report to my own manager. My
equals are fellow supervisors, and all the subordinates within the job are the baristas.
The individuals served through this organization are the customers.

To get a better understanding of possible content and structure of a 360 questionnaire, review
the examples on this web page:

Write an opening paragraph for your questionnaire. Explain the purpose of the 360 with some
detail. Include that you will not be collecting identifying information on respondents (e.g., names,

email addresses, etc.). Be sure this comes across as a request, and something that would be
helpful to you, not a mandate. Let them know how their insight will be helpful to you. Provide a
deadline for their participation that is TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE FOR THIS
ASSIGNMENT so you have some time to review the data and internalize their feedback. Write
your introduction paragraph here (5 pts):

You have been selected for the opportunity to give a 360-degree review of Harrison Clark
within his role as a supervisor within the last twelve months. No personal information is
required to take the survey, and all participants will remain anonymous. Your feedback
will be critical to his completion of an assignment for one of his current education

Now, determine a list of 5 categories that would be the most helpful in informing your
development. For ideas, review this comprehensive list:
● Accountability
● Achievement
● Bias for Action
● Change Management
● Decision Making
● Developing Others
● Empowering Others
● Establishing Focus / Direction
● Excellence
● Flexibility
● Goals
● Initiative
● Innovation
● Integrity
● Interpersonal Skills
● Managing Performance
● Problem Solving
● Professional Development
● Project Management
● Teamwork

For each of the 5 categories, compose 3 or more questions using a Likert scale, and 1 open-
ended question (minimum 4 questions total). The format of a typical five-level Likert item could
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Here are some ideas:

Write your category headers and questions here:
Category Header 1: Accountability
Likert items (3 or more):
- Completes expected tasks and assignments at work.
- To what degree of success are expected tasks and assignments completed?
- Reports for all of scheduled shifts.
Open-Ended Question (1): Is there any additional feedback that can be given
regarding the level of accountability?

Category Header 2: Leadership

Likert items (3 or more):
- Can professionally and successfully communicate with those working in a
subordinate role.
- Serves as a role model in fostering a positive experience for both customers
and coworkers alike.
- Is able to adapt leadership style to any setting or individual, regardless of the
Open-Ended Question (1): Is there any additional feedback that can be given
regarding leadership skills.

Category Header 3: Decision Making

Likert items (3 or more):
- Willing to make the difficult calls, even when it is necessary.
- Is able to determine where both change is necessary, as well as recognizing
success where change is not necessary.
- Is able to navigate difficult situations with the best possible outcome being the
Open-Ended Question (1): Is there any additional feedback that can be given
regarding decision-making skills?

Category Header 4: Goals

Likert items (3 or more):
- Is goal-oriented, with both personal and business success always in mind.
- Actively encourages coworkers of all nature to both set and achieve goals.
- Has both short-term, as well as long-term goals as a focus.
Open-Ended Question (1): Is there any additional feedback that can be given
regarding goal setting as well as goal achievement skills?

Category Header 5: Interpersonal Skills

Likert items (3 or more):
- Is able to accurately read others’ emotional cues and make
decisions/judgements based off of that.
- Is able to inspire feelings of success, pride and a hard work ethic within others
through own action.
- Is able to connect with others and form connections easily.

Open-Ended Question (1): Is there any additional feedback that can be given
regarding interpersonal skills?


Create your questionnaire in Google Forms to include (15 pts):

· opening paragraph, per above, on its own page
· headers to label each category OR separate pages for each category
· 3 or more Likert-type questions per category
· one open-ended question per category (Make these questions “required.”)
· customized thank-you text
(See tutorials above.)

Paste your thank you text here (2 pts):

Thank you for completing this 360 Degree evaluation. It is greatly appreciated!

Here are some training materials that will help you with this task:
1. Watch the Using Forms in Google docs video to get an overview of Google Forms. It is
old enough that it calls Google Drive “Google Docs”, but the overview remains the same
as far as why this is such a cool tool. You can still go as he states, to Google Sheets,
then use the Tools>Create Form, to start a new survey. Newer tutorials show using the
New>More>Google Forms method of starting a new survey. Either way is fine.
2. Watch this 13-minute screencast that will show you all the INs and OUTs of how to
create a Google Form. For those using the NEW Google Forms optional update try this
3. Use this support page for creating your first form.
4. Learn about some of the tips and tricks that can help you make more sophisticated
Google Forms.

Paste the URL to your questionnaire here:


Take the questionnaire yourself, based on how you see your own behaviors. Double check the
response spreadsheet to make sure your data appears. If it does not, you have some trouble-
shooting to do before you send it out to your list of respondents. Edit any questions you feel are
not clear.

Population Types
Now make a list of individuals from this environment who might provide insight about your
knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. These individuals should fall within a variety of the
population types listed below.

The more responses you get, the more insight you will gain. To meet the expectation for this
assignment, you will need at least 8 participants to respond. You will want your respondents to

represent a variety of different population types. Not everyone will participate, so you might want
to send your request to more than 8 individuals.

Names of those you sent the survey to. Provide first names only, to maintain anonymity. (3 pts):
· subordinates: Emileigh, Murrae, Alex, Gabe, Andrea, Zach
· peers: Bonnie, Melissa
· superiors: Cassandra
· clients/customers/students: Taiya, Kerry

Send the URL to these individuals, along with the message you composed above, asking for
their participation.

“Hey, is there any way you’d be able to fill this questionnaire out for me? It’s for one of
my classes I’m in right now and it’ll only take about five minutes or so.”

Response Rate
What percentage of people responded to the questionnaire? (1 pts)
(8 required in order to provide you with the ability to reflect about the questions below)

Sent out link to: 11

Responded: 10
Percentage: 91%

Hint: number of people who responded divided by the number of people you sent it to.

Share your spreadsheet results with your grader by downloading your results from the Google
spreadsheet as an Excel document and attaching it as you submit your assignment.

NOTE: Submitting the URL to your google spreadsheet is not acceptable as a google
spreadsheet can be edited after the submission deadline, and would be suspect of e-cheating. If
you submit the URL instead of a stand-alone file, you will be issued 0 points for this assignment.


Review the TedTALK by Brené Brown, socialwork scientist: The Power of Vulnerability.
Summarize what Brown says are the benefits of this level of connection with others, and
opportunity for growth. Include 3 in-text citations from the video that were personally insightful
for you, and explain why (200-300 words) (5 pts):

Brene Brown goes in depth accounting her experience as a social worker. Within her
time as a social worker, in which she listened to hundreds of stories of individuals’ lives,
she found that those who she could consider “good-hearted” were those that had a
sense of worthiness, courage and above all else, vulnerability (Brown, 2010). With this in

mind, Brown further goes on to state that in order to fully embrace vulnerability, she had
to “just accept it is what it is” (Brown, 2010). The concept of trying to identify one’s self-
worthiness through just letting what is reality just be what it is was radically thought
changing, yet she also realized that this is what would create the best situation for a
healthy emotional life (connections, growth, etc.) (Brown, 2010). Personally, I have tried
to adopt this mentality throughout most of my life. I came to the conclusion a few years
ago that life is way too unpredictable to have a plan that’s set-in stone, so rather, I just
wanted to always have a direction to follow, and to uncover what life had in store for me.
This has culminated in probably the best I have ever been doing in life.

Word count: 202

Reflect about vulnerability and this process. How did you handle your emotions, being the level
of vulnerability required was very high, when you were selecting who to send your questionnaire
to, when you were sending out the questionnaire, and when you reviewed your data. Discuss
this issue from the three points in the Brown TedTALK you emphasized in your response above.
(200-300 words) (5 pts):

I have to be 100% honest, I’ve gotten to the point in my life/education/career that I just do
not care anymore. What this entails, however, isn’t the fact that I’ve given up, but rather, I
just feel as though I truthfully just do not care about what anyone thinks of me anymore.
The only real kind of thought I’d prefer people have about me is that I’m pleasant, but
even that is only what I’d actively try to represent. Even with that, what other people think
of me is none of my business. I suppose then my vulnerability lies in the fact that I’ve
come to accept that I just am whomever I am, and that I’ll always want to accomplish the
most with whatever energy/resources I have at my disposal. Sending out the surveys
weren’t at all scary, as I even had people at work last night just sit down in the back room
with my laptop and take the survey during their shifts so I could accomplish getting the
required amount. Again, it just is what it is. Life is going to continue on, even if I have to
send out 360-degree evaluations to my coworkers/customers. Time will continue moving
forward, regardless of whether or not I do what is required of me for this class, so might
as well get it done!

Word count: 225

References (5 pts)
Note: no credit will be given unless your references are formatted per APA. See Owl at Purdue
as a guide.

Brown, B. (2010, December 23). The Power of Vulnerability. TED Talks.

Vulnerability (4 pts)
How did you handle your emotions, being this is a vulnerable process--to request honest
feedback from those with whom you work?
At the time of creating and sending out this survey, it was during a 16 hour-long
shift, one in which I had to accept last minute with very little to no choice. To further
expand upon my lack of care for judgement, I was tired, somewhat cranky and just trying
to make it to the end of the shift and get what I wanted to get accomplished what I was
meaning to that day (meaning some homework). The most prevalent thought I had
throughout the entire process was whether or not I would be able to tell who responded
according to what the short answers would be (which for some, I was able to).
How were you at accepting the feedback as it was intended? To what extent did you see
yourself reading between the lines?
It wasn’t too crazy to see the data. I am in the process of moving up to a manager
position, so I’m constantly being reviewed and criticized for my job. I’ve also tried to get
criticism from those below me, considering that all opinions realistically matter, so
nothing really felt brand new.

Strengths (4 pts)
What did you learn about your strengths?
My strengths were where I saw fit as well. (P.S., I swear I am not this cocky and
full of myself, this kind of evaluation has just been an on-going part of my work life for
the last year or so).
What did you learn about how others see your strengths?
Others saw my strengths as how I saw them as well. Alex, coincidentally, has told
me how scary my work ethic can be on multiple occasions, so as soon as I saw that for
one of the short answers, I immediately knew it was him.

Areas of Improvement (4 pts)

What did you learn about what others see as possible areas of improvement for you?
The area I knew I had to improve on was just being a role model. I’m still 22,
impulsive, and prone to making bad decisions. This still rings true, even at work. For
instance, one time, I was throwing a caramel squeeze bottle into the backroom sink while
my hands were wet, and instead, it slipped out of my hand mid throw and smashed into
the exit sign, shattering it into a hundred pieces. One of my coworkers cried so hard from
laughing but my manager was so upset.
What did you learn about how others see your weaknesses?
Others saw my weakness in a similar manner, however knowing that I was the
only individual who gave myself below a four in a category, the majority of scores were

Alignment (3 pts)
When you look at your self assessment, to what extent do you tend to see yourself as others
do? Why do you think this is so?

I see myself as how others see me. Again, this is due to the fact that I have had to
be open and receptive to basically any and all criticisms people have had of my work
over the last year.

Actionable Items (6 pts)

Establish three AREAS for change, improvement, and development that you want to work on.
I could work on my development of being a role model, taking it easier on myself
as far as how much I try to accomplish and also my “outside of work social skills” that
lack, as stated by one respondent.

Determine 3-5 new skills, knowledge bases, and behaviors within these areas that will support
your short-term plan for professional development. These are things you could start doing
I am going to slow down and relax for the month I have between finishing this
degree at ASU and starting my grad program. Furthermore, I am going to just be more
cognizant of how I can stand as a role model. In addition, I can try to be a bit more social
with some coworkers outside of work.

Determine 3-5 new skills, knowledge bases, and behaviors within these areas that will support
your long-term plan for professional development. These are things that may take 1-3 years to
I am going to plan out my life a bit more, as far as how much I want to accomplish,
keeping in mind that I do occasionally take time in my life to do things that I both enjoy
and can relax while doing. I am also going to start observing my manager and how she
acts, and then trying to emulate that. Finally, I am going to go out with coworkers more
and more, taking the free time I have to make plans.

Overall (5 pts)
Reflect about how this process worked for you. What did you learn about your emotional state?
What did you learn about your perceptions of yourself in comparison to others? What did you
learn about your performance and interactions? (100-200 words)
What I learned wasn’t so much an in-depth reflection, but rather a good feeling of
knowing that I have a fairly solid group of people who are willing to do me a favor at the
very drop of a hat. In the time that I sent out the survey, basically every person
responded within the first 24 hours, with most responding within the first hour. This in
effect, is a reflection of who I am, which in effect, was a fairly fulfilling realization. I knew
how people felt about me as a coworker, but on a more personal level, this was a new
feeling, as it proved that people had more significant emotional connections to me. I’m
still a bit lost with how to interpret it, other than just being happy, but I suppose maybe
that is all I should feel about that.

Word count: 143

Professional presentation (professional language, grammar, spelling, word count) (10
Please proofread your work to be sure it meets university level writing standards. Note that if
your written work does not meet this standard, you will be asked to revise and resubmit within 3
days, and these points will be lost. The Writing Center can provide support. See for details.


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