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Holistic bodyweight protocol by Ivan Babić

Microcycle 1: 4 weeks


Blood flow, joint movement:

Jumping jacks / jump rope 60s

Down Dog – UpDog 10-15x
Lizard with rotation 5-5 L-R

Day A: Day B:

Wrist circles 15 Wrist circles 15
Theraband biceps curls 30-50 Theraband inverted biceps curls 30-50
Active chin up hang 60s acum. Passive hang 60s acum.

Stabilization drill:
Plank 30s Reverse plank 30s
Arch body hold 30s acum. Hollow body hold 30s acum.
Support hold (pbars) 60s acum Scapular protraction 60s acum.

Perform these exercises on a 14 days basis. You alternate each workout between A and B sets of
exercises. Since you have 3 workouts a week, you will have an incomplete number of sets done at
the end of the first week. That’s why we do them in a circle over a period of 2 weeks.

Week 1 ABA - Week 2 BAB.

The exercises target similar anatomical units, we just hit them with a different movement.

1. Mobility

A1) Single leg calf stretch 3x30s

A2) Tailor pose 3x10s contractions @ BW
B1) Seated good mornings 3x10s @ BW
C1) Jefferson curl 3x5 @8kg + 10s hold last rep

2. Skill work:

Chest to wall handstand - 10min

From the first moment you stand on your hands against the wall, you start to countdown 10
minutes. Time spent resting between sets also counts within these 10 minutes. The accumulated
time spent on the hands can initially be only 45-60 seconds and that is fine. With the development of
strength and endurance, this time will lengthen. The reason why we limit time is because of the load
on the wrists and the connective tissue we are just developing. Even if you think that you could do
more, rather stop. There’s always another day.

3. Strength work:


Jumping pull up eccentrics 3x3 2-3 min 50X0

Jumping dips eccentrics 3x5 2-3 min 50X0
Bodyweight rows 3x5 2-3 min 10X0
Pushups 3x5 2-3 min 10X0

Cossack squats supported 3x 5 2-3 min 10X0

Deep step up 3x5 2-3 min 10X0
Tuck L-sit 60s acum.

Tempo explained:

Example: Pull up 50x0 – duration of each phase in seconds

5 – eccentric phase – the most demanding part of the movement (the negative) - when you go down
from the upper pull up position (5sec)
0 – pause at the bottom with straight and locked elbows (0 sec)
X – concentric phase – when you pull yourself up from the lowest position (X = explosive)
0 – pause at the top position with your chin above the bar (0 sec)
Rest day recovery protokol:
• Breath exercise in bed in the morning when you wake up;
5-10x Box breath: 5s inhale - 5s hold - 10s exhale
• One to three times a week perform the above mobility exercises by intuitive choice
• Go for a walk, 30 min at least.
• Cold shower. Not lukewarm cold but masculine cold. It is ideal in the morning or after your
• Drink plenty of water; 2-3 L a day
• Eat quality food – quality meat and fish, eggs, healthy fats. Carbs are allowed as post
• Have sex
• 8-10 hours of sleep every night

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