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Part 2 : System Design & Development.

Ch.5 Conceptual Design Process.

Edited by Dr. Seung Hyun Lee (Ph.D., CPL)

IEMS Research Center, E-mail :

■ Logistics System Engineering.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
System Engineering.
․ The system engineering is inherent within the overall system life
cycle. The initial emphasis is on a top-down, integrated, life-cycle
approach to system design and development.

․ It is the iterative process of assessment and system validation,

and incorporation of changes for product/process improvement.

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■ Logistics System Engineering.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]


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■ Logistics System Engineering.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Conceptual Design Process.

․ Needs Analysis and Identification.
․ Feasibility Analysis.
․ System Operational Requirements.
․ The Maintenance and Support Concept.
․ Technical Performance Measures (TPMs)

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Needs Analysis and Identification.

․ The system engineering process generally commences with the
identification of a "want" or "desire" for something, and is based
on a real or perceived deficiency.

․ A need analysis must be accomplished with the objective of

translating a broadly defined "want" into a more specific
system-level requirement.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Needs Analysis and Identification : Example.

․ What is required of the system in functional terms ?
․ What functions must the system perform ?
․ What are the primary and secondary functions ?
․ When must this be accomplished ?
․ Where is this to be accomplished ?
․ How may times must this be accomplished ?

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Needs Analysis and Identification : Concurrent Engineering.

․ Accomplishing the needs analysis in a satisfactory manner can
for realized through a "cross-functional team" approach involving
- The ultimate consumer or user,
- The contracter or producer, and
- Major suppliers.

․ Concurrent Engineering.
A systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and
their related processes, including manufacturing and support. This approach is
intended to cause the developer, from the outset, to consider all elements of
the product life cycle from conception through disposal, including quality, cost,
schedule, and user requirement.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Needs Analysis and Identification : Concurrent Engineering.

․ Objectives of Concurrent Engineering.
1. Improving the quality and effectiveness of system/products through a better
integration of requirements.
2. Reducing the system/product development cycle time through a better
integration of activities and processes. This, in turn, should result in a
reduction in the total life cycle cost for a given system.

O ve r th e F e n c e
M a rk e tin g P ro d u c t F ie ld
R e q u ire m e n ts P la n n in g D e s ig n M a n u fa c tu rin g S e rvice s

S e m ic o n c u rre n t E n g in e e rin g
M a rk e tin g
R e q u ire m e n ts D e sig n F ie ld S e rvice s
P ro d u ct
P la n n in g M a n u fa ctu rin g

C o n c u rre n t E n g in e e rin g
M a rke tin g R e q u irem e n ts
P ro d u ct P la n n in g
D e sig n
M a n u fa ctu rin g (p ro d u c t e n g in e e rin g , p u rch a sin g , sh o p )

F ie ld S e rvice s (su p p o rt, p ro visio n in g , in s ta lla tio n , cu s tom e r se rvice )

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Feasibility Analysis.
․ It is accomplished with the objective of evaluating the different
technological approaches that may be considered in responding
to the specified functional requirements.

․ Examples.
- Should one use fiber-optics technology, cellular, or the conventional hardwired
approach ? (In the design of a communications system)
- To what extent should one incorporate composite materials ? (In designing
an aircraft)
- Should one apply very high-speed integrated electronic circuitry in certain
control applications, or should one select a more conventional
electromechanical approach ? (In designing an automobile)

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Feasibility Analysis.
․ Requirements for feasibility analysis.
- Identify the various possible design approaches that can be pursed to meet
the requirements.
- Evaluate the most likely candidates in terms of performance, effectiveness,
logistics requirement, and life-cycle economic criteria.
- .Recommend a preferred approach.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Mission definition.
․ Performance and physical parameters.
․ Operational deployment or distribution.
․ Operational life cycle (horizon).
․ Utilization requirement.
․ Effectiveness factors.
․ Environment.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Mission definition.
- Identification of the prime mission of the system and alternate or secondary
- Examples.
What is the system to accomplish ?
How will the system accomplish its objectives ?

․ Performance and physical parameters.

- Definition of the operating characteristics or functions of the system such as
size, weight, range, accuracy, bits, capacity, transportation, receive, etc.
- Examples.
What are the critical system performance parameter ?
How are they related to the mission scenario(s) ?

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Operational deployment or distribution.
- Identification of the quantity of equipment, software, personnel, facilities, and
so on, and the expected geographical location to include transportation and
mobility requirements.

- Examples.
How much equipment and associated software is distributed, and where is it
to be located ?
When does the system become fully operated ?

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Operational life cycle (horizon).
- Anticipated time that the system will be in operational use.
- Examples.
What is the total inventory profile throughout the system life cycle ?
Who will be operating the system and for what period of time ?

․ Utilization requirement.
- Anticipated usage of the system and its elements (e.g., hours of operation
per day, percentage of total capacity, operational cycles per month, facility
loading, etc.).
- Examples.
How is the system to be used by the customer or operator in the field ?

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Effectiveness factors.
- System requirements specified as figures of merit such as
1. Cost/system effectiveness.
2. Operational availability, readiness rate, dependability.
3. Logistics support effectiveness.
4. Mean time between maintenance(MTBM).
5. Failure rate( λ ).
6. Maintenance downtime (MDT).
7. Facility utilization.
8. Operator skill levels.
9. Task accomplishment requirements.
10. Personnel efficiency, and so on.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

System Operational Requirement.

․ Environment.
- Definition of the environment in which the system is expected to operate
(e.g., temperature, humidity, arctic or tropics, mountainous or flat terrain,
airborne, ground, shipboard, etc.).
- This should include a range of values as applicable and should cover all
transportation, handling, and storage modes.

- Examples.
How will the system be handled in transit ?
What will the system be subjected to during operational use, and for how
long ?

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Maintenance and support planning.
․ Supply support (spare/repair parts and associated inventories).
․ Maintenance and support personnel.
․ Training and training support.
․ Test, measurement, handling, and support equipment.
․ Packaging, handling, storage/warehousing, and transportation.
․ Maintenance Facilities.
․ Computer resources (hardware and software).
․ Technical data, information systems, and database structures.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Maintenance and support planning.
This includes all planning and analysis associated with the establishments for
the overall support of a system throughout its life cycle. Maintenance planning
constitutes ;
- The development of the maintenance concept.
- The accomplishment of supportability analysis during system design and
- The procurement and acquisition of support items.
- In system utilization phase, ongoing maintenance and support required to sustain
- During the retirement phase, policies for disposal of material being recycled or

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Supply support (spare/repair parts and associated inventories).
This includes all spares, repair parts, consumables, special supplies, and
related inventories needed to maintain the prime mission-related equipment,
computers and software, test and support equipment, transportation and
handling equipment, training equipment, and facilities.

Also included are the provisioning and procurement activities and

documentation associated with material aquisition, handling, distribution,
recycling, and disposal.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Maintenance and support personnel.
Personnel required for the installation, checkout, and sustaining maintenance
and support of the system, its prime mission-related elements and the other
elements of support (e.g., test equipment, transportation and handling
equipment, and facilities), are included.

․ Training and training support.

This includes all personnel, equipment, facilities, data/documentation, and
associated resources necessary for the training of system operational and
maintenance personnel.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Test, measurement, handling, and support equipment.
This category includes all tools, condition monitoring equipment, diagnostic and
checkout equipment, special test equipment, metrology and calibration
equipment, maintenance fixtures and stands, and special handling equipment
required to support all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance actions
associated with the system.

․ Packaging, handling, storage/warehousing, and transportation.

The element of logistic support includes all materials, equipment, special
provisions, containers, and suppliers necessary support the packaging,
preservation, storage, handling, and/or transportation of the prime
mission-related elements of the system, personnel, spares, and repair parts,
test and support equipment, technical data, software, and mobile facilities.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Maintenance Facilities.
This category includes all facilities required to support scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance actions at all levels. Physical plant, portable
buildings, mobiles van, housing, intermediate-level maintenance shops,
calibration laboratories, and special repair shops must be considered.

․ Computer resources (hardware and software).

This covers all computers, associated software, interfaces, and the networks
necessary to support scheduled and unscheduled activities at each level of

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Maintenance Concepts.
․ Technical data, information systems, and database structures.
Technical data may include system installation and checkout procedures,
operating and maintenance instructions, inspection and calibration procedures,
overhaul instructions, facilities data, modification instructions, engineering design
data, supplier data, and logistics provisioning and procurement data that are
necessary in the performance of system development, production, operation,
maintenance, and retirements functions.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Technical Performance Measures (TPM).

․ Through the definition of operational requirements and the
maintenance concept for the system, specific performance-related
factors are identified and applied with the objective of ensuring
that the system will be designed and developed such that it will
satisfactorily accomplish its intended mission(s).

․ These factors, identified as technical performance measures

(TPMs), may be applied as "design-to" criteria for the prime, the
maintenance, and logistics support.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Technical Performance Measures (TPM).

․ Example of TPM.
Technical Performance Quantitative Current Relative
Measures (TPMs) requirement "Benchmark" importance (%).
45 days
․ Process time (days) 30 days (maximum) 10
(system M)

․ Velocity (MPH) 100 mph (minimum) 115 mph (system B) 32

․ Availability
98.5% (minimum) 98.5% (system H) 21
10 feet long, 6 feet wide 9 feet long, 8 feet wide
․ Size (feet) 17
4 feet high (maximum) 4 feet high (system M)
Less than 1% error rate
․ Human factors 2% per year (system B) 5
per year

․ Weight (pounds) 600 pounds (maximum) 650 pounds (system H) 6

․ Maintainability (MTBM) 300 miles (minimum) 275 miles (system H) 9

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Technical Performance Measures (TPM).

․ Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
A structured process or mechanism for determining customer requirements and
translating them into relevant technical requirements that each functional area
and organization level can understand and act upon.


C orrelation m atrix

2. C ounterpart technical
requirem ents
(H O W S )
1. 3. 5 . M arketing
C ustom er inform ation
requirem ents and and custom er
rating of im portance R elationship m atrix perception of
(W H A TS ) com peting
6. Technical assessm ent
and target values

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Technical Performance Measures (TPM).

․ Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Process.
Step 1. The customer and the customer's needs and wants : The voice of
․ Reflects the needs and wants of the customer.
․ Is the starting point for designing products and processes.
․ Focuses and drives the process.
․ Must be continually monitored.
․ Is the responsibility for all functional areas to understand.
․ Provides the basis for critical measurements.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]

Technical Performance Measures (TPM).

․ Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Process.
Step 2. Translating the voice of the customer : The QFD process
․ Product Planning : Translates customer requirements into technical requirements
․ Product Design : Translates technical requirements into component characteristics
․ Process Planning : Identifies process steps and parameters and translates
them into process characteristics.
․ Process-Control Planning : Assigns control methods to process characteristics

HOW S A t e a c h s ta g e o f th e p ro c e s s , th e H O W S
b e c o m e th e W H A T S o f th e n e x t c h a rt.
W HATS R e la tio n s h ip s

W HATS R e la tio n s h ip s


W HATS R e la tio n s h ip s
T h e ta r g e t v a lu e s a r e
a ls o c a r r ie d th r o u g h

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
Design Criteria for Supportability.
․ Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).
Integrated logistic support(ILS) is basically a management function that provide
for the initial planning, funding, and controls which help to assure that the
ultimate customer (or user) will receive a system that will not only meet
performance requirements, but one that can be expeditiously and economically.

․ Definition of ILS.
Disciplined, unified, and iterative approach to the management and technical
activities necessary to (1) integrate support considerations into system and
equipment design ; (2)develop support requirements that are related
consistently to readiness objectives, to design and to each other ; (3) acquire
the required support ; and (4) provide the required support during the
operational phase at minimum cost.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
Design Criteria for Supportability.
․ Reliability.
Reliability can be defined as the probability that a system or product will
perform in a satisfactory manner for a given period of time when used under
specified operating conditions.

․ Maintainability.
Maintainability, like reliability, is an inherent characteristic of system or product
design. It pertains to the ease, accuracy, safety, and economy in the
performance of maintenance actions. A system should be designed such that it
can be maintained without large investments of time, cost, or other resources
and without adversely affecting the mission of that system

- 30 -
■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
Design Criteria for Supportability.
․ Availability.
Availability is the measure of the degree a system is in the operable and
committable state at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at
an unknown random point in time. This is often called operational readiness.
Availability is a function of operation time (reliability) and downtime

․ Producibility or Manufacturability.
Producibility is a measure of the relative ease and economy of producing a
system or a product. The characteristics of design must be such that an item
can be produced easily and economically, using conventional and flexible
manufacturing methods and processes without sacrificing function, performance,
effectiveness, or quality. Simplicity and flexibility are the underlying objectives.

- 31 -
■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
Design Criteria for Supportability.
․ Disposability.
Disposability pertains the degree to which an item can be recycled for
some other use or disposed of without causing any degradation to the
environment ; i.e., the generation of sold waste, toxic substances (air pollution),
water pollution, noise pollution, radiation, and so on.

․ Cost Effectiveness and Life-Cycle Cost (LCC).

Cost effectiveness involves measuring a system, in terms of mission fulfillment
and total life cycle cost. Cost effectiveness is a function of system
effectiveness and total life-cycle cost.
1. Research and development (R&D) cost.
2. Production and construction costs.
3. Operation and maintenance costs.
4. System retirement and phased cost.

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■ Conceptual Design.
[Blanchard, pp123 - 150]
Design Criteria for Supportability.
․ Cost Effectiveness and Life-Cycle Cost (LCC).

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Performance Check.
1. Logistics support analysis :
A. Takes place as part of the evaluation and control phase of a system life-cycle.
B. Involves analyzing logistic support needs of a proposed system.
C. Is an informal or unstructured process that takes place very early in the life of a
D. Is done by outside management consulting firms.

2. Integrated logistics support (ILS) :

A. Focuses on prime equipment performance requirements.
B. Is a major subdivision of the Society of Logistics Engineers.
C. Assures that the consumer will have a system that is properly supported during
its life.
D. None of the above.

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Performance Check.
3. Life-cycle cost include :
Ⅰ. Research and development cost,
Ⅱ. Investment cost.
Ⅲ. Operation and maintenance cost.
Ⅳ. System phase-out cost.

A. Ⅰ, Ⅲ B. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ C. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ D. None of the above.

4. System effectiveness is connected with all of the following EXCEPT :

A. Availability. B. Dependability. C. Observability. D. Capability.

- 35 -
Performance Check.

5. Cost effectiveness involves :

A. Costs and efficiency,
B. System effectiveness and total life-cycle cost.
C. System effectiveness and mission fulfillment,
D. System Reliability and maintainability.

6. The first step in the primary design phase is the :

A. Functional analysis. B. Feasibility study.
C. Detailed design. D. Design framework.

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Performance Check.

7. The proposal should contain an adequate description of each of these categories :

A. Purpose, identification of the problem, conclusions, references and/or bibliography.
B. Purpose, needs analysis, identification of the problem, conclusions, references
and/or bibliography.
C. Purpose, needs analysis, identification of the problem, references and/or
D. Purpose, needs analysis, identification of the problem, conclusions.

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Performance Check.

8. The maintenance concept delineates :

A. The anticipated levels of maintenance, general overall repair policies, the
organization responsibilities for maintenance, the major elements of logistic
support, the effectiveness requirements associated with the maintenance
B. The anticipated levels of maintenance, general overall repair policies, the
organization responsibilities for maintenance, the major elements of logistic
support, the effectiveness requirements associated with system support and the
maintenance special tools and test equipment.
C. The anticipated levels of maintenance, general overall repair policies, the
organization responsibilities for maintenance, the maintenance facilities, the
effectiveness requirements associated with system support and the maintenance
special tools and test equipment.
D. The anticipated levels of maintenance, general overall repair policies, the
organization responsibilities for maintenance, the major elements of logistic
support, the effectiveness requirements associated with system support and the
maintenance environment.

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Performance Check.

9. LSA(Logistics Support Analysis) is a process employed on an iterative basis

throughout system development. Its main objectives are to aid in the :
A. Initial establishment of supportability requirements, evaluation of system/equipment
design configuration, and the evaluation of a given design configuration.
B. Initial establishment of personnel, evaluation of system/equipment design
configuration, evaluation of a given design configuration, and the measurement and
evaluation of an operating system.
C. Initial establishment of supportability requirements, evaluation of system/equipment
design configuration, evaluation of a given design configuration, and the
measurement and evaluation of an operating system.
D. Initial establishment of supportability requirements, evaluation of system/equipment
design configuration, evaluation of maintainability characteristics, and the
measurement and evaluation of an operating system.

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Performance Check.

10. The purpose of a feasibility study is

A. To meet the needs identified in the disposal phase.
B. To develop a set of useful solutions to meet the needs identified in the concept
C. To validate the disposal phase life cycle costs.
D. To develop new directions for future planning:.

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Performance Check.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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