Chem Lab 1

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Title: Titration

Aim: To standardize NaOH using a primary Standard

Solid KHSO4

NaOH of approximately 0.1 mol dm -3

Phenolphthalein indicator

50 cm3conical flask

Three 250 cm3measuring cylinder

Weighing bottle



1. 0.35g oh KHSO4 was weighted accurately.
2. The sample was placed in the 250cm^3 conical flask.
3. The KHSO4 was dissolved in 25cm^3 of distilled water in the flask.
4. Two drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added to the flask.
5. The burette was filled with sodium hydroxide.
6. The KHSO4 solution was titrated in the flask to its end point.
7. The end point was noted; the pink color persisted and then changed upon exposed to air.
8. The procedures were repeated four times for accurate results.

Rough Accurate
Mass of KHSO4 and weighing bottle/ g 0.355 1 2 3
Mass of weighing bottle/ g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mass of KHSO4 / g 0.355 0.363 0.358 0.355

Rough Accurate
Final burette reading / cm 3
27.30 1 2 3
Initial burette reading / cm3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Volume of NaOH used / cm3 27.30 26.80 26.10 26.30
Experiment 1
KHSO4 (aq) + NaOH (aq)  H2O (l) + NaKSO4 (aq)

Accurate #1

Mole = Mass/Molar Mass

Mole      = 0.363g/136.2g/mol

                = 0.00267mol

0.00267mol of KHSO4

1:1 Ratio

Moles of NaOH = 0.00267 x 1

                             = 0.00267mol

Molar Concertation = Mole/Volume

                               = 0.00267mol/0.0268dm3

                               = 0.100M (concentration of NaOH)

Accurate #2

Mole = Mass/Molar Mass

Mole      = 0.358g/136.2g/mol

                = 0.00262mol

0.00262mol of KHSO4

1:1 Ratio

Moles of NaOH = 0.00262 x 1

                             = 0.00262mol

Molar Concertation = Mole/Volume

                               = 0.00262mol/0.0261dm3

                               = 0.100M (concentration of NaOH)

Accurate #3

Mole = Mass/Molar Mass

Mole      = 0.358g/136.2g/mol

                = 0.00262mol

0.00262mol of KHSO4

1:1 Ratio

Moles of NaOH = 0.00262 x 1

                             = 0.00262mol

Molar Concertation = Mole/Volume

                               = 0.00262mol/0.0263dm3

                               = 0.100M (concentration of NaOH)

Average molar concertation of NaOH

= (0.100+0.100+0.100)/3


Titration, process of chemical analysis in which the quantity of some constituent of a sample is

determined by adding to the measured sample an exactly known quantity of another substance with
which the desired constituent reacts in a definite, known proportion. Titrant is a solution of a known
concentration, which is added to another solution whose concentration has to be determined. Titrand
or analyte is a solution whose concentration has to be determined. Equivalence point in titration at
which the amount of titrant added is just enough to completely neutralize the analyte solution. At the
equivalence point in an acid-base titration, moles of base equal to the moles of acid and the solution
only contains salt and water.

The solution in the flask contains an unknown concentration of acid. The burette is filled with a
solution of base of known concentration. Small increments are added from the burette until, at the
end point (turns Pink). Phenolphthalein is an acid/base indicator. It is colorless when it is an acid and
pink when it is a base. With exposure to carbon dioxide in the air, the carbon dioxide reacts with the
water to form carbonic acid causing the pink to fade. When the titrand (NaOH) reacts with the
analyte (KHSO4), Potassium Sodium sulfate (NAKSO4) and water (H2O) are formed.

KHSO4 + NaOH  H2O + NaKSO4

Title: Titration

Aim: To standardize NaOH using a primary Standard

Unknown solid acid labelled H3A

Standardized 0.1 mol dm -3 NaOH

Phenolphthalein indicator

50 cm3conical flask

Three 250 cm3measuring cylinder

Small petri dish for weighing


Analytical Balance

1. 0.25g oh KHSO4 was weighted accurately.
2. The sample was placed in the 250cm^3 conical flask.
3. The H3A was dissolved in 25cm^3 of distilled water in the flask.
4. Two drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added to the flask.
5. The burette was filled with sodium hydroxide.
6. The H3A solution was titrated in the flask to its end point.
7. The procedures were repeated four times for accurate results.

Rough Accurate
1 2 3
Mass of H3A and petri dish/ g 3.926 3.798 4.132 4.398
Mass of and petri dish / g 3.674 3.538 3.879 4.189
Mass of H3A / g 0.252 0.260 0.258 0.209

Rough Accurate
1 2 3
Final burette reading / cm3 38.20 35.90 36.10 36.80
Initial burette reading / cm3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Volume of NaOH used / cm 3
38.20 35.90 36.10 36.80
Experiment 2
H3A (aq) + 3NaOH (aq) → 3H2O (l) + Na3A (aq)

Accurate 1
Mole = Volume x Molar Concentration
Mole = 0.03590dm x 0.1M

         = 0.003590mol
0.003590mol of NaOH
1:3 Ratio 
Mole of H3A = 0.003590/3
                       = 0.001196mol
Molar Mass = Mass/Mole
Molar Mass = 0.260g/0.001196mol
                    = 217g/mol
Accurate 2
Mole = Volume x Molar Concentration
Mole = 0.03610dm3 x 0.1M
         = 0.003610mol
0.003610mol of NaOH
1:3 Ratio 
Mole of H3A = 0.003610/3
                       = 0.001203mol
Molar Mass = Mass/Mole
Molar Mass = 0.253g/0.001203mol
                    = 210g/mol (Molar Mass of H3A)
Accurate 3
Mole = Volume x Molar Concentration
Mole = 0.03680dm3 x 0.1M
         = 0.003680mol
0.003680mol of NaOH
1:3 Ratio 
Mole of H3A = 0.003680/3
                       = 0.001226mol
Molar Mass = Mass/Mole
Molar Mass = 0.209g/0.001226mol
                    = 170g/mol (Molar Mass of H3A)
Average mass = (0.260 + 0.253 + 0.209)/3
                       = 0.240g

Titration, process of chemical analysis in which the quantity of some constituent of a sample is

determined by adding to the measured sample an exactly known quantity of another substance with
which the desired constituent reacts in a definite, known proportion. Titrant is a solution of a known
concentration, which is added to another solution whose concentration has to be determined. Titrand
or analyte is a solution whose concentration has to be determined. Equivalence point in titration at
which the amount of titrant added is just enough to completely neutralize the analyte solution. At the
equivalence point in an acid-base titration, moles of base equal to the moles of acid and the solution
only contains salt and water.

The solution in the flask contains an unknown concentration of acid. The burette is filled with a
solution of base of known concentration. Small increments are added from the burette until, at the
end point (turns Pink). Phenolphthalein is an acid/base indicator. It is colorless when it is an acid and
pink when it is a base. With exposure to carbon dioxide in the air, the carbon dioxide reacts with the
water to form carbonic acid causing the pink to fade. When the titrand (NaOH) reacts with the
analyte unknown solid acid labelled H3A. 3H2O and Na3A are formed.

H3A (aq) + 3NaOH (aq) → 3H2O (l) + Na3A (aq)

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