Foro de Ingles

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Balanced – equilibrado y equilibrada

Identify – identificar
Likely – Probable
Be made of – estar hecho de
Recognize – reconocer
At risk – en riesgo
Sensitive – sensitiva o sensitivo
Sistem – sistema
Tipically - tipicamente


1. Do you think you are a non-taster, an average taster, or a super-taster? Why

I consider myself an average taster, as I have the ability to recognize flavors in food that other
people may not be able to achieve. I am a lover of food and my mother always asks me for an
opinion about how a certain dish she is cooking would look like.

2. What food do you like or don't like? Choose a food and describe what you like or dislike


I like stewed beef steak too much. In addition to being an excellent protein, it is a type of meat
that is too soft when cooking and can be cooked in different ways.

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