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Name: Samiena F.

Final Survey
Table 2
Age and Sex Distribution of Barangay Maharlika District 2
as of February 7, 2021


65 - Above - - - - -
60 - 64 1 1.89% - - 1 1.89%
55 - 59 1 1.89% 1 1.89% 2 3.77%
50 - 54 2 3.77% 2 3.77% 4 7.55%
45 - 49 2 3.77% 3 5.66% 5 9.43%
40 - 44 1 1.89% 3 5.66% 4 7.55%
35 - 39 1 1.89% - - 1 1.89%
30 - 34 - - - - -
25 - 29 1 1.89% 2 3.77% 3 5.66%
20 - 24 6 11.32% 11 20.75% 17 32.07%
15 - 19 7 13.20% 2 3.77% 9 16.98%
10 - 14 2 3.77% 1 1.89% 3 5.66%
5–9 - - 1 1.89% 1 1.89%
1- 4 1 1.89% 2 3.77% 3 5.66%
<1 - - - - -
TOTAL 25 47.17% 28 52.83% 53 100%

Table 3
Percentage Distribution showing the Civil Status of 15 years old and above
Barangay Maharlika Zone _______ District 2
as of February 7, 2020

Civil Status F %
Single 34 64.15%
Married 19 35.85%
Widowed - -
Separated - -
Total 53 100%

Health Implication:
Table 4
Percentage Distribution showing the Religion of 15 years old and above
Barangay Maharlika Zone _______ District 2
as of February 7, 2020

Religion F %
Born Again - -
Catholic 27 50.94%
Iglesia ni Cristo - -
Jehovas Witness - -
Islam 23 43.40
Ang Dating Daan 3 5.66%
Total 53 100%

Highest Educational Frequency Percentage

EG - -
EU 1 1.89%
HG 8 15.09%
HU 16 30.19%
CU 14 26.42%
V - -
NF - -
PS 2 3.77%
SS 3 5.66%
C 9 16.98%
TOTAL: 53 100%

Educational Status Frequency Percentage

EG - -
EU - -
HG - -
HU - -
CU - -
V - -
NF - -
PS 19 35.85%
SS 22 41.51%
C 12 22.64%
TOTAL: 53 100%

Place of work Frequency Percentage

I – Within the community 15 75%

O – Outside the community 5 25%

TOTAL: 20 100%

Type Frequency Percentage

E-Employed 14 26.42%
U- Unemployed 33 62.26%
SE – Self-employed 6 11.32%
TOTAL: 53 100%

Occupational Status Frequency Percentage

R- Regular 15 28.30%
C- Contracted 5 9.43%
U – Unemployed 33 62.26%
TOTAL: 53 100%

Monthly income Frequency Percentage

1,000 – below -
1,001 – 5,000 -
5,001 – 10,000 1 10%
10,001 – 15,000 2 20%
15,001 – 20,000 2 20%
20,001 – 25,000 1 10%
25,001 – 30,000 2 20%
30,001 – above 2 20%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Other Sources Frequency Percentage

Yes 4 40%
No 6 60%
TOTAL: 10 100%
Other sources of income include:
 Sari-sari store
 Craft Making
 Poultry Raising
 Livestock Raising
 Company Driver

Monthly Expenditure Frequency Percentage

1,000 – below - -
1,001 – 5,000 2 20%
5,001 – 10,000 - -
10,001 – 15,000 3 30%
15,001 – 20,000 2 20%
20,001 – 25,000 1 10%
25,001 – 30,000 2 20%
30,001 – above - -
TOTAL: 10 100%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Food 6 2 1 - 1 - -

House rental - 2 - - 3 - 3
Electricity bill 1 3 6 - 1 - -
Water bill - 2 2 5 1 - -
Health 2 1 - 1 3 3 -
Education - 1 - 2 3 3 -
Clothing - - 1 - 1 4 4

Resources allotted for Frequency Percentage

Health Care
Yes 8 80%
No 2 20%
TOTAL: 10 100%

If yes, from where? Frequency Percentage

Health Insurance 2 13.33%

PhilHealth 6 40%
SSS/GSIS 2 13.33%
Savings 5 33.33%
Others: - -
TOTAL: 15 100%

Recognized leaders in the Frequency Percentage

Barangay officials 8 80%
Religious leader - -
Elders 1 10%
Non-government 1 10%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Community Programs Frequency Percentage

Aware 4 40%
Unaware 6 60%
Total: 10 100%

Specified programs are:

 Immnunization Program
 Family Planning
 Libreng Gamit Eskuwela

Predominant Organizations in Frequency Percentage

the community

Barangay Council 6 54.55%

Couples for Christ 1 9.09%
Sangguniang Kabataan 3 27.27%
Senior’s Citizen Club 1 9.09%
Others - -
TOTAL: 11 100%

Land ownership Frequency Percentage

Owned 6 60%
Rented 4 40%
Lease to own - -
Rent free - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

House ownership Frequency Percentage

Owned 6 60%
Rented 4 40%
Lease to own - -
Rent free - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Type of materials Frequency Percentage

Light - -
Strong 6 60%
Mixed 4 40%
Makeshift - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Ventilation Frequency Percentage

Well -ventilated 6 60%
Fair 4 40%
Poor - -
TOTAL: 10 100%
Lighting Facilities Frequency Percentage
Electricity 10 100%
Gasera - -
Kandila - -
Others - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Lighting Facilities are 100% adequate.

Communication Facilities Frequency Percentage

Telepono 6 23.08%
Internet 9 34.62%
TV 7 26.92%
Radio 2 7.69%
Postal System - -
Others 2 7.69%
TOTAL: 26 100%

Transportation Facility Frequency Percentage

Tricycle 7 46.67%
Jeep 6 40%
Bicycle - -
Others 2 13.33%
TOTAL: 15 100%
Excreta Disposal Frequency Percentage
Pail System 3 30%
Bored hole latrine - -
Water-sealed latrine 1 10%
Open-pit privy - -
Closed-pit privy 3 30%
Antipolo style - -
Flush type 3 30%
Overhung type - -
Others - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Ownership of the toilet Frequency Percentage

Private 10 100%
Shared - -
Public - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Sewerage/Drainage system Frequency Percentage

Blind 6 60%
Open 3 30%
None 1 10%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Condition of Sewage system Frequency Percentage

Free flowing 8 80%
Stagnant 2 20%
TOTAL: 10 100%
Container for Garbage Frequency Percentage
Garbage bag 5 50%
Waste bag 3 30%
Sack 1 10%
None 1 10%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Segregation Frequency Percentage

Yes 7 70%
No 3 30%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Type of Waste Disposal Frequency Percentage

Animal Feed - -
Open Dumping - -
Burning - -
Composting - -
Burial Pit - -
Garbage Collection 10 100%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Source of drinking water Frequency Percentage

Commercially prepared 7 70%
Local water system 3 30%
Artesian well - -
Deep well - -
Rain water - -
Streams/Rivers/Spring - -
Others - -
TOTAL: 10 100%

Storage Water Frequency Percentage

Jar - -
Bottles - -
Water Tank - -
Plastic/glass Container 5 41.67%
Drum 3 25%
Water Dispenser 4 33.33%
TOTAL: 12 100%

Method Used for Sanitizing Frequency Percentage

Boiling 4 33.33%
Purifier 5 41.67%
Filtration 3 25%
Sedimentation - -
TOTAL: 12 100%

Vaccinatio Frequency Percentag With Percentag Without Percentage

n for e Vaccine e Vaccine
Dog 2 12.5% 1 50% 1 33.33%
Cat 9 56.25% 1 50% 2 66.67%
None 5 31.25% - - - -
TOTAL: 16 100% 2 100% 3 100%

Place kept:
 Cat House
 House
 Cage

Present Vectors and Frequency Percentage

Flies 6 26.09%
Roaches 6 26.09%
Termites - -
Mosquitoes 8 34.78%
Rats 3 13.04%
TOTALS: 23 100%

Presence of Breeding Sites Frequency Percentage

With - -
Without 10 100%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Ways of Controlling Frequency Percentage

Fumigation 1 6.67%
Fly Traps 1 6.67%
Screen on Doors and 2 13.33%
Insecticides 7 46.67%
Mouse Traps 4 26.67%
TOTAL: 15 100%

Community Aware Percentage Utilizes Percentage TOTAL:

Free 9 90% - - 90%
Immunizatio 9 90% - - 90%
Family 6 60% - - 60%
Pre-Natal 5 50% - - 50%
Check up
Well Baby 3 30% - - 30%
DOTS 10 100% - - 100%
Others - - - - -
If not Utilized, Why? Frequency Percentage
L – Lokasyon ng Health 10 100%
H – Hindi maganda ang - -
pagtrato ng Health Worker
A – Hindi sapat ang - -
distribusyon ng serbisyo
K – Kakulangan ng - -
kagamitan sa health center
O – others - -
TOTAL: 10 100%


Health Practices Percentag Not Percentag Total Total

Practice e Practices e Frequency Percentage
Smoking 2 20% 8 80% 10 100%
Drinking 4 40% 6 60% 10 100%
Others - - - - - -

Food Usually Eaten Frequency Percentage

Fish - -
Meat - -
Vegetables - -
Mixed 10 100%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Food Storage Practice Frequency Percentage

Refrigerator 9 90%
Basket - -
Table 1 10%
Others - -
TOTAL: 10 100%
First Person Consulted in Frequency Percentage
Times of Illness
Doctor 10 58.82%
Nurse 2 11.76%
BHW - -
Albularyo - -
Faith Healer 1 5.88%
Hilot - -
Midwife - -
Family 3 17.65%
Relatives - -
Other 1 5.88%
TOTAL: 17 100%

Other Specify
 Clinic

Medication Taken During Frequency Percentage

Times of Illness
Prescribed 5 50%
Herbal 2 20%
Over the Counter 3 30%
TOTAL: 10 100%

Disaster Yes Percentag No Percentag Total Total

Management e e Frequency Percentage
Awareness of 5 50% 5 50% 10 100%
Fire Station
Tel. No
Awareness of 3 30% 6 60% 9 90%
Station Tel.
Level of 5 50% 5 50% 10 100%
s In Case of
Natural 7 70% 2 20% 9 90%
Human 6 60% 2 20% 8 80%
Fire, Toxic
Socio – 5 50% 2 20% 7 70%

Family Planning Status F Percent

Acceptor 0 0%
Non- acceptor 0 0%
Drop out 0 0%
Utilizes 0 0%
Total 0 0%
Method of Family Planning F Percent

Temporary Method 0 0%
Permanent Method 0 0%
Natural FP Method 0 0%
Not Practiced 0 0%
Total 0 0%

Infant Feeding Program F Percent

Breast milk 0 0%
Commercially prepared 0 0%
A. Evaporated milk 0 0%
B. Condensed milk 0 0%
C. Powdered milk 0 0%
Mixed 0 0%
Others 0 0%
Non 0-7 yrs. old 0 0%
Total 0 0%

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