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Type of Advertising and It’s Brainwashing Tricks

In my opinion, the world that we live in today is dominated by

advertising, /ˈæd.və.taɪ.zɪŋ/ to put it another way, a form of marketing
communication. It’s the promotion of goods and services through impersonal
media /ˈmiː.di.ə/ usually used by businesses to call the public’s attention and to
convince /kənˈvɪns/ , persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ and encourage  /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/  customers to
buy their products. Advertising also gives information about the products that are
being offered and plugs /plʌɡs/ them. Sometimes, businesses promote them in a
boastful /ˈbəʊst.fəl/ or flagrant  /ˈfleɪ.ɡrənt/ as bold as brass way. Adverts are on
television, on the World Wide Web, in the street and even on our mobile /ˈməʊ.baɪl/

Therefore, let’s discuss сertain types of advertising and its impact on people.
First is online advertising. According to statistics, over four billion people are
using the internet in the whole world. For this reason, many businesses are using it
to put their services on the map. It includes email marketing, social media
marketing and mobile advertising. Second, broadcast /ˈbrɔːd.kɑːst/ advertising, which
includes television and radio /ˈreɪ.di.əʊ/ that is considered the most effective /ɪˈfek.tɪv/
mass market advertising. Lastly, public service advertising is designed to inform
and educate rather than sell.
However, there are a lot of the brainwashing tricks, which raise the bar of
companies to sell goods. Brainwashing is defined  /dɪˈfaɪn/ as “to make someone
believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any
other information from reaching them”. Generally speaking, everyone should read
between the lines or in other words keep the eye on the ball. As Malcom X
pointed out, “The media is the most powerful entity /ˈen.tɪ.ti/ on earth because they
control the minds of the masses”.

Type of Advertising and It’s Brainwashing Trips 1

If a person turns on the TV or goes to the street in the modern world there will be
ads far and wide. Media /ˈmiː.di.ə/ advertisers mix colors, facial  /ˈfeɪ.ʃəl/ expressions,
letter fonts and many other things that make us to consume more.
In conclusion, advertising and its brainwashing tricks can be considered as a way
many brands and companies try to pull the wool over our eyes, whether we are
consuming in a restaurant or are buying stocks because we allowed someone to
convince  /kənˈvɪns/ us. We see tweets, Instagram posts, status /ˈsteɪ.təs/ updates,
new pictures, it’s like we are trying to sell society ourselves. The solution is to be
critical in every decision and to be as wise as an owl enough to overcome false
advertisement in order to see the world with the eyes of a person and not an

 plugs (=promote)
 as bold as brass (з надзвичайною впевненістю
 put their services on the map (зробити відомим)
 raise the bar (to increase standards or improve quality in something)
 read between the lines to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they
say or write:
 or in other words keep the eye on the ball to give your attention to what you are doing at the time:
 far and wide
 pull the wool over our eyes (to deceive),
 be as wise as an owl (smart)

Words: 577
Idiom: 9

Type of Advertising and It’s Brainwashing Trips 2

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