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July Vanessa Sanabria Cruz

Geraldine Tatiana Ramirez Herrera


- Operations ability to use English to make and communicate meaning verbally and in
writing during their program of study in the university in order to measure the English
- Types of text authentic texts (newspapers, short news)
- Addresses of text students applying to study an academic subject in the medium of a
foreign language at an overseas university.
- Length of texts for a reading text 800-1200 words, for a listen text 1-3 passage and for
a writing text 150-300 words
- Topics What happens in the usual life? this is found in authentic
- Readability
- Structural range unlimited
- Vocabulary range daily life, common lexis, formal and academic
Structure, timing, medium and techniques
- Tests structure Four sections: Reading; Listening; writing and Grammar
- Number of items : 7 Reading, 7 Listening , 7 Speaking and 1 writing total 22 items
-Number or passages: 1 Reading, 2 listening, 1 Speaking and 1 vocabulary
-Medium/ channel Virtual (computer, internet)
-Timing: Reading 25 minutes ; Listening 20 minutes ; writing 30 minutes and
Grammar 25 minutes and total : 1: 40 minutes

- Techniques
Write histories based on a short text like write an answer for a message, write a letter
or a poem.
Criterial levels of performance
- Accuracy. Writing must be understandable, clear, punctual and can be formal
or informal
- Appropriacy. Appropriate use of vocabulary related to daily life. It should be
clear for speaker and receiver
- Range. Must have a wide range of vocabulary to have context independent
- Flexibility. Discussion or a debate in which the ideas could develop
- Size. Base of a short sentence should be able to develop a whole history which
must be coherent

The TOEFL test has 4 sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing and that is the
same to our proposal but the time and the item number we propose for each section are
different, so based on that we could not asses in the same way due to the purposes, levels,
materials and goals should be quals, in this order of ideas, they are not having just one test for
general participants, they have different types of the test , TOEFL iBT; TOEFL Primary;
TOEFL Junior etc, that means, each test has different objectives and purposes, for apply a test
its important also keep in mind the population and the goals, therefore is totally different to
this proposal in other terms about the texts TOEFL take them from journal and books and this
one take them from authentic material (newspaper)

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