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Universidad la Gran Colombia

Research Project I

Professor. Hernan Gomez

Students. Vanessa Sanabria - Tatiana Ramirez

Bogotá D.C


Nothing you've learned is lost

Research Question

How can background knowledge be applied through the usage of didactics spaces in order to

have an effective English teaching and learning process?

Problem identification

In the vast majority of schools, whether public or private, we do not have specific spaces in

which students can apply the knowledge they have acquired .The main idea is to use didactic

spaces to develop and support the learning process. (Aquí creo que deberíamos quitar lo de

main idea)


background knowledge, didactic spaces, teaching, learning

Literature review

Name of the research

Background knowledge: A study on the effects background knowledge has on



Murtha, Jacqueline T


The effects of background knowledge has on comprehension


Examine how building background knowledge supports fifth grade students’ comprehension

of the novel


Urban school district, 24 students of fifth grade that come from diverse backgrounds such as

Hispanic, African American, Caucasian and Asian.


It is a qualitative research in which the author uses small groups of students as participants.

The researcher observes the students’ behaviors in order to know the benefits of background

knowledge or background knowledge impact on comprehension in the natural activities,

which students usually use the previous knowledge to understand the new topic in the



The research found that the background knowledge has repercussions in compression also

revealed that students lacked the adequate background knowledge and were not familiar with

the terminology used in the activities. It supports that students need their background

knowledge to make connections with the new information and resolve the new challenges

they could have.

Source​ ​

Name of the research

Building Background Knowledge.


​Susan Neuman​, ​Tanya Kaefer​, ​Ashley Pinkham​.


The contribution of background knowledge to children's comprehension.


It helps us to build a strong base of knowledge in which students could develop other skills

and also about how they could comprehend a text, a story or a dialogue.


4-year olds childrens from low- and middle-SES


In this population, 3 different experiments were created, each of them with a different

purpose, in general terms. The first experiment tested the children's prior knowledge, creating

a series of fictional characters. The second activity was about the adventures that those birds

lived, this in order to examine the understanding of the students in the face of some critical

events in history. The third and last activity was about introducing a narrative text, in order to

identify the children's ability to reason.


“Suggest that differences in low-SES children's comprehension skills may be attributed, in

part, to limitations in their preexisting knowledge base. For example, studies have shown

that individual differences in prior knowledge affect the ability to extract explicit and implicit

information from text and integrate this text-based information in reading comprehension”

(Kintsch, 1988)

Source​ ​

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