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None of the content, text, pictures and information may be reproduced, forwarded or sold in any
form through print, photocopy, electronically, through recording or email without documented
and written, signed permission from the author Aseel Soueid. All copyrights are reserved.

Legal Disclaimer

All text, information, advice, tips and programs provided in this book is for educational purposes
only. I am not a doctor and nothing provided in this book is medical advice. Everything in this book
is based off my personal experiences and everything you follow from this book is at your own risk.
If you have any diseases or illnesses that affect your health, please see a physician as this book is
for healthy adults looking for advice based on the experience of Aseel Soueid. I the author, Aseel
Soueid, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities, physical or mental injuries or damages
coming from the use of the information in this book.



Chapter # 1 - The 12 Week Physique .................................................................................................... 1

12 WEEK PHYSIQUE EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................ 6

Chapter # 2 - You’ve Been Lied To ........................................................................................................ 9

Understanding the Correct Fitness Approach. ............................................................................. 11

Chapter # 3 - Progression Mastery ..................................................................................................... 13

Chapter # 4 - Training Principles ........................................................................................................ 16

Styles of Training: The Best Way to Train in Order to Build A Ton of Strength and Lean Muscle
Mass .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Training Techniques: Effective Techniques to Increase Intensity and Maximize Your Program
........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter # 5 - The Best Exercises For Lean Muscle Mass ................................................................ 30

The Best, Most Effective Exercises Included in This Program ..................................................... 31

Chest Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 31

Back Exercises .................................................................................................................................. 32

Shoulder Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 34

Triceps Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 35

Biceps Exercises ............................................................................................................................... 36

Leg Exercises .................................................................................................................................... 37


Calf Exercises ................................................................................................................................... 38

Trapezius (Traps) Exercises ............................................................................................................ 39

Chapter # 6 - The 12 Week Physique Program ................................................................................. 40

6 Workouts – A & B Workouts ........................................................................................................ 41

Training Days for These 6 Workouts ............................................................................................. 48

3 Days Per Week Training Schedule .............................................................................................. 48

5 Days Per Week Training Schedule .............................................................................................. 51

6 Days Per Week Training Schedule .............................................................................................. 54

Why We Pair Chest & Arms and Back & Shoulders Together – Versus Push (Chest, Shoulders,
Triceps) & Pull (Back, Biceps, Rear Delt) Workouts ...................................................................... 57

Switching Exercises For Strength Training Variation ................................................................... 58

Implementing Cardio & Abdominal Training Into The 12 Week Physique Program ................ 59

Chapter # 7 - Tracking Strength Progression (Exercise, Sets, Reps) .............................................. 62

Progressive Overload ...................................................................................................................... 63

Tracking Your Workouts ................................................................................................................. 63

Chapter # 8 - The Ultimate Results..................................................................................................... 65

4 Key Components to Ensure Success .......................................................................................... 66

Chapter # 9 - Important Habits to Develop For Optimal Results ................................................. 69

Chapter # 10 - The Beginning Of The End.......................................................................................... 72

After Completing A Full 12 Weeks On The 12 Week Physique Program: ................................... 75



We all work on our fitness for one reason... To achieve the 12 Week Physique. My name is Aseel
Soueid and I just like you, have once been so hungry to know exactly how to build this physique I
see in the world’s biggest A-list celebrities, Hollywood actors, and athletes all over the world.

Here's where people go wrong... They look at the fitness industry and magazine cover models
only to think, this is the body I need to achieve. Let’s be honest here, if you're a male; women
aren't attracted to an extremely muscular mass monster and if you're a female; men aren't
attracted to females with bulging 6-pack abs and biceps.

You have the wrong perception of the body you're trying to achieve.

The real result of what we are after is a muscular, conditioned, ripped and sharp proportionate
physique with lean muscular development in the right places.

You need to first get this physique stamped in your mind as a reachable goal you can actually

Stop looking at drug-enhanced physiques, bodybuilders and fitness models that are not
natural to the common eye.

If you're reading this, I'm sure that steroids are not a part of your regimen neither will they ever
be. We are setting out to build a natural, fit, aesthetic, ripped, lean, well-conditioned, muscular
physique that will attract the eyes of 99.9% of the population who don't lift weights for a living or
are building their career on a bodybuilding stage based on a judge’s opinion.

This physique that I’m talking about is called the 12 Week Physique

Why 12 Week Physique?

Simple, every well developed, lean, ripped, muscular, aesthetic, sharp and conditioned physique
you see in big movie roles and magazines require the proper amount of time to achieve this

This time frame is usually a 12-week period. After studying how long it truly takes to transform a
body from average to aesthetic, most talents require 12 weeks time, including myself.



I’ve made many body transformations and have gotten ripped from a starting point of where I’ve
let myself go and every single time, it took me 12 weeks! No more, no less.

It took me almost 3 years to construct the perfect program that would absolutely transform my
body from a high body fat, average looking physique, to an even stronger, more muscular, dense
and defined, ripped and shredded physique.

Here are a few of my transformations done in the last 2 years through crafting, studying and
implementing the 12 Week Physique program…










With the perfect program, which I’m about to show you in this book, 12 weeks is the perfect
amount of time to completely transform your physique.

Now let's talk about examples of the 12 Week Physique...

The 12 Week Physique is what Hollywood actors and A-list celebrities work towards achieving as
they know this is what is most appealing to the eye of the public. Notice how most celebrities and
A-list actors always completely transform their bodies in a 12 week preparation period in order to
get that sharp, ripped, muscular, strong and appealing physique.

Here are the following examples when envisioning the "12 Week Physique".


Michael B. Jordan Cristiano Ronaldo Zac Efron



Chris Hemsworth Jake Gyllenhaal Bradley Cooper

Jason Statham Hugh Jackman

Luckily, This 12 Week Physique is Achievable.

I've cracked the code on building the perfect physique just like you've seen above and I'm living
proof as not just an ordinary person who was able to achieve this A-list celebrity Hollywood
physique, but a person who has Type 1 Diabetes, Celiac Disease, and below-average genetics...



Despite all my illnesses, I’ve still been able to build the 12 Week Physique by following
the program I’m about to show you in this book…

You now have access to the program that will allow you to transform your body the exact same
way I have.

This program is for those who are ready to train in the simplest, time efficient, flexible and
enjoyable way possible while achieving the best results of their entire lives.




Before continuing, I need you to forget everything you've ever been told to do when it comes to
your training in order to gain lean muscle mass and lose body fat. You need to keep an open mind
from here on out because what I will be revealing to you in this book is shocking. It is going to be
shocking because a lot of it will go against the standard fitness quo with what you've been told to
do in the gym. I'm sure you've come across the following:

 Lifting heavy weights will bulk you up… WRONG.

 Cardio is king when it comes to getting lean and shredded…. WRONG.

 Lifting light weights with high reps gets you ripped… WRONG.

 Always switch up your exercises in the gym to keep your body guessing. WRONG.

 Training more is going to get you better results… WRONG.

 Hammering one muscle group a day with multiple exercises will make
the muscle grow faster…

 Avoid strength training at all costs if your goal is fat loss… WRONG.

 You need to be sore after the gym, otherwise you didn’t make
 You’ll be overtraining if you train muscle groups more than once per
 You need to train to failure on all sets of your exercises in the gym for
maximum muscle growth…
 Rest periods between sets should be short and quick being only 45-60
seconds long…

 The best range for maximizing muscle growth is 15-20 reps… WRONG.

 Low rep ranges stalls your fat loss… WRONG.

The list goes on and on…

If you want to succeed moving forward, you need to set all you’ve been told in the past aside.

This program will break all of these fitness myths.



I need you to let go of what you think is "right" and read the rest of this book with a clean slate,
assuming nothing about the "right" approach to fitness.

Now you will learn exactly how to train in order to get lean, ripped, shredded, defined and
muscular as my 12 Week Physique program will be the perfect regimen you’ll need to achieve your
dream physique.

Understanding the Correct Fitness Approach.

You might be wondering, if all this is wrong, what could possibly be right?

See the thing is, achieving the 12 Week Physique is a lot easier than you think. There are a few
simple principles you need to follow and check off your program in order to ensure success. The
following principles are what we will be focusing on moving forward:

1. Choosing Key Lifts

There are hundreds of different exercises you could be doing at the gym however not all exercises
are treated equally. We will be focusing on the weight training exercises that give you the highest

2. Using Good Form

When choosing our key lifts that will allow us to efficiently build lean muscle mass without wasting
time, our focus should first be form mastery. You cannot move forward with something, if you
don't know how to do it in the first place and this is extremely important when it comes to weight

3. Focusing on Progression

Our main focus is to progress every session. You need to be getting stronger and pushing progress
upon our key lifts. Progression will be in many forms however the main goal is to be 1 step further
every lifting session.



4. Consistency

Doing something once will not get you your desired results. You need to stay consistent these next
12 weeks which is why I've set this program to give you an option of following exactly what will be
suitable towards your own lifestyle. This program is created for your own training level and
preferences whether you prefer to train 6 days per week, or 3 days per week. You will be able to
stay consistent on this program no matter what, no excuses.

5. Motivation

Motivation is simply derived from one thing: Progress. This program is set out for you to
consistently progress every single day as you’ll be progressing every single training session. When
you see consistent changes, this is where you find pure intrinsic motivation.

Simply following these 5 steps will be the main focus of this program. It may sound "too simple"
but in reality, this is all you need to achieve the 12 Week Physique.

These 5 steps paired with the right training program I’m about to reveal to you, will allow you to
achieve the body of your dreams.

The truth of it is, people spend too much time overcomplicating things in their own mind, in order
to justify why they're not seeing the results they want to see.




The main component to building lean, hard, dense muscle mass is simply based on strength
progression. People think that progress is made through soreness or how “exhausted” you’ve
been after a workout however this isn’t true at all; muscle is built through consistent strength

If you begin dumbbell bench pressing 50 pound dumbbells for 6 reps on week 1 and are then
pressing 65 pound dumbbells for 6 reps 8 weeks later, you will have built dense, lean muscle mass.

Our main goal is to work smart, not just hard.

A lot of people give it their all in the gym but have no idea what weights they were previously using
the last session, nor do they have specific key exercises they’re focusing on doing. The goal of this
program is to get into the gym, know exactly what exercises you’re going to be doing for the day,
know exactly how much weight and exactly how many reps you’ve done with that weight on that
specific exercise during your last training session, and then to one-up yourself by either doing one
extra rep with the same weight, or increasing the weight by 5 pounds to push your assigned rep
range goal. Each exercise is tracked, each set is tracked, and each set has a specific repetition goal

With that being said, there is no guesswork.

You know exactly when and why you’re performing certain exercises.

Now your goal is to simply focus on strength progression using good form on these certain
exercises, nothing else. These forms of strength progressions can be noted as “PR’s” which stands
for “Personal Record”. Your goal is to try to hit a PR with at least 1 set of every single exercise.
Once you have your set muscle group to train with a specific set list of exercises you’re going to
perform for each muscle group, and have tracked exactly how many reps you’ve done of
specifically how much weight you’ve done on the specific set of the specific exercise during your
last training session of the same exact workout, you now have a game plan and can then simply
play the game. Your way of winning this game is to simply do one more rep or add 5 more pounds
(when passing maximum rep range goal) to your designated exercise. Now you progress in this
so called “game” by simply repeating this process, over and over and over. When you get in the


cycle of consistently and successfully repeating this, you will then build dense, lean hard muscle
that will massively transform your body.

I will repeat this… Consistent strength gains and progression on your lifts that you’ll be doing for
this program, is what will allow you to pack on serious muscle and lose a ton of fat.



The training principles we will be focusing on for this program have two key reasons:

1. To gain a lot of lean muscle mass.

2. To get much stronger.

You cannot gain a lot of lean muscle mass without simply getting stronger. Now there are a total
of seven effective principles we will be focusing on with your training.

The 7 principles of training will include the following:

1. Progression

As discussed in the last chapter, the main focus every single training session is to continually get
better and stronger at the exercises you will be focusing on.

2. Overload

You will need to overload the muscle by training with heavy weights. A lot of the time in the gym,
you will be focused on training in the 4-12 rep range in order to get stronger and progress quickly
while overloading the muscle group you’re training.

3. Variety

Now the word “variety” is taken with a grain of salt. You don’t want to provide a lot of variety in
your weight training routine by performing different exercises every single time you step inside
the gym. We will be focusing on a range of different exercises but sticking to these specific
exercises for a very long time in order to maximize results on these key lifts that give you the most
reward for your efforts. “shocking the muscle” does not exist by simply shifting your focus on a
different exercise every time you train a specific muscle group. We will keep a wide variety of
exercises for every muscle group but these exercises will stay the same.

4. Specificity

You will be focusing on training specific muscle groups together in order to maximize progression
and as mentioned in the 3rd principle, you will be focusing on specific exercises that will give you
the most reward with the efforts you’re committing to. These specific exercises will make sure


you’re properly targeting the specific muscle groups you’re meant to train. There is always a
specific reason as to why you’re doing a certain exercise in this weight training program.

5. Recovery

Your muscles don’t grow inside the gym, they grow during a time of recovery outside your training
sessions. This is why I’ve designed this weight training program towards your own training level.
You will commit to training either 3 days per week, 5 days per week (3 days on, 1 day off) or even
6 days per week, completely depending on your training level. You cannot immediately begin the
6 days per week version of this workout program if you’ve just started in the gym and you
shouldn’t just stick to the 3 days per week version of this program if you’re an advanced lifter
who’s been weight training for over 3 years, if you want to see the most optimal results. Recovery
is important, which is why this program is designed towards 1 style of training days scheduling.

6. Regularity

There is absolutely no point of committing to a weight training program when you are completely
falling off the scheduled routine every other week. Being spot on with your regimented training
for one week, then missing the entire next week is a horrible reoccurring habit that will have you
set for failure the minute you start. Do not waste your time. This is why regularity is taken account
to this weight training program and as mentioned in the 5th principle, you can choose the amount
of training days you’ll be able to realistically commit to this weight training program. Be completely
honest with yourself. How many days per week can you truly train? Whether it’s 3 days per week,
or 6 days per week, this program is for you as it will keep you consistent and you’ll develop a habit
of regularity.

7. Balance

Nobody, and I mean nobody wants to be in the gym for 2 hours a day, including myself. Neither
is this effective if you’re a natural lifter who doesn’t take performance enhancing drugs which I’m
sure you don’t if you’re reading this book. With this program, you’ll be in and out of the gym within
45 minutes to an hour maximum per weight training session. A lot of people simply focus on too
much to where it’s counterproductive when gaining lean muscle mass. If there is no balance


amongst you training plan, you will set yourself up for failure. This is the exact opposite of what
you will find in this weight training program.

Now that you know what to expect, it’s time to get more in depth with exactly how you’ll be

Styles of Training: The Best Way to Train in Order to

Build A Ton of Strength and Lean Muscle Mass
There are going to be two different styles of training that you will be focusing on in this weight
training program. The following styles of training will be:

1. Reverse Pyramid Training

This will by far, be the best style of training in order to gain a ton of strength consistently in the
shortest time possible. Reverse Pyramid Training is abbreviated to “RPT” which means starting
with your heaviest set first, after proper warm up. Far too many people train the exact opposite
way of this style and are losing a lot of opportunity to gain massive amounts of strength and dense

An example of Reverse Pyramid Training is the following:

Performed Exercise: Flat Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 Sets

 Set 1: 4-6 reps
 Set 2: 6-8 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps

So, you will notice two things with this:

1. You’re starting with your heaviest set first.
2. You’re training with a lower rep range and heavier load.


The goal with Reverse Pyramid Training is to simply take advantage of starting off fresh on a lift
with maximum energy capacity by simply increasing the weight and sticking to a lower rep range
and making sure your first working set is your heaviest, best set. Otherwise known as your “Top

You need to make sure you give it your all during this Top Set which again, is your first working

You’re going to notice that Reverse Pyramid Training is going to be used on most of the main key
lifts and compound exercises that are included in the weight training program. The standard
Pyramid Style of training has it’s place on certain exercises in this program however RPT will have
the most impact on getting you serious results, quickly.

Now there are two main points you need to focus on when committing to this style of training:

1. Proper Warmup

Reverse Pyramid Training doesn’t just mean you immediately get into your heaviest set, which
again is your first set, when first stepping into the gym. You need to make sure you properly warm
up the specific muscle group you’re targeting on the exercise you’re using RPT with. You do this
by focusing on the right mobility exercises for the specific muscle group being trained, along with
the proper warm-up on the specific exercise being performed. These two things are key.

Mobility exercises should be done during the first 5 minutes of your workout before getting
started with your training session. I will list the most effective mobility exercises for each specific
muscle group that you can perform to ensure you’re not putting yourself at risk of injury.

Upper Body Mobility Exercises:

 Arm Circles (both arms or alternating)

 Wall Slides
 Band Pass Through
 Band Pull Apart
 Under Reach/Cross Reach Lat Stretch


 Upward Dogs
 Downward Dogs
 Side Leg Kicks (both legs together or alternating legs)
 Back Foam Roll
 External Shoulder Rotation (bands or cable)
 Side Lying External Shoulder Rotation
 Internal Shoulder Rotation (dumbbells)

Lower Body Mobility Exercises:

 Side Leg Kicks (both legs together or alternating legs)

 Scorpion Kicks
 Upward Dogs
 Downward Dogs
 Frog Stretch
 Lying Abductor Stretch
 Seated Pigeon Stretch
 Back Foam Roll
 Hamstring Foam Roll
 Inner Thigh Foam Roll
 Quad Foam Roll
 Side Kicks
 Front Kicks

You can perform these mobility exercises the first 5 minutes of your workout before you begin
weight training, performing 1-2 sets of 10-20 reps of your favorite mobility exercises above. Do
the upper mobility stretches when training chest, arms, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Do
the lower body mobility stretches when training legs.


After taking the first 5 minutes of your workout to focus on mobility as described above, you will
then need to warm up before your first heavy set on your first exercise consisting of Reverse
Pyramid Training.

For example, here’s how your warm up sets would look like:

Performed Exercise: Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Example for 80 pounds on your first heavy sit of 4-6 reps (let’s say you can hit 5 reps):

 Warmup Set 1: 40% for 8-10 reps – in your case, 35 pounds for 8-10 reps.
Rest 30 seconds after warm up set 1.
 Warmup Set 2: 50% for 6-8 reps – in your case, 45 pounds for 6-8 reps.
Rest 45 seconds after warm up set 2.
 Warmup Set 3: 60% for 4-6 reps – in your case, 55 pounds for 4-6 reps.
Rest 60-90 seconds after warm up set 3 and begin official Reverse Pyramid Training
working sets (3 working sets).

It’s extremely important to perform these working sets when you start your first exercise that
includes Reverse Pyramid Training since it will greatly reduce the risk of injury when training heavy,
along with simply getting you properly warmed up for the heavy weight in order to have the best,
most efficient and beneficial top set possible.

Skipping mobility and warm up will put you at a great risk of injury.

2. Your Intensity Level

Reverse Pyramid Training will allow you to climb quickly when it comes to your strength gains
however you need to keep careful control of your intensity level per set. Your top set, which again,
is your heaviest, most intense set with RPT, shouldn’t be pushed to 100% maximum effort. Save
5% in the tank so you can constantly one-up yourself on this top set, in order to consistently hit
PR’s (personal records). For example, if you’re pushing 70 pounds on the dumbbell shoulder press
on your first set of 4-6 and you know 6 reps is your absolute max effort (as in the 6th rep would
cause extreme fatigue if attempted) then only do 5 reps that session, then attempt 6 reps the next
session, it will feel much better and lighter. You will find progression much quicker when slightly


holding yourself from pushing your body to the absolute max otherwise you’ll burn out quickly on

So, you may be wondering:

 How do I know what weight to use for Reverse Pyramid Training?

 How should my sets look like?

I’m going to answer these questions in the simplest way possible…

When it comes to figuring out what weights you need to use, it’s not a scientific formula at first. It
will require a first sessions worth of trial and error when beginning so you can figure out exactly
what weight to start with for every single sets rep range of every single exercise listed in this
program. For every exercise, on each rep range of the desired set, you will need conservatively
choose a weight (by conservatively I mean that it’s okay to go a little lighter than you think since
it’s just to give yourself a starting point, it’s alright if it may seem a tad too light at first, this will just
allow you to progress even quicker, or simply just increase the weight). Only do 1-2 reps to feel
out what weight may be best for the first set. If it’s too light, increase the weight by 5-10 pounds.
If it’s too heavy after the first rep and you don’t think you can get the minimum rep goal of the
desired rep range of the specific set, then decrease the weight by 5-10 pounds. This is why you
only do 1-2 reps to “feel it out”. After you figure out what weight is needed for your first heavy set
on the exercise using Reverse Pyramid Training, you will simply drop the weight by 10% (10-15
pounds depending on the exercise) after each set.

Here’s how an example set would look like following a structured approach to Reverse
Pyramid Training:

Performed Exercise: Flat Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 Sets

 Perform Set 1: 80 pounds for 4-6 reps (say you hit 5 reps)
Rest 2-3 minutes after Set 1.
 Perform Set 2: 70 pounds for 6-8 reps (say you hit 7 reps)
Rest 1-2 minutes after Set 2.
 Perform Set 3: 60 pounds for 8-10 reps (say you hit 9 reps)


So, you will notice two things here that we’ve thoroughly discussed:

1. You’re performing your heaviest set first.

Say you hit 80 pounds for 5 reps on your first set of 4-6 reps as mentioned in the example above,
good, now your goal is to get 6 reps next session. Same with the rest of your sets of 70 pounds for
7 reps and 60 pounds for 9 reps. Aim to hit 8 reps on 70 pounds for set 2 next time and 60 pounds
for 10 reps. Now once you can get over the maximum rep range goal of the specific set, for
example when you can hit 7 reps on 80 pounds for your first set of 4-6 reps, perfect, now it’s time
to increase the weight on that specific set by 5 pounds, so move up to the 85 pound dumbbells
and work on that until you can get over the maximum rep range goal (which would be over 6 reps,
on 4-6 reps). The same exact method of progression goes for the rest of your sets (2 & 3). Despite
this being super simple, I’m being extremely specific here because this is extremely important
when it comes to consistent progression.

2. Your rest times change every set.

Your rest times should be taken extremely seriously as it is very important, you’re giving your
muscle the proper time to recover for your next set. Notice how your rest becomes shorter as the
sets go on. You will always have the longest rest time after your first heavy set since you’re
breaking down the muscle the most and will need the proper amount of time to recover from the
heavy training after set 1. With that being said, keep your rest time around 2-3 minutes after
performing your first heavy set with all exercises that include Reverse Pyramid Training. Then you
will need to keep your rest time around 1-2 minutes after your second set with Reverse Pyramid
Training. After performing your third set, which will be your lightest set with the most repetitions
performed, you will need to rest 60-90 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

Now that I’ve gotten you familiar with exactly how to execute the style of Reverse Pyramid Training
that you’ll see so often in this program, it’s time to introduce another style of training that you’ll
be performing as well which is much more standard and familiar in the realm of weight training.

2. Pyramid Training

This will be the secondary style of training as Reverse Pyramid Training will be the primary style
most exercises will consist of. Pyramid Training has it’s place in strength training, especially when


it comes to muscle hypertrophy. It’s great to implement Pyramid Training on the right accessory
exercises since the main focus on these exercises won’t be centered around significant strength
gains every training session, however a focus on progressing with higher repetitions will be the
priority on these specific exercises. Pyramid Training is simply the exact opposite of Reverse
Pyramid Training, which means that you start with your lightest set first and increase the weight
you use and lower the reps performed as the weight increase per set.

An example of Pyramid Training is the following:

Performed Exercise: Flat Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 Sets

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

 Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps

So, you will notice two things with this,

1. You’re starting with your lightest set first.

2. You’re training with a higher rep range and lighter load.

The goal with Pyramid Training is to simply take advantage of muscular hypertrophy gains and is
a training method designed to increase muscular endurance since you’re lifting at a higher rep
range with relatively heavy weight per set. Hypertrophy is simply a by-product of getting stronger
and progressing in the gym however the focus isn’t primarily pressured on increasing the amount
of weight you’re using every training session, since you don’t have an initial “Top Set” at the very
start of your exercise for set 1, as Reverse Pyramid Training instructs you to do.

You need to make sure you focus on increasing your reps performed per set with exercises using
Pyramid Training.

This means that you’re choosing weights you can handle at the higher rep range goals specified
on the specific set of the exercise that involves Pyramid Training.

You’re going to notice that Pyramid Training is going to be used on most of the secondary lifts and
accessory exercises on smaller muscle groups that are included in the weight training program.


The Reverse Pyramid Style of training mentioned above has it’s place on most key exercises in this
program however RPT can burn you out quickly if you simply rely on using it on all of your
exercises in your training program. RPT will have the most impact on getting you serious results,
quickly and will be the bread and butter of most of your lean muscle gains especially when it
comes to your strength gains in the gym, however Pyramid Training has an important role in your

Here’s how an example set would look like following a structured approach to Pyramid

Performed Exercise: Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl - 3 Sets

 Perform Set 1: 15 pounds for 12-15 reps (say you hit 15 reps)
Rest 60 seconds after Set 1.
 Perform Set 2: 25 pounds for 10-12 reps (say you hit 12 reps)
Rest 90 seconds after Set 2.
 Perform Set 3: 35 pounds for 8-10 reps (say you hit 9 reps)

So, you will notice two things here that we’ve thoroughly discussed:

1. You’re performing your lightest set first with short rest times.

You will start with lighter weights preparing you for your heaviest set towards the very end of your
working sets when it comes to this style of training. Since you start your working sets with light
weight, you won’t need as much time to recover from them, so you can get to your “Top Set” which
will be your heaviest set, quicker. Your goal is to climb the ranks towards the maximum rep range
of the desired goal of the specific set on the exercise using Pyramid Training. Say you hit 15 pounds
for 15 reps on your first set of 12-15 reps as mentioned in the example above, good, now your
goal is to simply move up by 5 pounds next session and hit 12-15 reps next session. This means
that you can start with 20 pounds on this exercise the next session. Same with the rest of your
sets of 25 for 10-12 on set 2, if you’ve hit the maximum rep range goal of 12 reps, increase the
weight by 5 pounds and start with 30 pounds, along with set 3 which is your “Top Set” simply aim
to hit the maximum rep range goal of 8-10 and add 5 pounds to this heavy set or “top set” once
you hit 10+ reps which would be increasing to 40 pounds on this specific example. Pyramid


Training uses the same exact method of progression as Reverse Pyramid Training however your
training intensity isn’t as high but your training volume is increased. This is more effective only on
certain exercises which will be specifically listed in this weight training program.

2. Your Intensity Levels.

Exercises using Pyramid Training will be short and intense however It’s important you don’t burn
yourself out by performing to absolute failure on your first and second higher rep sets. Since short
times are much quicker, you will need to save 5% in the tank just like Reverse Pyramid Training.
Hold yourself back from doing that last rep that’ll take you to extreme fatigue on sets 1 & 2 since
it’s important to be prepared to give it your all on that last moderately heavy set with higher
repetitions. Performing Pyramid Training on specified exercises may seem easy at first but it gets
much harder Since rest times are short and the volume is high so you won’t be coming in your
strongest as sets go on.

Focusing on these two styles of training will be extremely beneficial in packing on dense, lean
muscle mass and transforming your body. We will be executing a plan of perfection towards
progression versus plateauing and never moving forward on a typical straight set program (3 sets
of 8-10, 3 sets of 12-15, etc.) By avoiding this style of training and focusing on the key principles
and training methods you’ll be following on this program, you will step foot in the gym becoming
better, every single session.

Training Techniques: Effective Techniques to Increase

Intensity and Maximize Your Program
There are going to be two different training techniques that you will be focusing on in this weight
training program. The following techniques will be:

1. Supersets

This is where you move from one exercise to another with no rest in-between the two exercises.
You rest after the superset is completed. This is a very effective when pairing two exercises that


target opposite muscle groups. You’ll notice supersets with your arm training (biceps/triceps) as
this will increase the intensity and get your workout done in half the time.

An example of a Superset is the following:

Performed Exercises: (3 Sets)

1. Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl

2. Rope Cable Pushdown

 Set 1: 12-15 reps (no rest between sets)

Rest 60 seconds after performing a set 12-15 on both the seated incline dumbbell curl and
rope cable pushdown back to back.
 Set 2: 10-12 reps (no rest between sets)
Rest 90 seconds after performing a set 10-12 on both the seated incline dumbbell curl and
rope cable pushdown back to back.
 Set 3: 8-10 reps

So, you will notice two things with this:

1. You’re not resting between your set of both exercises being performed back to back.
2. You’re pairing the superset with two muscle groups that have nothing to do with each

Supersets will be very effective with pairing accessory lifts on different muscle groups in your
training program. You’ll be doing these with arms and can even supplement supersets when
you’re running out of time when it comes to getting your workout done quicker in times of need
on busy days, without having to sacrifice progression. Keep this at a minimum though on muscle
groups like chest/back and avoid supersets with compound exercises.

2. Drop Sets


This training technique is where you perform your original designated set then drop/reduce the
weight by half and perform to failure. Drop sets are great to fully fatigue muscle fibers for more
growth in the targeted muscle.

An example of a Drop Set is the following:

Performed Exercise: Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 Sets

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

Rest 60 seconds after performing a set 1.
 Set 2: 10-12 reps
Rest 90 seconds after performing set 2.
 Set 3: 8-10 reps - Drop Set for set 3: Half the weight of what you use to get 8-10 reps (if
you do 30 pounds for 8-10, use 15 pounds for your drop set) and perform as many reps
as possible to failure.

So you will notice two things with this,

1. Nothing changes with your original planned set. Your main focus is still your official set
which is 8-10 reps for this example, you just simply perform the drop set right after you’re done
with the official designated set.

2. You’re performing your drop set at the last set of your exercise. As mentioned above, your
primary/original sets take priority over anything and the focus on progression with these sets
remain the same. This is why the drop set is saved at the very last set of your exercise, when you’ve
spent your energy and the required set, you can tax the rest of your energy on the drop set. This
will also help fatigue muscle fibers at a greater rate since you’re already fatigued from performing
your official/original 3 sets.

These two training techniques will help you gain muscle at a quicker rate and effectively complete
your workouts in a timely manner when done accordingly. You’ll have the entire game plan
specifically written out in great detail on exactly when you’ll be performing all of these essential
training styles, methods and techniques in order to effectively gain a ton of lean muscle mass.



There are hundreds, if not thousands of different weight training exercises you can do in the gym
but it’s extremely important to know that not all exercises are treated equally. There is absolutely
no point in wasting your valuable time doing exercises that are useless towards gaining lean
muscle mass.

Your time is valuable, why would you spend it focusing on something that will not yield the best

This program will ensure you’re focusing on the exercises that will yield the most reward out of
the time you’re putting in the gym. Not a single minute will be wasteful and you’ll never have to
wonder what exercises will be the most effective towards building serious muscle on every muscle

The following exercises will be what you’ll be focusing on in this weight training program, nothing
more, nothing less:

The Best, Most Effective Exercises Included in This


Chest Exercises

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

This will be the best exercise to build an amazing upper chest which is one of the hardest muscle
groups to build for a majority of people however focusing on this key exercise will results in a
muscular upper chest.

2. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press



This exercise is my go-to overall chest builder and I even prefer it over the standard barbell bench
press. The risk to reward is much higher and you’ll be able to comfortably activate your chest a lot
easier with this exercise.

3. Barbell Bench Press

Most will classify this as the king of all chest exercises and while it is a major key compound lift
that shouldn’t be completely ignored, it’s not necessarily needed however it’s important to be
implemented in the right way which will be shown in this program.

4. Incline Barbell Bench Press

Just like the incline bench press, this is an awesome exercise that will allow you to put on serious
muscle mass on one of the most important areas in a male physique which is your upper chest.
As mentioned above about the barbell bench press, the dumbbell version of this exercise would
be most effective for a majority of people but again, shown in this program will be your choice of
substitution with either the barbell or dumbbell version of these 4 most important chests pressing

5. Cable Fly (Incline & Decline)

This is the king of all chest accessory exercises. You will be able to pack on a lot of volume into
your chest training days with this exercise. It’s perfect for the Pyramid Training method we’ve
thoroughly discussed.

Back Exercises

1. Weighted Pull Up

The weighted pull up is the king of all back exercises when building that attractive V-taper for an
aesthetic and symmetrical physique. You will be able to quickly gain strength in this exercise and
develop a thick, dense and wide back with this exercise.



2. Pendlay Row Or Barbell Row

These two exercises are the two most effective rowing movements you could be doing to gain an
impressive amount of muscle for the best back possible. You will be choosing between two
different options, either a strict version of a standard barbell row which would be called a pendlay
row, or just sticking to the barbell row if you seem to find that more comfortable with your body’s
natural mobility and positioning. Both exercises will allow you to build an incredible back when
done properly.

3. T-Bar Row

The T-bar row is a classic bodybuilding favorite. You cannot defeat the simple approach to
progressing on heavy T-Bar Rows in order to efficiently grow your upper back. This exercise is
perfect for achieving serious dense muscle mass.

4. Lat Pulldown

This exercise is the weighted pull up’s little sister. It’s extremely effective in growing your lats for
the V-taper you must aspire to achieve for the perfect physique.

5. Dumbbell Row

The dumbbell row is the best single arm, alternating exercise and it’s perfect for a symmetrical V-
taper physique. A lot of people lack symmetry with their lats due to a lack of training each one
individually along with wasting too much time on back machines.

6. Machine Seated T-Bar Row

You’ll notice that there aren’t a lot of weight training exercises on the machine in this program
since I strongly believe free weights (dumbbells and barbells) are much more effective when it
comes to building muscle mass and effectively targeting muscle groups however some machine
exercises most definitely have their place and this is one of the best ones you can do for your back
along with the lat pulldown mentioned above.



Shoulder Exercises

1. Overhead Press

The overhead press is one the best compound lifts that will create strong shoulders and dense
muscle primarily working the anterior deltoids however your entire upper body and core is being
put to maximum use with this exercise when properly executed. Be sure to keep your elbows
tucked in and really use your abs and glutes to push heavy weight.

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This is my favorite exercise for shoulders (more specifically the anterior deltoids) to consistently
progress with quickly. You will be able to make quick strength gains on this exercise and really
grow shoulders that will make your physique stand out.

3. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

In order to create an outstanding physique, you must build rounded, capped shoulders. With that
being said, you need to take into account that there are three heads of the deltoid that must be
focused on in order to make this happen. There is the anterior which is worked through the 2
exercises explained above, the lateral which is perfectly targeted with lateral raises, and the
posterior which is targeted through rear delt exercises that I will be mentioning in just a moment.
This exercise is the king of lateral deltoid development.

4. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Standing dumbbell lateral raises are king but switching the script and doing them seated can also
fine tune the lateral deltoids even better since you’re forced to use better form and will have more
control over the exercise. This is why I believe in incorporating both to have a variety of lateral
work and allowing yourself to go heavy when standing and lighter when seated.

5. Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

This is my favorite exercise to build the rear deltoids and give you that “boulder shoulder” look.



6. Machine Rear Delt Fly

The rear deltoids is an extremely important muscle group a lot of people lack and completely
overlook. This is what gives you round shoulders and tremendously helps you build an aesthetic
physique which is why there are multiple variations of rear delt exerices in this weight training

7. Face Pull

Not only does the face pull work the rotator cuffs, posterior deltoids, traps and tiny bit of the
upper/mid back all at once, they are amazing with overall shoulder health and preventing injuries.
Since you will be doing a lot of heavy training in this program, it’s a must to include this exercise
in the program.

Triceps Exercises

1. Weighted Dip

The weighted dip is the king of triceps development. If you’re looking to build serious mass and
ripped bulging triceps, this is a must in your routine.

2. Close Grip Bench Press

With the weighted dip, this is also the top triceps builder when it comes to packing on serious
muscle on all 3 heads of the triceps (long, lateral and medial head).

3. Dumbbell Overhead Extension

This is one of the best triceps isolation exercises since you’ll be able to go very heavy and focus on
the long head of the triceps.

4. V-Bar Pushdown



This is an extremely effective exercise that will allow you to overload the triceps and grow the
lateral head.

5. Rope Cable Pushdown

This is an amazing accessory exercise that does a great job at working all 3 heads of the triceps
with more of a focus on the medial head but is great for overall triceps development.

6. Cable Overhead Extension (V-Bar or Rope)

Using the cable machine with a v-bar or rope attachment allows you to keep a consistent level of
resistance throughout the movement which provides for one of the most effective accessory
exercise that you can do for the triceps.

Biceps Exercises

1. Barbell Bicep Curl

The barbell bicep curl is a key component when it comes to building big, bulging biceps. You will
put on serious muscle mass progressing with your strength on this exercise.

2. Alternating Dumbbell Curl

This exercise is one of my personal favorites for building an amazing set of muscular arms. You’ll
be able to build size and strength when progressing focusing on progression with this exercise.

3. Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The dumbbell hammer curl is an amazing curl variation that massively helps build the
brachioradialis in the most effective manner. You can go heavy and progress quickly with this

4. Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl



The incline dumbbell curl is one of the best exercises for maximizing the biceps peak and
effectively targeting the long head of the bicep.

5. EZ-Bar Cable Curl

Strongly focusing on contracting the biceps is key with this exercise. Keep your elbows tucked in
tight and form dialed to a tee for the perfect biceps isolation exercise.

6. Rope Hammer Curl

This is an amazing isolation exercise that will effectively target the biceps and forearms. It’ll be a
great implementation to your routine to fully maximize gains in the brachialis and brachioradialis.

7. Dumbbell Spider Curl

One of my favorite biceps isolation exercise to build a massive bicep peak. You don’t see many
people doing these however they’re key if you’re trying to build bulging biceps with a great peak.

Leg Exercises

1. Barbell Squat

One of the best exercises you could do, period. This is the king of weight training and completes
your program. Consistent progression with this exercise in a lower rep range will ensure muscular
and symmetrical leg development.

2. Leg Press

An amazing exercise to greatly increase lower body strength and development, especially when it
comes to strengthening quads and building strong hamstrings.

3. Bulgarian Split Squat



This exercise does an amazing job at targeting the quads and glutes. It’s essential to progressively
get better over time with this movement.

4. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

This is the perfect exercise to build up strong glutes and effectively target the hamstrings. There
are many other muscles worked with this exercise but overall, it is key for proper leg development.

5. Dumbbell Walking Lunges

Leg symmetry is essential with a perfect physique and this is one of my favorite leg exercises to
build up the quads, glutes and hamstrings all at the same time.

6. Leg Extension

One of the best isolation exercises to directly target the quadriceps muscles, especially to build
the rectus femoris which really gives an aesthetic and dense look to your legs. Great for

7. Lying Leg Curl

My Favorite isolation exercise for the primarily targeting the hamstrings. This exercise does an
amazing job at building all three muscles that make up the hamstrings. Another great leg exercise
for hypertrophy.

8. Seated Leg Curl

Another great isolation exercise to build the hamstrings. This exercise gives a much greater stretch
on the hamstrings which helps you effectively contract the muscle.

Calf Exercises

9. Standing Calf Raise



Calves are widely overlooked when it comes to lower body performance, stability and mobility.
This is a key exercise in building big calves and allows you to go heavy to really put on as much
muscle mass in the stubborn, hard to grow area.

10. Seated Calf Raise

This exercise is even more effective than the standing variation when it comes to building the thick
muscle under the gastrocnemius which forms half of the calf muscle. It will really help develop
width towards the outside of the calf and is extremely effective with a focus on hypertrophy.

Trapezius (Traps) Exercises

1. Barbell Shrug

This is king when developing big traps and a strong upper back. The barbell shrug will effectively
grow your traps and rhomboids like no other.

2. Dumbbell Shrug

My favorite exercise to develop big and strong traps that will help pull your shoulders back and
stabilize your neck and upper back in order to help shape an aesthetic physique.

Now that you know exactly what exercises you can expect to be doing in the gym, it’s
time to put it all together and show you the full program.




Before actually showing you the workout routine and program, you needed to understand exactly
what your focuses needed to be on so you can fully understand why you’re working out, what
you’re working out, what you’re trying to accomplish in the gym, how to accomplish your goals in
the gym, seize opportunity with exactly what to do in the gym, what exercise to focus on and your
complete game plan when it comes to achieving your goals in the gym.

Now, you simply cannot fail on this program. You know exactly what to do, how to do it and where
to find the right information on what you may struggle with.

The power is all in your hands and it’s time to reveal the program that will absolutely transform
your physique when followed correctly to the tee with everything mentioned in the previous

After following this weight training program for just 12 weeks, you will see a ridiculous amount of
strength gains in all of your lifts, you’ll build an incredible amount of lean muscle mass on your
frame, and you’ll look much more lean and defined as your lean body mass will greatly increase,
resulting in a sculpted physique.

6 Workouts – A & B Workouts

Workout # 1 Chest & Arms (A)

Workout # 2 Legs (A)

Workout # 3 Back & Shoulders (A)

Workout # 4 Chest & Arms (B)

Workout # 5 Legs (B)

Workout # 6 Back & Shoulders (B)



Workout 1: Chest & Arms (A)

 Set 1: 4-6 reps

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 6-8 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Barbell Bicep Curl: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 4-6 reps

3. Weighted Dip: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 6-8 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps

 4 sets of 12-15 reps (sets 1-2

4. Cable Fly (Decline & Incline): 4 Sets (Straight Set)
decline, sets 3-4 incline)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

Dumbbell Hammer Curl Superset with Dumbbell
5.  Set 2: 8-10 reps
Overhead Extension: 3 Sets (RPT)
 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl Superset with Rope
6.  Set 2: 10-12 reps
Cable Pushdown: 3 Sets (PT)
 Set 3: 8-10 reps



Workout 2: Legs (A)

 Set 1: 65% of projected 1 rep max,

perform 5 reps (65% x 5)
 Set 2: 75% of projected 1 rep max,
perform 5 reps (75% x 5)
Barbell Squat: 3 Sets (Percentage based sets, find
your required weight for each set based on your  Set 3: 85% of projected 1 rep max,
percentages, here: perform for 5+ reps (85% x 5+)
*Increase projected 1 rep max by 5
pounds when you can perform 7+
reps on your last set which is your
top set of 85% for 5+ reps) *

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Leg Press: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

3. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat: 2 Sets (RPT)
 Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

4. Leg Extension: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

5. Lying Leg Curl: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

6. Standing Calf Raise: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps



Workout 3: Back & Shoulders (A)

 Set 1: 65% of projected 1 rep max,

perform 5 reps (65% x 5)
 Set 2: 75% of projected 1 rep max,
Overhead Press: 3 Sets (Percentage based sets, perform 5 reps (75% x 5)
find your required weight for each set based on  Set 3: 85% of projected 1 rep max,
your percentages, here: perform for 5+ reps (85% x 5+) *Increase projected 1 rep max by
5 pounds when you can perform
7+ reps on your last set which is
your top set of 85% for 5+ reps) *
 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Pendlay Row OR Barbell Row: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

3. Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

4. Lat Pulldown: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

5. Machine Rear Delt Fly: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

6. Machine Seated T-Bar Row: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

7. Barbell Shrug: 3 Sets (RPT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 8-10 reps
 Set 3: 10-12 reps



Workout 4: Chest & Arms (B)

 Set 1: 4-6 reps

1. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 6-8 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 4-6 reps

3. Close Grip Bench Press: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 6-8 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps

 4 sets of 12-15 reps (sets 1-2

4. Cable Fly (Decline & Incline): 4 Sets (Straight Set)
decline, sets 3-4 incline)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

Cable Curl (EZ-Bar or Straight Bar) Superset With
5.  Set 2: 8-10 reps
V-Bar Cable Pushdown: 3 Sets (RPT)
 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

Dumbbell Spider Curl Superset With Cable
6.  Set 2: 10-12 reps
Overhead Extension (V-Bar or Rope): 3 Sets (PT)
 Set 3: 8-10 reps



Workout 5: Legs (B)

 Set 1: 65% of projected 1 rep max,

perform 5 reps (65% x 5)
 Set 2: 75% of projected 1 rep max,
perform 5 reps (75% x 5)
Barbell Squat: 3 Sets (Percentage based sets, find
your required weight for each set based on your  Set 3: 85% of projected 1 rep max,
percentages, here: perform for 5+ reps (85% x 5+)
*Increase projected 1 rep max by 5
pounds when you can perform 7+
reps on your last set which is your
top set of 85% for 5+ reps)*

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 10-12 reps

3. Dumbbell Walking Lunges: 3 Sets (PT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 6-8 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

4. Seated Leg Curl: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

5. Leg Extension: 3 Sets (PT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

6. Seated Calf Raise: 3 Sets (PT)  Set 2: 10-12 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps



Workout 6: Back & Shoulders (B)

 Set 1: 4-6 reps

1. Weighted Pull Up: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 6-8 reps

 Set 3: 8-10 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

3. T-Bar Row: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets (PT & Drop
4.  Set 2: 10-12 reps
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

5. Dumbbell Row: 3 Sets (RPT)  Set 2: 8-10 reps

 Set 3: 10-12 reps

 Set 1: 12-15 reps

Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise OR Face Pull: 3 Sets (PT
6.  Set 2: 10-12 reps
& Drop Set)
 Set 3: 8-10 reps (drop set for set 3)

 Set 1: 6-8 reps

7. Dumbbell Shrug: 3 Sets (RPT & Drop Set)  Set 2: 8-10 reps
 Set 3: 10-12 reps (drop set for set 3)



Training Days for These 6 Workouts

Now let’s discuss the weight training workout schedule in a week period when it comes to these 6
A/B chest & arms, legs, back & shoulders workouts.

Before beginning this workout program and setting up your training schedule for the next 12
weeks, you need to ask yourself these 2 important questions…

1. How many days per week do you want to train?


 3 Days Per Week.

 5 Days Per Week.
 6 Days Per Week.

2. What is your training level?


 Beginner (0-6 months of weight training experience)

 Intermediate (6-18 months of weight training experience)
 Advanced (18-36+ months of weight training experience)

Make sure you’re completely honest with yourself when answering these two questions. Whether
you train 3 days per week or 6 days per week, you will see incredible results on this program.

3 Days Per Week Training Schedule

I recommend the 3 days per week training schedule with the 12 Week Physique program if you’re
a beginner to intermediate when it comes to weight training experience in the gym or if you simply
have a busy schedule and can’t get into the gym more than 3 times per week.



12 Week Physique 3 Day Split Workout Routine

3 Days Per Week – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders (A & B Workouts)

2 Week Workout Overview

1 Week Cycles of A/B Workouts:

Here’s how your workouts will look like on the 12 Week Physique program when choosing to train
3 days per week:

Week 1: (A Workout Cycle)

Monday Chest & Arms (A) Workout

Tuesday Off Day

Wednesday Legs (A) Workout

Thursday Off Day

Friday Back & Shoulders (A) Workout

Saturday Off Day

Sunday Off Day



Week 2: (B Workout Cycle)

Monday Chest & Arms (B) Workout

Tuesday Off Day

Wednesday Legs (B) Workout

Thursday Off Day

Friday Back & Shoulders (B) Workout

Saturday Off Day

Sunday Off Day

Simply start the program with the chest & arms/legs/back & shoulders A workouts then move on
to the B workouts on week 2, rinse and repeat. Simply alternate between A & B week by week.

How Long Will These Workouts Take?

When done correctly, all 6 of these workouts should take you at a minimum of 45 minutes to an
an hour and 15 minutes maximum. These workouts are all designed to be time efficient. If you
miss a training day, despite only training 3 days per week, you can simply move your workout to
an off day. For example if you miss Fridays workout, you can do it on Saturday, etc. You have
plenty of wiggle room on the 3 days per week workout split with the 12 Week Physique program
so you should have absolutely no excuses as to why you can’t stick to the workouts and
consistency on your training schedule.

28 Days / 30 Days / 31 Days # Of Workouts Performed On The 3 Days Per Week

12 Week Physique Split

28 Days / Month



1. 2 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 2 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 2 Legs (A) Workouts & 2 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 2 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 2 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 12 Total Workouts (4/4/4 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 16 Off Days (Recovery)

30 Days / Month

1. 3 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 2 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 2 Legs (A) Workouts & 2 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 2 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 2 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 13 Total Workouts (5/4/4 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 15 Off Days (Recovery)

31 Days / Month

1. 3 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 2 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 3 Legs (A) Workouts & 2 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 2 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 2 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 13 Total Workouts (5/5/4 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 14 Off Days (Recovery)

This is how many workouts you’d be doing per month in a 28, 30 or 31 days period depending on
the month, on the 3 days per week 12 Week Physique workout split. Notice how you have more
off days than you do workouts, this means you really need to make sure you give it your all every
single time you’re in the gym performing your designated weight training session and hit
consistent progression on all your lifts every single time you train. You’ll have plenty of time to
recover from the intense sessions performed at your maximum effort.

5 Days Per Week Training Schedule



I recommend the 5 days per week training schedule with the 12 Week Physique program if you’re
an intermediate to advanced lifter when it comes to weight training experience in the gym if you’re
looking to maximize lean muscle gains.

Here’s how your workouts will look like on the 12 Week Physique program when choosing to train
5 days per week:

12 Week Physique 5 Day Split Workout Routine

5 Days Per Week: 3 Days On, 1 Day Off – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders (A & B Workouts)

2 Week Workout Overview

Cycles of Consecutive 3 Training Days With A/B Workouts, Followed By 1 Off Day.

Week 1: (3 Days On, 1 Day Off)

Monday Chest & Arms (A) Workout

Tuesday Legs (A) Workout

Wednesday Back & Shoulders (A) Workout

Thursday Off Day

Friday Chest & Arms (B) Workout

Saturday Legs (B) Workout

Sunday Back & Shoulders (B) Workout

Week 2: (3 Days On, 1 Day Off)

Monday Off Day



Tuesday Chest & Arms (A) Workout

Wednesday Legs (A) Workout

Thursday Back & Shoulders (A) Workout

Friday Off Day

Saturday Chest & Arms (B) Workout

Sunday Legs (B) Workout

Etc. (continue 3 days on 1 day off cycle)…

The 5 days per week workout schedule on the 12 Week Physique program is very simple and
effective when it comes to maximizing results without sacrificing recovery. I strongly recommend
this to the majority of people who want take their training to the next level and don’t mind training
days that fall on weekends or have the freedom to go to the gym no matter what day of the week
it is since the training days are always different on a week by week basis since you’re training 3
days in a row followed by 1 day off. The inconsistency with routine may offset some or throw off
those who need to be on a regimented and scheduled routine so be sure you can commit to this
before starting since you need to avoid completely missing training days as that would cause
issues with your proper programming.

28 Days / 30 Days / 31 Days # Of Workouts Performed On The 5 Days Per Week

12 Week Physique Split

28 Days / Month

1. 4 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 3 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 4 Legs (A) Workouts & 3 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 4 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 3 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts



4. 21 Total Workouts (7/7/7 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)

5. 7 Off Days (Recovery)

30 Days / Month

1. 4 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 4 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 4 Legs (A) Workouts & 4 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 4 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 3 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 23 Total Workouts (8/8/7 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 7 Off Days (Recovery)

31 Days / Month

1. 4 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 4 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 4 Legs (A) Workouts & 4 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 4 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 4 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 24 Total Workouts (8/8/8 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 7 Off Days (Recovery)

This is how many workouts you’d be doing per month in a 28, 30 or 31 days period depending on
the month, on the 5 days per week 12 Week Physique workout split. You have many more training
days versus the 3 days split however recovery isn’t a conflict since you’ll get a that an off day after
a 3 day cycle of different workouts training different muscle groups so you’ll still find extremely
fast progression on this split.

6 Days Per Week Training Schedule

I recommend the 6 days per week training schedule with the 12 Week Physique program if you’re
an advanced trainee and have been weight lifting for at least 3 years with stalled performance or
are at a plateau with muscle gains. The 6 day split is for serious lifters who love to be in the gym
and treat being in the gym as a state of mental acceleration to one’s lifestyle.



Here’s how your workouts will look like on the 12 Week Physique program when choosing to train
6 days per week:

12 Week Physique 6 Day Split Workout Routine

6 Days Per Week – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders (A & B Workouts)

1 Week Workout Overview

1 Week of A/B Workouts:

Week 1: (A & B Workout Cycle)

Monday Chest & Arms (A) Workout

Tuesday Legs (A) Workout

Wednesday Back & Shoulders (A) Workout

Thursday Chest & Arms (B) Workout

Friday Legs (B) Workout

Saturday Back & Shoulders (B) Workout

Sunday Off Day

The 6 days per week workout schedule on the 12 Week Physique program would be taxing for
most people so you need to know your bodies capabilities of handling 6 training days in a row,
especially while training heavy for a majority of the time. I strongly recommend this to advanced
lifters who can handle a lot of volume and intensity and want take their training to the next level.
Since you’re recovery time is hindered, you most likely won’t be progressing with your strength as



quickly as the 3 or 5 day per week split but the volume and workload will result in a higher rate of
building lean muscle mass. I recommend mastering the 3 days on and 1 day off 5 days per week
split first before attempting the 6 days per week 12 Week Physique program.

28 Days / 30 Days / 31 Days # Of Workouts Performed On The 6 Days Per Week

12 Week Physique Split

28 Days / Month

1. 4 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 4 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 4 Legs (A) Workouts & 4 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 4 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 4 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 24 Total Workouts (8/8/8 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 4 Off Days (Recovery)

30 Days / Month

1. 5 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 4 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 5 Legs (A) Workouts & 4 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 4 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 3 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 26 Total Workouts (9/9/8 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 4 Off Days (Recovery)

31 Days / Month

1. 5 Chest & Arms (A) Workouts & 4 Chest & Arms (B) Workouts
2. 5 Legs (A) Workouts & 4 Legs (B) Workouts
3. 5 Back & Shoulders (A) Workouts & 4 Back & Shoulders (B) Workouts
4. 27 Total Workouts (9/9/9 – Chest & Arms/Legs/Back & Shoulders)
5. 4 Off Days (Recovery)



Why We Pair Chest & Arms and Back & Shoulders

Together – Versus Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps) &
Pull (Back, Biceps, Rear Delt) Workouts
By pairing muscle groups that have nothing to do with each other, you will ensure that you come
in at your absolute strongest with every lift performed. This is why chest & arms and back &
shoulders is so effective. You will see an immediate increase in your strength on all your lifts just
by simply switching your routine to this training split.

Most people train in the gym using push and pull workouts. A push workout is when you train
chest, shoulders and triceps together (pushing exercises) all in one workout. On the other hand,
a pull workout is when you train back, biceps and rear delts together (pulling exercises) in one
workout. While this sounds smart, it’s actually very counterproductive. It’s tough to progressively
get stronger and better every single training session at an effective rate if you for example start
your workout doing the dumbbell bench press, then move on to the dumbbell shoulder press
(your shoulders will already be worn out from the dumbbell bench press) then move on the
weighted dips after that (your shoulders and chest will be fried after both the dumbbell bench
and shoulder press). Same goes with a pull workout, your biceps will be extremely fatigued by the
time you get to them after all the back exercises you’ll be doing.

The goal is to train smarter not harder. This is why it’s extremely important to pair the right muscle
groups together. For example, chest and back wouldn’t be a good pair despite having nothing to
do with each other since you’d be burning out quickly during your workout as these are two big
muscle groups that require very taxing lifts which need individual attention.

The 12 Week Physique program ensures you’re effectively training the right muscle groups to
maximize progression and the rate of muscle gain by simple getting stronger quicker. Progressive
consistency and efficiency are the name of the game.

This is how many workouts you’d be doing per month in a 28, 30 or 31 days period depending on
the month, on the 6 days per week 12 Week Physique workout split. This will be very intense and
you need to make sure you’re more strategic with your progression scheme in the gym in order



to consistently get stronger every training session. Most advanced lifters who are used to training
6 days per week and are used to less recovery will find a lot of success with this routine since the
program doesn’t have you doing more than 3 exercises on every specific muscle group you’re
training (except legs) so you won’t be overworking in the gym, this will just depend how quickly
your body can personally recover from the workouts. Don’t constantly train to absolute failure
otherwise you’ll burn out on the 6 days per week split. Be effective, strategic and progressive by
following the principles and methods discussed in previous chapters to the tee. By doing so, you’re
going to gain a ton of lean muscle mass very quickly with this split.

Switching Exercises For Strength Training Variation

You might be wondering why the barbell bench press or deadlift aren’t listed in any of the
workouts and I’ll explain why…

Deadlifts are simply just not worth the risk to reward trade off you’re opting in for when
performing the exercise, especially with heavy weight.

If you personally love the deadlift (conventional or sumo) and feel the need to include it your
routine, you can replace the pendlay row/barbell row exercise listed in the Back & Shoulders (A)
workout. Follow the following set/rep protocols for the deadlift: 3 Sets (Percentage based sets,
find your required weight for each set based on your percentages, here:

 Set 1: 65% of projected 1 rep max, perform 5 reps (65% x 5)

 Set 2: 75% of projected 1 rep max, perform 5 reps (75% x 5)
 Set 3: 85% of projected 1 rep max, perform for 5+ reps (85% x 5+) *Increase projected 1
rep max by 5 pounds when you can perform 7+ reps on your last set which is your top set
of 85% for 5+ reps) *

When it comes to the barbell bench press, I substitute this exercise with a pure focus on the flat
dumbbell bench press. You will find strength progression much quicker and effectively gain more



muscle on your chest despite the great potential of chest growth the barbell bench press has to
offer. Most people will find a more comfortable movement with the dumbbell variation and will
actually develop a much more symmetrical chest since the bench press is very technical in form.

If you personally love the barbell bench press and feel the need to include it in your routine, you
can replace the flat dumbbell bench press with incline dumbbell bench press and then perform
the barbell bench press for the first exercise on the Chest & Arms (A) workout. You can also replace
the dumbbell incline bench press which would’ve been moved to the first exercise on Chest &
Arms (B) workout, with the incline barbell bench press in order to help aid progression with your
benching strength gains. Follow the following set/rep protocols for the barbell bench press: 3 Sets
(Percentage based sets, find your required weight for each set based on your percentages, here:

 Set 1: 65% of projected 1 rep max, perform 5 reps (65% x 5)

 Set 2: 75% of projected 1 rep max, perform 5 reps (75% x 5)
 Set 3: 85% of projected 1 rep max, perform for 5+ reps (85% x 5+) *Increase projected 1
rep max by 5 pounds when you can perform 7+ reps on your last set which is your top set
of 85% for 5+ reps) *

Follow the following set/rep protocols for the incline barbell bench press: 3 Sets (RPT) – Set 1: 4-6
reps – Set 2: 6-8 reps – Set 3: 8-10 reps

If you prefer these 3 exercises and you’d like a more strength training routine, these modifications
would be perfect however keeping the 6 workouts the way they originally are works even better
when it comes to quick progression.

Implementing Cardio & Abdominal Training Into The 12

Week Physique Program
When it comes to abdominal training, weighted ab exercises should be implemented into your



The best two weighted ab exercises for upper and lower abdominal development are the

1. Weighted Cable Crunches (Rope or V-Bar Attachment) – I recommend doing 3 sets (RPT) –
Set 1: 6-8 reps – Set 2: 8-10 reps – Set 3: 10-12 reps
2. Weighted Knee Raises (Dumbbell Between Feet) – I recommend doing 3 sets (RPT) – Set 1:
6-8 reps – Set 2: 8-10 reps – Set 3: 10-12 reps (Increase the rep ranges if you struggle on
feeling the proper contraction in your lower abs)

These two exercises can be done at 2 times per week at the end of your leg workouts or your off
days of training.

I strongly recommend implementing bodyweight abdominal exercises as well to maximize results.

I created the 6 Pack Sculptor & Cardio Fat Loss Accelerator Plan to go along perfectly with the 12
Week Physique program in order to get quicker results with toning your abdominals and shedding
fat at a much quicker pace which I highly recommend you purchase in order to have the perfect
cardio & abs routine within your programming.

If you want to accelerate fat loss, adding cardio into your routine is recommended.

However, you don’t want to overdo it when it comes to cardio, I wouldn’t recommend more than
3-4 low intensity steady state cardio sessions or 2 high intensity interval training sessions per
week. Choose which form of cardio (LISS or HIIT) works best for you.

Low intensity steady state cardio (LISS) could simply be a brisk walk for 30-45 minutes outside or
20-30 minutes on a very high incline (12-14) and low speed (3.0-3.2) on the treadmill. Doing this 2-
4 times per week depending on how many weight training days per week you’re following (no
more than 2 LISS cardio sessions with the 5 or 6 days per week weight training split and no more
than 4 LISS cardio sessions on the 3 days per week weight training split) will be enough to ramp
up fat loss.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) could be sprints outside for 15 seconds followed by 45
seconds of walking for a 1-minute interval. You could repeat that 10 times for a HIIT workout.
Doing this 1-3 times per week depending on how many weight training days per week you’re
following (no more than 1 HIIT session with the 5 or 6 days per week weight training split and no



more than 3 HIIT cardio sessions on the 3 days per week weight training split) will be enough to
ramp up fat loss.

You can have a mixture of both forms of cardio to keep things fun and interesting.

However I actually strongly suggest a much more structured approach to your cardio training and
abdominal workouts which is why I’ve created the 6 Pack Sculptor & Cardio Fat Loss Accelerator
Plan you can implement into your 12 week training program that will fit in perfectly with the way
you’re training in the gym in order to speed up fat loss and accelerate results.

If you’re looking to have the complete training regimen to ensure perfection amongst your routine
so you don’t risk plateaus or even worse, losing muscle by not following the right cardio
programming and you don’t want to lack a defined, lean, muscular, strong and toned core, don’t
hesitate to purchase the 6 Pack Sculptor & Cardio Fat Loss Accelerator Plan.




Now that you have the exact workouts and scheduled routine you need follow in order to gain a
ridiculous amount of strength and lean muscle mass these next 12 weeks, you’ll need to ensure
you do one important thing while training…

This one thing will be a key factor you need to make sure you do to build serious muscle…

I’m repeating myself because this one thing is very well, that important…

You’ll need to simply track your workouts.

You need to track every single exercise and how many reps you’ve performed of every single set
on that specific exercise. Having this information is vital to your success when stepping foot inside
the gym in order to ensure you’re progressing with your lifts by continuing to get consistently
stronger every single workout. That’s the ultimate goal and you can’t do that if you get inside the
gym without a clue where you left off on every exercise.

Progressive Overload
I’m repeating myself here but it’s for the sole reason of making sure it sticks in your head… The
main goal you need to keep in mind for every single workout is to progress from your last workout.
Hit more reps of the same weight you’ve used on an exercise or push more weight than the last
time you’ve performed the exercise. Constantly be progressing in this manner.

Always remember, strength gains will result in muscle gains.

Tracking Your Workouts

Going off the last note, tracking your workouts makes it easy to apply progressive overload and
constantly be progressing with every single exercise. You must keep track of every single set of
every exercise you’ve done previously.



How many reps have you done of the exercise you are about to perform from your previous

Was it 5 reps for the set? Good, hit 6, or 7 reps to get closer to that maximum rep range for that
specific set and after you’ve achieved that, good, move up by 5 pounds, etc.

You can use a workout journal and do it “old school” or you can simply use an app on your
smartphone, I personally found the app called “RepCount” to be very easy to use so be sure to
check this out if it’s easier for you to track your workouts this way.

I personally track my workouts through this smart phone app since it’s easy access to me in the
gym and takes me no more than a few seconds to do.

When I start my exercise, before I attempt my specific set, I open my workout tracker app called
RepCount and look at exactly how many reps I hit last session of the specific set I’m about to do,
then I simply aim to hit one more rep or increase the weight by 5 pounds if I’ve exceeded the
maximum rep range goal. (for example, if the set goal is 6-8 reps and I hit 8 or 9 reps last session,
I’ll increase the weight by 5 pounds and attempt to hit 6-8 on the set). This quick routine will
become a second-hand nature to you.

You need to develop the same habits and routine when you’re in the gym because tracking your
workouts/weights used and reps performed for every exercise of every set, is extremely vital to
your success with building serious lean muscle mass and completely transforming your physique.




The results you will be achieving on the 12 Week Physique program will be impeccable when
following the routine correctly.

You are going to see the best results of your entire life.

This is no joke, seriously. Let’s talk about the results you can expect if you follow this program to
perfection and give your best efforts moving forward…

1. Anywhere from 30-45+ pounds minimum strength increases on your lifts within the next
12 weeks depending on the lift.
2. Anywhere from 5-15+ pounds of pure muscle gain within the next 12 weeks (make sure
your diet is on point).
3. A massive boost in confidence and self-love.
4. A feeling of purpose in the gym and amongst your relationship with fitness.
5. A sense of pride and accomplishment due to consistent progression with your goals.

These will be the standards of the 12 Week Physique program if done correctly and followed with
pure intent of action, effort, consistency, progression and purpose.

4 Key Components to Ensure Success

There will be 4 key components that you need to pay attention to and put major emphasis with
focusing on in order to take your results to a whole new level and pinpoint progress being made.
The following 4 key components to your program will be:

1. Weight:

You need to weigh yourself daily – In order to see where your progress is headed, you’ll need to
weigh yourself every single day preferably around the same time (1-2 hours a part isn’t an issue)
first thing in the morning upon waking up. Weigh yourself in your briefs as soon as you’re awake
and take note of your daily morning weigh-in. Make sure you don’t drink any water before your
weigh-in and use the bathroom first if you have to. Just make this a habit amongst your lifestyle



so you can track your daily weight and see where your progress is headed in order to pinpoint
weight gain, weight loss, stall in performance, etc.

2. Nutrition

Your diet needs to be on point in order to gain lean muscle mass and lose body fat – This is no
secret. Your diet is a vital factor to your success amongst your body transformation these next 12
weeks on this program. You will for a fact, gain a ton of lean muscle mass by simply focusing on
this weight training program however you’ll need to make sure your diet is aligned with your
specific goal in order to lose a significant amount of body fat if that’s also your goal paired with
gaining muscle. Since your lean body mass will increase, you will look leaner but if you track your
caloric intake and ensure a great macronutrient goal for your muscle gain and fat loss goal, you
will completely transform your physique and get that lean, strong and muscular shape you’re
trying to sculpt. This is why I’ve created the 12 Week Physique Diet Plan that I highly advice you
purchase in order to maximize your results on this program. You need to have the right diet plan
to have 100% of the entire fitness equation dialed in to guarantee muscle gain and fat loss for the
ultimate body transformation. Do not overthink it and purchase the 12 Week Physique Diet Plan,
you’re already going to be working so hard in the gym, why waste the potential progress and gains
to be made by throwing it all away with an inconsistent, improper diet.

3. Sleep

You need to make sure you’re sleeping enough to recover from your workouts – Sleeping at least
8 hours daily is a must to ensure recovery from your workouts. If you’re on the 3 days per week
split, 6-8 hours will suffice however if you’re on the 5 or 6 days per week split, you most definitely
need to make sure you sleep at least 8 hours to properly recover from your weight training
sessions and ensure you come in at your strongest, well rested self every training session. It’s
extremely important you’re getting the right amount of uninterrupted sleep every night to ensure
consistent progression without burning out.

4. Documentation

You need to take pictures and measurements to ensure physical & visual progress – It’s most
definitely not always about what number lands on the weight scale that’ll reflect your progress,



rather it’s more important to see how your physique is visually changing and where you’re
gaining/losing inches on your body to pinpoint progress. Don’t be afraid to take pictures and keep
data of measurements from your chest, waist, shoulders, biceps, thighs/legs, etc. in order to see
how much muscle you’re putting on and fat you’re losing. This is the psychological issue most
people face; they rely too much on the scale. When you’re gaining lean muscle mass and losing
body fat at the same time, the scale may not change much since muscle outweighs fat so your
weight is at a constant contradiction of gaining and losing at the same time but this is actually a
massive success since your physique will be transforming and looking better on a weekly basis
despite the scale not moving much.

Keeping a careful eye and tracking these 4 things regularly will ensure you achieve the best results
possible, guaranteed, as it will take away all of the guesswork as to why or why not you’re achieving
the results. You can pinpoint it all and adjust accordingly.




There are 3 simple habits you need to develop for optimal results on the 12 Week Physique

Anybody can follow these 3 habits in order to become better, stronger, leaner, faster, sharper and

There 3 important habits to ensure optimal results are the following:

1. Weekly Self Check-ins

I recommend you take around 15 minutes every Sunday to “check-in” with yourself and write down
your average weekly weigh-in (past 7 days worth of weigh-ins and divide that total number by 7
to get average weekly weight), take 6 photos of yourself (front, back and side, flexed and unflexed
with normal hands beside you pose along with front double biceps pose) (make sure you keep
these photos for future reference) then compare your average weekly weight with your average
weigh-in last week, analyze your last weeks physique by comparing photos, then analyze your
performance in the gym the past week and how it went. Did you get stronger every session? Did
you consistently progress? Did you get better and stronger? Was there any constraints or things
you could have done differently for a better outcome next training session? These can all be used
to improve your future success moving forward when it comes to your fitness goals in order to
never plateau and consistently progress to build the best physique of your life.

2. Self Accountability

You need to keep yourself accountable when it comes to getting to the gym and completing your
weight training session, pushing yourself with genuine effort in the gym with all your lifts, etc. Are
you really working hard to get to where you want to be? Mediocre attempts result in mediocre
results. It’s as simple as that. Sure, it’s all so simple and you’ve got the entire game plan in the
palm of your hands and it’s all so simply structured and regimented and easy for you to follow
however nothing comes easy. It’ll be a big expense in energy, time, commitment and even having
to train when you don’t feel like it at times. This is a normal feeling even for the best of us, were
all human. However, it’s a strong sense of self-accountability that keeps those who succeed going
and achieve the amazing results they get to achieve.



3. Self Motivation

You cannot just rely on YouTube videos or your favorite fitness personality to keep you motivated
towards your fitness goals. Especially when it comes to getting yourself to the gym to perform and
complete your training session. You need to develop discipline. Your scheduled training sessions
on this program should just simply be a part of your lifestyle and regimen that keeps you intact
as a happy, motivated and fulfilled individual. It should simply feel like something you must do
otherwise you don’t feel normal. You wouldn’t go to bed without brushing your teeth, correct? The
same goes with the gym. You don’t need someone to motivate you to get your session done if it
already feels like a task that’s a part of your lifestyle and normal regimen.

Following these 3 important habits will not only result in a leaner, stronger, muscular and ripped
physique, however it will result in a strong, unbreakable mindset and happy, self-fulfilled spirit.




This is officially the end of your tedious long search and quest to find the right program to
transform your body, feel happy when you look in the mirror, feel confident and attractive in your
own skin and achieve that head-turning physique.

It’s now the beginning of a new journey towards progression and mastery.

You’ve got the game plan, the entire detailed, step by step formula on how to gain a ridiculous
amount of lean muscle, build a massive amount of strength and lose a ton of fat as you increase
your lean body mass.

The only thing you need to do now is TAKE ACTION with this plan and stick to it, no matter what.

There should be no excuses for you now since you know exactly how to train to achieve that
ripped, strong, muscular, Hollywood A-list physique.

Clear your mind from all the complicated bogus out there in the fitness industry and simply start
the 12 Week Physique program.

Focus on getting one step better on this program every day and you will achieve the best results
of your entire life.

Now I realize that not everyone can stick to a program despite having the entire blueprint in the
palm of your hands and access to the knowledge of exactly what to do and how to do it, no matter
how simple the program may be which is why I offer my own private and exclusive 12 Week One-
on-One Online Coaching program where I will:

1. Adjust anything in the program to your desired preferences, lifestyle or personal

2. Customize your macronutrient (total carb, fat & protein intake daily) and caloric intake to
pair perfectly with this program in order to ensure a maximum amount of muscle gain &
fat loss.
3. Customize your cardio & abs program to speed fat loss at the most optimal rate so you
don’t stall.
4. Weekly check-ins with me in order to adjust your macronutrient and cardio programming
every single week to ensure consistent results with no plateau’s.



5. Create you a 5 day meal plan (Monday-Friday) that hits your week by week macronutrient
goals that I customize you that is based upon your food preferences, food accessibility,
schedule and lifestyle.
6. Pin-point your specific fitness goal so all of the above is created towards getting to that
specific fitness goal as fast as possible, in the best way possible.
7. Unlimited communication with me personally (24/7 response)

If you want my personal, one-on-one guidance with all of the above and want to maximize your
results to a whole new level, you can join my 12 Week One-on-One Online Coaching Program

If the link above does not work or you’re interested in more details about my 12 Week One-on-
One Online Coaching Program, send me an email here:


If you’re ready to stick to a simple to follow, structured routine that is all customized and tailored
towards your preferences and lifestyle in order for you to ensure consistency on the program,
then my 12 Week One-on-One Online Coaching Program is most definitely for you.



After Completing A Full 12 Weeks On The 12 Week

Physique Program:

After you’ve completed 12 full weeks of training on the 12 Week Physique program, I’d absolutely
love to see and share your results! You’ve worked hard for them and it’s only right to show it off.

Please don’t hesitate to email your 12 Week Physique transformation here:

I can’t wait to see your amazing results and complete body transformation along with hearing
about all the strength and muscle gains you’ve made on the 12 Week Physique program!

I genuinely thank you for committing to a healthier, fit and confident life by purchasing my 12
Week Physique program. I can’t wait to see your results and body transformation!


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