m3 Assigment

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In this module we learned about what influences second language development

in schools. In the Perogy and Boyle textbook we learned about different perspectives

and hypothesis’ that can be used in the classroom to effectively teach ELLs. In many of

these perspectives and hypothesis’ it talks about communication playing a big role in

the education for ELLs. The most interesting perspective that I read was the

interactionist perspective. This perspective talked about how care givers play a big role

in the language comprehension of a child. The theory is that children will pick up on the

language their care giver is speaking and can learn the language through hearing them

speak. This relates to the classroom because if students are communicating with each

other in English every day for a period of time, this can help them further their

knowledge on the language and will be able to better their communication skills. Also, if

the teacher were to take a few days out of the course to only teach in English that can

also help them pick up of the language by hearing them teach the lesson only in

English. By hearing someone speak the language can help them critically think to

understand what they are saying, and that can help them retain it. Another very

important factor for language development is the environment in which they are

learning. Learning a new language is a difficult task and can be very stressful on

students. The teacher should always make sure the students have a comfortable

learning environment. A way to do this is to allow the students to have independent

learning time. This way, the students will be able to learn at their own pace and do not

have to worry about keeping up with a lesson. During this independent time students

will also be able to use the resources that they feel help them learn the best such as

using technology. While the students are learning independently the teacher can be
there to help the students if they have questions. This would also be a great time for the

teacher to check in with students one on one and see how they are doing and find out

their struggles with the class. The independent time is much needed in the classroom

and at the end of the day will benefit everyone.


Works Cited 

Peregoy, S. F., & Boyle, O. (2001). 

Reading, writing & learning in ESL: A resource book for K-12 teachers

. New York: Longman.

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