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Tagsya Puspita

EFL Teaching Methodology (A)
Abstract Analysis

Technology-Based Lesson Plans: Preparation and Description

Valentina Dagiene

A lesson plan is an important methodological component of the learning process. The key
purpose of the article is to analyse the current situation and suggest how the information
technologies can assist in the development of lesson plans, their accumulation and retrieval, thus
ensuring their effective application. The authors disclose the problems of lesson plan creation
and their description as well as make comparative analysis of information and lesson plan
templates provided at learning objects storages. The authors identified the main components of
lesson plans and their description, based on application of learning objects metadata standard
model and the principles for improving the model elements as well as on the results of the
analysis made, and proposed the templates for creating the technology-based lesson plans and
their description. The development of lesson plans and descriptions will allow educators reuse
didactic resources (lesson plans) as an effective learning tool. The storage of didactic resources
will allow teachers to use the best practices, and the same learning objects in different learning

Keywords : Lesson Plan, Technology, Template of lesson plan


Yellow : Burning issue

Green : Purpose of the study
Red : Methodology
Light Blue : Findings
Purple : Conclusions

I have highlighted every part of this abstract with different colors to simplify the process of
identification of the abstract’s elements. The first element that is the burning issue has been
highlighted using the color of yellow, the writer states about the important of lesson plan in
learning process in general. The second element consists of the purposes of the article as
mentioned by the writer and has been highlighted using the color green. The third element
highlighted with the color red explains the processes of the method that the writer conducts to
analyse the issues. The fourth element that has been highlighted using the color light blue
clarifies the findings of the writer encounters during the analysis of the lesson plans. The final
part that has been highlighted with the color purple, the writer concludes the lesson is
recommended for an effective learning tools.


Valentina Dagiene (2010): Technology-Based Lesson Plans: Preparation and Description

DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2018.1552599
Analysis of Lesson Plans That Consist of Variety Games For EYL

By : Tagsya Puspita


Young English language learners have different characteristics compared to those adult English
language learners, this would result in consideration on the teachers side, particularly, about how
to conduct the appropriate lesson plans in the classroom. This research tries to elaborate how the
English lesson plans that consist of variety of games can be used in helping EYL teachers create
positive atmosphere in the classroom so that the learning process can be much more interesting
and meaningful. This study shall employed a descriptive qualitative method using  observation
sheets,directed games and study of documents to collect the data. Two lesson plans shall be
analyzed based on six meeting observations. The findings of this research will be take place
specifically, in all of the components of the lesson plan such as core competence, basic
competence and indicators of competency achievement. This study is expected to find out the
appropriateness of the English lesson plans.

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