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EdTPA Lesson Plan

*Advice Provided Below Each Item

Teacher Name: Lauren Holan Lesson Title: Budgeting 101
Date: 03/09/2021 Course/Subject Area: Personal Finance
Hour/Time: 3rd hour Grade Level: 9th grade
Central Focus Economic wants vs. Needs and intro to budgeting
- General goal of the lesson in
simple terms

Content Achievement Standard 1) Personal Decision Making, 1. Achievement Standard: Use a data-informed
- Listed in the NBEA Standards decision-making process as it applies to the roles of citizens, workers, and
book consumers.
Performance Expectations 1. Define and give examples of economic wants.
(Level) 2. Explain how every individual defines wants and needs differently.
- Listed below each achievement
standard in the NBEA Standards
Learning Targets/Objectives 1. I can define economic wants and give examples.
- Re-write the performance
2. I can explain why every individual defines wants and needs differently.
expectation so it is student-
Academic Language Wants - nonessential purchases a person wants to feel happy, make life
convenient, fit in with peers, etc
- In reviewing the standard,
performance expectations, and Needs - purchases a person must have to live or succeed or bills that must be
learning objectives – clarify any
words that need to be explained paid to remain in good standing
(content specific or cognitive
Budget - A plan of your expected income and how you will use it to meet your
domain/action words).
expected expenses over a period of time
50/30/20 Budget - Financial plan that allocates 50% to needs, 30% to wants, and
20% to savings and debt repayment
Zero-based budget - Financial plan where every anticipated earning is assigned a
role to be spent, saved, or invested somewhere, so there's no "leftover" money
with no purpose
Cash envelope budget - Financial plan where money for all variable spending is
taken out in cash and placed in labeled envelopes by budget category and then
spending occurs only from the envelopes
Support Student Learning A set of printed materials will be provided to the student without a chromebook.
- What will be provided during the
instructional time to support
learning (graphic organizers, visual
aids, graphics, notes, word banks,

Resources/Materials Needed Budgeting 101 slide deck , “Copy of Data Crunch: What Does the Average
Household Spend Money On?”, “Copy of Budgeting CS: How Do I Budget?”
- PowerPoints, textbook, e-book,
websites, interactive devices,
worksheets, technology
Lesson Segment (Time) Activity Description (Teacher Does) Activity Description (Student Does)
Anticipatory Set (7) Put Budgeting 101 slide deck, slide 2 Categorize items as a want or a need
up and allow students 3 minutes to based on their own lives.
- Engage students, connect with
prior learning, explain what categorize items as wants or needs.
students will learn, explain what
students will do Ask students to share an example of a
want or a need and explain why they Share
categorized it that way. [If no
students volunteer to share, call on
Introduction of New Material (10) Budgeting 101 slide deck, slide 3-5 Listen to introduction of new material
- Provide direct instruction of − Define terms and compare to
content, model new skills, explain examples shared during
new concepts and terms, formative
assessment to check for anticipatory set
understanding − Play video
− Emphasis how economic wants
and needs vary for individuals
− Ask a student to define in their
own words, a budget
− Discuss reasons it is a good
idea to have a budget Respond to instructor’s question
Guided Practice (10 ) Work on the “Copy of Data Crunch: Work with instructor on worksheet
What Does the Average Household
- Facilitate student work, walk
through activities with students, Spend Money On?” with students:
working together as a large group,
or small groups with consistent − Show students how to find a
teacher check-in time copy of the worksheet.
− Start by looking at graph
− Go through questions with
Independent Practice (18) Show students how to find “Copy of Work alone on Case Study worksheet
Budgeting CS: How Do I Budget?” for remainder of class time
- Assign individual classwork and
homework (should reflect similar
content and expectations used in
guided practice), teacher walk-
around to assist.

Closure/Assessment ( 5) Let students know they will have 10 Turn in Data Crunch worksheet.
minutes to work on the case study
- Review learning objective,
summarize learning, clarify tomorrow and instruct them to turn in
homework assessment the Data Crunch worksheet on Google
classroom for today’s participation.

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