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Vol. I, No.

12 May l, 1924



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G"MNM SANfuMN"SW Publirbcd nonthly by tbc Gnnd Lodge of thc Philiepinc Iclandr h thc irtcrc.t
Xt"r::: "
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, Manila, P. L
In English and Spanish.
Subscription price, ?3.00 per year to members of Lodges of other jurisdictions.
All members of Lodges under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands are paid subscribers to the CABLErow, such
subscriptions being paid for by their respective Lodges.
Edited by a Board of Control composed of the Elective Officers of the Grand Lodge.
LEo FlscErB. Associatc Fxlitor. Tzoooro M. NALAT.
Burircss Mana3cr: Srwurl Strcxxry.
Ofice, 524 Maronic Tcnple, Manila. P. I.
P. O. Bo: 990, Phone 760

Vol. I May l, 1924 No. 12

Memorial Day Memorial Day

On May 30th, Americans throughout the world cele- El dia 30 de Mayo de cada affo. los americanos en todo
brate Memorial Day for the purpose of remembering the el mundo celebran el llamado "Memorial Day" en conme-
Nation's dead and recalling "their toils, their sufferings in moraci6n de los que han muerto por la.patria, y de "sus
hospitals, their sacrifices in stricken camps, their heroism, sus sufrimientos en hospitales, sus sacrificios en
in the days of conflict, and their supreme fidelity to home, campamentos malsanos, su heroismo en la lucha y su supre-
country, and native land." Young and old make the ma fidelidad ala patria y al hogar." Ancianos y j6venes,
pilgrimage to the silent camping-grounds of the dead, hombres y mujeres: todos hacen la piadosaperegrinaci6n
lay their floral tributes upon the graves where the brave and a los "campamentos silenciosos de los difuntos" para depo-
true are slumbering, and pledge their faith to the glorious sitar sus tributos florales en las tumbas de los valientei v
flag of their country. leales hijos de la naci6n y reiterar la fe jurada a la gloriosi
Not in America alone, but wherever American soldiers bandera de su patria.
are buried or a.,$ufficient number of citizens of the Great Los americanos observan dicho dia no solamente en los
Republic can be found, do Americans observe this day. Estados Unidos, pero en todas partes donde hubiese sol-
The writer of these lines attended a very impressive cele- dados americanos enterrados o donde se encontrase un
bration of Memorial Day in the capital of Belgium, another nfmero suficiente de ciudadanos de la Gran Repfblica.
at Tsingtao, in China, and numerous others in the Phil- El que escribe estos renglones ha asistido a una celebraci6n
ippine Islands. muy impresionante del Memorial Day en la capital de 86l-
In these fair Islands, where both Americans and Fili- gica, otra en Tsingtao, en China, y muchas en las Islas
pinos observe Memorial Day, the Masons as well as other Filipinas.
fraternal organizations are making it their duty to adorn En efecto, en estas hermosas Jglas, donde tanto los
the graves of their dead in general, and both the Filipinos americanos como los filipinos obseriin el Memorial Day,
who opposed the American flag with armed hand in the days los Masones y dem6s organismos fraternales y patri6ticos
of 1899 and 1900, and the Americans who fought for that adornan las tumbas de todos los muertos en general, y tanto
flag, have adopted the beautiful custom of decorating the los filipinos que lucharon contra la bandera de las franjas
graves of their own comrades as well as those of their erst- y estrellas en los dias de 1899 y 1900, como los americanos
while foes. que defendieron dicha bandera con las armas, han adop-
So it
should be, and we hope this Memorial Day will tado la bella costumbre de decorar no s61o los sepulcros de
see many of our Brethren at the resting-places of the dead, los suyos, sino tambi6n los de sus enemigos de antafio.
in the spirit that distinguishes the Mason throughout the Asl debe ser, y esperamos que este Memorial Day,
world and that knows not friend nor foe;but has the same muchos de nuestros Hermanos acudir6n a los cementerios
veneration and respect for all those who nobly did their en el esplritu que caracteriza alos Masones en todo el mundo
duty, regardless of the side on which they fought. y que no distingue amigos ni enemigos, pero siente la misrna
veneraci6n y el mismo respeto por todos los que han cumpli-
do su deber sagrado, sea lo que fuese Ia bandera bajo la
The Masonic Home Fund cual han luchado.
As St. John's Day draws nearer, a good many of our
Brethren begin to bestir themselves, realizing that unless
their Lodges go over the top on or before June 24th, they will El Fondo del Asilo Mas6nico
have to find some explanations and apologies for their failure A medida que se aproxima el dia de San Juan Bautista,
to raise the ten peso per capita quota for the Masonic Home muchos de nuestros Hermanos empiezan a despertarse,
Fund uihich the Lodges of the Philippine Islands solemnly porque se dan cuenta de que a menos que sus Logias paguen
pledged themselves to raise through their delegates in annual sus cuotas de diez pesos per capita para el Fondo del Asilo
"communication assembled on January 24th, 1923. It will Mas6nico, conforme al compromiso solemne contraido por
be difficult, nay impossible, to prove that it is not an easy todas las Logias de las Islas Filipinas por medio de la resolu-
matter for Masons to raise a sum equivalent to ten pesos ci6n adoptada por sus representantes en la Reuni6n de la
per capita of the membership of each Lodge in seventeen Gran Logia el 24 de Enero de 1923, tendr5n que buscar
months' time, hence it will take a lot of explaining for alguna excusa que valga por su fracaso. Ser6 dificil, si no
Lodges which failed to raise the quota within the time imposible, probar que no es cosa f6cil para los Masones
.set to convince any one that they did their Masonic duty in reunir una cantidad equivalente a diez pesos por cada miem-
the premises. bro de la Logia interesada dentro de un periodo de diez y
Each LoJge has its drones; but each Lodge has also a siete rneses, y las Logias que no tuviesen reunidas sus cuotas
certain number of members who are .eulfMuro.r., and these en Ia fecha mencionada tendr6n que dar explicaciones muy
will, we are sure, make it their business to see that their especiales para convencer a cualquiera persona que ellos han
Lodge will go over the top with the rest. cumplido con su deber mas6nico en este respecto.
Good luck to them ! Cada Logia tiene sus miembros inrltiles, pero tiene
tambi6n cierto nirmero de Hermanos que son Masones de
verdad, y 6stos velar6n seguramente por que su Logia alcan-
zara la meta juntamente con las dem5s.
The First Mile-Stone ll-es deseamos buen 6xito en su noble ernpeflo !
With the present issue, the CaelBrow completes the
first year of its existence.
A year-twelve issues-may seem but little in the life La Primeru, Etap^ I
of a publication; but the first year of a pioneer review like Con el nfimero presente, el Canr,arow completa el
the Cesr-Brow is one of hard work and much worry and primer aflo de su existencia.
anxiety for those responsible for the publication. The Un aflo, con sus doce nfimeros, es tal vez un espacio
shaping of the policy of the paper, the selection of technical muy breve en la vida de un peri6dico, pero el primer aflo
details, the arrangement for exchanges, the all-important de una revista como el Ceslcrow es una 6poca de mucho
questions of finances and advertisements: all these are trabajo arduo y mucha ansiedad y preocupaciones para los
factors tending to make the first year of a publication a responsables de su publicaci6n. La formaci6n del plan de
- However, trying one. acci6n del peri6dico, la selecci6n de 1os detalles t6cnicos,
the Caslerow is now pretty well out of the las gestiones para el entrecambio de ejemplares con otras
woods and, we believe, on the highway to complete success. revistas, y las importantisimas cuestiones de fondos y anun-
It has won the approval of the Craft in the Philippine cios son todos elementos que tienden a hacer especialmente
Islands and has received unstinted applause in America duro el primer aflo de una publicaci6n.
and other parts of the world. It has, in fact, become an Ahora el Ceernrow ya ha atravesado por el peor
element to be reckoned with in Masonry. It has proved perlodo de prueba y est6 en el camino que conduce al 6xito
its value as an advertising medium. In short, the Canr,B- completo. Ha conquistado la aprobdci6n de la Masoneria
tow is a success and will become more so month after month. de Filipinas y ha sido recibido con aplausos en Am6rica
Upon closing the first year of our existence, we desire y en otras partes del mundo. En efecto, ya es un elemento
to thank the Brethren who have so generously contributed que cuenta por algo en el mundo mas6nico. Tambi6n ha
their effort toward making the CaslBtow a first-class probado su valor como medio anunciador. En dos palabras,
Masonic publication and have assisted us with their advice el Caar,Brow es un 6xito y su utilidad y prosperidad ir6n
and sympathy with which, we hope, they will continue to aumentando con cada n(mero.
favor us in the future. Al cerrar el primer aflo de nuestra existencia, deseames
expresar nuestro agradecimiento a todos los Hermanos que
han contribuldo con tanta generosidad hacia el 6xito de esta
revista y nos han ayudado con sus consejos y su simpatla,
"Big Feedsr" No-Table Lodges, Yes
y esperamos que continuarAn haci6ndolo en el futuro.
Many pens have criticised the "Refreshment" or
"Knife and Fork" Mason in these columns and elsewhere,
and rightly so. But this does not mean that we oppose
the good old custom of the Brethren getting together after Los Agapes
Lodge or on other occasions to have "a bite together," Tanto en estas columnas como en otras revistas mas6-
exchange views and experiences, and have a good time. nicas se han publicado muchas crlticas justificadas de los
The "Table Lodges" of old did much to keep up unity and "Masones de Cuchillo y Tenedor" y sus pricticas. Pero
enthusiasm and to lend zest to the work. In this respect, we . al criticar a semejantes Masones no deseamos censurar la
are entirely of the opinion set forth in the ritual for the buena costumbre antigua de celebrar despu6s de las tenidas
installation of the officers of the Lodge of Perfection of the o en otra ocasi6n, una comida o banquete informal en que
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, as los Hermanos puedan cambiar impresiones y divertirse. Los
follows: "agapes" contribuian mucho a mantener a los Hermanos
unidos y entusiastas y a dar sabor a los trabajos de la Logia.
Masonry was intended to be joyous and convivial, and not sour, En este respecto, no podemos menos de concurrir en la
ascetic, and formal. Calling from labor to refreshment originally had
a real meaning and a worthy purpose. After their labors, the Brethren opini6n que se expresa en el ritual de la Logia de Perfec-
gathered round the social and festive board; and there, under the genial ci6n del Rito Escoc6s Antiguo y Aceptado de la Franc-
influences of Brotherhood, all the distrusts, and jealousies, and piques, masoneria, en el cual se dice lo siguiente:
and slight animosities melted away as thin clouds melt out of the sky
in summer. Perhaps nothing has done so much injury to Masonry La Masoneria se fund6 con la intenci6n de que fuese alegre y jovial
as the abandonment of this custom, and the substitution of a rigid Puri- y no desabrida, asc6tica y formal. El llamar a la Logia del trabajo al
tanism in place of the old good-humored hilarity. refresco tenia primitivamente un sentido literal y un fin digno. Des-
pu6s de la labor, los Hermanos solian reunirse al rededor de la mesa y
Our ancient Brethren did not believe in buffet lunches; alll, la influencia ben6fica del con-rpaflerismo hacia que desapareciesen
como nubecillas de verano todos los recelos, envidias, rencores y resen-
they sat at table for hours, listening to good stories, recita- timientos. No hay tal vez nada que tanto haya perjudicado a la Ma-
tions, and music, singing, and "talking things over." The soneria como el haber abandonado esta costumbre y adoptado un puri-
Scottish Rite bodies in the United States and Masonry in tanismo austero en lugar de la alegrla de antafio.
general on the continent of Europe even have a special
Nuestros antiguos Hermanos no comian en pie y a
ritual for Masonic banquets or Table Lodges. toda prisa, sino que estaban sentados en la mesa horas
We desire our Brethren to know that it is not this good
old custom that we have been handling without gloves enteras divirti6ndose, contSndose historias, cambiando
impresiones, cantando y escuchando recitaciones; cantos y
in our editorial column, but the abuse of it. piezas de mrisica. Los organismos del Rito Escoc6s en
los Estados Unidos y la Masonerla en general en el con-
tinente europeo, tienen un ritual especial para sus Logias
Freemasonry is the only organizatiort in the world de banquete o agapes fraternales
today possessing the ability to unite all mankind, teaching, Sepan, pues, nuestros Hermanos que lo que hemos
as it does, the universal brotherhood of man.-Murail's ' hostigado tan despiadadamente no es esa buena costumbre
Mirror. antigua, sino los abusos de la misma.
May, 1924 Page 311

Peace Versus Persecution La Paz y La Persecuci6n

The present period is one of peace and plenty for Free- Para ld. Francmasoneria, la 6poca presente es un periodo
masenry. When we consider that approximately a cen- 4e paz y. prosperidad. Cuando noi acordamos de que
tury agg, our Institution suffered a most bitter persecution hace un siglo, nuestra Orden sufri6 en los Estados Unidos
in tFe United States, so bitter that its enemibs thought una persecuci6n tan encarnizada que los enemigos de la
rhey had wrecked it at last, and when we remember that Masoneria creian que habian destruido nuestra Initituci6n,
here in the Islands, but twenty-seven years ago, the flame y cuando recordamos que hace s6lo veintisiete af,os, la llama
of Freemasoary_\yas practically extinguished 5y the deluge sagrada de Ia Masonerfa estaba casi extinguida en estas
of blood with which the bigotry and cowardice of a govern- Islas por el diluvio de sangre con la cual un gobierno intole-
ment fit only for the middle ages attempted to oveiwhelm rante y cobarde que parecia pertenecer a la edad media,
the noble movement for enlightenmenl and liberty, we trat6 de sofocar nuestra Orden, debemos estar reconocidos
must feel_grateful that our Order is now able to develop, d.e Orle ahora, la Masoneria pueda desarrollarse y crecer
grow, and spread without hindrance. The efforts of our sin obstSculo. Resultan in{rtiles los esfuerzos que hacen
enemies to stem the tide of Masonic progress are of no nuestros enemigos para detener la marea montante del
avail. , The danger to our Institution, if any there be, must progreso. Cualquier peligro para nuestra Instituci6n debe
come from within. venir de denlro.
Is this period of peace and pienty an unmitigated iEs esta 6poca de paz y prosperidad exenta de desven-
blessing? Do not persecution and peril serve as an iicen- ta1_p y peligros? lNo es verdad que la persecuci6n y el
tive to active, zealous work? Do not the constant "alar- peligro estimulan el trabajo activo y celoso? 2No se iabe
ums and excursions" of war create and maintain a state of que los sobresaltos y ataques de Ia guerra crean un estado
alertness-and preparedness both useful and necessary to de_vigilancia y preparaci6n irtil y necesario en un ej6rcito?
3n army? _ Are not men surrounded by the enemy and 2 No es cierto que los hombres circundados por enemigos
beset by the same dangers, apt to stick more closely to- y expuestos a los mismos peligros son m6s unidos que lo
gether and to be more to each other than men under condi- serian en tiempo de paz y tranquilidad? 2Y a fin de que
tions of perfect peace? Does not the tree need the storm el 6rbol se haga fuerte y robusto, no necesita tanto el viento
that will shake it from crown to root as much as rain and que 19 agita desde la copa hasta las raices, como la lluvia y
sunstrine, if it is to become sturdy and enduring? el sol?
We believe that persecution and danger serve to sepa- Creemos que la persecuci6n y los peligros sirven para
rate the grain from the chaff, the pure gold from the dross, separar el oro puro de Ia escoria, y por esto estamos conven-
and we are sure that to a certain extent at least, our present cidos de que hasta cierto punto, nuestras dificultades pre-
difficulties with labor organizations and clandestine il{asons sentes con los organismos obreristas y los Masones clan-
have helped us rather than otherwise. - destinosnosayudanm5sbienqueperjudicarnos.

Yisits Between Lodges Visitas entre Logias

The General Regulations compiled by Grand Master Los Reglamentos Generaies recopilados por el Gran
G-eg5Se-Payne in-t720 and approved by the Grand Lodge Maestre George Payne en 1720 y aprobados por la Gran
of England on St. John Baptist's Day 1721 contain tfie Logia de Inglaterra el dia de San Juan Bautista de 1721,
following provision: contienen la disposici6n siguiente:
XL . A1l particular !g4g"r are_ to observe the same usages as much XL Todas las Logias observar6n en lo posible las mismas usan-
as possible; in_order to which, and for cultivating a good Un"derstanding zas, y con este objeto y para cultivar la buena inteligencia entre los
among Free-Masons, some Members out of eveiv Lodee shali b"e Francmasones, se delegar6 en cada Logia a varios miembros para visitar
deputed to visit the other Lodges as often as shall be thoirght conve- las dem6s Logias con la frecuencia que se considere conveniente.
Como muchas de las costumbres hermosas y ftiles de
Like many of the beautiful and useful customs of the los Francmasones de la antigriedad, la de las visitas entre
Freemasons of "ye olden times," visiting between Lodges las Logias est6 casf abandonada. De vez en cuando, sin
has become practically obsolete. From time to time, hJw- embargo, tenemos el gusto de poder publicar en esta revista
ever, it gives us pleasure to insert in the columns of this relaciones de visitas de esta clase, las cuales no pueden
review accounts of such .visits, which cannot but be pro- menos de producir "buena inteligencia entre los Franc-
ductive of "a good understanding among Freemasoirs." masones." Una visita de una delegaci6n de otra Logia
A visit from another Lodge lends a stimulus to both the estimula, tanto a la Logia visitante como a la visitada,
visitor and the visited, as both are anxioLrs to present the porque los dos tratan de producir una impresi6n favorable.
best_appearance possible. When such a visit is innounced, Al anunciarse la visita con la debida anticipaci6n, la l-ogia
the T- odge to be visited generally gets busy with practice que ha de ser visitada celebra generalmente tenidas de
meetings and puts on its best bib and tucker for tie occa- instrucci6n y los dignatarios y oficiales que no est6n muy
sion. Officers who are rusty or not very sure and effibient seguros de sus trabajos respectivos se perfeccionan en los
in their work, receive a hint that they must put themselves mismos. Se examina y compone el equipo de la Logia
in a state of fitness. Th9 L_odge equipment-and parapher- y se limpia y mejora el templo. Se encarece a los tibios
nalia are overhauled. The halt is tidied up and improved. Ia asistencia a la tenida. Y luego, en la noche de Ia visita,
Habitual absentees are given a shaking-up. And when los miernbros de la Logia visitada son tan contentos y orgu-
the greEt day comes, there are shining, huirpy faces, and llosos del 6xito que han obtenido que muchas veces se
the pride and satisfaction over the good woik done often olvidan las antiguas rencillas entre los Hermanos indivi-
results in the burying out of sight of oid disagreements and duales y en las tenidas posteriores se observa un aumento
estrangements between individual memberi and in an considerable de asistencia. Las dos Logias salen benefi-
increased attendanceat subsequent meetings. Both Lodges ciadas por la visita y la Masoneria en general gana mucho
le-arn and profit by the visit, and Masonry reaps the benEfit por la armonia y mayor eficiencia resultantes.
of increased harrnony and efficiency. Conviene, pues, que se haga revivir la hermosa cos-
At all events, lel us revive the beautiful old custom of tumbre de las visitas entre Logias, porque no cabe duda de
vi1ifir* b-etween Lodges. Our ancient Brethren were wise, que nuestros antiguos Hermanos obraron con acierto cuando
indeed,.when th-ey_made it thesubject of a special provision la hicieron objeto de una disposici6n especial en los "R.egla-
in the "General Regulations." mentos Generales."
The Formation of New Lodges La Formaci6n de Nuevas Lo$ias
There is a growing tendency, particularly in the City Se nota, sobre todo en la ciudad de Manila, de parte
of Manila, on the part of groups of Masons who, through de grupos de Masones los cuales, por el deseo de formar
the desire for a closer relationship in their Masonic work, relaciones m6s estrechas en su labor mas6nica o por otros
or some other reason, wish to be together in the same Lodge, motivos, quieren estar reunidos en la misma Logia, una
to demit from their Mother Lodges and present a petition tendencia creciente a separarse de sus Logias madres y
for the formation of a new Lodge. presentar solicitudes de dispensa para la formaci6n de una
In many cases the necessity for this action is difficult Logia
- Ennueva.
to understand, and sometimes the result is a detriment to muchos casos, es diflcil comprender la necesidad de
the Mother Lodges. In one instance which has come to la Logia nueva, y el resultado es a veces perjudicia\para la
our attention, a Lodge with only thirty members is threat- LogiJmadre. En un caso que nos han seflalado, una Logia
-s5lo treinta miembros teme que pronto perderd cinco
ened with the loss olfive who desire to unite withothersin de
the formation of a new Lodge. de ellos que desean unirse con otros para Ia formaci6n de una
Only under exceptional circumstances can there be Logia nueva.
- 56lo bajo las circunstancias m6s excepcionales puede
any valid reason for the establishment of m-o-r-e Lodges in
this city than those already in existence. With -twenty- esta ciudad. Con motivo v5lido para la formaci6n de m6s Logias en
within the city limits, there is a las veintiocho Logias que actualmente
eight L6dges now worliing de los limites de esta ciudad, el
est6n funcionando dentro
wlde choiie for the proipective candidate, whatever his candidato, sea lo que fuese su nacionalidad, categoria social
nationality, social rehtionships, or business connections.
o relaciones oficiales, profesionales o mercantiles, tiene un
The tendency really should be toward consolidation campo bastante amplio.
of Lodees whenever lack of material or other reasons render La tendencia deberia ser m5s bien la de fusionar las
this aciion advisable, a step which two of the Manila Lodges Logias siempre que esto fuese conveniente en vista de la
now have under consideration. escasez de material u otros motivos, como ya proyectan
hacerlo dos de las Logias de Manila.

Masonic Reading for the New Mason

Lectura Mas6nica pata el Mas6n Nuevo
Todo Mas6n debiera estudiar la literatura mas6nica.
Every Mason should be a Masonic reader. El Hermano recien exaltado no puede empezar mejor
For the newly obligated Brother, there is no better que estudiando cuidadosamente los Antiguos Linderos y
beginning than a'careful and thoughtful pertlsal of the los Cargos de un Francmas6n. Estos documentos antiguos
An-cient Landmarks and the Ancient Charges of Masonry. forman la base de toda ley mas6nica y demuestran clara-
These are of great antiquity, form the foundation of all mente el gran alcance del credo mas6nico. Los preceptos
Masonic law, and give a clear understanding of the broad de los primeros dos de los Cargos "Sobre Dios y la Religi6n"
scope of Masonic belief. The teachings of the first two y "Sobre el Magistrado civil supremo y subordinado,"
Aniient Charges "Concerning God and Religion," and "of con tener mAs de dos siglos de edad, son tan aplicables a los
the Civil Magistrate, Supreme and Subordinate," even problemas de la actualidad como lo fueron en la fecha en
though they are more than two centuries old, are, for example, que se escribieron.
just is applicable to the problems of today as when they Los Antiguos Linderos, "la ley no esttita de la Maso-
were rvrrtten. neria," son inmutables "y no se deben cambiar ni mutilar
The Ancient Landmarks, "the unwritten law of Ma- bajo cualquier pretexto."
sonry," are not subject to change, "are on no account to be Los Cargos de un Francmas6n, que constituyen en
removed or defaced." parte la base del derecho mas6nico, estin susceptibles a ser
The Ancient Charges, constituting in part the basis of reformados de conformidad con las leyes de cada jurisdic-
Masonic Iaw, are, on the other hand, subject to change, in ci6n.
accordance with the law of the jurisdiction in question. Habi6ndose enterado claramente de los Linderos y
With a clear understanding of the Landmarks and the Cargos, todo Hermano debe aumentar sus conocimientos
Charges, each Brother should add to his Masonic knowledge de la Masoneria mediante la lectura de buenos peri6dicos
by thl reading of good Masonic publications and books of y libros mas6nicos, de los cuales existen muchos, sobre
which there are many, particularly in the English language. todo en el idioma ing16s.
The Ancient Landmarks were printed in Vol. I, No. 1 Los Antiguos Linderos han sido insertados en el Tomo
(June, t923), and the Ancient Charges in Vol. I, No. 2 I, No. 1 (Junio d,e t923), y los Cargos de un Francmas6n
(july,1923), of the Cabletow. en el Tomo I, No. 2 (Julio de 1923), del Cobletou.

An Infinite Variety of Styles and Flavors
SMITII, []ELL & CO., Ixc.



Tell them \rou saw it in the Cabletow.

May, 1924 Page 313

Organizations and Societies Put Under Ban Organismos y Sociodades Prohibidas por la
by Grand Lodge Circular No.46 Circular de la Gran Logia No. 46
To the Masters, Ward,ens and, Brethren of the Lod.ges uruder A los'Venerables Maestros, V'igi,lantes y d,emds Hermanos
this Jurisdict'ion. d.e las Logias de esta Obed,iencia.
GnsBTrIvos:-In accordance with the provisions of Seruo:-De acuerdo con 1o dispuesto por la Resolu-
jhe Resolution adopted by the Grand Lodge January 23rd, ci6n adoptada por Ia Gran Logia el 32 de Enero de 1924,
t924, I hereby declare that the following organizations declaro por la presente incluidos en la prohibici6n de la
come under the ban promulgated in Circular No. 46, Feb- Circular No. 46, del 1 de Febrero de L924, a los organismos
ruary t,1924: siguientes:
LEGroNARros nrr, Tnanalo LBcroNenros onr, Tnane;o
GnaN MasoNBnf .q. Frr,rprNe GneN MasoNrnia FrrrprNa
M,q.nrrnBs oB Frr,rprxas ManrtnBs oB FrrrprNas
GnaN OnrBNre Frr,rprNo GnaN OnrBNre FrrrplNo
GneN Luz MasoNBnfe. FrlrprNa GneN Luz MasouBnia Frr,rrrNe
I hereby withdraw the organization known as Por la presente retiro el organismo conocido por el
Los Cesa.r,LERos LrenBs oBr, OnrBNrB nombre de
from the lists previously published, for the reason that it Los Cerer,LERos LrenBs orr, OnrBNrB
i3 not now using our emblems, insignia, etc., and does not de las listas ya publicadas, por
la raz6n de que actualmente
at this time come under the [ln of Circular Nb. 46. no hace uso de nuestros emblemas, insignias, etc,, y por
W. TnrNmao, Grand, Master. lo tanto no queda prohib_i-do por la Circular No. 46.
W. TnrNroao, Gran Moestre.
Extract of Grand Lodge Circular No. 46
Circular No. 46, first published in the February, and Extracto de Ia Circular No. 46
then in the March, 1924, issue of the Cenlmow, contains
a Grand Lodge Resolution forbidding Masons in this Juris- La Circular de la Gran Logia No. 46, que se ha publi-
diction from becoming members of any organization or cado por primera yez en el nrlirero del Cesrnrow corres-
society which, without due authority, makes use of Masonic pondiente al mes de Febrero y por segunda vez en el de
emblems, regalia, insignia, or rituals, or any near resem- Marzo, contiene una resoluci6n de la Gran Logia en Ia cual
blance thereto, which may tend to deceive or be confused se prohibe a los Masones de esta Jurisdicci6n afiliarse con
with Masonic emblems, etc. The Resolution provides cualquier organismo o sociedad que, sin ser debidamente
that Masons already members of such" organizations, the autorizado para ello, haga uso de los emblemas, indumen-
names of which."shall be published monthly by the Grand taria, insignias o rituales de la Masonerla, o de cualquiera
Master, shall have ninety-days from the firit publication of cosa que tuviese bastante semejanza con los mismos para
this Resolution in the Cesr,Brow in which to discontinue producir engaflo o confusi6n con los emblemas, etc., mas6-
such membership. The penalty for joining organizations nicos. La resoluci6n dispone que a los Masones que ya
under this ban, or for failing to discontinue membership forman parte de los referidos organismos se les conceder6
therein within the specified time, shall be expulsion from un plazo de noventa dias contados desde la primera publi-
Masonry. caci6n de esta resoluci6n en el CaeLETow, para darse de
baja en dichos organismos, cuyos nombres se publicarin
mensualmente por el Gran Maestre. Cualquier Mas6n
Masonry teaches from its first to its last degree that que se afilie con los referidos organismos o deje de darse de
the greatest purpose in life is mastery over self.-South- baja en los mismos dentro del plazo fijado, ser6 expulsado
uestern Freernason. de la Masoneria.




Tell them you salp ,i.t in the Cabletow.

?age 314 THE CABLE'r'OW
Decision of the M. W. Grand Master Decisi6n del Muy Ilustre Gran Maestre
April 5, 1924. 5 de Abril de 1924.
To the Masters, Wardens, and, Brethren oJ the Lodges under A los Venerables, Vigil,antes y demds Hermanos ile las
Logias de la obediencia de esta Gran Logia.
tlvis Grand Lodge.
Ser,uo:-En vista de que entre los Aprendices y Com-
Gnnortucs:-In view of the fact that among the Ap- pafleros Masones hay unos tantos cuyo paradero se ignora
prentices and Fellowcrafts there are some whose addresses desde hace mucho tiempo, resueivo que se podrin omitir
have been unknown for a long time, I decide that those en las listas de miembros enviadas al CaelBrow los nombres
Apprentices and Fellowcrafts whose whereabouts are not de los Aprendices y Compafleros Masones cuyo paradero
known to the Lodges, may be omitted from the lists of se ignore por ia Logia interesada, y no se exigir6 el qago de
membership forwarded to the Casr,ntow, and payment su cuota correspondiente hasta que se conociera la direc-
for them is hereby waived until such time as a Brother's ci6n del interesado. Los secretarios incluirAn en sus listas
address is known. Secretaries will therefore include only de miembros s6lo aquellos Aprendices y Compafieros Ma-
such Apprentices and Fellowcrafts in their lists of member- sones cuyas direcciones postales exactas posean.
ship for whom they have a correct mailing address. W. TnrNroeD, Gran Maestre.
W. TnrNrneo, Grand Master.
Constituci6n de la Logia Memorial No. 90
Constitution of Memorial Lodge No. 90
El 12 de Abril, el Muy Ilustre Gran Maestre Wen-
On April 12 the M. W. Grand Master, Wenceslao ceslao Trinidad y el Muy Venerable Hmno. Joseph H.
Trinidad, and Rt. Wor. Bro. Joseph H. Schmidt went to Schmidt fueron a Nueva Ecija para constituir la Logia
San Jos6, Nueva Ecija, to constitute Memorial Lodge No.90. Memorial No. 90.
The Lodge was constituted by the M. W. Grand Despu6s de constituida la Logia por el Muy Ilustre
Master, and after this impressive ceremony the newly Gran Maestre, el Muy Venerable Hmno. Schmidt instal6
elected officers were installed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Schmidt. a los dignatarios y oficiales de la misma.
After installation, addresses were made by M. W. Terminadas esas ceremonias solemnes, se pronunciaron
Bro. Trinidad, Rt. Wor. Bro. Schmidt, and Wor. Bro. discursos por el Muy Ilustre Hmno. Trinidad, el Muy
Marceliano Hidalgo, the new Master of Memorial Lodge. Venerable Hmno. Schmidt, y el Ven. Hmno. Marceliano
A reception was also held, which was attended by a Hidalgo, venerable maestro nuevamente instalado de la
large gathering of Masons, their families, and friends. Logia Memorial No. 90.
Sigui6 una recepci6n en la cual participaron numerosos
Constitution of Muog Lodge No. 89 Masones, sus familias y amigos.
Saturday evening, March 29, 192+, at 6:30 p. ffi.,
Muog Lodge No. 89, Paraflaque, Rizal, was constituted
by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. The ceremonies Constituci6n de la Logia Muog No. 89
were held in the public schoolhouse, with an attendance El SAbado, 29 de Marzo de 1924, a las seis y media de
greater than the capacity of the building. The addresses la noche, el Muy Ilustre Gran Maestre constituy6 Ia Logia
were particularly appropriate and inspiring. Right Wor. Muog No. 89, de Paraflaque, Rizal. Las ceremonias se
Bro. Joseph H. Schmidt spoke in English, Bro. Emiliano T. verificaron en la escuela priblica Ia cual res;q1lt6 ser de capa-
Tirona, Senator from Cavite, and Wor. Bros. Higino de cidad insuficiente para la concurrencia enorme. Los dis-
Guia and Sabas de Guzman, the latter the Master of the cursos eran particrilarmente apropiados e inspiradores. El
new Lodge, spoke in Tagalog, and the address in Spanish Ilustre Hermano Joseph H. Schmidt habl6 en ingl6s y el
was given by Bro. Antonio Gonzales. Hmno. Emiliano T. Tirona, senador de Cavite, en tagalog.
The officers were installed by M. W. Bro, Quintin Los Ven. Hmnos. Higino de Guia y Sabas de Guzman (el
Paredes, Past Grand Master, assisted by Very Wor. Bro. ven{.hle de la nueva Logia) hablaron tambi6n en tagalog
Felipe Tempongko as Master of Ceremonies. v' e '- Antonio Gonzales en castellano.
After the constitution of the Lodge and the installation r.- -'gnatarios fueron instalados por el Muy Il. Hmno.
of the officers, several musical numbers were given by a Quintln Paredes, Gran Maestre pasado, ayudado por el
mixed chorus, followed by dancing and refreshments, which muy Venerable Hmno. Felipe Tempongko, como Maestro
concluded the festivities. de Ceremonias.
Muog Lodge is to be congratulated upon the success
of the ceremonies of the evening. Despu6s de constituida la Logia e instalados sus dig-
natarios, se cantaron varias piezas por un coro mixto y
luego sigui6 un baile y refrescos.
High-Twelve No. 82 Completes Its Quota Felicitamos a la Logia Muog por el 6xito de las cere-
With a final payment made to the Grand Lodge on monias de su constituci6n.
April 10, High-Twelve Lodge No. 82 completed its quota
to the Home, School and Dormitory Fund, and occupies
sixth place in the ro11 of honor.
The first five Lodges are, in the order named, Cosmos
No. 8, Mt. Lebanon No. 80, Baguio No. 67, Benjamin EBANNEFT GAFTAGE
Franklin, U.D., and Kasilawan No. 77. 55 ECHAGUE, MANILA
From now until June 24, the final date for the payment
of the quota, the race for position on the ro11 of honor bids PrroNE Bi3
fair to be close among the various Lodges. MOTTO-SERVICE AND S.AFETY
DODGE BROS, P3.00 Per hour
Tag,a-Ilog Moves to Masonic Temple, Escolta HUDSON SUPER SIXES 4.OO

Taga-Ilog Lodge No. 79, t'hich formerly was located PROVINCIAL TRIPS, ON APPLICATION
in King Solomon's Temple, 1001 Bilbao, Tondo, Manila, ,J. R. KUYKENDALL, Prop.
has moved to the Masonic Temple, Escolta, the first meeting
in the new quarters being held April 5, or the first Saturday
of the month, the date of its stated meetings.
Tell them ^tou saw it'in the Cabletow.
May;1924 'Page 315

Charleston No. 44 in Seventh Place LaLoSia High-Twelve No. 82 Completa su

The Home, School and Dormitory Fund has just been Cuota
increased by the tidy sum of P825.00, paid in by Charleston Con el riltimo plazo que ha satisfecho a la Gran Logia
LoCge No. 44, Guam, Marianas Islands. Of this amount el 10 de Abril, la Logia High-Twelve No. 82 ha completado
?690.00 represents the ten-peso per capita membership el pago de su cuota para el Fondo del Asilo, Colegio y Dor-
quora, and the rest special fees for degrees conferred. Inci- mitorio mas6nicos y ocupa hoy el sexto lugar en el cuadro
dentally, by the same mail this Lodge forwarded its CaeLB- de honor.
Tow quota for the year t924-1925. Las primeras cinco Logias son, en el orden en que
While of the constituent Lodges of this Jurisdiction constan: Cosmos No. 8, Mt. Lebanon No. 80, Baguio No.
Charleston No. 44 is the most distant from the seat of the 67, Benjamin Franklin, U.D., y Kasilawan No. 77.
Grand Lodg-1,506 miles-it shows itself very close to us
in spirit. Desde hoy hasta el 24 de Junio, irltima fecha para el
pago de la cuota, habr6 mr.rcha competici6n entre las dife-
rentes Logias en su empeflo de ocupar sitios tan pr6ximos
Luz Oceanica No. 85 On Roll of Honor como fuese posible ala cabeza del cuadro de honor.
April 26, at a special installation of officers, Luz Ocea-
nica Lodge No. 85, made the final payment on 1ts quota
to the Home, School and Dormitory Fund, and thus wins Notas de la Logia Bulusan No. 38
eighth place on the roll of honor. El 7 de Abril, los miembros de la Logia Bulusan No. 38
y varios Hermanos de otras Logias dieron un banquete en
honor del Hmno. Cornelio Bustillos, segundo teniente de
Notes from Pilar No. 15 la Poiicia Insular, el cual ha sido trasladado desde su puesto
April 12 the first degree in English was conferred by en Sorsogon a Balabac, donde tendrA a su cargo el desta-
Pilar Lodge No. 15, Imus, Cavite, upon Mariano S. Remulla camento de dicha isla. La funci6n, dirigida como estaba
and Alfredo Saqui, in the presence of a large number of por el Hmno. Jos6 E. de Vera, primer vigilante, era un
members of the Lodge and visiting Brethren from near-by 6xito, pronunci5ndose discursos por los Hmnos. C. M.
sister Lodges. Guysayko, fiscal provincial, Bernabe Flores, gobernador
Wor. Bro. Jos6 C. Velo, Past'Master and present provincial, Cleto Arnedo, tesorero provincial, B. G. Steele,
Secretary of Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4, conferred the de la Logia Mayon No. 61, Anacleto Ap6stol, V. M. de la
degree on one of the candidates and gave the lecture. Bro. Logia Bulusan No. 38, y el hu6sped de honor.
Cornelio Cruz, of the same Lodge, acted as Senior Deacon. Se resolvi6 que se celebrase cada dos meses un ban-
The sincere thanks of the officers and members of quete o reuni6n. El primero de dichos banquetes se
Pilar Lodge Ng. 15 are extended to Bros. Velo and Cruz celebrard el S5bado, 7 de Junio, bajo los auspicios del
for their valuable assistance. Hmno. C. M. Guysayko. Cada Hermano tendr6 derecho
a venir acompaflado de un miembro de su familia.
Notes from Mt. Lebanon No. 80
April 5 a special team from Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 80
conferred the second degree of Masonry upon Bros. Villa-
ruz and Isobe of Sinukuan Lodge No. i6. Remarks were
made by Bro. Leonardo Garduio, Master of Sinukuan Style,
Lodge, and Wor. Bro. M. Goldenberg, P. M., who headed
the special team from Mt. Lebanon. Among the visiting
Brethren was the Junior Grand Lecturer, Very Wor. Bro.
E. A. Perkins, custodian of the work in English.
April24 Minerva Lodge No. 41 held a :ting
{ft.. Quality, and
in honor of Mt. Lebanon Lodge. On r . the
third degree of Masonry was conferred upon rro. Lucio S, is the creed of the Hike Shoe makers. Fine
Miranda, a Fellowcraft of Minerva Lodge, by the regular
officers of Mt. Lebanon Lodge. Remarks were made by white Nubuck and canvas Oxfords for men,
the Masters of the two Lodges.
Through voluntary contributions from the members now selling
of Mt. Lebanon Lodge, some of whom gave very liberally,
it has been possible for the Lodge to equip itself with com-
plete sets of regalia and paraphernalia. at P 14.00,
and as low
(canvas) as



R. E: McGnamr, Mgr.
284 Boulevard dc Ayala, Manila Phonc 347E

Tel.l. them you saw it in the Cabletow-

Page 316 THE CABLE."{OW
Notes From Bulusan No. 38 Luz Oc0anica No. 85 La Octava Logia en
April 7 a fraternal dinner was given by the members el Cuadro de Honor
of Bulusan Lodge No. 38 and various Brethren of other El 26 de Abril, la LogiaLuz Oc6anica No. 85, en una
Lodges in honor of Bro. Cornelio Bustillos, Second Lieu- tenida extraordinaria para la instalaci6n de nuevos digna-
tenant, P. C., who has been transferred from his station at tarios, ha completado el pago de su cuota para el Frndo
Sorsogon to Balabac as detachment officer in charge of del Asilo, Colegio y Dormitorio mas6nicos, y ocupa ei
the garrison on that island. Under the direction of Bro. octavo lugar en el euadro de honor,
Jos6 E. de Vera, Senior Warden, the affair was most suc-
cessful, speeches being made by Br.,os. C. M. Guysay -
De la Logia Laoag No. 71 \
vincial fiscal. Bernabe Flo rovlncla
@; G.B. Steele of Mayon Lodge El 29 de Marzo,la Logia di6 una despedida al Hmno.
No. 61, Anacleto Apostol, W. M. of Bulusan No. 38, and C. L. Pickett y su distinguida seflora, los cuales han salido
the guest of honor. para Am6rica. El programa inclula cantos y declama-
It has been decided to hold a regular bi-monthly ciones por las niflas de la escuela Gabald6n, bajo la direc-
gathering or dinner, Bro. C. M. Guysayko to have charge ci6n de su principal, Srta. Raymunda Guerrero, hermana
del Hmno. Miguel Guerrero, y discursos por los Hmnos.
of the first, which will take place Saturday, June 7, each Anastacio R. Teodoro y Zcsilo Tolentino, alabando el pri-
Brother being privilegbd to bring a member of his family. mero al Hmno. Pickett por sus servicios profesionales
prestados a la provincia y el segundo por sus servicios a
la Masoneria. Los miembros de la Logia obsequiaron a
Notes from LaoaS Lodge No. 71 los hu6spedes de honor con regalos de despedida.
A "despedida" was given by the Lodge on March 29
in honor of Bro. and N{rs. C. L. Pickett, who have left for
the United States. A special program was prepared for De la Logia Pilar No. 15
the occasion, which included songs and declamations by El Abril se confiri6 el primer grado en ingl6s por
12 de
the Gabaldon school girls under the direction of their Prin- la Logia Pilar No. 15, de Imus, Cavite, a Mariano S. Re-
cipal, Miss Raymunda Guerrero, sister of Bro. Miguel mulla y Alfredo Saqui, en presencia de muchos miembros
Guerrero, and addresses by Bros. Anastacio R. Teodoro de dicha Logia y de visitadores de otras vecinas.
and Zoilo Tolentino, the first of whom eulogized Bro. El Hmno. Jos6 C, Velo, V. P. y secretario actual de
Pickett for his professional services in the province, and Bagumbayan No. 4, confiri6 el grado a uno de dichos can-
the second for his services to Masonry. Farewell gifts didatos y pronunci6 la instrucci6n, actuando de primer
$/ere presented by the members of the Lodge to the guests diicono el Hmno. Cornelio Cruz, tambi6n de la Logia Ba-
of honor.
Los dignatarios y demAs miembros de la Logia Pilar
No. 15 expresan a los Hmnos. Velo y Cruz su profundo
agradecimiento por su ayuda valiosa.
How Many Others ?
Isla de Luzon Lodge No. 57 informs us that not a
single member of this Lodge belongs to any other secret €Hay Otras? ,;
organization, not even the Legionarios del Trabajo, and La Logia Isla de Luzon No. 57 nos avisa que tiene la
thus has the good fortune to be entirely free from any pos- dicha de que ninguno de sus miembros pertenece a ninguna
sible complications which might arise under the provisions asociaci6n secreta, ni mucho menos a los Legionarios del
of Grand Lodge Clrcular No. 46. Trabajo.


and then give him a poor set of tools to work with. Neither
should you employ a good stenographer and give her a poor
typewriter. A good typist deserves an
to work with. It is only fair to her that she be provided with
the best of tools.

Most of them will insist on an UNDERWOOD

If yours does send fot out dentonstrator.

&BANKCO., Lrn.

Tel,l, thern you saw it in the Cabletow.

May, 1924 Page 317

Notes from Pinagsabitan No. 26 De Ia Logia Pinagsabitan No. 26

The new officers of Pinagsabitan Lodge No. 26, Santa Los nuevos dignatarios de la Logia Pinagsabitan No.
Cruz,.Laguna, consisting mostly of Brethren of the younger 26, de Sta. Cruz, Laguna, quienes son en su mayorfa Ma-
generation, recently conferred the first degree of the year. sones j6venes, acaban de conferir el primer grado del aflo.
A special English team was organized by Wor. Bro. El Hmno. Vicente Reventar, Venerable de la Logia,
Vicente Reventar, Master of the Lodge, for the purpose of habia formado un team especial con el fin de conferir el
conferring the first degree of Masonry on Apolinar Abuel. primer grado en ingl6s a Apolinar Abuel.
Bro. Mateo Alfonso opened the Lodge in the first El Hmno. Mateo Alfonso abri6 la Logia en el primer-
tJBro. Agripino
degree, and then turned thb gavel over grado y entreg6 luego el mallete al Hmno. Agripino Alviar,.
Alviar, who conferred the degree. Bro. Fermin Buan el cual confiri6 el grado. El Hmno. Fermin Buan pronun-
gave the lecture and Wor. Bro. Reventar gave the charge. ci6 la instrucci5n del grado y el Ven. Hmno. Reventar la
Bro. Julio Sulit acted as Senior Warden. As a whole the exhortaci6n. El Hmno. Julio Sulit actu6 de primer vigi-
team acquitted itself creditably. lante. Todo el team realiz6 una labor digna de aplauso.
Wor. Bro. Reventar, in a short talk, expressed his El Ven. Hmno. Reventar, en breves palabras, expres6,
entire satisfaction with the work of the English team and su entera satisfacci6n con el trabajo del team y su agrade-
his appreciation of the splendid cooperation shown through- cimiento por la excelente cooperaci6n que se habia 6bser-
out. vado en todo.



KNIGHT 5 Pass. Touring

7 Pass. Touring -

The printed word cannot do full justice to the fine engineering that
distinguishes the M/ILLYS.KNIGHT.
One must see the car to fully appreciate it.
The latest models may now be seen on display at our salesroorns.



Tell thern you saw it iru the Cabl,etow.


Phota bl Camera Sutull Co, KING SoLoMoN's TBvpts-Tenplo del Rey Salonan
110 Erolta, Manila 1001 Bilbao, Tondo, Manila

Back in September of 1916, Bros. Isidoro de Santos, Los Hermanos Dr. Isidoro de Santos, Roberto Moreno,
Roberto Moreno,' Jacinto Herrera, .Potenciano Herrera, Jacinto Herrera, Potenciano Herrera, Santiago Barcelona,
Santiago Barcelona, Pascual Lintag y Pablo B. Herrera, Pascual Lintag y Pablo B. Herrera, miembros de la Logia
members of Sinukuan Lodge No. 16, conceived the idea of Sinukuan No. 16, all5 por e1 mes de Septiembre de'1916,
constructing a Temple suitable for Masonic purposes. As idearon construir un Templo adecuado p'ara los trabajos
a result, negotiations were opened with the firm of Jacinto, mas6nicos. Como-resultado de su primera reuni6n, enta-
Palma y Hermanos, building contractors, with the object blaron negociaciones con los Sres. Jacinto, Palma y Her-
manos, constructores de edificios, con el objeto de construir
of erecting such a building. Bro. Jacinto Herrera was in un edificio apropiado para un Templo; el ,Hmno. Jacinto
charge of the preparation of the plans and directed the Herrera se encarg6 de la preparaci6n del plano y de la direc-
work until the edifice was finished, as well as acting for ci6n de las obras de dicho edificio hasta terminar la obra.
Sinukuan Lodge in looking after the interior decorations, El mismo Hmno. Jacinto Herrera se encarg6 tambi6n de la
which are Masonic in character. decoraci6n interior del Templo, por encargo de la Logia
The same Brethren mentioned above, in November of Sinukuan No. 16. conforme al Rito.
1916, organizd a corporation, "Sikatunan," Inc., to take Los mismos Hermanos arriba citados, en Noviembre de
over the building by purchase and administer the same. 1916, formaron una Corporaci6n denominada "SrrLA.TUNA,"
King Solomon's Temple, the name selected, was con- Inc., con el fin de hacerse cargo del edificio mediante compra
secrated on February 24, t917. y su administraci6n.
The present directors of "Sikatunan," Inc., are as En 24 de Febrero de 1917, fu6 consagrado el Templo.
follows: Bro. Isidoro de Santos, president; Bro. Ildefonso Los actuales Directores de la "STKATUNA," Inc., son
Villa-Real, vice-president; Bro. Santiago Barcelona, treas- los siguientes: Hrnno. Dr. Isidoro de Santos, Presidente;
{rrer; Bro. Juan Feliciano, manager; Bro. Pascual Lintag, Hmno. Dr. Ildefonso Villa-Real, Vice-Presidente; Hmno.
auditor; and Bro. Potenciano Herrera, secretary. Dr. Santiago Barcelona, Tesorero; Hmno. Juan Feliciano,
The principal shareholders in the corporation, in Administrador; Hmno. Pascual Lintag, Contador-Inter-
addition to the directors mentioned above, are Bros. ventor; Hmno. Potenciano Herrera, Secretario.
Manuel L. Quezon, Rafael Palma, Manuel Earnshaw, Los principales accionistas de la Corporaci6n, adem6s
Tomas Earnshaw, Matias Gonzales, Roberto Moreno, de los actuales Directores arriba citados, sbn los Hermanos
Jos6 Lim Chumbuque, Severo Fuentebella, Dionisio Bau- Manuel L. Quezon, Rafael Palma, Manuel Earnshaw,
tista, Mariano Yengco, and Victor Biunas. Tom5s Earnshaw, Matias Gonzales, Roberto Moreno,
The Lodges at present occupying the Temple are Wa- Jos6 Lim Chumbuque, Severo Fuentabella, Dionisio Bau-
lana No. 13, Sinukuan No. 16, Araw No. 18, Dapitan No. tista, Mariano Yengco, Victor Biunas, y otros.
21, and Batong-Buhay No. 27. El primer piso del Templo se usa para escuela y para
The first floor of the Temple is used in the day time as actos sociales profanos; el segundo, para trabajos mas6ni-
.a school for young children, called the "Tondo Montessory cos solamente.
'Class," under the auspices of Sinukuan Lodge No. 16, and este Templo actualmente trabajan las Logias
for social affairs, whether connected with the Lodges or Walana No. 13, Sinukuan No. 16, Araw No. 18, Dapi=tan
not. The second floor is used only for Masonic purposes. No. 21, y Batong-Buhay No. 27. _
May, 1924 Page 319

La Logia Charleston No. 44 Ocupa el

Septimo Lugar.
El Fondo de1 Asilo, Colegio y Dormitorio mas6nicos
acaba de ser aumentado por la respetable cantidad de
f.825.99, ingresados por la Logia Charleston No. 44, Guam,
Islas Marianas. De esta suma, F690.00 representan Ia
cuota de diez pesos por cada miembro, y el reito, derechos
extraordinarios por los grados conferidos. En el mismo
correo, la I o_gia Charleston remiti6 su cuota para el sosteni-
miento del CasrBrow correspondiente al afrb lg24-lg2i"
- .ltu rn6s lejana de todas las Logias hermanas de esta
jurisdicci6n-1,506 millas de la sede de la Gran Logia-
esta Logia cumpie con sus deberes de una manera que agra-
da a todos.

Si se cambiase vuestra direcci6n postal, avisad a vuestro

secretario y al Canrnrow sin demoia.


HEN try an "Exclusivo!" You

will find unexpected pleasure in
M. W. Bno. Mrr,rox Elnrp"SpRrNGER
Grandri;ir;r;f the Phitippine
Grand Master ff'the Istands, its mild aroma-a different taste and
flavor thatwill make you an "Exclusivo"
M. \,V. Bro. Springer was raised in Manila Lodge No. 1,
April 29, t902, and has been Senior Deacon, Junior-Warden convert forever after.
and Wor. Master of this Lodge, the last in 1905-1906.
Bro. Sprinqer is a member of Luzon Chapter No. 1,
R.4. M.,Maniia, in which he has been Principal Sojourner "Exclusivos" are made of high-grade
and High Priest, the latter in lgll-1912.
He was anointed into the Holy Order of the High Isabela filler and Sumatra wrapper by
Priesthood Dec. 14, 19t7.
A member of Oriental Council No. 1, R. & S. M., "LA INSULAR" Cigar Factory. Try
Vanila, Bro.-Spring_er has held office therein as Principal one, and you will agree that "Exclusi-
Conductor of the Work, Deputy Master and Illustrious
Master, the last in 1916-1917.
Knighted in Far East Commandery No. 1, K. T., vos" are worth their price, and more, too.
Manila, Bro. Springer was Prelate and Eminent Commander
thereof, the latter in 1910-1911.
_ _ Bro- _-Springer was Venerable Master of Mt. Arayat ONLY 20 CENTAVOS EACH
Lgdg" of Perfection, A. and A. S. R., Manila, in 1913-1914;
Wise Master of Manu Chapter No. 1, Rose Croix, Manila,
it 1912-1913 ; Preceptor of Confucius Council No. 1, Knights OR P4.50 THE BOX
Eadosh, Manila, in i915-1916; and Master of Kad-osh,
Gautama Consistory No. 1, Manila, in 1916-1917.
Elected Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in
October,1913. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS
Coronated an Honorary Inspector General of the FILLED PROMPTLY UPON
Supreme Council of the 33o May 26, L917.
Knighted, Asoka Conclave No. 30, Red Cross of Con- RECEIPI OF REMITTANCE
stantirye, Aug. 14, 1914; Viceroy, 1914-1915; M. P. Sover-
eign, 1915-1916.
. !_nr!1Se1 became a member of Nile Temple,
A. t^Bro.
O., \ M-. S., of Seattle, Washington, April 8, 1916:
In the M. W. Grand Lodge of the-Philippine Islands, KIOSKO HABANERO
Ero. Springer l1a,s held office as Junior Giand Warden, FOSTER eNp DELGADO, Proprietors
Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Master.
The magnificent Masonic Temple which adorns the 27 ESCOLTA MANILA
Escolta, Manila, is a monument to the indomitable energy
and Masonic loyalty of Bro. Springer, whose efforts maiL
possible the completion of this building.
Tell them ylu saw it in the Cabletow.

Recent Visitations Vlade by the Rt. Wor. Deputy

Grand Master, Accompanied by the Rt. W'or.
Senior Grand Itlarden.
Y'isitac'iones Verif'cadas por los llustres Gran l,[aestre Delegado y Primer Gran V'igilante.

Acting under instructions received from the M. W. En cumplimiento de las instrucciones que habia reci-
Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. C. W. Rosenstock, Deputy bido del M. I. Gran Maestre, el Ilustre Hmno. C. W..R.osen-
Grand Master, accompanied by Rt. Wor. Bro. F. A. Del- stock, Gran Maestre delegado, acompafrado por el llustre
gado, Senior Grand Warden, recently made the following Hmno. F. A. Delgado, Primer Gran Vigilante, acaba de
official visitations: hacer las siguientes visitaciones:
Makiling Lodge No. 72, Calamba, Laguna, was visited El 17 de Abril, a ias 10 de la maflana, visitaron la Logia
on April 17, at 10 a. m. With Wor. Bro. Juan Mufi.oz, Makiling No. 72, de Calamba, Laguna. Dicha Logia,
P.M., present Master, and Inspector for the 14th district, presidida por el Ven. Hmno. Juan Mufloz, V.P., actual
in the East, the Grand Lodge officers were received in proper venerable de dicha Logia e inspector del 14.o distrito, recibi6
form. The meeting was well attended, and there was much a los dignatarios de la Gran Logia en debida forma. La
favorable comment on the work of the officers of this Lodge. tenida estaba muy asistida y se alab6 mucho el trabajo
At 4 p. m. of the same day, M6rtires del '96 No. 32, de los dignatarios de la Logia.
Nagcarlang, Laguna, was visited. Wor. Bro. Sinforoso A las 4 de la tarde del mismo dia 17 , visitaron a Ia
Sollorano was in the East, and the interest in the Lodge Logia MArtires del '96, de Nagcarlang, Laguna. El Ven.
shown by its Past Masters, as u,'e11 as the evidence of study
Hmno. Sinforoso Sollorano ocupaba la silla oriental, y los
and interest in the ritualistic work on the part of the officers dignatarios de Ia Gran Logia quedaban agradablemente
and membe{s, was very gratifying to the Grand Lodge impresionados por el inter6s demostrado por los Venerables
representatives. The attendance'w'as exceptionally good, pasados y el celo y entusiasmo de los miembros cuya mejor
and the Lodge as a whole had a very prosperous appearance. prueba era la calidad de la labor ritualfstica. Hubo asis-
Malinaw Lodge No. 25, San Pablo, Laguna, lvas visited
the same day, at 8:30 p. m. Wor. Bro. Ricardo P. Ticzon tencia excepcionalmente numerosa y la Logia present6
and the officers and members of this Lodge gave the Grand
un aspecto de mucha prosperidad
Lodge officers a welcome that will not soon be forgotten, and A las 8 y media de la noche del mismo dia 17 ,los repre-
a splendid spirit was shown throughout. The Lodge owns sentantes de la Gran Logia visitaron a la Logia Malinaw
its own Temple, a large two-story, strong-material building, No. 25, de San Pablo, Laguna, donde el Ven. Hmno. Ricardo
finely located, and overlooking the beautiful lake for which P. Ticzon y los dem6s dignatarios y miembros del Taller
San Pablo is famous-the finest Temple which the Deputy dieron a los visitadores una acogida fraternal que no se
Grand Master had seen in the Philippines outside of Manila. olvidar6 pronto -v exhibieron un espiritu excelente. La
The visitation of Kalilayan Lodge No. 37, Lucena, Logia tiene su propio templo, un edificio espacioso de dos
Tayabas, which took place at 11 a. m., April 18, was the pisos, construfdo de materiales fuertes y ventajosamente
most important of all, inasmuch as seven different Lodges situado en una colina desde la cual se puede admirar el
were officially represented at this meeting, due to the fact hermoso lago de San Pablo. En efecto, se. el templo mAs
that it was physically impossible for the Grand Lodge magnifico que el Gran Maestre delegado hubiese visto en
officers to visit all the Lodges of Tayabas in the limited time Filipinas, fuera de Manila.
at their disposal. Wor. Bro. Alfredo Villaseflor presided, La visitaci6n m5s importante que se hizo era a la Logia
and the dignity of the work performed by this Brother and Kalilayan No. 37, de Lucena, Tayabas, a las 11 de la ma-
the other officers of the Lodge was very impressive. flana del 18 de Abril, porque en dicha tenida se hallaban
Wor. Bro. Julio Herrera, Inspector for District No. 3, presentes las representaciones oficiales de siete Logias dife-
and Wor. Bro. Eusebio Dimaano, Inspector for District No. rentes, por ser materialmente imposible para los dignatarios
13, were present and took an active part in the deliberations. de la Gran Logia visitar a todas las Logias de Tayabas
The following Lodges in Tayabas Province were repre- dentro del tiempo limitado que tenian a su disposici6n.
sented on the occasion of the above visitation: Presidi6 el \Ien. Hmno. Alfredo Villaseflor, y el trabajo
Balintawak No. 28, Gumaca: Wor. Bro. Arsenio Nati- realizado por dicho Hermano y los dem6s dignatarios y ofi-
vidad and five other Brethren. ciales de la Logia fu6 muy digno e impresionante.
Rizal No. 20, Lopez: Wor. Bro, Ildefonso Jugueta Estaban presentes y tomaron parte activa en las deli-
and two other Brethren. beraciones el Ven. Hmno. Julio Herrera, inspector del
Banahaw No. 24, Atimonan: Wor. Bro. Victor Amador. distrito, y V'en. Hmno. Eusebio Dimaano, inspector del
Plaridel No. 74, Calauag: Wor. Bro. Nicolas E. de 13.o distrito.
Guzman, who came from a distant province for the sole
purpose of being present at the meeting. Las Logias de la provincia de Tayabas representadas
Filipinas No. 54, Unisan: Bro. Francisco L. Beltran, en la visitaci6n a que nos referimos eran las siguientes:
Senior Warden, and two other Brethren. Balintawak No. 28, Gumaca: \ren. Hmno. Arsenio
Tayabas No. 43, Tayabas: Wor. Bro. M6nico N. Songco Natividad ], cinco otros Hermanos.
and six other Brethren. Rizal No. 20, Lopez: Ven. Hmno. Ildefonso Jugueta
y dos otros Hermanos.
When I was a King and a Mason-
Banahau' No. 24, Atimonan: Ven. Hmno. Victor
A master proved and skilled, Plaridel No. 74, Calauag: Ven. Hmno. Nicolds E. de
I cleared me ground for a palace
Guzrnan, el cual habia venido de una provincia distante
Such as a King should build.
I decreed and cut down to my levels,
con el rinico objeto de presenciar dicha tenida.
Presently, under the silt, Filipinas No. 54, Unisan: Hmno. Francisco L. Beltran,
I came on the wreck of a palace Primer Vigilante, v dos otros Hermanos.
Such as a King had built! Tayabas No. 43, Tayabas: Ven. Hmno. M6nico N.
Sclngcoy seis otros Hermanos.
May,1924 Page 321

eQue es la Francmasoner(a?
Sublime instituci6n de caballeros
(6ut[rr gr ruruhuir urlilr gr mug, Unidos por un lazo indisoluble,
Sin poder humano que les nuble
(Dlb limB iz xwiftlg flginry,
La luz radiante de sus "yos" sinceros.
!frur tlut sunr flsmrr llut hluumr luilug Obreros son, de convicci6n. Enteros,
Laboran con constancia noche y dia;
@umurrurx mtrg hr ilging. Se esfuerzan en borrar con gran porfia
Del negro obscurantismo los senderos.
Laluz de la Raz6n tienen por guia;
Pretenden la igualdad como un derecho,
Bro. Elwood S. Brown. Defienden su ideal con noble pecho,
Member of Southern Cross No. 6. De Oriente a Septentri6n, de Norte a Mediodla.
Died March 18, t924, in New York City. S6pase ya que la Masoneria
Tiene por ideal y noble anhelo
Bro. Agapito Cruz. El elevar al hombre desde el suelo
Member of Malinaw Lodge No. 25. Do se arrastra inconciente en la ignorancia
Died April 4, 1924, in Cabuyao, Laguna. Elev6ndolo a fuerza de constancia
Buried April 9 in the Municipal Cemetery, A la regi6n del Saber, su fin postrero. . . . .
San Pablo, Laguna. Es Aprendiz, m5s tarde Compaflero;
Al llegar a Maestro, ya se advierte,
Bro. Andr6s Torres. Es ya libre el Mas6n. Es ser consciente;
Member of Pilar Lodge No. 15. Dici6ndose de 6l que es "hombre bueno."
Died February 27, 1924.
Buried in Cementerio del Norte, Manila, A. (Bol. de la Aso. Mas. Int.)
March 3, 1924.

When I am Gone

"When I am gone,
And othEr men are trying where I tried
To stem the billows of life's rushing tide,
If those who knew me best may pause to toss DON'T WORRYI
From memory but a rose upon the moss,
And say, 'He strove with earnestness of heart
To do whatever was his given part,'
Then will I not have lived entirely in vain,
And, dying, will have left a sweet refrain-
When I am gone. RUBBER
"When I am gone,
some true man, or buoyant-hearted soul,
May stop beside my grave to read the scroll,
And reading, think of how I cheered the weak, MANILA
And helped the sick and weary climb the bleak
And jagged stones, to rest and hope anew,
Or shielded aught from stormy winds that blew,
Then will my living have been right indeed;
Replete with greatness, in a world of need,-
When I am gone."

MACLEO D in thc Philippines is lacL of sumcient watcr

One of thc grcetest difficulties of the farmer
for his rice and othcr crcps during the growing *ason. Rains are unceftain and cannot bC
IRRIGATING OUTFITS dcpeqded upon. Also many crops are ruined during the rainy season by f,oods on eccount of
gmall canals which wcre dug for divcrting water from stieams to nearby 6elds.
The most dependable method of supplying sumcient water at thc right time is by
irrigatioo with pumpe. This method is also the casiest as well as thc chcapest iD thc cnd.
Thc water can bc obtained from a nearby strearfr, as illustrated, or from a wcll dug in the
fietd. Wc have pumpc and cngines of various sizes according to the area of land to be irrigated
and amount of watcr required.


136 Marques de Comillas 15 Callc Marina
Manila Ccbu, Vigan, Davao Iloilo

Tell' thent you sew it in, the Cabletow.


Masonic Law--Ley Masonica

Reading for the Youn$ Mason-Lecturas para un Joven Mas6n.
By Won. Bno. TBooono M. Ker,ew
Nilad No. 12
(Continued from No. 5, 1923) (Continuaci6n del No. 5, 1923)
IV. The General Regulations IV. Los Regl,amenlos General'es
Together with the Charges of a Freemason of which Los Reglamentos Generales, juntamente con lqs Pre'
we have spoken in the last chapter, the General Regulations ccptos del, Francmas6n, de que se ha hablado en el capitulo
are the mbst abundant sources of information on the moral anterior, son los documentos de informaci6n mds nutrida
precepts, procedure, and law of Masonry in general,handed sobre los preceptos morales, el procedimiento y el derecho
ilowrr, to us by the Masons of old. The Geleral Regula- mas6nico, en general, que nos trasmite la antiguedad. Los
tions were first compiled in 1720 by Grand Master George Reglamentos Generales fueron primeramente compilados
Payne of the Grand Lodge of England and were approved poiel Gran Maestre de la Gran Logia de Inglaterra, George
- We Grand Lodge on St. John Baptist's Day,l72l. Payne, en 1720, y aprobados por esta Gran Logia en eI
shall give ihe following synopsis of the principal mismo dia de San Juan Bautista, el aflo siguiente.
provisions of ihese Regulations' many of which have in Intentaremos hacer un resumen de lo m6s saliente de
lhe course of time become obsolete: los Reglamentos, mucho de lo cual, como se ver6, no ha
The Grand Master or his Deputy has authority and quedadb en desuso hasta hoy. H6lo aqui:
right, not only to be present in any true Lodge,- bu-t also
to- preside wherever hb is, with the Master of the Lodge
El Gran Maestre y su Delegado tienen perfecto dere-
cho para presenciar los trabajos de cualquier Logia legitima
on his left side. y pr-esidii sus reuniones, y en tal caso, el Venerable Maes-
The Master of a particular Lodge has the right and
authority of congregating the members of his Lodge at tro de Ia Logia se colocari a su izquierda'
pleasure, and in case of sickness, death, or necessary absence El Venerable Maestro de una Logia tiene derecho y
6f the Master, the Senior Warden shall act as Master pro autoridad para reunir a sus miembros a su discreci6n, y en
tempore, if no Brother is present who has been Master of caso de enfermedad, muerte o necesaria ausencia, el Primer
that Lodge before. Vigilante hari sus veces, si no est6 preser,tte ningfin her-
The Master of a particular Lodge, or one of the Ward- mano que haya sido antes Maestro de la Logia.
ens, or some other Brother shall keep a book containing El Venerable Maestro o uno de los Vigilantes, o algfin
their bvJaws, the names of their members, with a list o1 otro hermano conservar6 el reglamento de la Logia, los
all the-Lodges in town, and the usual times and places of nombres de sus miembros, una lista de las Logias de la
their meetings, and all their transactions that are proper to ciudad, el tiempo y lugar seflalados para las tenidas, y otros
be written. detalles mAs que puedan ser necesarios.
No T.odge shall make more than 6ve new Brethren at
any one timE, nor any man under the age of twenty-five Ninguna Logia iniciarb a la vez a m6s de cirtco pro-
wtio must be also his own Master; unless by a dispensation fanos ni a persona alguna que no sea duefia de sus actos,
from the Grand Master or his Deputy. ni a los *eno.". de vEinticinco aflos, sin dispensa del Gran
No man can be made or admitted a member of a par- Maestre o de su Djputado.
ticular Lodge, without previous notice -one month before Ning(n profano ser6 admitido como miembro de una
given to the said Lodge, in order to make due inquiry into Logia sin previo aviso de un mes, al objeto de que se pueda
t-he reputation and capacity of the candidate; unless by averiguar-su capacidad y reputaci6n, a menos que se ob-
- from the Grand Master or his Depu-ty. - tenga dispensa del Gran Maestre.
No man can be admitted to be a member of a Lodge
without the unanimous consent of all the members of that
Lodge present when the petition of the candidate is pre-
senGd.' This provision is-not subject to a dispensation of
the Grand Master.
No set or number of Brethren shall separate themselves
from a Lodge unless the same becomes too numerous; nor
even then, without a dispensation from the Grand Master
or his Deputy. If any number of Masons shall take upon KENYON AND DURO CORD TIRES
themselvei to form a Lodge without the Grand Master's
warrant, the Lodge so formed shall not be recognized as
Iegitimate, but the Brethren thereof shall be treated as DURO PRICES TUBES
If any Brother misbehave,-he shall be twice d-trly 32x4 - P34.00
admonished by the Master or Wardens in open !odg.", 32x4-l/2- 44.00 F6.00
and if he will-not refrain his imprudence and obediently
submit to the advice of the Brethren, he shall be dealt with 34x4-r/2- 45.00 6.50
accordins to the By-laws. 33x5 - 45.00 7'50
The-majority of every particular Lodge shall hav,e the
privilege of giving instruction to their Master and Ward- KENYON
ins foi the communications of the Grand Lodge' 31 x4 - 33.00
All particular Lodges are to observe the same -usages
as much-as possible, for which purpose and for.cultivating 33x4 -r/2- 52.00
a good undirstanding among Freemasons, visits between
Lodges are a necessity. PHONE 221 548 AVENIDA RIZAL P. O. BOX 651
lf the Grand Master should abuse his power, and
render himself unworthy of the obedience and subjection
of the Lodges, he shall be treated in a way and manner to
Tell them yau saw i,t'in the Cabletow.
May,1924 Page 323

be asreed upon in a new regulation; because hitherto the Para que un profano pueda ser admitido en una Logia
ancijnt Fraternity have had no occasion for it, their former es necesario el consentimiento un6nime de todos los miem-
Grand Masters having all behaved themselves worthy of bros presentes al proponerse su solicitud. Este precepto
that- honorable of6.ce. no esti suieto a dispensa del Gran Maestre.
The Grand Master, with his Deputy and Wardens, Ningirn cuerpo de hermanos podr6. separarse de la
shaii at least once go around and visit all the Lodges about Logia sino cuando 6sta se haga demasiado numerosa, y en
town during his mastershiP. tal caso, lo hardn con dispensa del Gran Maestre o de su
Every Annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and Diputado. Si algrln cuerpo de masones decidiese formar
authority-to make new regulations, or to alter those exist- una Logia sin carta del Gran Maestre, la Logia asi consti-
ing, for the real benefit of this ancient Fraternity, provided tulda no ser6 reconocida como legitima, sino como rebelde.
al*ays that the Ancient Landmarks be carefully preserved. Si alg0n hermano se condujese impropiamente, serd
dos veces-amonestado por el Venerable Maestro o por los
Vigilantes en Logia abierta, y si a pesar de eso no refrenase
1 of the "Cabletow"
sui imprudencias ni se sometiese al consejo de sus her-
Bound Copies of Vol. manos, ser6 procesado conforme a los reglamentos.
An arrangement has been made with a Manila bindery La mayoria de la Logia tiene el derecho de dar instruc-
for binding copies of Vol. I of the Ceelerow, at a cost of ciones a su'Venerable Maestro y a sus Vigilantes para las
three pesoi (P3.00) per volume. "Fabrikoid" will be the sesiones de la Gran Logia.
material used, which is vermin proof and makes a very Todas las Logias observar6n, en cuanto sea posible, prdc-
neat and durable binding' ticas uniformes. Para ello es necesario cultivar Ia buena
Lodges or individual Masons who desire to take inteligencia entre los Masones y la visita mutua entre las
advantage of this low rate should forward to the Clsr-nrow Logias.
office a complete set of the twelve issues of Vo!. I, remitting Si el Gran Maestre abusare de su autoridad y se hiciese
at the sam-e time three pesos (P3.00) for binding, plus indigno de la obediencia y sumisi6n de las Logias, sertr tra-
thirty-six centavos (f0.36) for wrapping and return postage tado en la forma y manera que se prescriba por una nueva
on ttie bound volume. If it is desired that the bound volume ley, pues hasta ahora la Fraternidad no ha tenido motivos
be returned by registered mail so as to avoid possible loss, d6 queja de sus Grandes Maestres, habi6ndose todos con-
sixteen cp,ntavos (P0.16) should be added, making a total ducido-de un modo enteramente digno de puesto tan hon-
of fifty-two centavos (?0.52) for the return postage. roso.
As a reference book for Masonic information, the El Gran Maestre con su Diputado y sus Vigilantes
Canr.Btow will prove invaluable. Loose copies 4ay visitarA ufla vez, por 1o menos, todas las Logias de su juris-
become da.maged or lost, and the only way to preserve them dicci6n durante el ejercicio de su cargo.
is to have them bound Todas las Grandes Logias en sus reuniones anuales
The fgurqs quoted above represent the actual cost, tienen derecho, autoridad y poder de. hacer nuevos regla-
and the management of the Cear-Brow will gladly sele that mentos y aun alterar los vigentes para el verdadero pro-
cooies sent to us are bound and returned to the Lodges vecho de la antigua Fraternidad de francmasones, siempre
.nh indi.ridual Masons who desire to preserve their copies que se respeten ieligiosamente los Antiguos Linderos.
in a neat, durable, and serviceable form.

Gael Lodge, Glasgow, Scotland,,conducts its work in En lo que se refiere a la antigi.iedad, inter6s e impor-
the Gaelic hn[uage and has done so for forty ]rea-r-s. - This tancia de sus archivos mas6nicos, Escocia encabeza todos
is the only LoIgJin the world known to use Gaelic for its los dem6s paises. Los libros de actas de sus Logias abarcan
ritual. unos tres siglos.


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For many many years ESCO shoes have been tested in every Province and Municipality in the Philippine
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Thoroughly good materials-inside as well as outside-skillfully put together by men who are masters of
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ESCO shoes are well recommended by those who have used them longest.


RetaiI 364 Calle Paz, Paco Retail
635 Rizal Ave. Manila, P. I. 121 Rosario

Tell theru you saw it in lhe Cabletow.

Noted Mason Visits Manila La Misi6n de Ia Masonerla
A distinguished and well known Scottish Mason, the Es parte de la misi6n m6s importante de la Franc-
Right Hon. the Earl of Cassillis, has just visited the Phil- masoneria desarrollar los atributos m6s nobles y mejores
ippine Islands, en route from Australia to the United States. de nuestra naturaleza y enseflar a nuestros corizonei las
The Earl of Cassillis is the ranking Royal Arch Mason of sublimes emociones de la caridad, acerc6ndonos de este
Scotland, being Grand First Principal of the Supreme Grand modo a la realizaci6n del verdadero amor del pr6jimo.
Chapter, R.A.M., of Scotland, and came to this country , _Nuestros signos y toques son de valor-inestimablel
on an official visitation to Keystone Chapter No. 354, _ hablan gn lenguaje universal y sirven de pasaporte para
R.A.M., which holds allegiance to his Grand Jurisdiction. conseguir la atenci6n y el auxilio de los iniciados en todas
The Earl of Cassillis was in the city but a short time, arriving partes del mundo. No los puede perder el Mas6n mientras
the afternoon of April 27 on the S. S. Eastern and retenga el uso de la memoria. Que se destierre a su t'bsesor;
departing the next day. He did not, therefore, have que sufra naufragio o cautiverio, que se le despoje de todo
the opportunity we could have wished of becoming lo qrle posee en el mundo: no se le pueden quiiar estos cre-
acquainted with the local members of our Craft and with dencialfs y. Ios tiene.siempre a su disposici6n cuando lo
our splendid organization, but was constrained to devote exijan las circunstancias.
his attention to the Masonic bodies under his own Juris- - , Los grandes efectos que han producido constan por los
diction. On behalf of the M. W. Grand Lodge of the hechos hist6ricos m6s incontestables. Han detenido la
Philippine Islands, we desire to express a most cordial mano_que ya estaba levantada para dar muerte, han apla-
welcome, as well as the hope that his visit may result in ever cado la aspereza del tirano, han mitigado los horrores-del
stronger ties of cordiality and fraternal esteem between our cautiverio, han vencido los rencores de la malevolencia v
respective Jurisdictions. han derribado las vallas de la animosidad politica y sectaria.
Han hecho que en los campos de batalla, en la soledad
de los bosques vlrgenes y en las ciudades tumultuosas, indi-
Bro. Simms and The Python viduos que por su condici6n o religi6n eran enemigos se
Sgt. William Leonard Smms, of the U. S. Engineer precipitaran a ayudarse y sintieran la mayor alegrla y satis-
Detachment at Ft. Santiago, a member of Cosmos Lodge facci6n por haber podido socorrer a un Hermano Mas6n.
No. 8, relates in his official report to General Wade the enjarnin Frankl,i,n.
following incident which occurred to him while on duty -B
with the Pampanga-Bataan survey party: After a lonely
tramp through the primeval forest, Bro. Simms reached Encuadernaci6n del T6mo I del "Cabletow"
a tempting-looking river and thought he would have a Se ha hecho un convenio con uno de los encuader-
bath. Everything was lovely; but upon emerging from nadores de Manila para la encuadernaci6n del T6mo I
the water, who describes the sergeant's dismay when he del Casr,nrow al costo de tres pesos (P3.00) el t6mo, en
saw, -coiled up on his clothes and gun, a huge python taking un material a prueba de los bichos destructores,
its afternoon nap! After mature reflection, Bro. Smmons labrikoid, a la par que hermoso y duradero.
concluded he would wait till his snakeship got through with Las Logias y Masones que deseen aprovechar esta
his siesta, and we are sure he must have felt greatly relieved oportunidad deben enviar a la oficina del Cegr,Brow una
when, after a wait of three hours, he saw the python uncoil colecci6n completa de los doce n{rmeros del T6mo I, en-
and leisurely take its departure. Bro. Simmi lost no time viando al mismo tiempo tres pesos (f3.00) para la encua-
in investing himself with that of which he had divested dernaci6n, m5s treinta y seis centavos (P0.p6) para la en-
himself and departing likewise, but in a different direction voltura y el franqueo de vuelta del t6mo encuadernado. Si
from the python. se desea que el t6md se envle certificado, como protecci6n
contra la p6rdida posible, se deben enviar diez y seis cen-
t-avos (?0.16) m5s, o sea, la cantidad total de cincuenta y
Mailing the "Cabletow" Direct dos centavos (?0.52), por el franqueo de vuelta.
_ Beginning with the next number, June, 1924, the El Canlerow tendrd un valor inestimable como fuente
CantBrow will be mailed direct from the Ceslrrow of6ce de tnformes mas6nicos, y puesto que los ndmeros sueltos
to all members of Lodges the Secretaries of which have pueden perderse o sufrir daflo, conviene mandarlos encua-
forwarded the corresponding list of names and addresses. dernar para su mejor conservaci6n.
Where no such list is received the copies will be sent to the
.Los precios que cotizamos son los de costo, y la adminis-
Secretary in a package, as before. traci6n del Cear,Brow se encargar5 gustosa de ver que los
After the above-mentioned list has been forwarded to nf me_ros que se nos envien serirr encuadernados y devueltos
the CesrBrow office, the Secretaries should promptlv a las_Logias y Masones deseosos de conservar sus'ejemplares
report all changes in and additions to this list. del Clnr,Brow en forma bonita, durable y ritil.
All members are requested, in reporting changes in
address to their Secretaries, to also advise thi Cesinrow
office direct, in order to avoid delay in the receipt of their Si se cambiase vuestra direcci6n postal, avisad a vuestro
coples. secretario y al Caar,erow sin demoia.
The attention of all Masters and Secretaries of Lodges
is called to the fact that the new annual Cenr,rrow quSta
of ..F0.60- per member, including Entered Apprentices,
Fellowcrafts and Master Masons,ls payable on br before
lune l,1924. SING LEE AUNDRY T
Literary Competition
The Grand Secretary's office is in receipt of a commu- Prompt and Satisfactory Service
nication from the Lodge Le Portique No. 427, of Paris,
France, announcing its second literaiy and Masonic compe- Prices Reasonable-Free Delivery
lition, with a prize o{ 500 francs for-the best paper, in ihe Speciai Orders Received
French language, on the symbolism of French Frei-a.orrry.
The prize for the previous contest was adjudicated [o
Henri Maljean dit Gray, of a Lodge of Geneva, Switzerland.
Tel,l them you saw it in the Cabl,etow.
May, 1924 Page 325

Notes from Plaridel No. 74 De la Logia Luz Oclanica No. 85

April 5 Piaridel Lodge No. 74, Calauag, Tayabas, De acuerdo con el anuncio oficial, se ha llevado a cabo
was honored by many prominent visitors on the occasion la instalaci6n de los nuevos oficiales electos y nombrados
of cxferring the first degree of Masonry on Rogerio Tolen- de ia Logia LUZ OCEANICA No. 85, en la noche del 26
tino. Among the visiting Brethren were: Wor. Bro. de Abril, en el Templo Mas6nico, Escolta. Esta nueva
Marrano Salandanan, P. M. and present Secretary of Rizal elecci6n tuvo lugar con motivo de la dimisi6n presentada
No. 20 and former inspector of Plaridel Lodge, Bro. Andres por el Ven. Hmno. Estanislao M. Jos6, quien venia desem-
Torres, Junior Warden, Rizal No. 20, and, Bro. Mariano L. peflando este cargo desde la fundaci6n de dicha Logia.
Barrameda, also of Rizal No. 20; Bro. Mariano Vega of El acto de la instalaci6n fu6 honrado con la presencia
Batangas No. 35; Bro. Pedro Almonte of Bulusan No. 38; de nuestro activisimo Gran Maestre Muy Il. Hmno. Wen-
and Bro. Demetrio Pita of Los Martires del '96 No. 32. ceslao Trinidad acompafrado, especialmente, por el gran
The degree was.conferred in Spanish by Wor. Bro. admirador del Plaridel Temple, I1. Hmno. Joseph H. Sch-
Maximino Zepeda, P. M. of Plaridel Lodge; Wor. Bro. midt, Segundo Gran Vigilante, y de varios Venerableb y
Salandanan presented the working tools; Bro. Vega gave ex Venerables Maestros de diferentes Logias hermanas.
the charge; and Bro. V. Nuesa acted as Senior Warden, Los oficiales nuevamente elegidos y nombrados son:
Bro. Torres as Junior Warden, Bros. J. Folloso and V. Hmno. Antonio Gonzales, Venerable Maestro; Hmno.
Jorbina as Senior and Junior Deacons, respectively, Bro. Andres Filoteo, Primer Vigilante; Hmno. Damaso Re-
S. Villanueva as Marshal, and Bros. Mamerto Epino and yes, Segundo Vigilante; Hmno. Ram6n Peralta, Primer
J. Cantellana as Senior and Junior Stewards. Di6cono; Hmno. Uy Teng Piao, Segundo Di6cono; Hmno.
The attendance was unusually large. Charles C. Shaw, Primer Experto.
Inmediatamente despu6s de la instalaci6n, se hizo
Wor. Bro. Nicolas E. de Guzman, Master of Plaridel entrega por el Ven. Hmno.
No. 74, introduced the visitors, Wor. Bro. Salandanan Ex-Venerable al Hmno. Estanislao Jos6 Arpal, de un mandil de
M. Jos6, por sus m6ritos
spoke for the members of Rizal No. 20, and Wor. Bro. y servicios prestados por y para la prosperidad y engrande-
Maximino Zepeda responded for Plaridel No. 74. cimiento de la Logia LUZ OCEANICA No. 85.
After the work was finished, the visitors and members Pronunciaron discursos los Hermanos Joseph H.
enjoyed a banquet and dance at the home of Bro. Donato Schmidt, Jos6 Arpal, Estanislao M. Jos6 y el Muy Il. Gran
Cabangon. Maestre Hmno. Wenceslao Trinidad, y como cortesia de
Ritual, tambien habl6 el nuevo Venerable Maestro Hmno.
Antonio Gonzalez.
The Transvaal Masonic Educational Institution reports Como un sello conmemorativo del acto, el Venerable
that during the past year the donations received f.rom 72 Maestro saliente hizo entrega al Muy Il. Gran Maestre de
Lodges and Chapters in the four jurisdictions in the Trans- un cheque que representa el total de la cuota mas6nica que
vaal aggregatel, 82,671 (F26,000). At present they are correspondi6 a \a Lctgra Luz Oce6nica para el Fondo del
caring for lO3rchildren and have an accumulated capital Asilo, Colegio y Dormitorio mas6nicos.
of. f24,309 (P240,000). Al final de los actos mas6nicos, los Hermanos fueron
obsequiados por un esplendido tente-en-pie.

De la Logia Plaridel No. 74

IVER JOHNSON BICYCTE El 5 de Abril, la Logia Plaridel No. 74, de Calauag,
Tayabas, fu6 honrada por la presencia de muchos visita-
STANDARD OF THE WORLD dores prominentes, entre los cuales seflalamos al Ven. Hmno.
Mariano Salandanan, venerable pasado y secretario actual
de la Logia Rizal No. 20 y antiguo inspector de la Logia
Plaridel, Hmno. Andr6s Torres, segundo vigilante, Rizal
No. 20, y Flmno. Mariano L. Barrameda, tambi6n de la
Rizal No. 20; Hmno. Mariano Vega, de Batangas No. 35;
Hmno. Pedro Almonte, de Bulusan No. 38, y Hmno. Deme-
trio Pita, de los M6rtires del '96 No. 32.
En dicha ocasi6n se confiri6 el primer grado de la
Masoneria, en castellano, a Rogerio Tolentino, por el Ven.
Hmno. Maximino Zeped.a, V. P. de la Logia Plaridel; el
Ven. Hmno. Salandanan present6 las herramientas;el Hmno.
Vega pronunci6 la exhortaci6n; y el Hmno. V. Nuesa
IVER JOHNSON EQUIPMENT desempen6 los deberes de primer vigilante, el Hmno. Torres
The equipment on the Iver Johnson is the los de segundo vigilante, los Hmnos. J. Folloso, y V. Jor-
bina los de di6conos, el Hmno. S. Villanueva los de maestro
best that can be purchased, and consists of New de ceremonias, y los Hmnos. Mamerto Epino y J. Cante-
Departure Coaster Brake and Front Hub, Steel llana los de mayordomos.
La asistencia era muy nutrida.
Rims, Double Tube Tires, Roller Chain, Rubber El Ven. Hmno. Nicolas E. de Guzman, venerable de
Qedals, Spring Cushion Saddle, Too1s, Tool Bag, la Logia Plaridel No. 74, present6 a los visitadores; el Ven.
Bell, Truss Bar Frame and Lamp. Hmno. Salandanan habl6 en representaci6n de los miem-
bros de la Logia Rizal No. 20,y el Ven. Hmno. Maximino
Zepeda contest6 en nombre de la Logia Plaridel No. 74.
Despu6s de terminados los trabajos, los visitadores
y miembros participaron en un banquete y baile en la casa
Thompson Electrical Co. del Hmno. Donato Cabangon.
304 Estero Cegado Manila P. O. Box 593
Cuando el estado comience a alimentar a una parte
del pueblo prepara a todo 6l para la esclavitud.
Tell thern you saw it in the Cabl,etow.

Character and Cooperation

By M.W. Bno. Gnoncn R. HenvBy, p.G.M.
It is not fitting that I should here extol Freemasonry. the wages of a Master. But he could not do this until he
We all know that, as an institution among men, it is a good had reaffirmed his vows made as an Apprentice and assumeC
thing. It is enjoying remarkable prosperity throughout added obligations to uphold the honor-of the Order. When
the world and its usefulness is increasing. Never before, a Fellow of the Craft was elevated to the dignity of Master
in the same length of time, have so many men sought admis- of the Lodge or of the Work, he had to take a solemn oath
sion to our ranks as during the last five years. It may be to keep the secrets of the c-raft unprofaned, and the
that we have thought too much about growth and have Rule was the law of the Master's offrce. nGolden
not given enough attention to the character of applicants It was after this fashion that our ancient Brethren
and their fitness for assimilation with the purposei of our showed their mettle and faced the fact of human inequality
I nsti t ution . in.ability and initiative. Those who were of greater skiil
There are forces which are opposed to Freemasonry held a higher position and were called Masteri, while the
and would close the door to this school of instruction in masses of the craft were called Fellows.
solving life's problems. Some. Masons are greatly con- What does it all mean to us in the practical workings
cerned about this opposition, and especially about the so- of Masonry to-day? A man in these lafter davs does n6t
called enemies on the outside. These, however, are not so have to-serve an apprenticeship in learning the ait, although
dangerous as the men without moral worth on the inside. he is called an Entered Apprentice for a fiw hours or a fjw
Good character is an essential to a good Mason. We days. He thinks that he becomes a Mason by paying a fee
may be inclined to attach too little importance to the moral and passing through the ceremonies of the firit degree. In
and spiritual values of Masonry. The influence of the a.short time he passes through the second and third-degrees,
Fraternity depends, in a large measure, upon the proper signs the by-laws, and is greeted as a Master Mason. "Then
cultivation of these elements. If Freemasonry keeps-its in a few {ays more he may be called a Master of the Royal
house in order; if Masons love one another, u." fr". Secret. Does he know anything about Masonry? Some,
from slander and evil speaking, and manifest ".rd the purpose of course, absorb more than others. But, in general, such
of bearing one another's burdens; if the outside world-can men are members and not Masons in any true sense.
see and observe from our daily walk and conversation that I am reminded of the story of a stranger who appeared
we are better men because we are Masons, then the enemy at the outer door and sought admission-into a Lbdge in
on the outside need not give us so much concern as the man Arkansas. A committee was appointed to examine"him.
without moral worth on the inside. If the Masonic struc- He was unable to make himself known as a Mason. He
ture ever fallc, i1 will result from the foundations being exhibited all his Maso:ric jewelry, and said that his degrees
eaten away from within by men who are unworthy oT and jewelry cost him F715.00. He boasted of the facithat
membership in the Fraternity. How important, then, !g !,ud go_ne t_o the top in the Fraternity, and knew the
that we guard well our portals, and that we look well to Shrine to be the play-ground of Masonry, but he did not
the South. know enough of Masonic teachings and symbolism to con-
Wh-q1 do we put into Masonry and what do we get out vince the committee that he had ever 6een in a Lodge.
of- it? What we put into it depends upon our chiracter The so-called secrets of Masonry had made. no impressilon
and capability. What we get_ out of it depends upon our upon him.. He was probably a good fellsw, a hiil com-
capacity and our response to its appeal. panion,.with ple-nty"of m_oley, and was doubtiess enjoying
The man who has come into Freemasonry the distinction of being a Mason. But was he a real Ma.on?
-Masonry Brethren, it seems me that, in most jurisdictions,
it. is becoming more and,tomore a question of a few dollarsj
for what he can get out of,it may be disappointed.
is work and service, and we get our reward very lareely
in what we are able to do for others. Selfishness is-noi a few days of time, and indifferent work for a man to be
Masonic. I feel a certain kind of pity for the man who has known as a Mason, even a "High Mason.,' Some apoli-
knocked at our portals expecting much, and after taking cants have a longing desire to pull the camel's tail, to iold
the degrees, or some of them, has dropped out because hE on to the rope, or to drink zemzem upon the hot sands of
did not find what he wanted. It is a reflection upon his the desert, and they would not bothei about the Masonic
intelligence or upon his motives. Some such caies are d-egrees at all, were it not for the fact that they must pass
good riddances. Indeed, it is hard to understand how through them in order to become a Shriner a.rd weai the
any normal man can_receive the. first degree of Masonry scimitar and rcrescent.
and pass out of the lodge room quite the same man as when
he entered it.
_ The Fraternity is becoming more and more convinced
that Masonic education is as essential to the welfare of the
Freemasonry is composed of men of nearly all the Craft as popular education is to the welfare of the Nation.
honorable walks of life. Why does it appeal to "all these The_ making of a real Mason is a slow process. He must
men? The name is of humble origin. Masonry has always study and be able to discern the truth concealed in the
meant work. In the days of Operative Masonry it required
a lot of hard labor to become a craftsman. A-man had to
bind himself to serve under rigid rules for seven years as an
Apprentice before he could become a Fellow of the Craft.
The Apprentice was little more than a servant. He did ROSENBERG'S GARAGE
the most menial work. He had to make vows of honestv. MANILA
truthfulness, fidelity, temperance and charity. If he
proved .trustworthy and showed the necessary-skill and
personal worth, his wages were increased. if he could
pass_the required examination, after seven years of appren-
Dodge P3.00 per hour
ticeship, he became a Fellow of the Craft.' Thereupon he
New Willys-Knight 4.00 per hour
ceased to,be a pupil and servant and became a free man,
capable of earning his living and choosing his own employer. Special short-rate and provincial trips
In other words, he became a free-mason, and could t;ke his
own kit of tools and travel as a Master of his art and receive
Tell them ))ou sa.@ it in the Cabletow.
May, L924 Page 327

symbols and allegories; otherwise, he may understand Lo Que Enseffa la Masoneria

little or nothing of what he sees and hears. Masonry is La Masoneria ensefla al hombre a practicar la caridad
building, and Speculative Masonry is building the temple y benevolencia, a proteger la castidad, a respetar los vin-
of h.uman character. Every Mason is working, more or culos del parentesco y la amistad, a adoptar los principios
less, all the time and everywhere, whether he is aware of y reverenciar los preceptos de la religi6n, a ayudar a los
it ol not, upon his character. Character, as the-word is d6biles, guiar a los ciegos, levantar a los atropellados,
here used, means something wrought out of the raw and socorrer a los hu6rfanos, guardar el altar, apoyar al gobier-
rough materials of life. All we do, all we think, all we say no, inculcar la moralidad, fomentar el estudio, amar a la
goes into the making of our character. Every passion, humanidad, temer a Dios, implorar Su merced y esperar
every aspiration, every motive to action has to do with it. la felicidad.-Missouri FreeT nason.
If we are selfrsh, it is ugly. If we are hateful, it is hideous.
Every thought, every act, every deed has a part in our
character. We cannot forget for a moment that we are El Envlo Directo del "Cabletow"
Masons, and are judged as such, without the risk of bringing
reproach upon the Fraternity. These facts are calculated Empezando con el nfmero venidero, correspondiente
to make a man ponder and consider what he is making al mes de Junio de 1924, el Ceslnrow se enviar6 directa-
out of his life, and what it will look like in the end. mente desde la oficina del Cesr,Brow a los miembros de las
In the heart of every Mason who has caught the spirit Logias cuyas Secretarios hayan facilitado la lista correspon-
of Masonry is that which prompts him to do something for diente de los nombres y direcciones. En el caso de no recibir
the common weal. He becomes less selfish and has a greater dicha lista de una Logia, los ejemplares para los miembros
de esta Logia se enviarSn en un paquete al Secretario, como
desire to. promote the welfare of his Brethren. In Ma?gnry
we recelve some reward for every service done. That antes.
reward may be only the satisfaction of having rendered Despu6s de facilitar la referida lista, cada Secretario
service to our fellow men and Brother. Each of us may not debe de notificar a la oficina del Casr-orow con prontitud
be able to do much, but we may do a little in addition to de todo cambio y adici6n.
the duties to ourselves and to our families. We cannot Cada miembro, al dar parte a su Secretario de un
all do the same work. We may not all give an equal cambio de direcci6n postal, debe de avisar tambi6n a la
measure of our time. Some of us are able to do one thing oficina del Cesr,Btow, a fin de que no haya demora innece-
and some another, and each can contribute what he will saria en el recibo de los ejemplares del Cesr,srow.
in the way of service. We are not paid workers; we are Se llama la atenci6n de todos los Venerables Maestros
volunteers, and this fact should give us joy in the work. y Secretarios de las Logias hacia el hecho de que la nueva
What men do under compulsion brings them little joy. cotizaci6n anual para el Ceslrtow, al tipo de F0.60 por
The greatest aqtisfaction in life is derived from service miembro, incluy6ndose tanto los Aprendices y Compafleros
rendered in retieving a distressed worthy Brother, and the como los Maestros Masones, debe de pagarse el 1 de Junio
three principal tenets of Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, de 1924 o antes.
Relief, and Truth.
Now, what is necessary in order to secure the greatest
joy to ourselves and the greatest good to the greatest
number? It is co-operation. Nearly all of us work for our
daily bread, and we may have but little time to give to the
work of the Fraternity. But we are here as volunteers
Who are the leaders?
in a field which is "white unto the harvest," working for
the betterment of mankind in general and of Masons and What men go to the front in civic work, local
their families in particular-not for personal profit nor for politics and lodge activities in your Community?
what we can get out of it, but for what we may be able to Isn't it the ones who combine with a knowledge
put into the work of our Fraternity for the betterment and
relief of others. of the facts an ability to speak well and to the
We are willing to devote our energies to this work point? The one who leads others is always one
because we want to do something befitting the character who has a good vocabulary and eloquence in
and magnitude of our beloved Institution. It is because delivery.
Freemasonry stands for unselfish service, has so stood for
ages, and will continue so to stand for ages to come, that we Good speakers are leaders.
are interested in its plans and purposes and pledge our
cooperation in carrying out those plans and purposes. THE NEW MODERN ETOQUENCE
Brethren: will not only train you in public speaking, but
"Be strong! it will furnish a great deal of material and
"We are not here to play, to dream, to drift; for
references speeches.
We have hard wor-k to do and loads to lift.
S[run not the struggle, face it; 'tis God's gift. Write us if you are intbrested.
"Be strong!
"Say not the days are evil-who's to blame?
And fold the hands and acquiesce. O shame!
Stand up, speak out and bravely, in God's name. ASSOCIATED PUBLISHERS
"Be strong! MANILA
"It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong'
How hard the battle goes, the day how long;
Faint not;fight on! To-morrow comes the song."
Tell. them. you sow it in lhe Cabletout.
Masonry's Misslon Persecuciones de Masones en Java
It is part of the greatest mission of Freemasonry to En los aflos de 176l a 1780, tres gobernadores generales
develop the nobler and better attributes of our nature;to intolerantes, los cuales no eran cat6licos, sino peiteneclan
school our hearts up to the sublime emotions of charity and a la Iglesia reformada, obligaron a los Masones de la vecina
thus approach nearer the realization of truly loving one isla de Java a observar el mayor sigilo acerca de sus reunio-
another. nes en Java. Pero la persecuci6n m6s encarnizada ocurri|
These signs and tokens are of no small value; they durante Ia administraci6n del gobernador general Daendels,
speak a universal language, and act as a passport to the de 1808 a 1811. Bajo el preteito de que las Logias estaban
attention and support of the initiated in all parts of the conspirando contra su gobierno, dicho oficial tiiSnico, pero
world. They can not be lost so long as memory retains en otros respectos eficiente, mand6 detener y tratr6 con
its power. Let the possessor of them be expatriated, ship- riSor excesivo a los Masones, hasta que todas las t-ogias
wrecked, or imprisoned; let him be stripped of everything de Java habfan abatido columnas. Sin embargo, bajo la
he has in the world, still these credentials remain and are administraci6n del gobierno de ocupaci6n ing16s, de ttitl a
available for use as circumstances require. 1818, la Masonerla resuscit6 en Java y Sir Stamford Raffies,
The great effects which they have produced are estab- c6lebre corrio fundador de Singapore y teniente gobernador
lished by the most incontestable facts of history. They brit6nico de Java, fu6 iniciado en una de las Logiis de dicha
have stayed the uplifted hand of the destroyer, they have isla.
softened the asperities of the tyrant, they have mitigated
the horrors of captivity, they have subdued the rancor of
malevolence and broken down the barriers of political La Lcacia
animosity and sectarian alienation. La Acacia es el simbolo de la Orden Mas6nica que
On the field of battle, in the solitude of the uncul- florece sobre toda la tierra. En manos del ne6fito reempliza
tivated forests, or in the busy haunts of the"crowded city, al mirto que llevaban los iniciados de Menfis y Heli6polis,
they have made men of the most hostile feelings and most ), el_ ramo de oro que Virgilio, en el Capftulo sexto de la
distant religions and the most diversified conditions, rush Eneida, coloca en manos de Eneas. Es adem6s estimada por
to the aid of each other and feel a social joy and satisfaction los Masones a causa de los emblemas que ofrecen su madera,
that they have been able to afford relief to a brother Mason. su corteza y sus hojas. Su madera incorruptible simboliza
enjatonin Frankl,ir.. la pureza de la Instituci6n, que nada puede alterar; su
cotteza rechaza todo insecto malhechor, como el Mas6n
rechaza todos los vicios, y sus hojas inclinadas durante la
The Black Ball noche se levantan a la aparici6n del Sol, a medida que este
astro se eleva, como la inteligencia del ne6fito se deiarrolla
A black ball is not a dagger for a coward's use, with y--engrandece.a medida que asciende en grado.-Gonzal,o
which to even up an old score. It is not a brush with which Chacon Worbis.
to besmirch the character of one who may hold different
views from yours. A black ball is a fraternity shield to
protect, not individuals, but the Order, from those who
would injure it. It should never be cast with a prejudiced La Bola Ne$,ra
mind, or a selfish thought. Remember it is a serious thing -- La bola negra no es un puflal con qu6 el cobarde pueda
to constitute one's self jury and executioner in one single llevar a cabo un acto de venganza. Nb es"rina brocha con
act without the Order's interests demand it.-Masonic qu6 pod6is manchal la buena fama de otro hombre que sos-
Quarterly. tenga opini_ones- diferentes de las vuestras. La boli negra
es un escldo dispuesto para proteger no a los individu-os,
sino a la Orden contra los que pudieien perjudicarla. No se
debe hacer uso de ella con pasi6n o
miras egoistas.
Part of A Letter From Bro. L. R. Sawyer, Tened presente que es una cosa muy grave el conslituirse
Manila No. I en jurado y verdugo mediante un'solo acto cuando los
"I have been receiving regularly the numbers of the intereses de la Orden no lo exijan.-Masonic Quarterly,
Caelnrow, and wish to express through you to the Board
of Editors the great pleasure which this publication affords
to a member of the Lodge located so far from its place of La.Gran Logia de Inglaterra se reuni6 por primera vez
issue. The CeslBrow will surely perform a useful and en su historia en un sitio (ue no fuese Londres el S de Sep-
brotherly function in keeping alive- ties and associations tiembre de 1923, cuando celebr6 su reuni6n trimestral en
between absent members and the home Lodge." Liverpool.

PHONE 9708

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise

Tell thent. you saw ,it,in th,e Cabletou.

May, 1924 PaSe 329

Distribution of
Masonic Lodges
in the
8,000 Readers
Each member is a
paid subscriber to
"The Cabletow," and
receives a personal
(One Lodge in Quezon, N. E., one h
Masbate, one in Dumaguete, Oriental
Negros, and- one in Guam, M. I., not
shown on Map.)

Distribuci6n de las Logias
Simb6licas en Filipinas
8,000 Lectores
Cada miembro es suscriptor pagado
a1 "Cabletow," y recibe su copir
(Una' Logia en Quezon, N. E., una en Masbate, uoa en
Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, y uoa en Guam, I. M., no son
indicadas en este ropa.)

Questions and Answers

87.-A certain Mason, while member of a Lodge the S7.-Cierto'I\Iaestro Mas6n, miembro de una Logia
charter of which was arrested at the time and has since cuya carta constitutiva habia sido suspendida y ha -sidc
been revoked, was, by order of the Grand Master, tried by revocada desde aquel entonces, fu6 procesado, por mandato
another Lodge which sentenced him to suspension. To del Gran Maestre, por otra Logia diferente, la cual le con-
whom must he apply for restoration to his Masonic rights? den6 a la suspensi6n de los derechos y privilegios de la Ma-
Our Grand Lodge constitution says "to the Lodge by which soneria. ;A qui6n debe solicitar su rehabilitaci6n? La
he was suspended, if it still be in existence." Constituci6n dispone que debe dirigir dicha solicitud "a
Answer.-1he words "to the Lodge by ivhich he was la Logia que le hubiese suspendido, si 6sta. continuara aun
suspended" in paragraph 311 of the Constitution mean the existiendo."
Lodge of which he was a member at the time of his suspen- Contestaciin palabras "a la Logia que le hubiese
sion, not the Lodge which acted for his own Lodge in the -Las
suspendido, si 6sta continuara aun existiendo," contenidas
trial. As his former Lodge no longer exists, the application en el pArrafo 311 de la Constituci6n, se refieren a la Logia
for restoration must be addressed to its legal successor in de la cual el Mas6n suspendido formaba parte en la fecha
interest, the Grand Lodge. de su suspensi6n y no a la Logia que fu6 designada para
procesarle. Puesto que la Logia a la cual pertenecia el
88.-Is it lawful for the Master of a Lodge to postpone suspendido ha dejado de existir, la solicitud de rehabilita-
the delivery of the lecture to the next meeting, on account ci6n debe dirigirse directamente a la Gran Logia, como
of the lateness of the hour, instructing the candidate to sucesora o causahabiente de la Logia fenecida.
present himself to receive the lecture at such next meeting?
Answer.-lt is not. Paragraph 2t2 makes it the duty 88.-iEs licito para el venerable de Ia Logia aplazar
of the Master of the Lodge la instrucci6n (lecture) del grado hasta la pr6xima tenida,
con motivo de la hora avanzada, diciendo al candidato que
To give, in full, the lectures appertaining to each degree, ot the tirnc se debe presentar para escuchar dicha instrucci6n en la
it is conferred pr6xima tenida?
S9.-Which of the American Chief Executives of these Contestaci|n es l(cito. Segrln el p5rrafo 212 es
Islands were Masons?
deber del venerable de la Logia
Answer.-Major-General Arthur McArthur, Military
_ . Dar completamente las instrucciones concernientes a cada grado,
Governor, 1900-1901 ; Francis Burton Harrison, Governor- al thmpo cil qile seo conjer, . . . . . ..
General, t9l3-1921, and Leonard Wood, Governor-General
l92l----.---.. William H. Taft, the first civil governor of 89.-iCu6les de los jefes ejecutivos americanos de las
the Islands and later President of the United States, was Islas Filipinas han sido Masones?
made a Mason "at sight" by the Grand Master of Ohio, Contestaci6n-El General Arthur McArthur, gober-
,after he had left the Islands. Governor-General Harrison
nador militar, 1900-1901 ; Francis Burton Harrison, gober-
received the degrees of Masonry while Governor-General nador general, 1913-1921, y Leonard Wood, gobernador
of these Islands. general, 1921- William H. Taft, prriher fobernador
90.-A Brother absent from the Lodge at the annual civil de las Islas y m6s tarde presidente de los Estados
meeting is elected warden. Attempts to reach him by Unidos de Am6ricd, fu6 hecho Mas6n "a la vista" por el
telephone to ask if he will accept the office having failed, Gran Maestre de Ohio despu6s de haber salido de Filipinas.
should not another election be held then and there? If El Gobernador General Harrison recibi6 los grados de la
the Brother elected warden though not present at the Masoneria mientras ocupaba el cargo de gobernador general
annual .meeting, should afterwards refuse to accept the de Filipinas
office, who would have to pay the fee for the dispensation 90.-A un Hermano ausente de la Logia en Ia tenida
required to hold a special election? If any Brother pres- anual se le elige como vigilante. Los Hermanos tratan
ent vouched for the acceptance of the office by the absent de comunicarse con 61 por tel6fono para preguntarle si
warden elect, would this not show or constitute electioneer- acepta el cargo, pero no lo consiguen. 2Se-de6e celebrar
ing? otra elecci6n para el cargo en el mismo acto? Y si el ausente
Answer.-Our laws contain no provision requiring a rehusare aceptar -el cargo, aqui6n tendria qqe pagar los
member to be present in Lodge at the annual election in derecho-s p-or la dispensa para la elecci6n especial- consi-
order to be eligible to office. An absent Brother having guiente? Si, a petici6n del venerable, alg(n Hermano


V 3?i/,%,n' USANDOLO,

Tell them you sow ,it fu tke Cobletout.

May, 1924 Page 331

been duly elected to the office of warden, the Lodge could respondiera por la aceptaci6n del cargo por el ausente, eno
not legaliy hold another election for the same ofifice at that constituirla o indicaria esto muflimiento?
same meeting without his having declined to accept the Contestaci6n leyes no contienen disposi-
election. In-case of his subsequent refusal to accept, the -Nuestras
ci6n al efecto de que un miembro debe estar presente en la
fee for the dispensation for the special election would, of Logia en la elecci6n anual para ser elegibtre para cualquier
cou;'se, have tobe paid by the Lodge, there being no provi- cargo. En el caso que Vd. cita, el Hermano ausente ha
sion of law making an officer elect who declines to accept sido elegido para el cargo de vigilante y la Logia no podrla
election, liable to such payment. We fail to see that the legalmente celebrar otra elecci6n en la misma tenida sin que
fact of a member vouching for the acceptance of the elec- 6l hubiese rehusado aceptar el cargo. En el caso de negarse
tion by the absentee would show or constitute electioneer- el dignatario electo a aceptar el cargo con posterioridad a
ing. The cases in which a Mason is absolutely unaware la tenida anual, los derechos por la dispensa para la elec-
that there is a probability of his election to office are rare, ci6n especial tendrian que pagarse por la Logia, porque no
and the overwhelming majority of Masons will be found hay disposici6n legal al efecto de que el dignatario intere-
willing to accept the burden and honor of office. The sado serA responsable de dicho pago. No vemos por qu6
absence of the officer elect from the meeting in the case el hecho de responder de la aceptaci6n del cargo por el
you cite seems to be prima facie evidence that he at least dignatario electo ausente revelaria o constituirla mufli-
is not or.,er-anxious to be elected. miento. Los casos en que el interesado ignore absoluta-
mente que haya probabilidad de que 61 saliera elegido son
91.-With regard to the funeral of a Master Mason muy raros, y la gran mayoria de los Masones se muestran
in good standing, please inform me whether his Lodge dispuestos a aceptar la carga y el honor de las dignidades.
muJt bury him ii his own family cannot afford to give him La ausencia del dignatario electo de la tenida en el caso
a suitabie burial, and if it must bury him even though he referido parece constituir prueba prima faci,e de que 61 no
has relatives who can afford to pay his funeral expenses. tenia inter6s excesivo en ser elegido.
Answer.-Paragraph 261 of. our Constitution provides . 91.-Haga Vd. el favor de participarme, con respecto
with regard to the Lodge within whose jurisdiction a Master a1 entierro de un Maestro Mas6n en posesi6n de todos sus
Masonln good standing dies that it shall be the duty of derechos como tal, si es deber de la Logia costear dicho
such Lodge entierro cuando la familia del difunto no puede hacerlo,
to bury him and to pay the necessary expeflses of the burial of such of y si la Logia debe pagar los gastos aun en el caso de que
its members as die ln-financial circumstances requiring it, and to re- los parientes del difunto pueden pagarlos.
imburse any other Lodge for the expense incurred by it in suitably Contestac'i1n-Con respecto al deber de las Logias de
burying such members.
pagar los gastos de los entierros, el pSrralo 26t de la Consti-
92.-Has any spurious Masonis organization from tuci6n de la Gran Logia dice, en parte, lo que sigue:
America ever €btained a foothold in these Islands? I am "Es deber de la Logia dentro de cuya jurisdicci6n fallezca tal Mas6n,
told there has tleen one at least. enterrarle y sufragar los gastos necesarios del entierro de aquellos de
sus miembios que 1o requieran, y reembolsar a cualquiera otra Logia
Answer.-No. In 1917, the notorious American Ma- los gastos en que haya incurrido por el entierro conveniente de tales
sonic Federatton, an irregular and spurious organization miembros."
with headquarters at Salt Lake City, Utah, made an attempt
to start itJclandestrne Lodges here; but thanks to the ener- 92.-Me dicen que cierta federaci6n de Masones
espurios americanos se ha establecido en Filipinas por poco
setic action taken without delay by M. W. Bro. M. E. tiempo, pero ha sido echada luego. ;Sabe Vd. algo acerca
Sprinqer and others, their agent, one George Holt, was
.o*p6lt"d to leave the Islands without having accompliqhed de esto?
and to turn over to the Grand Secretary of our
*Lodge Contestaci1n.-En 1917, la notoria federaci6n espuria
Grand his commissions, blank dispensations for llamada "American Masonic Federation," cuya base de


for the glare and dust of the Provincial and City roads are
what every man needs on his triPs.
We will sefld free out catalo$

"STYLES IN GLASSES" and you can select the frame

that best suits You.

Tell thetn you saw it i,n the Cabletow-

Lodges, Scottish Rite Bodies, Commandery, Shrine, Eastern operaciones est6 en Salt Lake City, Utah, trat6 de esta-
Star, etc., rituals, and other documents and books. blecer sus.Logias clandestinas en estas Islas, pero gracias
a Ia energla.del Muy Il. Hmno. M. E. Springer y-varios
93.-What is a Masonic veteran? I see this title ellgs, se oblig6 a su agente, un tal George-Holt, a-salir de
occasionally in American publications. Filipinas sin hab_er podido hacer nada. Es m6s, se Ie oblig6
Answer,-According to Mackey, "Veterans" are asso- a entregar a la Gran Secretaria de nuestra Gran Logia ted-os
ciations of Masons "who, as such, have borne the burden sus titulos y dem6s documentos y libros, entre l6s cuales
and heat of the day for at least 2l years'active service- se.hallaban dispensas en blanco para Logias, cuerpos de los
in the State of Connecticut, 30 years. A number of these Ritos Escoc6s y York, "Shrine" y Estreli"a Oriental, rituales
societies exist in the United States, their object being large- cifrados para todos estos organiimos, etc.
ly- of a social nature, to set an example to the youn[er
Masons and to keep a watchful eye on the comfort of those 93.-7'Qu6 es un "veterano mas6nico?" He lotado
whose years are becoming numbered. The assemblies are esta expresi6n en algunas publicaciones americanas.
stated or casual, but in all cases annual for a Table Lodge. Contestaci6n Mackey, los "Veteranos" son
These associations perpetuate friendship, cultivate the social sociedades de Masones "los cuales, como tales, han sopor-
virl-ues, and collate and preserve the history and biography tado la carga y el calor del dfa durante por lo menoi 21
of their members." aflos de servicio activo (en el estado de Connecticut por
30 aflos). En los Estados Unidos existen varias de estas
94.-What is the proper word in the second Degree- sociedades cuyo objeto es principalmente de indole social.
"waterfall" or "waterford?" Adem6s sus afiliados sirven de ejemplos para los Masones
Answer.-According to Mackey, "'waterfall' is the m6s j6venes y velan por el bienestarde los ancianos. Las
proper word, though the word 'waterford' is sometimes sociedades de veteranos celebran sus reuniones ordinarias
improperly substituted. It is a symbol of plenty." How- y extraordinarias y todos tienen su banquete anual. Cul-
.ever,. many authorities differ from Mackey in this respept, tivan Ia amistad y otras virtudes socijles y recopilan y
and in our jurisdiction, we have adopted "waterford.'i conservan la historia y biografla de sus miembros.'i

95.-Is not the expression "to make a Mason" an - ?a V 95.-(No_se han traducido al
referirse a t6rminos ingleses exclusivamente.)
castellano, por
improper innovation?
_ Answer.-Hardly, seeing that in the "Ancient Charges"
(Lansdown MS. of the latter part of the 16th century),
96.-En una conversaci6n fuera del local de la Logia,
un Maestro Mas6n hizo uso de palabras muy feas al ha6lar
we read that "These be all the charges * * * read- at a_ un Hermano. 2Se puede procesar a ese Hermano, no
the making of a Mason." obstante el hecho de que 6l cometi6 aquel acto fuera de la
96.-In a conversation outside of the Lodge-room, Contestaciin luego. El compromiso del Maes-
a Master Mason used a very opprobrious term in ipeaking -Desde
tro Mas6n rige su.conducta tanto dentro como fuera del
to a Brother. This being outside of the Lodge, could the local la Logia, y el uso de palabras indignas de un caba-
offending Brother be tried for it?
Answer.-Most assuredly. A Mason's obligation holcis ["r-9-y Yu.9l constituye un delito mas6niio (V6ase Actas,
California, IX-426, X-159).
good both in and out of the Lodge, and language unbecoming
a gentleman and a Mason constitutes a Masonic offence 97.-iQub es el "sello de Salom6n?"
(See California, Proceedings, IX-426, X-159). Contestaciln-El "Sello de Salom6n" o ,,Escudo de
David" es una estrella de seis puntas formada por dos
97.-What is the "Seal of Solomon?" triAngulos entrelazados, con el nombre divino escrito dentro

ffihtting'x $,srrwqtrnhprup lfiuf erx


Manufactured by the Whiting Paper Mills at Holyoke, Mass.




Tell them you saw it in the Cabletow.

May, 1924 PaBe 333

Answer.-The "Seal of Solomon," otherwise known as de ella. Este signo, que se empleaba mucho como talism6n,
"shield of David," is a six-pointed star formed of two inter- se ha usado desde iiempo inmemorial en las religiones
laced triangles, with the name of Jehov4r on it, which is bracm5nica, bridica, hebrea y mahometana.
sup-oosed to give it supernatural powels. This. sign hasbeen
usid since times immemorial in the Brahmanical and Bud- 98.-2Conviene que haya visitadores en las tenidas en
dhis t religions and by Hebrews,,Mohammedans, Kabbalists, que se trata de asuntos de familia de la Logia? Pertenezco
Hermetics, and many others. a una de las antiguas Logias espaflolas y sostengo que no-es
conveniente que-haya visitadores presentes en las tenidas
98.-Are visitors supposed to be present at the stated en que se trate de asuntos de orden interno.
meetings of a Lodge? I am a member of one of the old Contestaciln a la ley que nos rige actual-
Spanis6 Lodges and still believe it imqroper for visitors to -Conforme
mente, los visitadores pueden estar presentes en todas las
bL present w:hen the internal affairs of the Lodge are dis- tenidas de las Logias, ya sean ordinarias o extraordinarias;
cussed. pero segitn el p6rrafo 180 de nuestra Constituci6n:
Answer.-Underour present law, visitors may be present "El Venerable Maestro puede, en cualquier tiempo y a su discre-
at any meeting, whether stated or special; but under para- ci6n, pedir que los visitantes se retiren, y d.!et4 hacerlo asl cuando se
graph 180 of our Constitution: est6n discutilndo asuntos privados de la Logia."

"The Master may, at any time, in his discretion, request the visitors 99.-(Esta consulta se refiere a un t6rmino ingl6s,
to retire, and should do so when the private affairs of the Lodge are
under discussion," por lo cual no la reproducimos en castellano.)

99.-Why is the word "raise" used by our Lodges? 100.*2Qui6n debe instalar al Venerable electo de una
In Spanish, a'member is "exalted," which seems to be.much Logia?
more proper. Contestaci6n-No tenemos ninguna disposici6n legal
Answer.-Regarding the use of this word, we read in en nuestra Jurisdicci6n acerca de esta materia; pero la
Mackey's Encyclopaedia that- Gran Logia de California, de la cual hemos tomado nuestra
Constituai6n, resolvi6 (Cal. XV-441, 687) que "es deber
When a candidate has received the Third Degree, he is said to have
been "raised" to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The expres'
del Venerable instalar a su sucesor. El Venerable electo
sion refers, moteriolly, to a port-ion of the ceremony of initiation, but instalado por un Venerable pasado es debidamente instalado
symbolicoll,,y, to the resurrection, which it is the object of the degree to aun cuando hubiese pedido personalmente que dicho Vene-
exemplify. rable pasado le instalase."
100.-Who should install the Master elect of a Lodge?
Answer.-We have no law in our Jurisdiction govern- LaLogia Taga-Ilo$ Cambia de Templo
ing this pointl"but the Grand Lodge of California, !r9m La Logia Taga-Ilog-deNo, 79, que antes celebraba sus
wf,ich wshave taken our Constitution, rendered a decision tenidas en-el Templo Salom6n, 1001 Bilbao,
(Cal. XV-441, 687) to the effect that "it is the duty of the -Jon!o,
Manila, se ha trasladado al Templo Mas6nico, 90 Escolta'
Master to install his successor. The Master-elect installed La primera tenida en el local nuevo se celebr6 el 5 de Abril,
by a Past Master, though selected by himself, is duly o sea el primer S6bado del mes, la fecha de la tenida ordi-
installed." narla"

The Grand Lodge of Colorado has had prepared a La Gran Logia de Saskatchewan tiene un ntmero total
folding map of the United States showing the genealogy Logias. El capital
d,e 12,392 miemb-ros, distribufdos en 168
of the Masonic Grand Lodges. del fondo de beneficencia asciende a unos P200,000.


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654-656 Rizal Avenue Manila P. O. Box 2372 Tel. 817

Tell them you saw it in the Cabletow,

Per sonaI s
Bro. Charles S. I-obingier, well known in the Philippines B'iak-na-Bata I{o.7.-Ha muerto una de las hiias del
as a Mason and as a jurist, former Judge of the American Hmno. Filomeno Galang, el sepelio habiendo tenido lugar
court at Shanghai, has returned to the United States after el 12 de Abril.
many- years of service in China. Bro. Lobingier will La esposa del Hmno. David Acriche guarda cama
probably return to Shanghai for the practice of law.
en su residencia, 138 Alhamtrra, aquejada de pertinaz enfer-
_, Bro. H. L. Heath and Mrs. Heath recently left for the medad. l
United States on vacation.
Bro. S. H. Oftedahl, of the Philippine Telephone and Pilar No. 15.-El Hmno. Marciano Sayoc recibi6 en
Telegraph Co., and Mrs. Oftedahl have retuined from Marzo el grado de bachiller en derecho en el Colegio de
several months' vacation in the United States. Derecho de la Universidad Nacional.
Bro. H. P. Whitmarsh of Baguio and Mrs. Whitmarsh El Hmno. Primitivo de la Costa, de Ia Oficina de Obras
have left the Philippines for a tour around the world. Priblicas, ha sido operado con 6xito por apendicitis en el
Brq Beq F. Wriqht is the Governor-General's choice Hospital de las Islas del Sur, en Cebir.
as manastr of the Philiooine National k, to succeed El Hmno. Gregorio M. Paredes ha ganado el primer
Bfo. ulllngton w s returned to the States on premio en _el reciente concurso por el mejor cartel para la
account of ill health. campafla del Fondo de la Independencia. El Hmno. Pa-
redes fu6 uno de los primeros pensionados del gobierno en
Manila ny'o. ,1.-Bro. W. W. Marquardt has returned los Estados Unidos, donde se qued6 cuatro ifios, estu-
to the United States after a stav of severai'months in diando el dibujo y la pintura en
Pennsylvania Museum
Manila. and School of Industrial Arts y en Ia Academia de Bellas
. Bro. O. F. Campbell has left for the States on a business
Artes del mismo Estado. El es quien dibuj6 el cartel del
Carnawal de 1920 y obtuvo el primer premio por el cartel
Mrs. Anna Deebel, wife of Bro. S. H. Deebel, is spend- para la riltima campafla antituberculoia.
ing a six months' vacation in the homeland. El Hmno. Jacinto Papa sali6 el 1 de Abril como c&m&:
Brother Oliver Z. Stout, principal of the Tarlac High rero a bordo del cazatorpederos Pope, No. 225.
School, left during April on vacation, and will return to EI""Hmno. Guillermo Tullao sali6 el 5 de Abril para
the Islands at the end of six months. San Francisco donde tiene un destino en una casa de mbde-
Bro. Sam R. Hawthorne, who was to have left two reros.
weeks ago for the States, has temporarily postponed his El Hmno. Deogracias Esguerra sali6 de Manila el 12
trip for busineds reasons. de Abril como fogonero a bordo del cazatorpederos Tracey,
Bro. David L. Branch and Mrs. Branch are on vacation No. 214.
in China and Japan. Siendo buenos Masones, los Hmnos. Florencio Reyes
Bro. Owen Thomas has been in'Ma[y Chiles Hospital y Luis Ilano se han dado de baja en la sociedad de los Le-
again, but is on the road to recovery. gionarios del Trabajo sin esperar Ia terminaci6n del periodo
Bro. C. F. Prahl's present address is Broadlbin, New de noventa dfas prescrito por la Circular Noy 46 de la Gran
York. Logia.
_ -Bro. Jgt-rn F. Miller has retired from the U. S. Army Sinukuan No: 16.-El Muy I1. Hmno. Manuel L.
and is now living in St. Paul, Minnesota. Quezon ha salido para los Estados Unidos.
_ _ We have heard from the foilowing Brethren: Louis Vfctima de un rel6mpago, ha muerto en Santo Tom6s,
_Elo6ry,S_t. louis, Mo.; H. S. Peabody, Lais, Davao; Baguio, el hijo del Hmno. Matias Gonzalez, Manuel Gon-
W. A. Christensen, Hawaii, H.T.; Jolin T. Golt, Los zalez,_ qued|ndose el hijo del difunto gravemente quemado
4lgeles, C-ql.; T. P. lVloyer, Los Angeles, Cal.; Jos. C. por el mismo relAmpago.
Thomas, Charleston, W. Va.; Edwin H. Rackley,-Alvin, Rizal No.22.-Los Hmnos. Antonio de las Alas v Fran-
Texas; C. M. Spears, San Francisco, Cal. cisco Zamora han salido para los Estados Unidos.
Coruegid.or_/y'o. 3.-Mr1. Harwood, wi{e of Bro. P. J. El Hmno. Dr. N!.-Y.:lfggelles ha sido nombrado por eI
Harwood, died recently in California. SanEid-pIii efriargarse del cumplimienlo de
Bagumbayon No. 4.-Bro Honorio Poblador has been -ltlJeym.de367lregulidora
de laientad" rr".o. yproductos
recommended as a member of the city board of pardons. an6logos.

Da. Marcela de Guzman de A. Palanca Cua G"y


Sus Desconsolados Esposo, Hijos y Dem6s Parientes Ruegan a

las Personas Piadosas Eieven una Oraci6n a Dios
Todo-Poderoso en Sufragio del Alma de la Finada.
D. O. N{.
May, 1924 PaS,e 335

Bro. Victoriano Elicaflo has left for Leyte to make P'inagsab'itam No.26.-El Hmno. V. Rivera Sayo,es
geologic studies ofthat region. uno de los funcionarios del gobierno que han ido con los
Wor. Bro. Luis R. Yangco made a business trip to the gobernadores provinciales en su viaje por las islas del sur.
Visayan Islands during April. El Hmno. Mariano Salud est6 recibiendo muchas
Bro. Basilio Va1d6s recently had a narrow escape from felicitaciones por su ascenso de auditor delegado de la pro'
death when lightning struck the rest house on Mt. Santo vincia de Iloilo a auditor de la provincia de la Uni6n'
TomAs, Baguio, and was able to render valuable aid to the Nol,i,-Me-Tangere No. 42.-Despu6s de unos cuantos
injured after the catastrophe. dlas de vacaciones en Baguio, el Ven. Hmno. Dionisio San
Bro. Francisco Santiago is the proud father of a robust Agustin, Secretario y Venerable Pasado, ha vueito a Manila.
baby boy. Mientras estaba en la capital veraniega ha visitado a la
Bro. Sisenando Ilagan has left for Puerto Princesa, Logia Baguio No. 37, tanto al Ven. Maestro de 1a misma
Palawan, to take up farming on a homestead there. como a algunos de sus miembros.
Bro. Jivatram Dharamdas has gone to India on a busi- El Ven. Hmno. Julian M. Quiat, Venerable Pasado,
ness trip. hizo un viaje a la regi6n bicolana durante el mes de Marzo.
Desde el 27 de Marzo ocupa su puesto como gerente de la
Bro. Rafael L. Garcia has gone to Boac, Marinduque, Compaflia "D. S. Escusar y Co., Inc."
for a two months' vacation.
Island ffo. 5.-Wor. Bro. E. A. Reichardt and Mrs. Parnpanga No. 48.-De acuerdo con las provisiones
Reichardt left for the United States April 3 via the Suez de la Circular No. 46 de la Gran Logia, el Hmno. Pelagio
Canal. Wor. Bro. Reichardt expects to return to the is- Navarro Dizon, de esta Logia, ha presentado su dimisi6n
lands in September or October. 3, "Los Legionarios del Trabajo." Cuatro miembros m6s
han significldo su intenci6n de imitar el buen ejemplo dado
Southern Cross No.6.-Wor. Bro. Amasa S. Crossfield por el Hmno. Dizon.
has left for a trip to the United States.
Laoag No.7l._El Hmno. Alberto Suguitan se cas6
Bro. A. T. Hashim is on a business trip to Shanghai. el 5 de Abril en la catedral de la Iglesia Filipina Indepen-
Bro. Quince E. Richardson is enjoying a year's leave of diente en Tondo, Manila, con Srta. Aurora Santos, maestra
absence, a part of which he is spending in Europe. de la high school, de Malolos. Est5n pasando su luna de
Bro. E. Finlev Tohnson of the Suoreme Court and Mrs. miel en Baguio.
Johnson )elf?uiing 4ffi1 Tor a stay of some months in the En obediencia a las disposiciones de la Circular No. 46
United States. de la Gran Logia, ya se han dado de baja en los Legionarios
Mrs. Larkin, wife of Wor. Bro. W. W. Larkin, and del Trabajo los Hermanos siguientes de la Logia Laoag
children, have left for the States on vacation. No. 71 : Roberto Aurellano, Melchor Balicanta, Primo
Cosmos N*. 8.-Wor. Bro. Fritz Kretzschmar, charter Quetulio, Mateo Reyes, Marcelino Gerardo, Feliciano
member of Cosmos Lodge and Past Master of Isabela Lodge
Llacar, Felicisimo Ruiz y Francisco Domingo. Adem6s
de 6stos, unos diez y seis otros Hermanos de esta Logia han
No. 60, was a visitor at our special meeting of March 19th.
significado su intenci6n de separarse de los Legionarios.
Bro. Kretzchmar is leaving soon to accept a position with
the Pacific Commercial Company at Iloilo.
Ou\Senior Warden, Bro. William A. Hubbard, met
with a serious accident on March 23rd, near San Pedro At the request of 'the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
Macati, when the automobile in which he was a passenger of the District of Columbia, the Third Degree of Masonry
ran off the road, and turned over. Bro. Hubbard was was conferred upon Bro. Henry Cha-Pin Garretson, a
pinned under the machine, and suffered painful injuries member of Harmony Lodge No. 17, Washington, q.q.'
in his back. at our Special Meeting held on March 19th. Bro. John





Tell, them \ou saw 'it in the Cablelow.

Meyer, oirr Junior Warden, conferred the'degree in a very Bro. Mariano Salud is the recipient of congratulations
creditable manner. for._his promotion from deputy auditor of the of
The wife of Bro. M, H. Burnham gave birth to a baby Iloilo to auditor, province of La Union.
girl on the 23rd of April. C harles ton N o. 44.-Bro. Louis J. Flader, Junior'WarCen,
The Secretary is in receipt of a letter from Bro. Saul left for the United States in March and dbes not expect
Romanoff informing us that his address is now c/o Born- to return to Guam.
stein, New York City. Bro. W. H. Notley, Senior Warden, is enjoying -he a well
-fromB{o.Ju1n S. Fernando, who has but recently arrived earned vacation in Manila and China. Until returns
the United States, has been detailed as heafuh officer to Guam some time in May, Bro. John Taitano will occupy
with headquarters in Malolos, his home town. the West.
Pilar No./5.-Bro. Marciano Sayoc was awarded the The Secretary recently received letters from dre fol-
dbgree of Bachelor of Laws by the Philippine Law School, lowing brethren: J. M. Niccoll, now a pharmacist in the
National University, last March. Navy, who is stationed at the Submarine Base, Coco Solo,
Bro. Primitivo de la Costa, Bureau of Public Works, Canal Zone; W. H. Pitkin, who reinlisted in the Naw as
was successfully operated on for appendicitis at the South- g-Chi,ef Radioman, and who is stationed at Hampton R6ads
ern Island Hospital, Cebu. Va.; V. G. Ponciano, who is now stationed on ihe U. S. S.
Bro. Gregorio M. Paredes was the recipient of first from at Olongapo, P. L; Frank (Nobbv) Clark, who writes
prize in the recent Independence Fund poiter contest. ago. Fairfax, Calif. He retired from the Navy sometime
Bro. Paredes rilas one of the first government pensionad,os
to the Un-ited States, where he remained four years, study. Pampanga No. 48.-Bro. Pelagio Navarro Dizon of
ing drawing and painting in the Pennsylvania Museum this Lodge, in compliance with the-provisions of Circular
and School of Industrial Arts and the Pennsylvania narios No.46 of the Grand I.odge, has resigned from the "Legio-
Academy of Fine Arts. He designed the 1920 Carnival del Trabajo." Four other Brethren of this Lolge
poster, and have
the last Anti-tuberculosis campaign his example. expressed their intention of following Bro. Dizori's
poster won first prize.
Bro. Jacinto Papa left April 1 as a cabin steward on Mount Mainanc No. 49.-Bro. Nicolas Garabato has
the U. S. S. Pope, No. 225. been commissioned as Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster,
Bro. Guillermo Tullao sailed April 5 for San Francisco, Officers Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, under dite of Decem-
ber 5, 1923.
where he will be employed in a lumber firm.
Wor. Bro. Eugenio Yuvienco, P. M., has been ill with
Bro. Deogracia! Esguerra left Manila on April 12 as malaria,
-fireman but is rapidly recovering.
on the U. S. S. Tracey, No. 214.
Tupas No. 62.-Bro. Gifford Jones has left for the
Bros. Florencio Reyes and Luis Ilano, as good Masons, -
United States. Bro. and Mrs. Jones, who have been in
have withdrawn from the Legionarios del Trabajo, with- the_States
out waiting for. the elpiration of the ninety-day period in September. for the past year, expect to return to the Islands
prescribed in Circular No. 46 of the Grand Lodge.'
Sinukuan No. 16.-M. W. Bro. Manuel L. euezon, _ _ Baguio No. 67.-Saturday, April 19, Wor. Bro. M.
P.G.M., has left for the United States. Goldenberg, P.M., and presenl Secretary of Mt. Lebanon
No. 80, with Wor. Bro. J. Reich (also of Mt. Lebanon
The son of Bro. Matfas Gonzalez, Manuel Gonzalez,
was killed on Santo Tom6s-, Baguio, when lightning struck !9dg") as Serrior Warden, conferred the sspond degree of
Masonry on Bro. W*. J.Wilson.
the rest house. The son of the deceased was badlliburned
During Wor. Goldenberg's stay in Baguio, a
3! _tlrg sa-me time, first aid being rendered by Bro. Basilio practice meeting of-tro.
Baguio No. 67 ivas alsb held un?er'his
Vald€s.of Bagumbayan No. 4, who had nariowly escaped personal direction.
death himself.
Baguio Lodge extends sincere thanks to Wor. Bros.
Dapitan No. 21.-Bro. Cipriano Cruz mourns the Goldenberg and Reich for their courtesy.
,leath of a child which took place on March 15.
Bro. Pedro Aza Cruz's father died recently in the town Laoag No. 71.-Bro. Alberto Suguitan was married
April 5 in th_e Cathedral of the Philippine-I ndependent Church
of Pateros, Rizal.
Bro. Inocencio Monillas, who has been for a lone time !n to.ndo, Manila, to Miss Aurori-Santos, i teacher in the
connected with the Bureau of Education, is now wiih the
Malolos High. School. They are spending their honey-
Bureau of Audits.
moon in Baguio.
Bro. Desiderio G. Santiago is now chief of the wicker . T!" lollorring. membgls of this Lodge have resigned
from- the Legionarios
shop department of the Bureau of Prisons.
del Trabajo, in acc6rdance with" the
prowisions of Circular No. 46 of the Grand Lodge: Bros.
Nzal No. 22.-Bros. Antonio de las AIas and Francisco Roberto* Aurellano, Melchor Balicanta, Primo Quetulio,
Zamora have left for the United States. Mateo _$eyes, Marcelino Gerardo, Feliciano Lla6r, Feli-
Bro. M. V. Arguelles has been named bv the Director cisimo Ruiz and Francisco Domingo. In addition to these,
of Health^Lo- supervise the execution of the provisions of some sixteen other Brethren, meribers of this Lodge, have
Act No.-3073, regulating the sale of viruses, serums, toxins signified their intention.of taking the same acti6n with
and analogous products,which goes into effect May'1. respect to the Legionarros.
Pinagsabitan No. 26.-Wor. Bro. V. Rivera Sryo *a. Mt. Lebanon No. 80.-Wor. Bro. M. Goldenberg,
one of the g_overnment officials making the inspection trip P.M., and family have returned from a vacation in tli'e
south with the provincial governors. - mountain capital.

ffi Tell thenc you saw it in
the Cabletow.
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd., London
Atlas Assurance Co ., Ltd.,London
Fire and Marine fnsurance Fire, Plate Glass, Automobile and Accident Insurance




A Laundrg Seroice that gou uill Appreciate

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pleased with
work at reasonable prices. our service.

Un Sertsicio de Laoanderia que le Agradarci

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las m6s completas facilidades para y hacer entrega de la lavada en su
casa. Pruebe el servicio de lavande-
lavar en el Oriente, un trabajo rSpido rla de la Central-quedar6 Ud. m6s
y satisfactorio a precios razonables. que satisfecho.

Tell, them you saw it in the Cabletow.."

Saf ety

A match thoughtlessly lighted in the dark near the open gas tank-
the inevitable explosion-the painful results.
This could NEVER happen if every motorist cariied

Ifyou drive at night you will find an Eveready necessady for your
safety and convenience. It is ever ready with a brilliant light for
your service.
Call on your dealer to-day and select your pvereaay Flashlight.

Manila, P. I.

Tell them you saw it in the .Cabletozt.

Fage No. Page No.

A Niason Indeed. 653 Baguio-(See "Sanitarium.")

Abra Lodge No. 86 Baguio Lodge No. 67
Constitution of ,1923. 81 Degree work by, 1923. . 502
Absence "A Progressive Lodge," 1923... t7t 7
Absence of member from city does not in- Third to pay Home Fund quota, t923.. .. . 287 11
validate his election to the office in Lodge. Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4
Q. and A. 52, t923.. . 191 7 Official Visitation by G. M., t923.. . 9t4
Acacia No money for entertainment, 1923. 228 9
La Acacia (Spanish), 1923. 328 12 Installation of Officers, 1923. . 235 9
Accounts Benjamin Franklin Lodge, U.D.
Edict No. 3, re stand,ard accounting system Granted dispensation, 1923 . 260 10
for Lodges, t923.. 146 6
Pays Home Fund quota, L923. 287 11
Holds first meeting, 1923. . 288 11
There cannot be any admission on proba-
Bible-Controversy re, t923, (Span.). 244 9
tion. Q. and A. 48, L923. . 190 7
'.'Big Feeds, No.-Table Lodges, Yes.r'
Editorial, 7923.. 310 l2
Advancement, Objection to (See also under "Refreshment Mason.")
Of unworthy E.A. or F. C. Q. and 4.47, Black Ball, The
1923. . 190 7
t923. 328 12
Q. and A. 67, 1923. . 247 9

Blind Man as Master. </. ,

Advertisements, 1923. 2t Books, Masonic
See... 113 5 New Masonic books, 1923. .. . : . . . t25 5
Affiliation "Masonic Books" (Macoy ad.),1923 200 8
Right to apply unrestricted. Q. and A. 31, Two Splendid books, 1923.. 239 9
t923. . 163 6 Bourn
Aims and Purposes of Our Publication Ed.. . . . 11 Meaning of word. Q. and A. 33, 1923. . . . 163
Alegre, Saturnino Box of Fraternal Assistance
Death of. ". . 124 5 Old custom may be revived. Q. and A. 43,
Speech of Roxas 120 5 1923. . 188
"Amen" and "Hele" 4t2 Boy Scouts
Ancient Chargfr .t] Article supporting movement, 1923. . . . . . . 22 1
In English and 382 La Gran Logia de Chile y los Boy Scouts,
Referred to in K;.:}|;i;[: .:.: ::. : 118 5 1923.
Bulusan No. 38
. 151 6
Ancient Landmarks
In English and Spanish 12 I Notes from-, 1923 316 12
Annual Quota 894 Burial-(See "Duelling, Suicide, Funeral.")
An Old Lodge. 342 Cabezas, Ram6n
....123-125 5
Appeal Deathof, 1923
- Cabletow
No appeal to Lodge from decision of W. M.
Circular No. 3, re mailing of., 1923. 32 2
Q. and A. 8. " 70 3
Circular No. 4, re payment of, P24"00,
No appeal from resolution of Grand Lodge. ...... 60 3
Q. and A. 1.. 44 2 t923..
Circular No. 5, re mailing, Sec., Insp',
" May perform duties of officers of Lodge. t923. . 603
Q. and A. 15. 104 4
tt4 5
How CeslBrow came into Being. Article
May visit Lodges not their own, under by Fischer, t923.. t26 5
certain conditions. Q. and A. 16. .. . . . 104 4
Ceer-Brow in the Hands of the Profane. . . 864
(See Cesr-rrow)
The Word "Cabletow," by Fischer, 1923 . t20 5
Wearing of compulsory, Q. and A. 2A , 1923.
Bound copies of Volume l, 1923 323 L2
Lodges generally provide aprons, Q. and A.
. 133
The First Mile-Stone, 1923. . 310 t2
21, t923.. IJJ
Mailing the C.q.srnrow direct, tq?3.. .. . . 324 t2

New CeslBrow Quota, articles and circu-

Transportation of cotton for Masonic lar, 1923 230 t2
aprons by aeroplane, 1923 202
Also. . 238 t2
Araw Lodge No. 18 (See "Policy," "Letters of appreciation of
Informal visitation by G. M., t923. " . . . . J+ c.T.")
Armistice Day Suspended members not entitled to CeeLB-
Editorial, 1923. t4t row. Q. and A. 2, 1923 44 2
As It Qhould Be" B9 E. A. and F. C. entitled to copy. Q. and A.
Assessment 9, t923.. 104 4
Extra assessment not to be levied by Lodges. Every member in good standing must get
Q. and A. 38, 1923. . 164 6 copy. Q. and A. 10, 1923.. 103 4
Q. and A. 74, 1923.. 272 10 Subscription compulsory for Lodges. 0.
Legality of assessment for Masonic Home and A. 86,7923 302 11
upheld. Q. and A. 37, t923" " 164 6 Cairns, John M.
Bagong-Buhay Lodge No. 17 Funeral of, 1923 265 10
Official Visit of G. M. to,1923, (Span.). . . . 259 10 California, Grand Lodge of
Confers degree for Pilar No. 15, 1923 . . . . 260 10 To meet at Los Angeles, 1923. . 235 9
Page No. Page

Carbonell, Edward T. Communications, Grand Lodge

Letter from, 1923 243 9 Any M. M. may attend. Q. and A. 50,
Cassillis, Earl of t923. . 190 ,I
Visit of, 1923.. 324 t2 Communication, Grand Lodge
Cavite Article re, 1924. 178 I
Jurisdiction of Lodges in Province, See Notice of, 1923 t9l I
Edict No. 2, 1923.. 146 6 Constitution
Repealed by Edict No. 4, 1923. . 200 8 Study of Grand Lodge Constitution, see
Cavite Masonic Club, 1923 241 9 "An Excellent Idea," 1923....:... . 142-t57 6
Cavite Lodge No. 2 Editorial re purchase of copy, 1923. . 171 7
Twentieth Anniversary, 1923.. t52 6 Copy of the Cesr,Brow for Every Brother. . 51 2
Cemetery Corregidor Lodge No. 3
"Masonic Cemetery," 1923. 282 11 Visitation, short notice, 1923. 129 5
Certificates, Masonic Account,1923". 151 6
Not subject to stamp tax, 1923. 128 5 Correspondence
(See "Diplomas.") Reason for requirement regarding corres-
Charges pondence with foreign Lodges explained.
Mason under charges cannot prefer charges Q. and A. 39, t923. . 164 6
himself. Q. and A. 70, 1923.. 10 Letter of G. S. to Acacia Lodge, re coffes-
Charleston Lodge No. 44 pondence with foreign Jurisdictions, 1923 35 )
See "An Excellent ldea," 1923. . .142-157 6 Circular No. 9, re letters of Grand Master
Historical Sketch, 1923.. . . . .. 298 11 and Grand Secretary, etc., 1923 147 6
Pays Home Fund Quota, 1923.. 315 12 (See "Letters of Appreciation.")
Charter Cosmos Lodge No. 8
Suspension of, Mt..Lebanon Lodge, Georgia Promptness, Cerlotow, 1923 30 2
1923.. 924 First to pay quota, t923.. ..... 36-100 2-4
Laws on Suspension of , Q. and A. 44, 1923 . . 188 7 Visitation, t923. . 34 2
Chips for the Cesr,erow... . 2t1 Birthday Reception, t923.. . . .. 125-152 5-6
Christmas Visits Malinaw Lodge No. 25, 1923... . . . 131 5
Our Holiday Greetings, editorial, 1923. . . . 169 7 Lodge of Instruction, 1923. I9l 7
Poem "Hunt out the little lame girl," Offer to furnish room in Home, t923. . . . 2lO 8
1923.. 179 7 Exemplifies 3rd degree for Grand Lodge,
Deceiving church authorities unmasonic.
t923..:..... 2st 9
Cosmos again a leader (Trust agreement
Q. and A. 59, 1923. . group), 1923 260 10
Circulars-(See also "Library Committee.") Courtesy Degrees ...., .,.f,. 49
No. 1. Re P5.00 per degree assessment Cowans i '

for Home Fund.. 4 I Term explained, 1923. 109 4

No. 2. Re Lodge quota for Home Fund. . 4 1 Criticisms
No. 3. Re mailing of Caar,Brow... . . . . . ?) 7
and Brickbats," t923....i; . .
^ "Bouquets t72

Ng. 4. -Re payment of P24 per annum by 7


Current Events
Lodges, for Casrrrow.. . . 60 3 Editorial notq 1923. t42 6
Nd. 5. Re Inspector's report on Caslr- Dagohoy Lodge No. 84
TOW... 60 3 Article re constitution of, 1923.. 72 J
No. 6. Re safe-keeping of Lodge records. . 61 3 Decisions of G. M.
No. 7. Computation of Lodge for Home Decision of G. M. re candidate lame in right
Fund.. 88 4
No. 8. Re resolutions of Lodges for Grand foot; allowed to u,ear special shoe during
Lodge Comm. of. 1924.. initiation, 1923.. . 31 2
115 5 Decision re omissions from,Brow mail-
No. 9. Correspondence, 1923. 147 6 ing lists of certain E. A. and F. C., 1923. .
No. 10. Lodge returns, Dues for Home 3t4 t2
Fund, 1923. 148 6
Defects in Masonry
No. 11. Books and Blanks of Gran Oriente Article with above title, 1923 160 6
Espaflol, 1923.. . 148 6
Clandestine_Lodges-(See "spurious Bodies.") Grand Lodge diploma required in certain
Clemente, Gaudencio jurisdictions. Q. and A. 7, 1923 70 3
Death of, 1923.. 293 11
How application is made. Q. and A. 45,
Clique The-(Poem). .. ttz 4 t923. . 189
Closing Editorial reM.M" diploma, 1923....... 113 5
Lodge must be closed in highest degree in Short editorial paragraph, re same, 1923. . 170
which opened. Q. and A. 11, t923. . . Good Work, Wor. Brother (re diplomas),
. 103
t923. . 187 ,I
Use of small columns explained. Q. and A.
Disposition of Lodge Property
3, 1923.. 44
,, (See "Donation.")
Co-Masonry Donation
Explained. Q. and A. 81, t923. . 300 11 Of land by Lodge permissible. Q. and A.
.Comfort, Newton C. 27, t923.. 135
Article and Cut, 1923.. 159 6 Duai Membership
"Two hundred five years of Masonry," Prohibited; inierpretation. Q. and A. 66,
t923. 208 8 1923. . 2+7
And... 294 11 Duelling
Committees Duellist not entitled to masonic burial.
Grand Lodge Committees,lg24,list, 1923. . tt Q. and A. 6, 1923
Page No. Page No.
Dues Fanaticism
For Masonic Home Fund Editorial on "Fanaticism," 1923.. 228 9
Circular No. 1, 1923. . 4 1 Far Eastern Freemason
Circular No. 10, t923. . 148 6 Reviewed, 1923. 10-45 t-2
Payment of, to Grand Lodge. Circular No. Pu. eu'i-r-&" N;. id
10, 1923.. 148 6 New Officers, 1923. . 934
The Collection of Dues, Editorial, 1923. . . . 226 9 Visits Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. sO, iSzS. 165 6
Earliest Record of the Word "Freemason". . . . . 61 3 Membership restored to Masonic rights,
Easter 1923. 200 8
Editorial, 1923.. 281 11 Fellowcrafts
Edicts May perform duties of officers of Lodge.
No. 1. 34 2 Q. and A. 15, 1923. . lO4 4
No. 2. May visit Lodges not their own, under
near 6 certain conditions. Q. and A. 16,1923. . 104 4
No. 3. Not entitled to relief from Lodge funds.
146 6 Q. and A. 55, 1923.. 219 8
No. 4. Revoking Edict No. 2, 1923... . . 200 8 (See Cerr,nrow.)
Egvpt Field Lodges
Masonry in Ancient Egypt, 1923. . 227 9 ' Article on "Traveling Lodges," 1923.. . . . 2t7 8
El Hombre es el Sacerdote de la Creaci6n Fifth Monthly Convention of Lodge Officers.. . . t25 5
(Span. Poem).. J/ 2 Fifty Years a Mason, Twenty-nine as Secretary 98 4
Election First Masonic Lodge in Norway. 273 10
Of Absentee, when legal. Q. and A. 90, First Mile-Stone, The
1923. . 330 l2 Editorial, 1923". 310 t2
Electioneering, etc. Fischer, Leo-Signed articles by:
Editorial on Electioneering, 1923 t4t 6 A brief History of the Masonic Home,
Editprial on Officers Elect, 1923. 170 I School and Dormitory Fund, 1923. . . . . . 94 4
"El Mufiimiento," Comm. on Electioneer- The word "Cabletow," 1923. 120 5
ing, 1B23. 181 I How the Casr,Brow came into being, 1923.. 126 5
Elser, Edwin E. Origin and meaning of the Names of the
"Scottish Rite Honors," 1923 150 6 Lodges under the Jurisdiction of the
Emblems, Masonic Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands,
May be worn by wives, etc., of M. M. O. t923.. ztt
and A. 32, 1923 163 6 Form
Wearing fi not required or encourage. "Ample form," etc., explained. Q. and A.
Q. and A. 60, t923. . 22t 8 37, t923.. 164 6
Use of Emblems by Labor Organizations, "Found"
t-4 Scottish Rite ring, 1923. . 187 7
Wearing of, by Masons' Wives, Editorial, Scarf pin and C. of P. Emblem, 1923. . . 204 8
1923. . t43 6 Francisco, Florencio
"Masonic Emblems," Poem, 1923........ 222 8 Memorial Service for, t923. 150 6
(See "Labor Organizations," and "Legio- Franklin, Benjamin
narios.") See Article by Joseph H. Schmidt, Famous
Ernployment Masons in the Days of the American Re-
List of unemployed , 1923. 205 8 volution, 1923. . 14 1
Employment Givers. 91 4 "Masonry's Mission," 1923... 328 L2
Enemies of Masonry Fraternal Paper the Best. 59 3
Article with this title, 1923. 216 8 Funeral
England Masonic Funeral ceremonies must be held
United Grand Lodge of England, why by Lodge of Master Masons, unless W.
called "united." Q. and 4.72,1923. . . . 271 10 M. and Wardens are absent. Q. and A.
Entered Apprentice t2,1923.. 104 4
Sorne things an E. A. ought to know, When Lodge must bury Masons. Q. and A.
1923.. 214 8 91, t923.. 331 t2
Entertainment (See "Duelling, Suicide.")
No money for Entertainment, 1923.. . . . . 228 g Gambling
Esoteric Editorial on, 1923.. 253 10
"Esoteric" and "exoteric" explained. 0. Garantes de Amistad
and A. 80,1923 300 l1 Exchange of Representatives between sub-
Examination of Candidate ordinate Lodges of this and foreign juris-
Must be in open Lodge (not in separate dictions (Garantes de Amistad) not
room). Q. and A. 18, t923... 132 authorized. Letter of G. S. to Acacia
Exchange of Representatives Lodge, t923. . 35
Exphange of Represehtatives between sub- "Grand Representatives.")
(See also
ordinate Lodges of this and foreign juris- George Washington National Masonic Memorial
dictions (Garantes de amistad) not Article /d cornerstone laying, Bro. Harvey,
authorized. Letter of G. S. to Acacia etc., 1923.. 924
Lodge, t923. . 352 "A Memento," editorial, 1923. 198 8
Excursions Germany
To Sta. Cruz, Laguna,1923. t74 7 First Lodge in, 1923. 1s6 i'
- Globes
No way of stopping sale. Q. and A. 83, Explanation relative to globes in second
t923. 301 l1 degree. Q. and A. 49, 1923. . 190
Godfather, Thc Masonrc Honorary Member (Continued)
Editorial, 1923 144 and A. 13, 1923 104 4
Good standing Q. and A. 65, t923 246 9
Interpretation of term. Q. and A. 70, Illegitimate children
t923. . 27A 10 Louisiana decision condemned, 1923... . . . t3
Governor-General Informal Monthly Meetings of Elective O'fficers
List of G. G. of P. I. who were Masons. of the Subordinate Lodges. 22
Q. and A. 89, 1923 330 t2 Initiation
Grand Lecturer Of candidate, over protest, Recourse. 0.
Circular letter to District Inspectors by and A. 46, 1923. 189
Grand Lecturer, re compliance with \
duties of latter, 1923.. 633 Inspectors
Better and more uniform work, 1923. . . 282 11 Circular letter to District Inspectors by
Grand Lecturer, re compliance with

Grand Lodge of the P. L

(See also "Coramittees," "Communica- duties of latter, t923.. OJ J
tion," "Inspectors.") Duties of, re Ci^rlETow, Circular No. 5,
Resolutions for Grand Lodge Communica- t923. . 60 J
tion, Circular No. 8, 1923 i15 List of newly appointed, 1923.. 264 10
See "Universal Recognition of the Grand Same corrected, 1923. 286 11
Lodge, etc.", 1923, 66 Instruction
See "The World Tribunal of Masonry," Officers of one Lodge may instruct those of
1923. 5B another. Q. and A. 76, 1923.. 272 10

"Our Grand Lodge," farts re, 1923.. ... . 154 lnteresting Facts Regarding Masonry. . . . . . . . . 1

Communication 1924, R6sum6 of , 1923.. . 232 lnternational Masonic Conferences

Reception of January 20, 1923.. 2+0 Their resolutions are notbinding upon Ma-
Jurisdictional Territory of our Grand sonry as a whole. Q. and A. 71, 1923.. 27t 10
Lodge, 1923. . 241 International Masonic Association
No appeal from resolution of Grand Lodge. Reference to in "Trouble galore," 1923 . . 198 8
Q. and A. t, t923 +4 "The Con vocation at Geneva," t923.. . .. 207 8
Election of representative at Annual Com- A Filipino Mason at Geneva Convention,
munication. Q. and A. 53, 1923. . . . . . 219 8 t923. . 207 8
Election, voting. Q. and A. 82, 1923... . 300 11 Isabela No. 60
Grand Master Installation, 1923, (Spanish)... . . 231 9
(See "Circulars," "Edicts.") Isla de Luzon No. 57
Correspondence with, Circular No. 9, 1923. . 147 Free from Legionarios, 1923 316 t2
Grand Representatives Island Lodge No. 5
Appointment and functions of, etc. Q. and New Home,1923.... 150 6
A. 22, 1923.. . 133 5 Visited by High-Twelve No. 82, 1923.. . . 176 7
Newly appointed G. R., 1923.. 81 J Japan
Newly appointed Grand Representatives, Earthquake relief, 1923.. . . lzt 5
1923. . 203 8 And... 135 5
Grand Secretary Jewels-(See "PasL Masters"")
Cofrespondence with, Circular No. 9, 1923. . 147 6 Juan, Valentin S.
Need to be, but mostly is, a P. G. M. 0, The heroic death of-, 1923. .

and A. 23, 1923 t34 5 Jurisdiction

Generally prepares decisions of Grand Lodges in and near Manila, Edict No. 2,
Master. Q. and A. 57, 1923.. . 220 8 t923. . t42 6
Gran Oriente Espaflol And... t46 6
Old books and blanks, Circular No. 11, Edict No. 4, revoking above, t923. . 200 8
1923. . 148 6 Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction, 1923 . . .. 243 9
Harding, W. G. Near Manila. Q. and A.24,1923.. ts4 5
Death of, Editorial, 1923 854 Rendered obsolete by Edict No. 2, 1923. . . 146 6
Unique Memorial Service, 1923.. . 2tT 8 Over foreign Masons. Q. and A. 41, 1923. 165 6
Harding Memorial Association, 1923. . . . . 242 9 Residents of Islands taking degrees in
Harvey, George R. Foreign Lodges, when recognized. 0.
"A Word from M. W. Bro. G. R. H.", and A. +2, 1923 188
1923. . 61 Kalaw, Teodoro M.
Leaves for U. S., 1923 593 Article on "Masonic Law" (which see).
"Scottish Rite Honors," 1923 150 6 Kasilawan Lodge No. 77
Article and cut, 1923... ....:..... 245 9 Benefit Ball, 1923.. 289 11
"Character and co-operation". . 326 l2 Kavanagh, John M.
High-Twelve No. 82 Death of, 1923.. 265 10
Visits Island No. 5, 1923. t76 I King Solomon's Temple
Completes Home Fund quota, 1923...... 314 l2 Article, with cut, 1923... 318 l2
Hiram Lodge No. 88 Knife and Fork Mason, etc.
Constitution of, 1923. 287 11 Terms explained. Q. and A. 78, 1923... 273 10
First Degree Conferred in Hiram Lodge, Koska, Valentin
U. D., since Granting of Dispensation. . 80 3 Death of , 1923.. 135 5
Honorary Member Labor Organizations
Honorary membership not provided for in No law against joining those using our
Constitution and honorary member can- emblems, but advice is not to join them
not vote or exercise other rights vested until abandon such use. Q. and A. 25,
exclusively in members of Lodge. A. t923 t3+

L:rbor ganizations (Continued)

Or Luz Occanica Lodge No. 85 (Cor-itinued)
Members not eligible, report of investigat- Constitution and Installation of (Span.),
ing committee. Q. and A. 84, t923. . . . 301 11 t923. . 260 10
A Mushroom Growth, editorial, t923. . . . 170 7 Installation, 1923.. 325 t2
American Masonic Opinion on Purloining Mabini Lodge No. 39
of our Emblems by Local Organization, Celebrates St. John's Day, 1923. 231 9
1923. . r99 Picture of Temple, 1923 (Spanish)...... 262 10
Circular No. 46, placing ban upon same, Ma-bu-ti Lodge 92
1923. . 230 9 "A new Lodge in Masbate," 1923.. 130
Also, 1e23... .::::.:.... ..... 256 10 "New Lodge, etc." (Dispensation),1923.. t75
Also. 1923. 286 11 Magdalo Lodge No. 31
Also, tgZS. 313 t2 (See "Memorial Temple at Kawit.")
(See "Emblems," "Legionarios.") Maguindanaw Lodge No. 40
Lafayette Reception and 8a11, 1923. . 266 10
Article on Lafayette, by Joseph H. Schmidt, "Make" a Mason
t923. . 46 2 Correct expression. Q. and A. 95, 1923. . . 332 t2
Laoag No. 71 Makiling Lodge No. 72
Notes from, 1923. . 316 T2 Visitation of, by G. M. 9 1

Las Dignidades (Span. P;*).. : 99 4 Visits "Kasilawan Lodge No. 77," 1923... . /o 3
Law and Order Mactan Lodge No. 30
Editorial on, 1923.. 226 9 Visitatirin G. M. and Luncheon,1923. . . . . 72 J
Celebration of Law and Order Sunday, Article on Masonic Temple, Cebu, 1926. . . 180 I
t923. . 242 9 Malinaw Lodge No. 25
Lectures Visit by Cosmos Lodge No.8 to, 1923..... 131 5
"Mouth to Ear," 1923. . 186 I Malolos Lodge No. 46
Must be delivered at time degree is con- Official visitation by G. M., 1923. . 90 4
ferred. Q. and A. 88, 1923.. . 330 l2 Official visitation by G. M., 1923. . 244 9
Legionarios del Trabajo Manila Lodge No. 1
"Legionarios del Trabajo" accede to Wishes Meeting November 20, 1923 t76 7
of Grand Lodge, 1923.. t16 5 Lodge of Instruction, 1923. 263 10
"Legionarios del Trabajo," by Grand Cuban Lodge confers degree 1or,1923. . . . . 263 10
Master (Ponce Letter), 1923 . . 122 5 Map
(See"Labor Organization," "Emblems.") Masonic map of P. L, 1923 329 l2
Letters of appgeciation of Cesl-Brow Mark Twain
H. Eugerre Stafford, t923....... 36 2
Honored by Masons, 1923. 27i 10
Rafael Palma, 1923. . 36 "Masonic Camp Followers"
Wm. H. Taylor, 1923. . 1t4 5 Editorial, 1923 t42 6
Perry W. Weidner, 1923.. . 131 5 Masonic Clubs
John W. Cowles, 1923... 131 5 (See "Masonic Club of Manila.")
J. L. Mclaughlin, 1923... 155 6 Masonic Club of Manila
Geo. W. Vallery, 1923." r /o I Birthday Party of Cosmos Lodge, t923.. 152 6
L. R. Sawyer, 1923 328 l2 "Masonic Club of Manila," 1923. . 184 7
Level-Mentioned, t923. . 1 1 "Masonic Club of Manila," t923. . 206 8
Libraries "Masonic Club of Manila," 1923. . 250 9
(See "Library Committee.") "Masonic Club of Manila," 1923. . 268 10
"Lodge Libraries," Editorial, 1923.. . . . . . r43 6 Masonic Courtesies. 51 2
"A Progressive Lodge," 1923.. . t7t I --*i&ti;i-of
Masonic Home -rro
per capita contribution
Library Committee
Circular No. 1 of Library Committee, with upheld. Q. and A.37,1923...._...... 164 6
list of books for Lodge library, 1923 . . . . 62 3 MasoniiHome, School and Dormitory Fund
. Circular No. 2, reSierra Madre Lodge plan, Circular No. 1, ze P5.00 addition, 1923.. . . 4 1

1923. . 149 6 Circular No. 2, reLodge Assessment of F10

"Lies have Short Legs't
' per capita, 1923... 4 1

Editorial, 1923.. . 143 6 Ciicular No. 7, reLodge Assessment of F10

I-ife Membership per capita, 1923... 88 4
Resolution of Southern Cross Lodge No. 6 History of M. H., S. and D. Fund, by
re system of life memberships, 1923. . . 32 2 Fischer, 1923. .

Lincoln Lodge No. 34


Assessment by G. L. of Texas, 1923. . . . . . . 217 B

Has Lodge of Instruction, 1923 241 9 Editorial, t923.. . 253 10

Literary Competition Editorial, 1923.. 28t 11
Lodge Le Portique, Paris, L923... 324 t2 "A successful benefrt bal|," 1923. 290 11
Living Accommodations for Masons' Sons The Masonic Home Fund, Editorial, 1923. 309 12
in Manila 89 4 Masonic Law
Liwalway Lodge Article by Kalaw, 1923.. . 42 2
Official visitation by G. M., t923 34 2 Continuation..... 118 5
Lodge lrames Continuation..... : 322 t2
Origin and Meaning of , 1923.. 2tt 8 Masonic Literature Ed... . 2 1

"Lost" Column Masonic Lodge N{eets on Mountain Top 229 9

(t) te23.. 2L 1 Masonic Reading
Luxembourg "Masonic Reading for New Masons," edi-
Supreme Council, 1923. . 183 torial, 1923.. 3t2 t2
Luz Oceanica Lodge No. 85 Masonic Service e.*.iuiiort
Entertrinment, 1923. 13 1 Lecture of G. M. ze sending of Short Talk
PaEc No. No.
Masonic Service Assoc (Continued) * Mt. Kaladias Lodge No. 91 (Continued)
Bulletins of M Service Association Account of activities, 1923 239 9
to Lodges, 1923. 31 2 Notes from, 1923. . . 26t 10
Masonic Temples Mt. Lebanqn Lodge No. 80
Manila, data re,1923 (with picture).
pi 64 J Promptness, Centerow, 1923 302
Masonry's . Amazing Building Program, Quota for Home Fund paid over, 1923. . . . t07 4
68 J Two items re visits, 1923. " 130 5
1923 130 5 Official Grand Lodge visitation ,1923.. . . . . 153 6
Cebu, 1923. 180 I Visited by Far East Lodge No. L0, 1923.. . 165 6
Masonic Temple Bacoor , Cavite, t923. . 2t8 8 Notes from-, 1923. . 315 t2
Masonry at the North Pole. 293 11 Muog Lodge
Masonry Overseas. 135 5 Dispensation, with list of officers, t923. . . .
Wanted-Masters with Backbone. Edi-
Constitution, 1923 314 12
torial, 1923. .. 227 9 The word "Mysteries," 1923. t9t
No appeal to Lodge M. Names of Lodges
Q. and A. 7, 1 703
Either M. or one b; *;i Origin and Meaning of Lodge Names, 1923
-Negro Lodges
2tt 8
present to make Q. and --orly;8;;lar
A. 58, t923.. . 220 8 one in U. S., 1923. 183
The Successful M 292 " .
New Jewish Flag. 19 1

Who should instal ioo, tszs. . 333 t2 New Lodges

Master Mason The Formation of new Lodges. Editorial,
The M. M. signal of distress (at Louvain), t923. . st2 t2
1923. . 269 10 New Masonic Temple Association, Inc.
"Closer than a B t923..... 276 10 Stockholders' Meeting, 1923.. 242 9
Master Mason, The Noble, H. Lawrence
Announcement o 260 10 Editorial on "Why I am a Scottish Rite
"Closer than a B Mason," by above, 1923.. 255 10
from above, 1 276 10 Noli-Me-Tangere Lodge No. 42
McCoy, Henry B. Sixth anniversary, t923.. 93 4
Death of, 1923.. 158 6 Nuestras Armas (Span. Poem) 157 6
Mclaughlin, J. L. Objection
Letter from, re CaslBrow, 1923... . . t 5.) 6 (See "Advancement," "Initiation.")
Meetings Officers
"Meetings" ?s. "Communications." Q. and Lodge may appoint other officers than those
A. 54, t923.. . 2t9 8 specified in Constitution.
Memorial Day Q. and A.
68, 1923". 241
Editorial, 1923.. 309 t2 Oldest Lodge in the Far East
22 1
Memorial Lodge
Dispensation to M. L., with list of officers, Oldest Masonic Lodges. 17 I
904 Oldest Masonic Pensioner. ...T.. 140 5
Constitution oI, 1923. 314 t2 Ong Kiong
Memorial Temple at Kawit Funeral of, t923. 195
Editorial, 1923. . 283 11 Orator
Metropolitan District Lodge may appoint one. Q. and A. 68,
Created by Edict t923. t46 6 1923. 247 9
Abolished by Edic 4, 1923..... . 2A0 8 Organizations and Societies Put Under Ban
Mexico, Grand Lodges by Grand Lodge Circular No. 46. 256 10
Mentioned in let S. to Acacia Lodge, Palma, Rafael
35 Letter from, !923. 362
Minerva Lodge No. Parian
Thanks other Lodges for aid to member, Meaning of word. Q. and A. 34, 163
t923. . Lll I Past Masters
Removal, 1923.. 185 7 P. M. jewel, purchase of not obligatory;
Minutes should be bought with entertainment
Keeping of minutes on loose sheets and in fund. Q. and A. 40, 1923.. 165 6
typewriting not forbidden. Q. and A. Rank does not depend upon existence of
t+, t923. 104 4 Lodge. Q. and A. 79, t923... 300 11
Montenegro, Eduardo "Peace" us. "Persecution"
The act of a Mason, 1923 303 11 Editorial, t923.. 311 t2
Morgan Perla del Oriente No. 1034, S. C.
Information relative to-. Q. and A. 83, Gota de Leche ball, 1923.. 10 1
1923 301 11 Persecutions
Morris, Robert Item, in Spanish, 1923. r23 5
See article by Joseph H. Schmidt, Famous Personals
Masons in the Days of the American Editorial re personals, 1923 . 864
Revolution, 1923 t4 1 Petition
Mencius Lodge No. 93 False statement on petition for degrees
Granted Dispensation, t923. 240 9 constitutes unmasonic conduct. Q. and
Mt. Kaladias Lodge No. 91 A. 56, t923.. . 2t9 8
Proposed, Dumaguete, 1923.. . . . . . 76 3 To lie over longer than 30 days, proposition
"New Lodge in Dumaguete," 1923 t77 I discussed. Q. and A. 77, t923........ 272 10
No. ' Pagc No.

Petitioners "Raise"
"Light for the prospective petitioner," IJse of word explained. Q. and A.99,1923. 333 12
t923. . 283 11 Ratia, Alfredo N.
Pettus, John A. Funeral of, 1923 179
Death of, 1923.. 293 11 Recognition
Philippine Masonry of the Grand
See "Universal Recognition
Article re unique position of P. M., 1923. . . 102 4 Lodge, etc.", 1923. 66 .)
(See also "Grand Lodge, Our.") And "The World Tribunal of Masonry,"
"Philippine Trowel," Chicago t923. . . . 58 3
Item re, 1923.. . 50 2 Records of Lodges
Physical qualification; Circular No. 6, re records of Lodges, safe-
Decision of G. M. re candidate lame in right keeping of same, etc., 1923 6l 3
foot; allowed to wear special shoe during Red Cross
initiation, 1923." . 31 2 Article re Red Cross, 1923. 108 4
Pilar Lodge No. 15 Red Cross at Home 1923. . t29
Official visitation by G. M., 1923 90 4 Home Service, 1923 156 6
La Logia Pilar se une a la vanguardia, Reflexiones-(Poem, Span.).. 207 8
t923. . 153 6 Refreshment Mason, The
Charity ball, Announcement, 1923, (Span.) 263 10 Editorial, 1923.. t44 6
Charity ball, Postponement, 1923.. . . . . . . 268 10 Big Feeds, No;; I-oa b"", Yes. Edi-
Notes from-, 1923 315 t2 torial.. 310 L2
Pilgrimage to Cebu.. 50 2 Reglas de Conducta 62 3
Pillrimale to Cebu u Cr"u, Sr.;";.......... 7t J Reinstatement
Pinagsabitan Lodge No. 26 Of suspended member of Lodge gone out of
P. L. a splendid Host, 1923 t74 existence must be by Grand Lodge. 0.
"An act worthy of Masons," 1923.. . . . . . 287 11
and A. 87, 1923 330 12
Notes from-, 1923 3t7 t2 Relief
Plaridel Lodge No. 74 Assessments by Lodge for relief purposes
"A Corner-Stone" laid, 1923. 200 8
unlawful. Q. and A. 38, t923. . 164 6
' "Notas," 1923

289 11
. F. C. not entitled to relief from Lodge funds.
"Notes," 1923.. .;........;...... s25 l2 Q. and A. 55, t923. . 219 8
Editorial on Relief Legislation, t923. . .... 254 10
Plaridel Temple Reports
Article og* with cut, 1923 tt7 Annual reports of Lodges, Circular No.
Cosmos }-odge Birthday Party, t923.. . . . 10,
t52 6
t923. . 148
Plaridel Temple Association Restoration
Article on, 1923.. 20 1
Petition of member suspended for N. P. D.
Meeting notice, Temple Association, 1923.. 204 8 personal or written application not re-
"To the rescue of the Plaridel Temple Asso- quired. Q. and A. 85,
ciation," 1923.. . 257 10
1923. . 3OZ 11

(See "Masonic Club of Manila.") Suspended Mason whose Lodge is defunct

must apply Grand Lodge. Q. and A.
Policy 87, t923.. 330 t2
What of our Faults and Defects? t923 . . . . 169
Bouquets and Brickbats, 1923. t72 I (See "Books, Masonic.")
Politics Ritual
Masonry and Party Politics. Editorial, Cannot be changed. Q. and A. 61, t923. . 221
t923 t97 8 Rizal Province
Must not be discussed in Lodge. Q. and A.
35,1923.. 163 6
Jurisdiction of Lodges, see Edict No. 2,
1923. t46 6
Porto Rico Rods
Protest against Gran Logia Hispano-Ameri- Color of, explained. Q. and A. 26, L923. t34 5
cana, t923.. 204 Roster
Prince of Wales Ceases to Hold Position of Subordinate Lodges, 1923. 251 9
Senior Grand Warden. 109 Also, 1924." 307 11
Probation "Sentencia de Confucio" (Poem in Span.). . . . . 194
There cannot be any admission St. John's Lodge No. 9
tion. Q. and A. 48, t923. . . 190 Informal visitation by G. M., 1923.. . . . 34 2
Profane Lodge of Instruction, 1923. 235 9
Item on term "Profane," 1923. 172 "Consolidation of Lodges," t923.. . 303 11
Prompt Mailing of Tna Casr,Brow 59 J St. John.
Proper Instruction of Candidates. . . . s7 3 As Lodge name, explained. Q. and A. 51,
Protest 1923 19C
Broclamation of Grand Master protesting Samar
against spurious Gran Logia del Archi- New Lodge in, t923 153
pi6lago Filipino, t923.. t6 1 Sanitarium, Masonic
Punto Negro El (Span. Poem). 138 .) Proposed, Baguio, 1923. 124
Question and Answer Department Schmidt, Joseph H.
Editorial on our-, 1923.. . 225 Article on "Famous Masons in the Davs of
Quezon, Manuel L., P.G.M. American Revolution," 1923.. t4 1
Article and photo, 1923... 292 11 Article on Lafayette, 1923. 46 2
Raffies Article on Cosmos Lodge Quota, with Bro.
Not lawful. Q. and A" 19, L923. . . " ". "
132 5 Schmidt's picture, t923. " 100 4
J-sEel; - irsagGttFllltlt;lll'lEl

No. Page No

Sciots Standard Accounting System

What are Sciots. Q. and A. 69, 1923. . . 270 10 Made obligatory by Edict No. 3, 1923.. 146
Seal oI Solomon Stevens, Frederic I{.
Explained. Q. and A. 97, t923. . 332 T2 Picture, 1923. . 18 1

Second-Convention o{ elective officers of the Eulogy, 1923. . 234 9

Lodges of Manila and Vicinity. . . . 48 2 Mrs. Stevens, "A Bouquet," 1923 235 9
Secretaries Suicide
"A Word for the Lodge Secretaries," 1923. . 30 2 Master and Wardens decide whether a
Circular No. 6, re records of l,odges, safe- suicide shall be buried with Masonic
keeping of same, etc., L923 61 3 honors. Q. and A.6, t923. 70
Circular No. 3, re C.arlnlow, 1923... .. 32 ) Summonses
Service Lodge, U. D. Issue to enforce attendance at ordinary
Dispensation granted, 1923.. . 286 11 meetings condemned. a. and A. 29,
Short Talk Bulletins t923 t62
Letter of G. M. re sending of Short Talk Suspended Mason
Bulietins of Masonic Service Association Not entitled to receive Cesl-Brow. Q. and
to Lodges, 1923... 31 A. 2, t923.. 4+2
Sick May be tried, though whereabouts un-
Visit the sick, editorial, 1923.. 282 11 known. Q. and A. 5, 1923. 703
"sierra Madre Lodge Plan" Suspension
Outlined in Library Circular No. 2, 1923. . 149 6
Must be for indefinite period. Q. and A.
Mentioned in "I-odge Libraries," 1923. . . 143 6
63, 1923..
Significance of Degrees 198 8
Suspended Mason cannot prefer charges;
Silver Cord 104 is still amenable to Masonic justice.
Simms, Leonard Q. and A. 64, 1923. . 246 9
Bro. Simms and the Python, 1923....... 324 t2 (See i'Reinstatement. ")
Smoking Of Master of certain Lodge, 1923. .... .. 196 7
Edict G. M. No' 1, re smoking in Lodge, Of Charter (See "Charter.")
1923. 34
Solemn Strikes, etc. "Sympathy for the Transgressor," Edito-
Author of is David Vinton. Q. and A. 4, rial, 1923. 228
1923. 44
Taga-Ilog Lodge No. 79
Solicitation Moves to Masonic Temple on Escolta,
Absolutely prohibited' 0.and A' 73'
1923. . 314 12
1923. . 27t ru Taxil, Leo
Solomon, King Q. and A. 17, t923 . t32
"From King Solomon's Quarries," 1923 . . . 203 .
Taylor, William Hendrickson, P.G.M.
"Some Time" (Poern) Article and Photo, 1923. 267 10
Published in 1923. 59 J
"IInknown Author" ascertained, 1923.. . . 244 9
"Masonic Temples," editorial on building
Southern Cross No. 6 of, 1923. 254 10
Resolution of Southern Cross Lodge No. 6 Third Monthly Convention of Elective Offrcers
re system of ii{e memberships, t923. . . . 322 -
of Lodges in Manila and Vicinity 8.+
Grand Lodge Visit, 1923.. t28 5 Three Gates (Poern). 161
Talk by Bro. D. H. Lawson, 1923.... . . 148 6 .
Three Ghosts (Poem) 31
Installation, 1923... 202 8 Tinio, Manuel

"Masonic Movies," 1923,. . 203 8 Death of, t923, (in Spanish) . . 263 10
Lecture by Bro. R. P. Flood, t923...... 229 9 The same (in English) 265 10
Celebrates Past Master's Night, 1923.. . 288 11 .
Tolstoy, the Mason 33
"Consolidation of Lodges," t923.. . 303 11 'lourists-(See "Visitors. ")

by us. 0. Travels 10,000 Miles to Receive Degree 93 4
No Masonic body recognized Trial
and A. 28, 1923 t62 Ex parte, of Mason suspended for N. P. D.,
' Masonry allowed. Q. and A. 5, 1923 70
"Trouble galore," Editorial' 1923.. .. 198 8 M. M. being tried ruot ir good standing.
"Hindi ako patay," Editorial, 1923.. . 205 B
Q. and A. 70, 1923. . 270 1l
(See also, "Gran Oriente Espafrol.") Only one counsel authorized. Q. and A.
- 75, t923.. 272 10
Policy of Caslrrow re speeches, 1923... 114 Trinidad, Wenceslao
Springer, Milton E. Notes re , and picture , 1923. 2l 1

Article on, with cut, 1923 319 t2 "Scottish Rite Honors," 1923 150 6
Spurious Bodies Address upon installation as Grand Mastei,
"American Masonic Federation," attempt t923. . 258 10
to invade P. I. Q. and A. 92, 1923... 331 t2 Photo on steps of Old Mint, N. Y. City,
Proclamation of Grand Master protesting t923. . ?59 10
against spurious Gran Logia dei Archi- Tupas. Lodge No. 62
pi6lago Filipino, t923.. . t6 1 Luncheon to G. M., t923... 72 3
"Desecration of our Temples," 1923 . . . . 292 . Two Hundred and Five Years of Masonry
See "Ambition," t923 573 Article by Newton C. Comfort, 1923.... 208 8
See "World Tribunal," 1923. . 583 Conclusion of above, 1923. . 294 11

Stafford, P.G.M. Tyler

Masonic record and picture, 1923.. 5l Shape of sword. Q. and A. 62, 1923.. . . 222
T'yiing o{ Lodges Visitors
Message of G. M. re, 1923 "Our Brethren on board the S. S. Empress
Universality of Masonry of Canad,o, 1923.. . l1
"The Far-Flung Battle Line of Masonry," Should leave Lodge during discussion of
1923. . t7t 7 private affairs of same. Q. and A. 98,
Llnrnasonic Conduct 1923. t2

"Was this Masonic Conduct?", L923..... 7 lVashington, George

False statement on petition for degrees is Seearticle by Joseph H. Schmidt, Famous
unmasonic conduct. a and A. 56, Masons in the Days of the American
t923. . 219 Revolution, !923.. 14 1
Opprobious terms uttered against a Mason, The Father of his Country, 1923. ))\ 0
in or out of Lodge, are unmasonic con- Poern, 22 de Febrero, 1923 248 9
duct. Q. and A. 96, 1923.. 332 12 (See "George Washington National Ma-
Vallery, George W. sonic Memorial.")
Letterfrom, 1923..... t?6 7 "Waterfail" or "Waterford"
Veterans, Masonic Q. and A. 94, 1923 . . ,t3 z 12
What they are. Q. and A.93, 1923.... 332 12 When I am Dead (Poem) 185
Veterans "When I am gone"
The Malolos Republic Celebration, 1923. . 229 9 Poem, 1923.. . 321 12
Viley, George W. Women
Funeral ot,1923 265 10 "A Talisman," editorial re wearing of Ma-
Visitation sonic pins by M. M. wives, etc.,1923. . . . 143 6
The Right of Visitation , 1923. 182 7 Wearing Masonic pin by Masons' wives,
"Visits between Lodges," Editorial, 1923 .
. 311 12 etc., not illegal. Q. and A. 32, 1923. . . . 163 6
Visitations by Deputy Grand Master Zook, David
Rosenstock and S.G.W. Delgado, 1923. 320 12 Death of, 1923. 158 6

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