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Science - Food nutrition

Nama : Adinda Ayu Anggelya

NIM : 2010211007


1 Look at the posters and answer the questions.

1. Which food do we get vitamins A, B, D and E from ?
Answer : eggs, milk, carrots, bread, fish, yogurt, green beans, chicken, cheese, broccoli,
papaya, and potatoes.

2. Which vitamins do we get from green vegetables ?

Answer : Vitamins C, and Vitamins K

3. Which vitamins are good for our eyes and skin ?

Answer : Vitamins A and Vitamins E

4. Which vitamin prevents illnesses ?

Answer : Vitamin C

2 Write a food diary for yourself. Then check ( ✓ ) the vitamin chart.
Date : April 6, 2021
Breakfast bread, lettuce, eggs, tomatoes, cheese, (made of sandwiches), and milk.
sometimes bread with jam and milk.

Snack oranges and apples.

Lunch rice, green vegetables and fish.

Tea bread and milk.

Dinner rice, vegetables, fish and eggs.

Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K
Breakfast      
Snack  
Lunch     
Tea     
Dinner      

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