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Biology Vocabulary Exercises

Nama : Adinda Ayu Anggelya

NIM : 2010211007


1. Write the translation of the words.

1. Biosphere : Biosfer
2. Cell : Sel
3. Photosynthesis : Fotosintesis
4. spinal cord : Sumsum Tulang Belakang
5. Stamen : Benang Sari
6. Anther : Kepala Sari
7. Petal : Kelopak Bunga
8. Ovary : Ovarium
9. Food chain : Rantai Makanan
10. Ecosystem : Ekosistem

2. Match these words to their defintions.

1. Biosphere C the parts of the Earth’s surface and

atmosphere where plant and animal life can
exist .

2. Ecosystem D all the plants and animals in a particular area

considered as a system that depend on one
another .

3. Food chain E a group of living things that are all connected

because each one is eaten by the next in the
series .

4. Mammal A a vertebrate animal that is born from its

mother’s body and drinks its mother’s milk .
5. Muscle F flesh that connects one bone to another and
moves body parts .

6. Photosynthesis B the process where green plants use the energy

from light to produce their food .

3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

1. Bees and ants are insects but spiders are arachnids

2. Crocodiles are reptiles .They lay eggs and their skin is covered with scales.
3. An animal that eats both plants and meat is called an omnivore
4. With about 925,000 different species, insects are the most numerous and widespread
type of living thing.
5. The part of the flower that produces pollen is the pistil
6. Humans, deer and horses are all mammals
7. The ovary includes the stigma, the style and the ovary.
8. Bacteria are microscopic unicellular organisms that exist everywhere in the

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