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Nama : Fauziah Ahmad

Nim : 2018 60 012

Prodi : Pendidikan Kimia
Quis : Publikasi Nomor 2
(Abdul Rahman, 2005) (Albretch, 2000) (Allen, 2010) (Amstrong, 2002)
(Bronson, 1995) (Brewer, 2007) (Britton, 1992) (Carrol, 1991) (Crain, 1992)
(Day, 1994) (DePorter, 2002)
(Dewantara, 1977) (Essa, 2011) (Forman, 1993) (Gardner, 1999) (Hainstock, 1999)
(Isbel, 1995) (Jamaris, 2006) (Kostelknik. Marjorie J, 1991) (Lake, 1994)
(Munandar, 1992)
(Nixon, 1999) (Puckett, 2004) (Roger, 1995) (Sampel, 2009) (Tillman, 2004)
(Wolfgang, 1992)
(Yarmi, 2007) (Yuliani, 2003)

Abdul Rahman, J. (2005). Tahapan Mendidik Anak : Teladan Rasulullah SAW. IBS.
Albretch, K. dan L. G. M. (2000). The Comprehensif Infant Curriculum. Gryphon House.Inc.
Allen, K. E. dan L. R. M. (2010). Developmental Profil: Pre-Birth throught TGwelve 6th Ed.
Amstrong, T. (2002). Sekolah Sang Juara: Menerapkan Multiple Intelligent di Dunia
Pendidikan 2nd (Terjemahan Yudhi Murtanto (ed.)). Kaifa.
Brewer, J. A. (2007). Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Preschool throught Primary
Grades 6 Ed.
Britton, L. (1992). Montessori Play and Learn: A Parents’ Guide to Purposeful Play from Two
to Six. Crown Publishers.Inc.
Bronson, M. B. (1995). The Right Stuff for Children Birth to 8: Selecting Play Material to
Support Development. NAEYC.
Carrol, J. A. (1991). Centers for Early Learner Throught out the Year: The Ideas for Using
Thematic, Integrated Units in Learning Centers for Young Children. Good Apple.
Crain, W. (1992). Theories of Development: Concept and Applications 3nd ED. Prentice Hall.
Day, B. (1994). Early Childhood Education: Developmental and Experiental Teaching and
Learning. MacMillan College Publishing Company.
DePorter, B. dan M. H. (2002). Quantum Learning: Membiasakan Belajar Nyaman dan
Menyenangkan (terjemahan Alwiyah Abdurrahman (ed.)). Kaifa.
Dewantara, K. H. (1977). Bagian Pertama Pendidikan. In Cet. Kedua.
Essa, E. L. (2011). Introduction to Early Childhood 4 Ed. Delm Learning.
Forman, G. E. dan D. S. K. (1993). The Child’s Construction of Knowledge: Piaget for Teaching
Children. NAECY.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for 21 th Century.
Hainstock, E. (1999). Metode Pengajaran Montessori untuk Anak Pra Sekolah. Pustaka
Isbel, R. (1995). The Complete Learning Center Book. Gryphon House.
Jamaris, M. (2006). Perkembangan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Taman Kanak-kanak.
Kostelknik. Marjorie J. (1991). Teaching Young Children Using THEMES ((editor) (ed.)). Good
Year Books.
Lake, K. (1994). Integrated Curriculum.
Munandar, U. (1992). Mengembangkat bakat dan kreatifitas anak sekolah: Petunjuk Bagi Para
Orang Tua dan Guru. Gramedia.
Nixon, D. dan K. G. (1999). Emerging: Child Development in the First Three Years. Social
Scince Press.
Puckett, M. B. dan D. D. (2004). Teaching Young Children: An Introduction to the Early
Childhood Profession 2nd Edition. Delmar Learning.
Roger, C. S. dan S. J. K. (1995). Play in the lives of children. NAEYC.
Sampel, B. (2009). Revolusi Belajar untuk Anak. Kasfa.
Tillman, D. dan D. H. (2004). Living Values: An Educational Program, Living Values Activities
for Children Age 3-7. Grasindo.
Wolfgang, C. dan M. E. W. (1992). School for Young Children: Developmentally Approriate
Practive. Allyn and Bacon.
Yarmi, G. (2007). Penerapan PAKEM di Sekolah Dasar (Bahan PLPG). Universitas Negeri
Yuliani, N. (2003). Strategi Pembelajaran. Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka.

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