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Grade: 6
Subject: Science
Unit: Evidence and Investigation
Lesson Duration: 60

OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies

Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
a) Know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study, and
interaction with others
b) Think critically: conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to construct knowledge
d)manage information


General Learning Outcomes:
 6–2 Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and measurement; and apply
suitable methods to record, compile, interpret and evaluate observations and measurements

Specific Learning Outcomes:

o work individually or cooperatively in planning and

o plan and carry out procedures that comprise a fair test
o identify variables:
 −  identify the variable to be manipulated
 −  identify variables to be held constant
 −  identify the variable that will be observed

OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language

Students will:
● Be able to make tire track rubbings
● Be able to distinguish differences between the different types of tire prints
● Using tire prints to solve the crime
Pre-assessment (prior Formative: Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable):  Students will be formally


Resource #1:
 Evidence and Investigation Resources from Edmonton Public School
Resource #2
 Mr. Wenzel’s Dog


● Pencils
● Tire Rubbing Worksheet
● Envelopes
● Staff Vehicles (roughly 10)
● PowerPoint
● Tire tread sample square
● sharpener
 Visual prompts
Student Differentiation:
 Oral instruction
 Direct instruction

Introduction (time: 5mins)

Hook/Attention Grabber:
 The worst thing happened to Mr. Wenzel last night! One of the other teachers came to my
house and stole my dog!
Transition to Body:
 Show picture of Bambi
Body (time: 50 mins )

Learning Activity #1: Making Tire Rubbings to Solve the Crime

 Students will be told about how one of the other teachers stole my dog last night!
 All they left behind was a tire print in my driveway as they sped off!
 The evidence is in a classified envelope
 Show students using the tire tread sample how to make a rubbing of tire prints
 Students will be with their 9 o’clock clock partners
 Handout the Tire Rubbing Worksheet
 Will have color and type of vehicle on it so they know which vehicles to inspect
 Make sure to remind the students when we are out in the parking lot to respect the
staff vehicles, we are only to touch the tires and nothing else!
 Students will go out to the staff parking lot and begin doing their rubbings and
collecting their evidence
 After students have collected all the tire prints, we will go back inside to the classroom
 They will be given the classified document of the tread pattern left at the crime scene
 They will be instructed to find the match and keep there a conclusion secret until
everyone has had a chance to analyze the tire tracks
 We will then discuss who the culprit is as a class
 Next, we will go back out to the parking to the suspected vehicle of the crime
 We will then inspect the vehicle and Mr. Wenzel will open the door
 Bambi will be in there!
 Congratulations you solved the crime!
 We will go back to the classroom and bring Bambi in to celebrate!

Closure (time: 5 mins)

Feedback From Students on Learning:

Transition To Next Lesson(s):

Now that you are all proficient in tire tracks, next we will move into hand writing analysis!

Reflection on lesson:

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