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1-2-3-4 Assessment

Client Name _____________________ Date _________________

Phone Number _____________________ Age __________

DOB _____________ Height __________ Current Weight _________

Emergency Contact _________________________ Relation ________

1) Single Leg Stand Assessment:

❏ Can stand on one leg for 20 seconds
❏ Can stand on one leg for 10 to 20 seconds
❏ Can stand on one leg for 10 seconds
❏ Cannot stand on one leg for 10 seconds

2) Physical Assessments:

❏ Client’s weight is under 300 pounds
- Measured Weight _____________
❏ Client’s weight is 300 pounds or over
Medically cleared to exercise?
❏ Yes
❏ No (refer to medical professional for clearance)

Height (inches) ________ Waist (inches) ________
❏ Height & Waist are a 2:1 ratio
❏ Height & Waist are not a 2:1 ratio
3) Lifestyle Questions:

1. How many pillows does it take for you to sleep comfortably at night?
(other questions about nagging injuries for mobility concerns)
2. In your diet, do you try to include lots of colorful vegetables in meals?
(conversation about nutrition because all clients “eat healthy”)
3. Throughout your day, do you try to exercise at least 30 mins per day?
(conversation about daily habits and what motivates the client)

4) Movement Analysis:
2 Minute Plank Hold (Strength Test)
❏ Held for 2 minutes
❏ Held for _________
Get Back Ups (Mobility Test)
❏ Completed hands free series easily
❏ Completed hands free series with difficulty
❏ Could not complete hands free series
Standing Long Jump (Body Composition/Awareness)
❏ Distance (inches) ___________
Farmers Walk at Bodyweight (Cardiovascular Health)
❏ Duration (time) ___________

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