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DaNang, April 2020


Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit: Programming

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Student name Student ID

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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................ii

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES............................................................................iii


CHAPTER 1 LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate

recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence

findings and/or analysis.......................................................................................................2

1.1 Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques (P5).....2

1.1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................2

1.1.2 Methodologies..........................................................................................3

1.1.3 Present and analyze the results of primary and secondary research......4

1.2 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and

data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions (P6).........................................10

1.2.1 Summary about your proposed system.................................................10

1.2.2 List of features for your proposed system..............................................11

1.2.3 Give advantages and disadvantages of your proposed system............12

CHAPTER 2 LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its
usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance.........................................13

2.1 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives
and own learning and performance (P7)..........................................................................13




Table 1: Some information of the surveyor.................................................................4

Table 2: How do you think about the importance of nutrition ?..................................8

Table 3: You feel how the nutrition that a smart refrigerator proposes ?...................9

Table 4: How do you see the design of the refrigerator ?........................................10

Table 5: Project logbook...........................................................................................17

Figure 1: Smart fridge illustration................................................................................1

Figure 2 Online age survey.........................................................................................4

Figure 3: Is the food preserved...................................................................................5

Figure 4: Do you follow the smart refrigerator's nutritional recomendations..............6

Figure 5: Is the image and sound sensor good?........................................................7


In report 1, our team presented the iodine concept and the importance of iodine in
today's life. provides a process to develop this project, including the goals the project
needs to achieve, Scope, time determination and management, communication, risk
identification and assessment, project resources including people and tools, calculate
costs, create WBS, Gantt Chart, and then consult existing products on the market and
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these products from which to draw lessons
in the group's project. Finally, we conduct primary and secondary research. In this second
report, our team will present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations
based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis,
Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques, Evaluate the selection
of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to support and justify
recommendations, Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its
usefulness to support sustainable organizational performance, Reflect on the value of
undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and performance,
Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to meet
stated Objectives and support own learning and performance.

Figure 1: Smart fridge illustration

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 1

CHAPTER 1 LO3 Present the project and communicate

appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions

drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis

1.1 Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques (P5).

1.1.1 Introduction

In this project study, I investigated the benefits of nutrition. This is one of the most
popular and applied health research around the world. For more information about users
with Nutritional Smart Refrigerator, I had an interview with users, aged 15 and over. Most
people know and use the device because it has been used very popular today such as
smart applications that help us balance our diet, lose weight, ... This application is very
popular and useful nowadays. IoT Intelligent Nutrition Refrigerator also plays a part in
improving human health.

In addition to the benefits that Smart Nutrition Refrigerator brings, it also brings
various advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is common to use, monitoring the
user's diet, modern beautiful design. Besides the advantages, it also brings significant
disadvantages such as insufficient sensor sensitivity, not minimizing functions. Project aims

 Get your health status information via user voice request.
 Get information about the user's occupation, from which to make nutritional choices
for each group of people.Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 4
 The system will prompt you to reinstall your diet after a week.
 The system will scan to check the quality of the products in your cabinet. what kind
of product is broken, what kind is good. And then display the results on the screen.
 After taking all of your information, the system will analyze your health status and
from there synthesize foods that do not contain nutrients to supplement you. Finally,
the system will divide the rations for a week, including 3 servings per week for you
to choose from. Project objective

 Helps users know what nutrients their body is lacking.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 2

 In this day and age, it is extremely difficult for us to think about what to eat today, so
the smart nutrition fridge will help us do it most reasonably.
 Scan to find out which foods are spoiled so we can discard them.
 The refrigerator is programmed for its self-learning ability, to make the refrigerator
more and more intelligent, and more accurate in nutritional counseling.

1.1.2 Methodologies Data gathering process

At the beginning, the scope and objectives of the project, some of the users'
opinions passed through primary and secondary research. Next to take a broader view of
this project, as well as identify the needs and comments of the users. Online survey via
google form has sent 1000 users of smart nutrition fridges. Comments and customer
responses will be collected and analyzed. Data analyzing process

To analyze the data collected through quantitative research - online surveys, we

have applied the correlation analysis method, which is the most popular method among
quantitative data analysis methods.

To analyze the data we analyze the closed question into a percentage, thereby
giving a rough idea of the success of the product. On open questions we collect and
research carefully to come up with upgraded solutions for the next version.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 3

1.1.3 Present and analyze the results of primary and secondary research Some information of the surveyor

Full name Phone number Email address

Duong Thi Khanh Hoa +84902323864
Tran Hoang Hung +84234502345
Huyng Tan +84293845094
Nguyen Cong Ky +84072345452
Tran Duyen Trinh +84912384703
Hoang Van Vinh +84290348574
Doan Van Loc +84920348574
Table 1: Some information of the surveyor Quantitative research results (Closed-Ended questions)
 Online survey results

Online age survey




15 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 49 Over 50

Figure 2 Online age survey

We surveyed 1000 people from different professions and ages. In which we interviewed a
number of students or people aged 15 - 20 accounted for 15%, those aged 21-30
accounted for 30%, aged 31- 49 accounted for 30%, the rest 25% from people over 50
years old.

 Is the food well preserved

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 4
Is the food preserved ?




Yes No Other

Figure 3: Is the food preserved

In addition to the nutrition that smart nutrition refrigerators bring, we also focus on the
quality of food preservation of the refrigerator. So we have included this section to survey
users. The result is that the number of people who say "yes" accounts for 62%, the
number of people who say "no" accounts for 27%, and the rest of those who want to
contribute is 11%.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 5

 Do you follow the smart refrigerator’s nutritional recomendations ?

Do you follow the smart refrigerator's nutritional recomendations ?




Yes No Other

Figure 4: Do you follow the smart refrigerator's nutritional recomendations

In this study, we want to know whether users pay attention to following the nutritional
advice of the refrigerator or if they only use it for a while, they forget to follow, so we have
a solution to lift. level suitable for the next version. The number of employees is quite high,
accounting for 67%, some people do not follow, accounting for 21%, and the rest want to
contribute opinions, accounting for 12%.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 6

 Is the image and sound sensor good?

Is the image and sound sensor good?



Yes No Others

Figure 5: Is the image and sound sensor good?

At the core of this smart nutrition refrigerator is the image and sound sensor, which is the
strength of our refrigerator compared to other similar products on the market, so we attach
great importance to this technique. And this is the whole team's IoT enthusiasm. The
number of people saying "yes" accounts for 59%, the number of people saying "no"
accounts for 21%, and some contributing opinions of 20%.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 7 Quantitative research results (Opened-Ended questions)

How do you think about the importance of nutrition ?

Customer’s name Answer
It can be said that nutrition is the essence of the human body.
Duong Thi Khanh Hoa
The advent of refrigerators helped me a lot.
Tran Hoang Hung A person's health can come from their proper diet.
Huyng Tan I don't know, I just need to eat and feel full.
I am the one who is always focused on what I am going to eat
today, whether it helps me improve my health, whether I get
Nguyen Cong Ky
enough sleep or not. It got me thinking and tired, and the smart
nutrition fridge helped me fix this.
It can be said that nutrition has always been important in any
Tran Duyen Trinh age. The importance of nutrition with regard to everything that
belongs to the person, such as quality of life, affects the job.
Modern people because they work too much, but forget about
Hoang Van Vinh the nutrition to keep the body healthy. But nutrition is the most
important thing that everyone needs to pay attention to.
Nutrition is also related to human physique. So everyone should
Doan Van Loc
consider it as the most important thing.
Table 2: How do you think about the importance of nutrition ?

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 8

You feel how the nutrition that a smart refrigerator proposes ?
Customer’s name Answer
Duong Thi Khanh Hoa The diet of the refrigerator was relatively good and varied.
Tran Hoang Hung I am really surprised that it can help me cure my stomach ache.
It can be said that the refrigerator is a private nurse of the
Huyng Tan family, it gives us a lot of advice as well as eating methods to
cure our diabetes.
Aside from the goodness that the nutritional refrigerator does,
Nguyen Cong Ky there's also a bit of flaws in the advice. but that is untold and
acceptable. I spend 4 stars for smart nutrition fridge.
I feel more energetic and healthier by eating and drinking
Tran Duyen Trinh according to the refrigerator's nutritional advice. Because of
that, my work gets done more quickly.
I am a volleyball player. So I always pay attention to diet to have
Hoang Van Vinh the best condition when playing. Since owning this fridge, I have
more energy, and win more every game.
In the past, when I woke up every morning I always felt tired
and had no motivation to work. Since using the smart
Doan Van Loc
refrigerator, the fatigue has disappeared. My family is healthy
Table 3: You feel how the nutrition that a smart refrigerator proposes ?

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 9

How do you see the design of the refrigerator ?
Customer’s name Answer
Duong Thi Khanh Hoa This is the most scientific design I have ever known. Everything
is just enough, no redundant details.
Tran Hoang Hung The refrigerator integrates too many functions, but I feel it's a
lot small and convenient, the colors are elegant and
Huyng Tan One of the things I like most about this refrigerator is its design.
Extremely simple and luxurious.
Nguyen Cong Ky Small, compact, fully functional, not redundant, here are the
words I want to describe about this refrigerator.
Tran Duyen Trinh I am a person who likes fussy and color, so I only dot 3 stars for
the design. But in terms of its function and convenience, it's 5
Hoang Van Vinh The design is simple, light, and when I look at the refrigerator, I
imagine I'm living in the 24th. A design that is ahead of its time,
5 stars for this design.
Doan Van Loc Honestly, if the color of the refrigerator is a little more beautiful.
But that's okay it's completely okay for me.
Table 4: How do you see the design of the refrigerator ?

1.2 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and

data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions (P6).

1.2.1 Summary about your proposed system

Project Smart Nutrition Refrigerator proposes and develops food delivery to help
reduce your illness. For example if you have a cold, and you will enter your illness data via
voice or text into the refrigerator system. The refrigerator will analyze the situation and
offer some foods, maybe a medicine to help you overcome your health condition. And the
system will work as follows:

The first: You go to the hospital to see a doctor, and the doctor will list the illness
you are having. And you should keep the medical certificate to take home.

Next: From your medical data on the medical certificate, use your voice to transmit
input to the refrigerator, then the refrigerator will use AI algorithms to analyze your illness,
it will then find out what substances can alleviate your illness, and then it will find out what
foods contain those substances.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 10

Finally: The refrigerator will display all the foods that help you recover your health in
the most scientific way.

1.2.2 List of features for your proposed system.

 Convenience.

This proposed new function is extremely convenient, where if you are suffering from
a certain disease and you want to find a cure for yourself is extremely difficult. You have to
consult a lot of opinions from doctors, relatives, research friends online, all of which will
make you discouraged and can reduce your health further. When the function of using AI
algorithms to analyze this nutrient will make you not need to think much, just follow the
instructions of the smart nutrition refrigerator.

 A long-term cure

The most difficult thing when people have incurable diseases but not cure them is
the continuity. When they first discover a disease they often look for this doctor, that
doctor, seek advice from one person or another, and they try To do this, but because there
are so many options, they usually do it one way for less than a month and then switch to
another way, and sometimes when the illness gets better, they forget to continue
treatment. So the disease will follow them for a lifetime, When the smart refrigerator is
added this healing function through this food will help them just eat the nutrition of the
refrigerator. And every day they also heal, but do not need to take medicine or try to find a

 Low cost

Healing is never cheap, especially today when the world's medical development,
people have applied too many technologies and techniques to cure diseases. Therefore,
the cost is very high, But when there is this AI healing function, the user does not need any
cost, but only using the food provided by the nutritional refrigerator is enough to heal
slowly and long-term.

 Saving time

Time to go to the hospital, time to look for a cure, time to think, too much time to get
sick makes us tired and makes it worse. This food healing function will help you do just
that, and you just need to follow it and take the time to work and play.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 11

 Reduce your use of too much medicine

To be honest, the drug is the fastest cure ever. But on the contrary, it only helps us
to relieve pain for a while, but then the disease will recur quickly, besides the drug has too
many side effects, which makes us sick again. Another special is stomach pain. The
therapeutic function with food will help us get the same substances as in medicine but
without taking medicine. We only use drugs when it's needed as much as possible.

1.2.3 Give advantages and disadvantages of your proposed system Advantanges
 Healing by ignoring the disease

One of the reasons why it is most difficult for us to get rid of illnesses is that we pay
too much attention to sickness. This causes us to worry a lot and make the condition
worse. We are not saying here that you will not care about your health but that the
machines already do the planning for you, and the accuracy of the function is also very
high up to 99%. . So you can rest assured that you eat and sleep well and the refrigerator
will be like a doctor to help you cure your illness in a long and scientific way.

 Diet

Today, because we have so many things to do, we often skip our meals. The lack of
attention to eating is becoming more and more common, they often use a lot of stimulants
and eat fast foods without knowing the source. When the nutritional smart fridge comes
along, it will create a trend of having a proper yogurt diet and people will be more
interested in what they eat. Reduce overeating of industrial foods with too many

 Help your mind less think about eating

We often spend a lot of time thinking about what to eat today, have we provided
enough nutrition for ourselves, what foods should I eat, what methods should I cure,...Too
much to think about. The Nutrition Smart Refrigerator comes out, and it does the job for
you. Your mind will decrease a significant amount of your thoughts. And focus more on
what you're doing. Disadvantages
 Finding the food the refrigerator asks for.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 12

As for the daily diet, the refrigerator can provide you with the foods that are popular
on the market, but when you are sick, and the substances you need to heal are in foods
that are not common. on the market, it may be outside of your home country, so it is
difficult for you to buy food quickly.

 User does not follow the advice of the refrigerator

User confidence in a new product, and using AI and iodine algorithms to meet
nutritional needs is not enough for them to follow suit. Especially in the cure, it is very
difficult for people to trust, Because refrigerators provide methods to cure diseases for a
long time, so after a period of use, users do not see the effects. suspect and stop following
the fridge's diet.

 The user will be discouraged from the long-term cure.

Taking too long to heal will discourage users, because they are accustomed to too
fast healing of drugs, or current technology of healing. So when meeting such a cure for a
long time will make it difficult for them to follow through.

CHAPTER 2 LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the

project and its usefulness to support sustainable organisational

2.1 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated

objectives and own learning and performance (P7).

Research methodology is best done to analyze a long-term project management

process. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were carried out in the most
effective and careful way to meet the objectives set by the project to successfully complete
the nutrition-smart refrigerator project. It can be said that quantitative research has also
shown us that almost all of our customers want us to develop the best product with the
highest possible quality and efficiency. Not only that, quantitative research has shown us
that the actual product quality of our products is where the strengths and weaknesses are.
Research shows that nutritionally smart refrigerators need a lot of improvement to make
them the best they can be.

The scientific and detailed division of work helps project managers set out specific
tasks for employees, and select the right person for each different type of job. According to

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 13

the structure, the manager will be able to complete project tasks in a later time limit. On
the other hand, the Gantt chart will clearly show the employee's duties, in a specific
amount of time.

2.1.1 Project manager’s own learning and performances

Cost control: As a project manager of the Smart Nutrition Refrigerator, I have

researched and thoroughly learned the process to closely estimate and control costs.
Control is the most important fact of a project, and I have a huge idea and technique about
the cost control process of a project.

Negotiation skills: During project development, I had to communicate with many

people and project delegates, communicate with everyone in the project as well as
express my personal views. All of this has helped me improve my negotiating skills a lot.

Communication skills: I come from technical people, so communication is always

a harassment. But since joining this project, I have communicated a lot, communicated
with clients, presented my ideas, debated ideas, dealing with stakeholders. All of this has
helped me improve my communication skills.

Risk management skills: Any business project has many risks, and we must
accept that. Therefore, all participants in the project must gain experience from those
failures in order to have themselves some way to cope with risks.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 14

2.1.2 Project logbook

Name: Tran Van Minh Nhat

Project title: Smart refrigerator helps to ensure nutrition for users
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Points to consider:
What have you completed?
 I have completed the Nutrition Smart Refrigerator project.
Did you fulfil task requirements?
 Yes
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
 Yes
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
 Yes
Any risks and/or issues identified?
Points to consider:
Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks?
 No, I have the skills to assess risk.
Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management
 Yes, I have faced a delay of time, the actual time is much more than the
estimated time before.
Problems encountered
Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
 I have had problems estimating costs, things are very difficult to estimate,
unexpected costs.

How did you overcome them?

 It was difficult at first, but after configuring things, assign the work through the
Gantt chart. I have figured out the tasks and the time my employees will do.
Through that I have estimated the costs to pay for employees.
New ideas and change of project direction
Points to consider:
How did I feel when I had to deal with tasks/problems?
 I feel excited and passionate about solving each problem that the project has
Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 15
Did I find it useful to complete the tasks?
 Yes, I learned a lot of skills through this quest. It helps me to develop my career
in the future.
How well have I performed? What did I contribute?
 I felt that I was inexperienced, but I tried and in the end I completed my
 I have contributed a number of works to the project such as defining project aim
and project Objectives, creating schedules, as well as conducting customer
surveys and presentations on this project.
What can I improve on next week?
 I have completely managed the project and completed it in a good way.
How might this learning apply in the future?
 This is a very effective way of learning, I put myself in the shoes of a manager
and try to do the best I can. In the future I will apply this method of learning to all
new knowledge.
Tasks planned for next week
Points to consider:
Which tasks are priority?
 My top priority is a thorough and thorough planning.

Have you set aside sufficient time for completion?

 Yes, I have completed it on time
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)
Table 5: Project logbook

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 16


I had a lot of trouble completing this report, the first time I learned how to plan,
estimate, and manage a large-scale project. There is a lot of new knowledge, although it is
filled with useful knowledge, such as knowledge of WBS, Gantt charts, how to estimate
costs, manage costs, assess risk and analyze resources of project. Besides, after
surveying a large number of customers, I can best evaluate the results of primary and
secondary studies. Identifying new ideas for my next project, this is all the knowledge that
will help me in the future, as well as develop a career from these basic skills.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 17


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[2] Gray, R. M., Cook, M. B., Natera, M. T., Inglis, M. M., & Dodge, M. L. (2008). Project
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[3] Ghimire, S., Luis-Ferreira, F., Nodehi, T., & Jardim-Goncalves, R. (2017). IoT based
situational awareness framework for real-time project management. International Journal
of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 30(1), 74-83.

Perfomed Student: TranVanMinhNhat-BDAF190002 18

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