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CLASS : BDAF-2005-1

DaNang, December 2020


Submission format

Part 1: Requirements

The submission is in the form of a completed individual portfolio folder, including the tasks set out in
the Assignment Brief. This assignment involves group work but each student should submit an indi-
vidual portfolio folder.

Part 1: A four-day training schedule (using project management software) and a training package to
include a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out sessions.

Part 2: Ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation with interactive links to suitable sites
and an activity sheet (Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 500 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit).

Part 3: A written evaluation of your performance in this task and your contribution to the team. You
are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and
all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 500–1,000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the
total word limit.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You have been asked to support your training and development manager with the planning and im-
plementation of a professional development event targeted at internal employees within the organi-
zation that you work in.

The training event is scheduled over a four –days (4) period at a nearby residential center, and will in-
clude a number of workshops, coaching sessions and team-building activities. The center requires a
schedule of the types of activities proposed so that plans can be finalized. In addition, any guest
speakers or motivational coaches will also require a minimum of three weeks’ notice for all bookings.

You have also been asked to design and deliver a workshop as part of the training event based on the

dynamics of team working.

Working in small groups (3-4 per group):

1. Produce a professional event schedule (using project management software) and WBS (work
breakdown structure) that identifies planning and resourcing prior to the four-day event. In addition,
design a training pack to include a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team- building activities
and break-out sessions.

2. Design ten minutes workshop session based on ‘team dynamics’ to include a presentation, inter-
active links to suitable sites and an activity sheet that will require delegates to take part in some form
of team-building task.

Working individually:

3. Following the event, your training and development manager has asked you to provide some
feedback. Produce a written team evaluation of the effectiveness and application of inter-
personal skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include a self- evalua-
tion of your performance in this project and your contribution to the team you worked in. Ex-
plain what kind of skills and qualities you gain from this project and what values you added to
your personal development plan.
4. Identify the problems may have and produce a report on discussing problem-solving and its
importance in planning and running an event. Your report should include a discussion of vari-
ous problem-solving techniques and justify the solution methodologies used during your pro-
ject. You should also include a critique of the application of critical reasoning and your experi-
ences of it.

Part 3: Learning outcomes: LO1, LO2

Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1: Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audi-

P1 Demonstrate, using different M1 Design a profes- D1 Evaluate the effec-

communication styles and for-
sional schedule to support the tiveness and application of in-
mats, that you can effectively
design and deliver a training planning of an event, to include terpersonal skills during the
event for a given target audi- contingencies and justifications design and delivery of a train-
ence. of time allocated. ing event.

P2 Demonstrate that you have

used effective time manage-
ment skills in planning an

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

D2 Critique the process of ap-

P3 Demonstrate the use M2 Research the use of
plying critical reasoning to a
of different problem-solving different problem-solving tech- given task/activity or event.
techniques in the design and niques used in the design and
delivery of an event. delivery of an event.

P4 Demonstrate that M3 Justify the use and

critical reasoning has been ap- application of a range of solu-
plied to a given solution. tion methodologies.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback
First of all, I would like to thank my family for allowing me to study at Btec Interna-
tional College. have the opportunity to study and research in this modern and dynamic en-
vironment. I would also like to thank Miss A for guiding me in the process of completing
this Assignment. Finally, I would like to thank all of you in the K2 IT class for supporting
me in completing this report in the best way.

I certify that this assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and that I
have acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be
books, articles, reports, lecture notes, and any other kind of document, electronic or per-
sonal communication. I also certify that this assignment has not previously been submitted
for assessment in any other unit, except where specific permission has been granted from
all unit coordinators involved, or at any other time in this unit, and that I have not copied in
part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other persons.

Learners declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research
sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:


Table of Contents
INSTRUCTOR/ SUPERVISOR/ ASSESSOR..............................................................i

REVIEWERS..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................................vii

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES............................................................................viii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 BASIC KNOWLEDGE........................................................................2


EVENT FOR A GIVEN TARGET AUDIENCE (P1).................................................................2

2.1.1 Definition and the importance of communication skill..............................2


MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN PLANNING AN EVENT(P2)......................................................6


TECHNIQUES IN THE DESIGN AND DELIVERY AN EVENT (P3).................................13


TO A GIVEN SOLUTION (P4)........................................................................................20

Figure 1 photo of the event.........................................................................................1

Figure 2 illustration image of communication.............................................................2

Figure 3 illustration image of verbal communication..................................................4

Figure 4 illustration image of non-verbal communication...........................................4

Figure 5 Communication in my group.........................................................................5

Figure 6 time management illustration........................................................................7

Figure 7 time management methods..........................................................................7

Figure 8 poster of the event........................................................................................8

Figure 9 a photo from the camp..................................................................................9

Figure 10 agender of meeting...................................................................................10

Figure 11 GANTT chart:............................................................................................12

Figure 12 Estimated Budget:....................................................................................12

Figure 13 the importance of problem solving............................................................13

Figure 14 Pareto Chart............................................................................................17

Figure 15 Fish bone Diagram:................................................................................18

Figure 16 Scatter Plot Diagram..............................................................................19


In today's era, the great development of information technology has contributed to

help people everywhere connect easily through mobile applications, websites, ... everyone
can Enjoy creativity and express yourself through your home phone screen. It can be
linked this is the greatest success of the information technology industry for mankind. Be-
sides, they also bring a lot of risks, the number of children with autism is increasing, peo-
ple are often lazy to act outside, which makes the quality of their physical as well as men-
tal health. people go down seriously. Therefore, our team decided to organize a team-
building for all Btec students, the reason we organized this team building was that devel-
oping students' problem-solving skills. Btec, building good relationships among students
through teamwork games, developing leadership skills and perspectives of students, es-
pecially students. being quiet, having positive communication properties as well as improv-
ing work efficiency, especially helping you to relieve stress after stressful school hours.

Figure 1 photo of the event

Perfomed Student: nhattvmbdaf190002-TranVanMinhNhat 1




2.1.1 Definition and the importance of communication skill Definition of communication

Communication is the process of sending and receiving a message through verbal

or non-verbal means, or it can be in the form of text, through the body, signals, eyes, ... in
short, communication is how we express what we want to convey to others in any way.

All creatures on earth have developed means to convey their feelings and thoughts
to each other. However, our ability to use words and language sets us apart from animals.

Figure 2 illustration image of communication Importance of communication skill

Even if you are a good teacher, if you do not know how to communicate and convey
ideas with students, you will not be appreciated. As a manager, if you do not know how to
communicate with your superiors, connect with your subordinates, you cannot be success-
ful. As a business person, if you do not know how to communicate, you will not be able to
sell a lot of goods, ... As can be seen, everyone, every field needs communication.
Communication is a basic need of every person from birth to death. Although a child
cannot speak yet, he can cry and laugh to communicate. Cry to let parents know we are
hungry, cry to let them know what we need, ...

When they know how to communicate and learn, each person will expand their rela-
tionship. This creates the basis for career development and life maintenance. No commu-
nication, being isolated is one of the scariest things.

An organization or collective wants to exist and operate in unified need to com-

municate. Through communication, each person understands the needs, wishes of others,
the common goals of the group. On that basis, everyone will work together to work to
achieve common goals.

Through communication, people will perceive culture, morality, and social stand-
ards. Ethical standards such as a sense of responsibility, altruism, tolerance, ... have also
been formed. Also through communication, each person will be self-aware, evaluate them-
selves on the basis of perception, evaluate others. From there, each person will know how
to self-adjust to perfect themselves.

In the family or out in society, each individual needs to equip themselves with com-
munication skills. Parents need communication skills to understand their children, share,
and empathize with the younger generation. Children need communication skills to com-
municate their wishes to their parents. Friends and colleagues need to communicate well
to understand each other, support each other better, ...

The society is increasingly advanced and developed, the competition is also in-
creasingly fierce. Only good expertise and enthusiasm are just necessary conditions. To
be able to promote easily, reap a lot of success, you need many other things. And the skill
of communicating very smart and skillful is one of the sufficient conditions. It is not natural
that people elevate communication into art. Verbal communication

Verbal communication refers to the use of sounds and language to relay a mes-
sage. It serves as a vehicle for expressing desires, ideas and concepts and is vital to the
processes of learning and teaching. In combination with nonverbal forms of communica-
tion, verbal communication acts as the primary tool for expression between two or more

Interpersonal communication and public speaking are two basic types of verbal
communication. While public speaking involves one or more people giving a message to a
group, interpersonal communication typically involves a two-way communication that in-
volves both speaking and listening.

Figure 3 illustration image of verbal communication Non-Verbal communication

Nonverbal communication, also called manual language, is the process of sending

and receiving messages without using words, either spoken or written. Similar to the way
that italicizing emphasizes written language, nonverbal behavior may emphasize parts of a
verbal message.

The term nonverbal communication was introduced in 1956 by psychiatrist Jurgen

Ruesch and author Weldon Kees in the book "Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the
Visual Perception of Human Relations."

Figure 4 illustration image of non-verbal communication Communication in my group

Today, information technology is developing stronger and more prominent, this con-
tributes to supporting students to study and have fun without leaving home, also because
for you to leave the house less often, sometimes forgetting about the importance of going
out to make friends, or to be outdoors. So our 4-member team, currently studying infor-
mation technology at Btec International College, decided to organize a team-building ses-
sion for all of the students.

In the process of doing, we encountered many difficulties such as personal conflicts, quar-
rels, disagreements, there were times when we wanted to give up but we nevertheless
overcame those difficulties. There is also a time when things are extremely favorable, eve-
ryone in the group has worked together smoothly.

Figure 5 Communication in my group

The role of team member:

Team leader: Nguyen Hoang Bao Long

Project manager:Trinh Thi Huyen

Tester: Le Thanh Hoa

Dipimast: Tran Van Minh Nhat Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during the design and
de- livery of a training event (D1)

During the teamwork, we always followed the rules set out by the group. Especially
listening skills, all team members have to listen to individual opinions of each person,
through which we also learn how to listen, people often ignore this skill but according to In
my score, listening is the most important of my set of communication skills. Besides, in the
process of working together, we have also learned a lot of important skills such as team-
work, time management, because there are many things that we need to effectively divide.
success in preparation. I used to think these skills were so easy until I had a chance to
prepare this team-building program, I realized that all the skills are difficult so we need to
practice. Many, many accumulated to get the experience. Once we have all of these skills,
recruiters love it. I have heard soft skills make up 85% of your success in life, and now I
realize that is true.


SKILLS IN PLANNING AN EVENT(P2) Definition and the importance of time management skill Definition of time management skills

Time management is a seemingly easy but incredibly difficult skill. So what is time
management skills? According to my curator, there is no time management skill in this
world. Why do I say that, we often think we can manage our time, so I ask you, can you
save time today for tomorrow or not that never happens. So instead of defining time man-
agement what should we define, what is job priority? In the world there are many types of
jobs such as housework, meeting friends, meals, or essential and important jobs such as
deadlines, jobs that help you achieve your dreams, so our priority is that we need to ar-
range the tasks from most important to less important, then focus on completing important
tasks first then the unnecessary ones. We can do it later.
Figure 6 time management illustration

Figure 7 time management methods The importance of job priority skills

 Prioritizing work helps us figure out what work is most essential to us and
cuts out unnecessary jobs.
 According to studies, go under, prioritize doing the things that are most im-
portant to us that can make us happier.
 Prioritizing work helps us to work more effectively than those who only know
how to manage time.
 Prioritizing work helps us keep up with the things that matter most to us and
not quite in the middle
 Prioritize work that helps us stay true to the things we like. Planning a trainning event (group work) Name of the Training program:

We are a student at BTEC FPT International College Our team is planning to organ-
ize team building to welcome new students on the first day of school.

Figure 8 poster of the event Goals of the Training program:

Create a playground for students to freely express themselves, as well as bring

these students together. The training program will give the students:

 Essential soft skills

 Reduce stress after tiring working and studying days
 Help you make new friends
 Create intimacy between teachers and students
 Start a new school year with less surprise Participants:

all the new students and some of the former students of the school along with the
staff in the school Time:

The run time is from November 21 to 23 Place:

Canh Duong beach, Hue

Figure 9 a photo from the camp Agenda:

Figure 10 agender of meeting GANTT chart:
Figure 11 GANTT chart: Estimated Budget:

Figure 12 Estimated Budget: Speaker Notes

In order for the event to go well, our group invited some of the best speakers of
Btec FPT and the most influential people, namely Mr. VO DUC HOANG, Principal NGU-
YEN VAN KIEM, and some others. time on administrators
IN THE DESIGN AND DELIVERY AN EVENT (P3) Definition and the importance of problem solving

Problem-solving skills are the ability to solve difficult and unexpected situations
when interacting with business partners. Problem-solving skills are related to active listen-
ing, analytical, research, creativity, communication, trustworthiness, and teamwork.

Problem-solving skills are related to two abilities: the ability to organize, analyze,
and create such as comparison, contrast, and selection. Analytical thinking is the category
directly affecting problem-solving ability because the analytical process helps to discover
problems and orient solutions.

Figure 13 the importance of problem solving

Helps you to stay calm and relieve stress

When an incident arises or when faced with undesirable situations, stress and pres-
sure are some of the factors that greatly affect our decision-making. If you are a person
with good problem-solving skills, you will stay calm and this is your big difference from
those around you. Instead of panic, panic, or sad whining, those who know how to solve
problems will always keep themselves a clear, sure mind and they are the support for the
group. Once the tension is relieved and everyone has to calmly consider every aspect of it,
the problem is considered to have been partially resolved.
Problem-solving is the best way to gain more experience

In fact, 'experience' is what is gathered after each time we solve a problem that oc-
curs in work or life. The most durable and powerful ships are those that experience many
windstorms at sea. When a problem, incident, or contradiction suddenly arises, requires us
to be able to improvise, and use an analytical mind and research to come up with a solu-
tion, sometimes under pressure. quite a lot of time or spirit. This makes us seasoned,
"brave" in the face of difficulties, this is also the candidate's experience that every employ-
er attaches importance to.

Helping you to be an 'action man'

Problem-solving is a multi-step process in which the most important step is 'execu-

tion'. No matter how good the solution is, if it is not implemented quickly and accurately,
the problem will forever remain. When you have good problem-solving skills, you tend to
be an 'action person' - say, do, and must-do instead of wasting time on deliberation. This
will make you very responsive and productive, and at the same time save a lot of time for
the company.

Helps develop situation analysis and judgment skills

The acumen, the ability to analyze and judge that we use in many situations in life,
brings practical benefits. However, we do not always have the opportunity to practice
these skills. Problem-solving is one of the most effective exercises for you to develop your
analytical and judgmental skills. After each going through a difficult challenge, take time to
re-examine the whole thing, and reassess your analytical and judgment abilities. Are the
solutions you offer effectively? What did you not anticipate? All these actions will help you
improve yourself and have a sharper, sharper mind the next time. Some techniques and tools for the problem solving

The 6-step model solves the problem

The Six-Step Method is a simple and reliable way to solve the problem. This tech-
nique uses an analytical and reliable approach to problem-solving. This process keeps the
team's problem-solving in the right direction while doing investigation and finding a solution

Deep training techniques

In complex organizations, the problem is inevitable. Successful organizations take

the time to identify these complex problems and plan to resolve them as early as possible.
Deepening is a popular approach to problem-solving in complex organizations. As its
name suggests you break the problem down into different sections, allowing you to identify
the solution.

4-frame model

It is one of the most popular and deepest usage management tools used by man-
agement to maximize an organization's potential. The model that divides an organization
into “four frameworks” - structure, personnel, politics, and symbols (Structural, Human Re-
source, Political and Symbolic) - aims to better understand the organization. Each frame
must be considered in a meaningful way; if you remove 1 of them, the result will be incom-

8 problem-solving principles

This problem-solving tool requires a hands-on plan to be created at the beginning of

the eight-step process. It requires a clear definition of the problem, the individuals involved
in the solution, and resources. Each of the 8 principles in this process, is designed to help
you get close to a successful solution.

Cynefin framework

The core of the Cynefin framework is to break the issue down into one of five con-
texts. You put the issue in one of the specific contexts and it will help you decide how best
to approach it. This problem-solving tool is on a “higher level” level than the others, be-
cause it requires you to think about the problem in the first place. This framework is often
used in conjunction with other problem-solving tools to find a solution.

6- step problem-solving tool

The 6-step problem-solving process is a simple and reliable way. This process
keeps the team's problem-solving in the right direction while they investigate and find a so-

Complex problems with teams and departments ... are often resolved faster and
more efficiently by using scientific, systematic methods to solve them.


 The problem-solving 6-step model offers a more centralized process with

many advantages:
 Ensuring consistency, everyone on the team understands the method used.
 By using data, this method helps you eliminate personal bias and prejudices,
leading to more objective reasoning and resolution.
 Encourage the team to work cooperatively.
 Help the team reach consensus.
 Makes the decision-making process easier.
 The model provides an affordable solution for you and your team.

This is a 6-step process in sequence - like a cycle. Each step must be completed
before moving on to the next. Steps are repeated. At any point, the team can go back to
the previous step and continue from there.

The 6-step problem-solving process includes:

 Identify the problem.

 Find the root cause of the problem.
 Develop an alternative.
 Choose a solution.
 Implementation of the solution.
 Result evaluation.

These 6 steps are a continuous improvement process. The goal is not only to solve
a problem but also to develop and continually adapt solutions as new challenges arise, by
repeating the 6-Step Process.


The 6-step model has no standard title for each step. The steps above use naming
conventions to give the clearest indication of the purpose of the step.

Pareto Chart:

A Pareto Chart is a graph that indicates the frequency of defects, as well as their
cumulative impact. Pareto Charts are useful to find the defects to prioritize to observe the
greatest overall improvement.
Figure 14 Pareto Chart
Fish bone Diagram:

A fishbone diagram also called a cause and effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a
visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes of a problem in order to identify its
root causes. Typically used for root cause analysis, a fishbone diagram combines the
practice of brainstorming with a type of mind map template.

A fishbone diagram is useful in product development and troubleshooting processes

to focus the conversation. After the group has brainstormed all the possible causes for a
problem, the facilitator helps the group to rate the potential causes according to their level
of importance and diagram a hierarchy. The design of the diagram looks much like a
skeleton of a fish. Fishbone diagrams are typically worked right to left, with each large
"bone" of the fish branching out to include smaller bones containing more detail.
Figure 15 Fish bone Diagram:
Scatter Plot Diagram:

A scatter diagram (Also known as scatter plot, scatter graph, and correlation chart)
is a tool for analyzing relationships between two variables for determining how closely the
two variables are related. One variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the other is
plotted on the vertical axis. The pattern of their intersecting points can graphically show
relationship patterns.

Most often a scatter diagram is used to prove or disprove cause-and-effect relation-

ships. While the diagram shows relationships, it does not by itself prove that one variable
causes the other. Thus, we can use a scatter diagram to examine theories about cause-
and-effect relationships and to search for root causes of an identified problem.
Figure 16 Scatter Plot Diagram Problems and solutions in the training event

Risk in an event organization is something no one wants to happen, but this is an

extremely important thing that an event manager must think about when planning the or-
ganization. The more you hope your event will take place perfectly, in fact, everything will
disappoint you because there are always unexpected events. Therefore, you need to know
what those incidents are, plan them, and prepare the necessary plan for the date of the
 Device problem during the event
 Crowd management
 Children participating in the event
 Transportation and transportation management
 Safety for personnel and volunteers


GIVEN SOLUTION (P4) Definition and the importance of critical reasoning

Critical reasoning involves the ability to actively and skillfully conceptualize, ana-
lyze, question, and evaluate ideas and beliefs. Critical reasoning is the opposite of dogma.
Dogma is unquestioned information — information that is embraced without the interven-
tion of active thought or criticism. To reason critically is to question the ideas and beliefs of
others and oneself and to challenge dogma and authority.

When we start to question the ideas and beliefs we live by, we start to think for our-
selves. To think for ourselves involves a critical attitude of reflecting upon how we think
and act. To think critically is to question the world and thus to engage critically with the
possibilities and alternatives which the world offers.

Please note that the terms “critical reasoning”, “critical thinking” and “clear thinking”
are used interchangeably in this discussion. In other words, critical reasoning implies criti-
cal thinking or clear thinking.

We think critical reasoning involves three important components of reasoning.

These components are as follows:

 Critical reasoning is thinking for yourself.

 Critical reasoning is informed reasoning.
 Critical reasoning is critical self-reflection.

Critical reasoning is about arguments: their construction, analysis, and evaluation. It

is therefore important to understand what we mean by the term “argument”. The term “ar-
gument” can be used in three different senses: Apply to a given solution

We want to know, right from the beginning, how best to work through the current
problem, and we can accomplish that by identifying the question Family and the specific
question type (see below for more).
Arguments are made up of building blocks, such as premises, counter premises,
assumptions, and conclusions. When reading the argument, we want to take very brief
notes that allow us to deconstruct the argument into its building blocks. What kinds of in-
formation do we have and which pieces lead to which other pieces?

Knowing all of this allows us to do what we call reading with a purpose. We know
what we need to find, so we can actively look for these things, and we know what kind of
reasoning we need to do in order to answer the question, so we can begin to think things
through a bit while we’re reading. (This assumes that we know what we’re doing for each
question type; more below.)

If we only have one answer left, great; we’re done. If we have two or more answers
left, then we do a second pass to compare those remaining answers. Because we’ve also
reminded ourselves of our goal before looking at the answers, we’re better able to distin-
guish between the tempting but wrong answers and the right ones.

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