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Introduction to Air

Pollution Program in
Los Angeles
Nicole Mark
MPH 530 Environmental Health
Spring 2020
Los Angeles Pacific University

Hello everyone! My name is Nicole Mark and I will be talking about Air Pollution in
Los Angeles and what I propose we should do about this issue.
● Air Pollution is caused by
smoke or other harmful
● Six air pollutants:
○ Particle pollution
○ Ground level ozone
○ Carbon monoxide
○ Sulfur oxides
○ Nitrogen oxides
○ Lead

“Air pollution is a major concern of new civilized world, which has a serious
toxicological impact on human health and the environment. It has a number of
different emission sources, but motor vehicles and industrial processes contribute the
major part of air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, six major air
pollutants include particle pollution, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur
oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead” (Ghorani-Azam, 2016).
Cause & Sources

● Four main sources of air

○ Natural
○ Area
○ Stationary
○ Mobile

There are four main types of air pollution sources. We have natural sources which
include wildfires and volcanoes. Second, we have area sources that include cities and
agriculture. Third, there is stationary like power plants and refineries. And lastly, we
have mobilem the main source of air pollution in Los Angeles, which includes cars,
buses, trucks and planes.
● Respiratory &
cardiovascular diseases
● Neuropsychiatric
● Eye irritation
● Skin diseases
● Long term chronic

Everyone can be exposed and effected by air pollution. “Long and short term exposure
to air suspended toxicants has a different toxicological impact on human including
respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric complications, the eyes
irritation, skin diseases, and long-term chronic diseases such as cancer”
(Ghorani-Azam, 2016).
Air Pollution in Los Angeles
● Population: More than 16 million residents
● Second largest urban area in the United States
● One of the most polluted metropolitan areas in the US
● Pollution is caused by heavy mobile transportation

“With a population of 16.7 million, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (hereafter
referred to as LA) is the largest urban area in the state of California and the
second-largest in the United States. LA is also consistently ranked as one of the most
polluted metropolitan areas in the US, partially due to heavy reliance on automobiles
for transportation, and because more than 40% of all goods transported into the United
States move through the Long Beach/Los Angeles port complex, which generates
thousands of truck trips per day” (Hricko, 2008).
Goals & Objectives
● Emission reductions
necessary to achieve the
air quality goal.
● Effective control
○ Environmental
○ Engineering
○ Economic

The main goal is to reduce emission in Los Angeles to achieve good air quality. Our
control strategy would include three primary objectives. Environmental factors would
include legal requirements, equipment locations and sufficient utilities. Engineering
factors would include toxicity characteristics and performance characteristics of the
control system. The last control strategy is capital cost, equipment, operating costs,
and maintenance.
Program Proposal
● Continue to monitor the
air pollution through air
quality management
● Reduce fossil fuels by
converting renewable
● Involve the public

We need to be able to achieve measurable programs for emission reductions. So we

first need to focus on what we are able to already control, which is air quality
management process. We can only improve to make this better to be able to
incorporate strategies for emission reduction. In Los Angeles, the main source of air
pollution is mobile. We must reduce the means of transportation and try to reduce the
use of fossil fuels. We can convert renewable energy and strict regulations that will
promote better resources for a “green” lifestyle. Lastly, we need to involve the public.
We need to continue to implement carpooling, public transportation, walking and
biking. The public also needs to be made aware of the effects of air pollution and all
the resources we need to use for emission reductions.Pollution prevention eliminating
pollution emission at the source and substituting toxic raw materials.

● Emission reduction to achieve by

● 75% improvement in air quality in
Los Angeles by 2025.

Our goal is to start this program right away and achieve a 75% increase improvement
in air quality by 2025.
Questions or Comments?

So that is the end of my presentation and if you have any questions or comments,
please let me know. I wanted to thank everyone for letting me address this issue and I
am hoping for a favorable result.
Ghorani-Azam, A., Riahi-Zanjani, B., & Balali-Mood, M. (2016). Effects of air pollution on human
health and practical measures for prevention in Iran. Journal of research in medical sciences : the
official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, 21, 65.

Su, J. G., Jerrett, M., Beckerman, B., Wilhelm, M., Ghosh, J. K., & Ritz, B. (2009). Predicting
traffic-related air pollution in Los Angeles using a distance decay regression selection strategy.
Environmental research, 109(6), 657–670.

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