Art App Module 1

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1. Appreciate the importance of Art

2. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including their
function, value, and historical significance
3. Define and demonstrate the elements and principles of design
4. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society

The word “art” came from the French word art, meaning skill as a result of learning or
practice, and Latin ars, which means ability or practical skills.
“Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world”
–John Dewey

“Art is an attitude of spirit, as state of mind- one that demands for its own
satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping matter to new and more significant
–Oscar Wilde

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known”
- Elbert Hubbard

Importance of Art

Art can be seen everywhere. It can touch our hearts without us knowing it. It can give us
comfort and peace, realizations and insights, happiness and sadness. It plays a vital part in
developing the intellect of the younger generations. It helps us appreciate the beauty of the
nature. Most specially, it gives us freedom to express what we really feel.
Functions of Arts:
1. Personal – brings self-satisfaction, comfort and bliss. It allows expression of oneself.
2. Social – it brings connection to people. It conveys message from one person to
3. Cultural – it helps preserve culture of one generation to another.
4. Aesthetic – helps man to appreciate the beauty of nature and to become one with it.
Elements of Arts (Visual):
a) Line – it allows the object to standout against its background and may challenge
one’s perception.
b) Shape – it is the combination of lines enclosing an area and separating it from its
c) Form – a 3-D shape; it involves techniques such as shading, perspective and lighting.
d) Value – the lightness and darkness of the art.

Art Appreciation by Pauline M. Viola 1

e) Color – the most expressive element of art; it gives emotion to the art.
Temperature: Warm, Cool, Neutral
• Primary colors: Red, Rellow Blue
• Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, Violet
• Tertiary: Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet,

f) Texture – it slows us to feel the surface of the subject, being able to see it even
without touching it (visual texture)
g) Light – it allows the viewing of all other elements possible; It gives an overall impact
on the artwork
h) Space – it is where other elements interact; a tricky element that involves visual
system and physical manipulation to give viewers illusion of depth/ distance.
Principles of Arts:
a) Balance
➢ Symmetrical – a.k.a. formal balance, with two equal parts/sides
➢ Asymmetrical – a.k.a. informal balance, with two unequal/unbalance sides
➢ Radial Symmetry – balance where all elements release out from the center

***Image from google

b) Harmony – the fitting of one thing with another.

c) Proportion – size relationship of forms and shapes.
d) Dominance/Emphasis – Often attained by contrast, where the artist wants to
command viewer’s attention to the subject.
e) Variety – mixture of visual elements.
f) Movement – An illusion where a visual object moves in the viewer’s eyes.
g) Rhythm – a feeling of movement attained by the repetition of visual information.
Elements of Arts (Auditory):
a) Rhythm – patterns and arrangements in time.
b) Melody – the sequence of consecutive notes and changing of pitch and duration.
c) Harmony – combination of different tones and pitches.
d) Texture – association of melodic and harmonic lines.
e) Dynamics – the softness and loudness of music.
f) Timbre – quality of sound produced

Art Appreciation by Pauline M. Viola 2

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