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 Describe the problem addressed or opportunity created of the product.

 Describe the product briefly, how it works, its most important value, etc.
 Describe the market opportunities or potential demand


1.1 THE COMPANY (1 page)

 What is the company all about?
 Discuss mission and vision in paragraph form.
 Provide company logo if possible

1.2 BUSINESS MODEL (½ page Figure, ½ page Discussion)

 Create
Figure 1. Business Model of Company.

 The components in the Figure should describe how the business operates in the different
functions of production, marketing, human resource, finance, etc.
 Discuss the components in the diagram and their interrelations.
 How will your business model generate economic, technological and or social value?

1.3 THE PRODUCT (2-3 pages)

 What is your product and brand name?
 How does it work? (in number form, for example:)
1. The customer press button for laundry powder and choose arrow up and down to select
the quantity of powder.
2. The customer press a button for water level, laundry function (light, medium, heavy)
and options (wash, spin, dry, fold and iron).
3. The washing machine starts pouring water.
4. The washing machine starts washing, spinning and drying.
5. For folding, it sorts white and colored laundry.
6. End of Service
 Create

Table 1. Product Value

Product Value Description

1. Newness  First in leadership education
2. Functionality or Performance  Automatic Schedule Reminder System
 Decision Support for any skin problems
3. Flexibility or Customization
4. Quality
5. Design
6. Price
7. Brand or Status
8. etc.

Table 2. Product Description

Product Decision Description

Repairs and Support
Accessories and Services

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