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Individual Lesson Assessment Reflection

SECTION 1: Reflection in Action

1. What were the formative assessment results each day in each of the content lessons? DESIGN
electronic TABLE GRAPHS to identify the results for each content. How would you use the
results the next day in your planning and why: Be very specific and correlate your reasoning with
sound research/readings from what you know about young children and learning. Did you
expect these results? Why or Why not?

Language Arts

Student 9/9 8/9 7/9 6/9 5/9 or lower

Carolina X

Donald X

Silas X

Olivia X

Tommy X

Logan X

Lela X

Aubrey X

Aiden X

John X

Benny X

Juliuana X

Kaydence X

Natalie X

Aubriana X

Tanner X

Evan X

Eliana X

Cummins, L. 2019
Mia X

Briston X

Lincoln X

Gavin X

Grace X

14 2 3 0 4

According to these assessment results, the majority of the students were able to proficiently match a
detail from an informational text to the text feature that helps to find that detail. The goal was for the
students to identify at least 7. 19 out of 23 students were able to do that. Therefore, for the next day's
lesson I would move on from identifying text features to using them to find information.

Social Studies

Student Proficient 6-8 Approaching Not Proficient


Carolina X

Donald X

Silas X

Olivia X

Tommy X

Logan X

Lela X

Aubrey X

Aiden X

John X

Benny X

Juliuana X

Kaydence X

Cummins, L. 2019
Natalie X

Aubriana X

Tanner X

Evan X

Eliana X

Mia X

Briston X

Lincoln X

Gavin X

Grace X

12 9 2

According to the assessment results, only half of the students proficiently described ways Mae Jemison
solved problems for the common good of the community and used a text feature to tell how they found
that information in the informational article. For the next days lesson, I would practice uses the RACE
writing rubric and identifying ways people solve problems for the common good of the community by
giving the students another article about a person who did this and writing responses as a whole group
for practice.




Carolina X

Donald X

Silas X

Olivia X

Tommy X

Logan X

Lela X

Cummins, L. 2019
Aubrey X

Aiden X

John X

Benny X

Juliuana X

Kaydence X

Natalie X

Aubriana X

Tanner X

Evan X

Eliana X

Mia X

Briston X

Lincoln X

Gavin X

Grace X

21 2

According to the results of the assessment, most of the students understand a unit fraction and how to
identify a unit fraction in a fraction model. Given these results, I would move on from unit fractions to
parts of a whole for the next day's lesson because the students showed mastery of unit fractions. The 2
students who did not show mastery will be given interventions and further instruction in small-ground
during math workshop the next day.


Student Solid Liquid Gas Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Gas Gas
Property Property Property Property Property Property
1 2 1 2 1 2

Carolina X X X X X X X

Cummins, L. 2019
Donald X X X X X X X X

Silas X X X X X

Olivia X X X X

Tommy X X X X X

Logan X X X X X X

Lela X X X X X X X X X

Aubrey X X X

Aiden X X X X

John X X X X X

Benny X X X X

Juliuana X X X X X X X

Kaydence X X X X X

Natalie X X X X

Aubriana X X X X X

Tanner X X X X X X

Evan X X X X X X

Eliana X X X X X

Mia X X X X X X

Briston X X X X X X

Lincoln X X X

Gavin X X X X X

Grace X X X X X X

23 23 23 15 3 19 3 14 1

According to the results of the assessment, all of the students understand what the states of matter are
and how to identify them. The majority of the students can identify at least 1 of the properties of each
state of matter, but not two. For the next day's lesson, I would focus less on identifying the states of
matter and more on the properties of the states of matter.

Cummins, L. 2019
2. When reflecting on the feedback you provided for the 2 students and the whole class, do you
feel this effectively provided them with insight into their learning about the content? Why?

Yes, I feel as though my whole group and individualized feedback effectively provided the students with
insight into their learning about the content. The students received specific feedback that told them
exactly what they did well and what they needed to do to improve for all content areas.

3. How did you or will you help students use this feedback? You will want to discuss the concrete
ways you will use to remind them of the feedback and the teaching strategies you will
incorporate to then have them use the feedback.

I will help the students use the feedback by having discussions with them. I conferences with students
regarding their feedback in science, language arts and social studies. The students have written feedback
in these content areas that they can also refer back to. During conferences, I set individual goals with the
students for the next lessons. In math, I provided the students with verbal reminders of the feedback.
For example, I stated “remember the areas you need to improve for tomorrow's lesson.”

4. Describe what you learned about teaching and learning related to assessment and feedback?
Please be specific and use some concrete professional citations in your answer.

Through developing and implementing assessments during my lessons, I learned that assessment is very
important, especially frequent formative assessment. I used many types of formative assessment to
drive my lessons. I used assessment to determine if students met the objectives I set for the lessons and
I used it to determine if students were ready to move on to different activities throughout the lesson. I
noticed through formative assessment when my students were struggling and was able to adjust my
lesson plan and teaching strategies to review material and clarify. I also noticed when students mastered
content and when to stop devoting time to that material and move on.

5. What would you have done differently during this lesson week? Why? Be specific!

One thing I would have done differently during my lesson week in regard to assessments is create a
better scoring guide and formative assessment method for math. I feel as though the assessment
method of observation and anecdotal notes made it difficult for me to provide concrete feedback to the
students that they can refer back to. I felt like I was consistently repeating feedback that I gave to the
students. I would maybe do a quick note of the feedback and put it on a sticky note on their desk or
make a list of general feedback on the dry erase board for all the students to view.

Cummins, L. 2019

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