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Designing Wet Scrubbers for SO2 Absorption into Fairly

Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Solutions Containing Hydrogen
By Diane Thomas*, Sandrine Colle, and Jacques Vanderschuren

Absorption of SO2, diluted with nitrogen up to concentrations of 500 Pa, was performed at 20 C and 1 atm, with water and
sulfuric acid solutions containing hydrogen peroxide in two different contactors: a packed column and a cable scrubber. The
absorption rate was determined for various SO2 partial pressures, as well as different concentrations of sulfuric acid (up to
40 wt %) and of hydrogen peroxide in the scrubbing liquid. It was found that the SO2 absorption rate increases with the hydrogen
peroxide concentration, and decreases as the acidity of the scrubbing liquid increases. Taking into account hydrodynamic and
mass transfer characteristics of the packing for both scrubbers, a practical enhancement factor depending on the liquid phase
H2SO4 and H2O2 contents, was deduced from semi-continuous tests. As a good concordance was observed between results
determined for both contactors, a single correlation is proposed, allowing the computation of this kinetic factor for quite simple
simulation or design of SO2 scrubbers, provided the gas and liquid phase mass transfer coefficients kGa and kLa are known.

1 Introduction concentration of reactants and pH greater than ±0.3 with first

order in both sulfur dioxide (HSO3± ion) and H2O2. The
Sulfur oxides exist to a significant extent in flue gases of second order rate constant is found to be a complex function of
power plants burning fossil fuels, and of some chemical or the H3O+ concentration. It had to be verified if these data can
metallurgical plants. These oxides react in the atmosphere be applied to the higher acidic conditions of the desulfuriza-
forming sulfuric acid, which leads to acid rain. Because of the tion process studied in this work.
lowering of the permissible emission limits, there has been a A few years ago, Thomas and Vanderschuren thoroughly
rise in interest in new treatment processes for absorbing studied the reduction of nitrogen oxides through an absorption
gaseous SO2, using various reactants. The most effective wet process using hydrogen peroxide [19±21]. They found that
processes use alkaline solvents such as sodium or calcium nitric acid has a catalytic effect on the absorption performances,
hydroxides, but absorption then produces liquid or solid and that the NOx absorption process is zero order with respect
effluents, which must be treated correctly or disposed of, if to the hydrogen peroxide concentration. Kinetic parameters
they are not marketable. relative to the absorption of the different NOx species were
The aim of this study is to investigate a recovery method determined at increasing acidities from tests runs performed in
where the abatement of sulfur oxides is carried out with a small packed column, at 20 C for various NOx partial
recycled sulfuric acid solutions containing hydrogen peroxide, pressures up to 500 Pa and different NO-NO2 ratios. There-
in such a benefical way that the reaction, fore, the aim of the present study is to investigate, with a quite
similar experimental procedure, the SO2 absorption process in
SO2 + H2O2 ! H2SO4 (1) presence of hydrogen peroxide and finally to determine
kinetics characteristics for the SO2-H2O2-H2SO4 system,
provides a valuable or reusable high strength H2SO4 solution.
which can be applied to simulation or design of SO2 scrubbers.
While absorption of SO2 into water [1±4] and into NaOH
and Na2SO3 solutions [5,6] is quite well detailed in the
literature, little information is available on scrubbing with 2 Experimental
hydrogen peroxide [7,8], especially in the presence of
concentrated sulfuric acid. The solubility of SO2 diminishes
The experimental equipment is illustrated in Fig. 1. It
as the sulfuric acid concentration increases, as can be inferred
includes a scrubber (A or B), a liquid supply, a gas supply and a
from published data relative to a wide range of temperatures
gas sampling part.
and various H2SO4 concentrations, both rather low [9±12] and
high [13±16]. Moreover only a few kinetic results concerning
the conversion in the atmosphere by hydrogen peroxide of gas 2.1 Contactor A
phase sulfur species into sulfate aerosol particles, can be found
in the literature [17,18]. Rate laws are reported for low It consists of a small laboratory column of i.d. 0.045 m and
± total height 0.455 m, packed with 10 mm glass Raschig rings.
[*] Dr. D.Thomas (author to whom correspondence should be addressed, The details of the equipment used are given in a previous study
e-mail:, Dr. S. Colle, Prof. J.Vanderschuren,
Chemical Engineering Department, FacultØ Polytechnique de Mons, Rue (relative to the NOx absorption [19]), but the packing height
de l'Epargne 56, 7000 Mons, Belgium. had to be reduced due to a faster absorption of SO2.

Chem. Eng. Technol. 26 (2003) 4, Ó 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0930-7516/03/0404-0497
0930-7516/03/0404-0497 $ 17.50+.50/0
$ 17.50+.50/0 497
Full Paper

Membrane dryers gen peroxide were achieved for various SO2 inlet partial
pressures: 40±500 Pa. For sake of comparison, SO2 absorption
UV analyser
Contactor A : tests were also performed with demineralised water and
Water Packed
TI column sodium hydroxide solutions 0.5 M [22].
Data acquisition Semi-continuous tests were performed with total recycle of
the scrubbing solution from a liquid vessel containing 1 l,
Thermostated perfectly mixed, in a counter-current manner, and continu-
ously with respect to the gas phase. In these experiments,
R sulfuric acid solutions of initial concentrations in the range of 0
Contactor B :
Cables-bundle up to 40 % by weight, and containing a large initial
scrubber concentration of hydrogen peroxide (about 1±1.15 mol/L)
Scrubbing solution become progressively more concentrated in H2SO4 and
Magnetic analysis
stirrer depleted in H2O2 in the course of time. These tests were
SO2 N2 acid-base iodometric achieved for a given SO2 partial pressure in the gas at the inlet
Figure 1. Experimental apparatus with two different contactors. of the column close to 400 Pa (see Tab. 1 for details). A scan
period of 15 min (contactor A) or 5 min (contactor B), was
chosen here for the data acquisition.
2.2 Contactor B
3 Results and Discussion
The absorption device is a ring-shaped column made of a
vertical glass tube, with a polypropylene rod which supports the It was clearly observed and explained in a previous article
cables standing in the axis. Distributed with a pitch of 8 mm [22] that for water, a rise in hydrogen peroxide concentration
along the mid cylindrical surface in the annular space, 12 twisted involves increasing fractional absorption of SO2, for the whole
polypropylene yarns of 1.7 mm diameter are stretched in range of SO2 partial pressures investigated ; this is also true for
parallel, constituting the packing. Outside and inside diameters a constant acidity of the absorbent. On the other hand, for a
of the annulus are equal to 0.045 and 0.02 m respectively and given H2O2 content in the liquid phase, an increased H2SO4
the useful height of this micro-contactor is 0.54 m. concentration results in smaller absorption efficiencies.
In both cases, the absorbent is fed to the top distributing Relative to pure water (minimum absorption efficiencies
chamber with a peristaltic pump. The liquid feed temperature due to a reaction of SO2 with water which is instantaneous and
is controlled by means of a heat exchanger operated counter- reversible [1±4]), and sodium hydroxide solutions (maximum
currently with water supplied from a thermostatic bath. The absorption efficiencies due to a proton transfer reaction
liquid temperature is checked by means of thermometers known to be irreversible and instantaneous [5,6]), absorption
placed at both ends of the column. The liquid phase analysis is performances observed in water-H2SO4±H2O2 mixtures are
made by classical titration of H2SO4 with sodium hydroxide, intermediate between these two extremes.
and an iodometric method for H2O2. It was concluded that the enhancement effect on the mass
The gas phase is nitrogen humidified in a saturator, in which transfer, due to the chemical reaction of SO2 with H2O2, is
SO2 is added to obtain the desired concentration. The gas flow raised thanks to a higher liquid phase H2O2 content, but
rates are metered by rotameters. Sampling of gas simulta- remains always lower than for a sodium hydroxide solution,
neously at the input and the output of the column, is whichimpliesthatthe rateof reactionwithH2O2 remainsfinite.
performed continuously through membrane dryers followed The combined influence of H2O2 and H2SO4 concentrations
by a two-channel U.V. analyser. Data are collected by a on the absorption rate was studied in both contactors through
computer with a scan time interval depending on the test's several semi-continuous tests. A large range of operating
duration, allowing the calculation of the absorption rate conditions is covered (see Tab. 1): from 0±6.4 M and 0±1.15 M
A = (pSO2in±pSO2out)/pSO2in. for cH2SO4 and cH2O2 respectively, the runs being continued up
All experiments reported here are carried out at atmo- to the quasi-total depletion of H2O2, with a duration of several
spheric pressure and a temperature of 20 ± 0.5 C1). hours.
The superficial gas velocity was maintained at 0.175 m/s Typical variations with time of the fraction of SO2 removed
(gas flowrate: 1 m3/h) for contactor A and 0.41 m/s (flowrate and H2O2 and H2SO4 concentrations are given in Fig. 2(a) and
1.88 m3/h) for contactor B. The liquid flow rate was fixed to Fig. 2(b), corresponding to tests nr 3 and 10. From the
6.67 cm3/s for the packed column, and 33.3 cm3/min/cable for measurement of initial and intermediate concentrations in
the cable contactor (total flow rate : 6.67 cm3/s), which is the the liquid and the inlet and outlet SO2 partial pressures in the
nominal value for a cable scrubber. gas, the H2SO4 production and the H2O2 consumption are
Preliminary tests of SO2 absorption into water and sulfuric computed according to mass balances, assuming, due to the
acid solutions of different concentrations, containing hydro- stoechiometry of the oxidation reaction (1), the theoretical
± requirement of one mole of H2O2 per mole of SO2 absorbed,
1) List of symbols at the end of the paper. producing one mole of H2SO4.

498 Ó 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0930-7516/03/0404-0498 $ 17.50+.50/0 Chem. Eng. Technol. 26 (2003) 4
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Table 1. Operating conditions for semi-continuous tests.

Test nr pSO2in cH2SO4 cH2SO4 cH2O2 Duration Comparison between calculated and experimental
(Pa) initial final initial (min) intermediate concentrations
(mol/L) (mol/L) (mol/L)

cH2SO4 calc. cH2SO4 exp. cH2O2 calc. cH2O2 exp.

(mol/L) (mol/L) (mol/L) (mol/L)

Contactor A

1 362 0 0.852 1.15 520

2 396 1.087 2.127 1.15 465

3 368 2.324 3.368 1.15 560

4 372 5.313 6.347 1.135

Contactor B

5 420 0 0.492 0.488 140 / / 0.017 0.017

6 400 0.494 1.443 0.975 305 1.025 1.012 0.433 0.447

1.411 1.418 0.040 0.035

7 380 1.450 2.446 1.015 305 1.953 1.927 0.505 0.490

2.420 2.378 0.031 0.024

8 390 2.402 3.291 1.020 325 2.874 2.872 0.478 0.467

3.241 3.244 0.055 0.059

9 370 3.354 4.288 1.020 380 3.881 3.926 0.451 0.444

4.166 4.161 0.142 0.143

10 460 4.296 5.261 1.020 345 4.805 4.802 0.486 0.473

5.064 5.012 0.214 0.216

11 400 5.253 6.143 1.025 470 5.609 5.632 0.615 0.605

5.959 5.941 0.213 0.217

1,6 4 As shown in Fig. 2(b), relative to test nr 10 achieved in

c H2SO4 scrubber B, the experimental measurements (points) fit the
1,2 3 computed values (lines) quite well, requiring only small
0,8 c H2O2 2 For all the semi-continuous tests achieved with the cables-
bundle scrubber, measured absorption rates versus concen-
tration cH2SO4 are reported in Fig. 3, where lines correspond-
0,4 1
ing to constant H2O2 concentrations are drawn, to show

0 0 90
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t (min) 80
6 70 70
H 2 SO 4 H2O2
5 60 60
concentration (mol/l)

0,8 M
A (%)

50 0,6 M
A 0,4 M
A (%)

40 0,2 M
30 30 0,1 M
2 6 7 8 9 10
20 20 5 11
1 H 2O 2 10 10
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
t (min)
c H2SO4 (mol/l)
Figure 2. Typical variations of the SO2 fractional absorption and computed
H2O2 and H2SO4, concentrations (lines) for semi-continuous tests (a) nr 3 Figure 3. Simultaneous effects of hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric acid
(packed column) and (b) nr 10 (cable scrubber). concentrations on the SO2 absorption rate (tests nr 5±10).

Chem. Eng. Technol. 26 (2003) 4, Ó 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0930-7516/03/0404-0499 $ 17.50+.50/0 499
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clearly the combined influences of both reactant and product 3.5

3 11
2.5 9
4 Determination of Kinetic Parameters
(Enhancement Factors) H2O2

1.5 0,1 M
Experimental absorption results were interpreted to deter- 1 test 6
7 0,2 M
mine a liquid-phase contribution to the overall height of 5 0,4 M
0.5 0,6 M
transfer unit. The gas-side overall height of transfer unit of the 0,8 M
absorber was first computed from the measured absorption 0
rate: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c H2SO4 (mol/l)
ln…1 A† Figure 4. Variation of the liquid part of the height of transfer unit HLR versus
H2SO4 and H2O2 concentrations.
with the assumption that the equilibrium partial pressure of
SO2 over the solution was zero. The liquid-phase contribution investigated for sulfuric acid solutions, a reference to water
HLR was then obtained by subtracting the part due to the gas- was chosen (superscribed ):
film resistance:
H0 Gm
Gm HLR ˆ 0 (5)
HLR ˆ HOG (3) Eprat kL a† P S
kG a P S
The Henry's law constant H0 for the physical dissolution of
The gas mass-transfer coefficients kGa were determined SO2 into water can be found in the literature [23,24] to be
by absorbing SO2 into sodium hydroxide solutions of 0.000707 atm.m3/mol at 20 C.
concentrations 0.5 M and 3.7 M, this latter having a kinematic As to the liquid-phase volumetric mass-transfer coefficients
viscosity equivalent to that of a 40 wt.-% H2SO4 solution. kLa)0, they were measured by absorbing pure CO2 into water
Only a small difference was detected between results for the and corrected with the square root of the ratio of the liquid
two concentrations, and an average value was chosen for diffusivities in water of SO2 and CO2:
nominal L and G:
kLa)0 = 0.019 s±1 for contactor A and
kG a ˆ 120:3 for contactor A and kLa)0 = 0.0101 s±1 for contactor B.
s m3 atm
For the experimental temperature of 20 C, values of the
kG a ˆ 47:4 for scrubber B practical enhancement factor Eprat were then obtained for all
s m3 atm
the runs 1±11, including effects of cH2SO4 on solubility and
The liquid part HLR of the overall gas height of transfer unit mass-transfer, and combined influence of H2SO4 and H2O2
is obviously a lumped parameter including the physical mass concentrations on the reaction kinetics:
transfer resistance 1/kLa (kLa being characteristic of the mass
Eprat. = 10.492 exp(1.09863 cH2O2±0.43772 cH2SO4) (6)
transfer of SO2 in solutions containing H2SO4 and H2O2), the
gas-liquid equilibrium coefficient (Henry's coefficient H) and in the range cH2O2 : 0.1±1 mol/L , cH2SO4 : 0.5±6 mol/L.
the enhancement factor E due to the chemical reaction, all This practical enhancement factor is obviously not equal to
variables that depend on the liquid phase concentrations the actual enhancement factor E.
cH2SO4 and cH2O2. The variations of HLR versus cH2SO4 and cH2O2 It has to be mentioned that gas-phase and liquid-phase
are presented in Fig. 4 for tests achieved with contactor B. resistance are of the same order of magnitude, which allows
The following equation can be readily established thanks to enough precision on HLR and Eprat determinations.
the two-film theory: Fig. 5 presents the comparison between practical enhance-
H Gm ment values experimentally obtained (points ± diamond-
HLR ˆ (4) shaped for contactor A and square for contactor B) and
E kL a P S
computed thanks to Eq. (6), from low kinetics (Eprat= 3)
Due to the large discrepancies concerning the variation of observed for high cH2SO4, to fast kinetics (Eprat=15) obtained
the Henry's constant H with cH2SO4 [9±16] and the fact that the with high cH2O2 and low cH2SO4. A satisfactory agreement can
liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient kLa was not yet be noted.

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6 experimental study will be required to obtain a reliable

Eprat=3 variation of the solubility of SO2 with cH2SO4. The liquid phase
5 mass transfer coefficient must also be measured for the more
c H2SO4 (mol/l)

4 Eprat=5 viscous sulfuric acid solutions. The final aim of the authors is to
investigate the variation with temperature and the H2SO4
3 Eprat=10 molarity (up to 6±7 M), of the second order kinetic constant
2 for the liquid phase reaction (1).
Eprat=15 Received: July 2, 2002 [CET 1646]
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 Symbols used
c H2O2 (mol/l) A [±] absorption rate
Figure 5. Comparison between experimental (points; diamond shaped for a [m±1] specific interfacial area
contactor A and square for contactor B) and computed (lines) practical
cA [mol/L] concentration of component A
enhancement factors.
E [±] enhancement factor
G [m3/s] volumetric gas flow rate
Gm [mol/s] molar gas flow rate
h [m] height of the contactor
5 Conclusion HOG [m] overall gas-phase height of transfer
A typical way to remove acid pollutants like SO2 and NOx is HLR [m] liquid part of the height of transfer
wet treatment, which is a complex physical and chemical unit
absorption process. It is now required to avoid liquid wastes H0 [atm m3/mol] Henry's coefficient of SO2 into water
containing sulfate and nitrate salts in relation to dissolved H [atm m3/mol] Henry's coefficient of SO2 into
sulfur and nitrogen oxides. The presence in the liquid phase of sulfuric acid solutions
an oxidising agent such as hydrogen peroxide makes the kG [mol/m2 s atm] gas-phase mass transfer coefficient
treatment of flue gases feasible, with production of fairly kL [m/s] liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient
concentrated acid solutions, which can be recovered or L [m3/s] liquid flow rate on the cable
recycled in the process. pSO2 [Pa] partial pressure of sulfur dioxide
The present investigation of sulfur dioxide absorption into P [atm] total pressure
H2SO4-H2O2 solutions clearly shows that the absorption S [m2] cross-section of the column
performances increase with the H2O2 concentration, and T [K] temperature
decrease with a rise of the H2SO4 liquid content. t [min] time
It is therefore concluded that a comprehensive description ySO2 [±] mole fraction of SO2
of the absorption process will require a complete knowledge
of the dependence of the rate of SO2 oxidation in the liquid
phase, with the three variables pSO2, cH2O2 and cH2SO4, and also Subscripts
with temperature.
In the present paper, only the contribution of the liquid film in inlet of the column
to the overall height of transfer unit, was computed for a large out outlet of the column
range of operating conditions, and correlated with the liquid
phase H2O2 and H2SO4 contents.
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