Scarlet Slaughter and Dancing Blade - Genuine

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Primal Path: Roguish Archetype:

Path of Scarlet Dancing Blade

Slaughter There is a certain beauty in a beguiling dance, and you have
learned to capture it. Revelation and deception, misdirection
Your rage is more than just wrath unchained: it is life at its and presentation all come together to create the perfect blend
most painful and pleasurable. The thrill that fills your mind of stylish combat. You are a practicioner of this uncanny art,
pulses in time with your heart, flooding the air with the red turning soft silk and deadly blades into a dangerous whirlwind
mist of bloodshed. You are not alone on this path, for countless that leaves observers breathless in more ways than one. The
gods of warfare and carnage offer this pleasure to their howling, battlefield is your stage, your adversaries your audience, and
reveling devotees. All that is required in return is debauched the duel your masterpiece.
indlugence, and those like you are all to eager to partake. The
gaze of these dark divinities fills the air with crimson fog, Stylish Steps
driving all within mad with rage. Bare your teeth in a joyful At 3rd level, you hone your body to move with greater alacrity
grin, for the scarlet slaughter is about to begin. during the most dangerous moments. During your turn, you
can treat other creatures as terrain, freely moving on them or
Red Mist through their spaces regardless of their size, and you can draw
When you choose this path at 3rd level, your devotion to the or stow any number of weapons. If you end your turn in the
gods of carnage brings forth an unnatural fog of war. When space of another creature, you safely move to the nearest open
you use your Reckless Attack feature while raging, you can space of your choosing.
cause the air within 15 feet of you to fill with a thick red mist Additionally, once during each of your turns when you
that surrounds you until the start of your next turn. Creatures make an attack with a melee weapon, you can immediately
within the mist have advantage on attack rolls, but can’t see move up to 15 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
out of the mist, and creatures outside the mist can’t see into the
mist. Steel Behind Silk
Also at 3rd level, you can conceal yourself by utilizing
Revel in Slaughter distraction and misdirection. You can attempt to hide even
Also at 3rd level, your deadly impulse allows you to maintain while you are not obscured, provided there is another creature
momentum. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you that is not hostile to you within 10 feet of you that is visible to
can choose to expend and roll one of your hit dice, regaining creatures you are trying to hide from.
hit points equal to the number rolled plus your Constitution
modifer (minimum 1) and your rage damage bonus. Whirling Leap
At 9th level, your supreme agility turns every vaulting stride
Dance With Death into a deadly strike. When you take the Dash action, your jump
At 6th level, the thrill that drives you pushes you to risk your height and distance increase to equal half your movement
life with every strike. When you hit a creature with a melee speed for the remainder of your turn. If you make an attack
weapon attack, but before you roll to determine the damage while falling at least 5 feet, you do not need to have advantage
dealt, you can choose to allow the creature you hit to make an on the roll to use your Sneak Attack, and you take no damage
attack targeting you. If the creature hits you and deals damage, from the fall.
you can have your attack deal an amount of damage to the
creature equal to the creature’s damage roll plus your Strength Velvet Chain
modifier and rage damage bonus. If this is enough to reduce the At 13th level, your movements captivate your audience. When
creature to 0 hit points, you can negate the damage you would you take the Disengage action while within 10 feet of a hostile
take from the creature’s attack. creature, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw with
a DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficency
Lost in Madness bonus. If it fails, all creatures other than you are invisible to it
At 10th level, your insatiable bloodlust corrupts the air, leaving until the start of your next turn.
your enemies with no escape. When a hostile creature is within
your Red Mist, it can’t voluntarily exit the mist unless it has Veil of Death
damaged you during the current turn. At 17th level, your final flourish heralds the end of the dance.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can strike a
Murderous Mastery vital blow, leaving the creature marked for 1 minute. When the
At 14th level, you are consumed entirely when you indulge in mark expires, you can choose to have the creature take necrotic
bloodshed. When you regain hit points while raging, you can damage equal to three times your Sneak Attack damage.
move up to 15 feet and make a single attack with a weapon you Once you cause damage in this way, you can’t do so again
are wielding without using your action. until you finish a short or long rest.


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