Centaur: Diplomats of The Plains

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They galloped across the fields. The thunder of their hooves Thunderous Charge: If you move 30 ft toward a target and
upon the ground shook it with the might of an oncoming make an attack with a melee weapon that deals Piercing
storm. However this storm did not bring death or destruction, damage, you deal an extra 2d6 piercing damage with that
it brought the opposite in fact. This thunderous might came weapon.
to bring peace, and order. As he looked on from the sidelines, Hooves: You have a natural weapon when using your Hooves
the man could only stand in awe of the raw might that ran to kick an enemy. You treat your Hooves as a weapon with the
across the long, winding plains. The Centaur truly were a Finesse property that you are proficent in the use of. They
force of nature. deal (1d6 + Strength Modifier) Bludgeoning damage on a hit.
Diplomats of the plains Tauric Body: You cannot wear boots, pants, or anything that
The Centaur, a proud and noble people of the plains. These is worn on the legs or waist area except for belts and
Horse-People stand tall and powerful. Not all Centaur are the specially made armor and saddles. All armor given in
same of course, there can be a large variation based on equipment packages is specially made. You cannot ride
where they are from or just individual to individual. Centaur mounts unless they are Gargantuan size or larger.
are often one of the few monstrous creatures accepted in
polite society as they do not tend to be outwardly aggressive.
Centaur culture is as diverse as it's people. Based on your
subrace you may be more attuned to one calling than anther,
but the true calling of a Centaur is what their heart says. And
the answer of a heart calling is one that a Centaur is taught to
always answer, even if what they would do may not be
understood by the rest of the tribe. As a result, it is not
entirely uncommon for Centaur to become adventurers.
A Variety of Culture
The Centaur subraces tend to have different cultures due to
the areas they live in and their natural abilites. Leafborn
Centaur tend to live as Druids and Clerics, but also have a
certain natural ability lending to Rouges. Leafborn Centaur
tend to become the leaders in a Centaur tribe, as their
wisdom aids the tribe in decision making. Stoneborn Centaur
often become powerful warriors and laborers, carrying the
weight of the tribe uponb their powerful backs. While lastly,
Windborn Centaur act as adept scouts and messengers,
traveling long distances at incredible speeds.
Centaur Traits
Ability Score Increase:
Your Charisma increases by 1
Age: Centaur begin walking within a few hours of birth, and
are fully capable as adults by age 5, however, they do not
technically reach sexual maturity until age 10. A Centuar can
live to be up to 65 years old.
Alignment: Due to their reclusive and varied nature, Centaur
do not tend toward Lawful and Neutral alignments.
Size: Centaur count as Large for the space they use and for
abilities affecting them, however they wield weapons as if
they were Medium sized due to their Tauric body type.
Speed: You have a 40 ft movement speed.
Stoneborn Centaur are large, powerful beings. Their Tauric
half resembles that of a Draft Horse or similar equine
Ability Score Increase:
Your Strength Increases by 2
Powerful Build: You carry twice as much as you normally
would be able to.
Hooves of Fury: Your Hoof attack deals 2d6 instead of 1d6
bludgeoning damage.
Windborn Centaur are lighter than their Stoneborn
bretheren. However, what they lack in bulk they make up for
in incredible speed. Their Tauric body appears like that of a
Riding Horse or similar creature.
Ability Score Increase:
Your Dexterity increases by 2
Speed of the Wind: Your base movement speed becomes 60
ft instead of 40.
Rush: When using your Thunderous Charge ability, you can
use a melee weapon that deals any damage type, and after
you perform your attack, you can take the Disengage action
as a Bonus Action.
Leafborn Centaur are born when Fey or Divine magic
intermingle with a Centaur's birth. This most often happens
with Nature gods and godesses. These Centaurs have Tauric
bodies like those of Elk, Moose, or other large hooved
creatures of the forest. They also sprout large, wide antlers
from the top of their heads.
Ability Score Increase:
Your Wisdom increases by 2
Wild Leap: As a Leafborn Centaur, you can leap up to 15 ft
without making a skill check. This is doubled if you get a
running start.
Diplomatic Leader: You become proficent in the Persuasion
and Insight skills.

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