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damage reduced in this way.

Divine Domain: Agony

Potent Spellcasting
To live is to suffer. Pain and misery are an inescapable part Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the
of life, kept at bay by caution and prudent action. Agony is damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
a blessing to the living, for the existence of suffering makes
pleasure all the sweeter, and those too long deprived of it are Unspeakable Agony
often cruel, callous, and entirely lacking in empathy. Deities At 17th level, the suffering sacred to your deity pours forth into
of murder, war, death, poison, sickness, and bloodshed of the world like a venom into veins. As an action, you can cause
any kind lay claim to this domain, but they are not alone in all creatures within 60 feet of you to become poisoned for 1
that regard. While some clerics of this domain serve cruel and minute as they are wracked by horrible agony. Creatures that
torturous gods, others worship at the altars of martyred deities are immune to the poisoned condition are not immune to this
who have taken pain upon themselves to spare others from the effect unless they are also immune to psychic damage.
full weight of the world. Show the enemies of your faith what While a creature is poisoned in this way, you can use your
agony truly means, and take that pain into your heart, armored bonus action to take the suffering from a creature, causing it to
by penitent virtue. no longer be poisoned. When you do this, the creature gains
temporary hit points equal to your cleric level.
Agony Domain Spells Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you
Cleric Level Spells finish a short or long rest.
1st bane, inflict wounds
3rd acid arrow, protection from poison
5th bestow curse, fear

7th confusion, phantasmal killer

9th contagion, hold monster
Is this going in? Maybe. Not very likely, but it’s more here as a
Instruments of Anguish proof-of-concept.
When you select this domain at 1st level, your deity’s attention
amplifies the pain of those you fight. When a friendly creature
you can see or hear hits with a attack, you can choose to have
that attack deal acid, necrotic, or poison damage (your choice)
instead of the normal damage type.

Mark of Pain
Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to scar the unrighteous
with a terrible curse. When you cast a spell that deals damage,
you can use your bonus action to apply this cursed mark to one
creature damaged by the spell. This mark is visibly magical and
lasts for 1 minute. For the duration, when the marked creature
takes damage, you can use your reaction to cause the creature
to take additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum 1).
If you mark a second creature, the first mark vanishes.

Channel Divinity: Torment

At 2nd level, wounds upon your flesh become poison to your
enemies. When you take damage, you can use your reaction
and your Channel Divinity to cause vile ichor to pour from
your wounds, causing each hostile creature within 15 feet of
you to take acid, necrotic, or poison damage (your choice) equal
to 1d8 + your cleric level.

Martyr’s Blessing
At 6th level, you can take the suffering of others from them,
embracing it yourself. When a friendly creature within 15 feet
of you takes damage, you can choose to halve the amount of
damage it takes. You lose hit points equal to the amount of


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