Pulp Plant Scheduling

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P3: Pulp Production

On line planning of Pulp & Paper production
Ulf Persson, Thomas Lindberg, Lars Ledung, Per-Olof Sahlin

Pulp and paper making is a precise and sophisticated process.

To achieve a product of the desired composition, texture and quality,
the right mix of chemicals must be applied under the right conditions.
Even slight deviations can adversely affect the output.

The plant’s advanced control system must maintain the desired

quality under normal operating conditions. Additionally, it must react
to disturbances. It must also permit individual sub-systems to be
throttled to save energy at times when this is expensive and allow
them to be closed down for maintenance – all while keeping output
as close to the desired level as possible.

ABB’s Pulp and Paper online production optimizer helps meet these
objectives. Material flows between sub-processes are simulated
and forecasts computed from the present state. Mill behavior can be
optimized and operating decisions supported by a powerful tool.

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4/2004 39
Background straints in the pulp mill processes makes this way can it be used to evaluate re-
Integrated pulp and paper mills are the recovery cycle increasingly sensitive medial actions against disturbances or
complex systems. The workflow consists to disturbances. These lead to slow for operation strategy changes.
of many interdependent sub-process 1 . oscillations in the chemical composition
Disturbances at one stage can quickly at different points in the production Such a tool must optimize mill opera-
propagate to other steps and lead to cycle, in turn causing quality deviations, tions by balancing supply and demand
considerable production losses, quality reduced yield and increasing consump- between sub-systems. Every sub-system
deviations and wastage of material. tion of chemicals. has to be fed with material, and suffi-
cient supply must be available for the
It often takes more than 8 hours before Pulp and paper mills consume consid- sub-system to produce as required. The
the result of a control action has taken erable heat and electric power and system must be as robust as possible
full effect in the production process – hence energy management presents towards disturbances or partial closures
well into the next crew’s shift. Further- considerable potential for savings. for maintenance (for example through
more, the operation and supervision of Depending on the location of the pro- buffering) and provide a common oper-
the different process sections are divid- duction bottleneck, energy costs can be ating strategy for the whole mill.
ed between different control rooms and optimized by better use of buffer tank
hence different operators. volumes: sections with great heat de- The system minimizes:
mand can be operated at reduced load Deviation from the production plan.
Production changes and disturbances during periods with high electricity Cost of make-up chemicals.
directly affect income. It is difficult for prices and buffers refilled when prices Deviation from preferred liquor com-
operating crews to consider all variables are low. position.
involved in this complex system simul- Production loss through disturbances.
taneously. Predicting the effects of Previous improvement schemes have at- Energy cost.
change and taking the necessary actions tempted to minimize losses and quality
require appropriate support. deviations by identifying ideal operation It supports decision-making in real time
conditions. The cost of reaching these through:
The challenge conditions, however, is not considered. Identification of production bottle-
The increased recirculation of process To be truly useful, an optimization must necks.
streams due to environmental con- consider processes dynamically. Only in Identification of faulty measurements.

1 Generic process diagram of pulp and papermaking process.

Boiler Electricity
Lime Kiln
Lime Generation

White Liquor Recausticizing Plant Green Liquor Tank

White Liquor

Weak Liquor Tank Evaporation Black Liquor Tank

Chip Storage Digester Pulp Storage Washing Pulp Storage Bleaching Pulp Storage Paper Machine

Recycle Fiber Pulp Storage

Process section Buffer storage Plant

40 ABB Review
Preparation of the mill for mainte-
nance stops.
2 Billerud’s Gruvön Mill.
Better decision support for mill man-
On-line production optimization.

Pilot project
Pulp & Paper On-Line Production Opti-
mizer is an IndustrialIT application for
real time optimization. A pilot installa-
tion is in progress at Billerud’s Gruvön
Mill 2 , a large integrated pulp and pa-
per plant in Sweden.

This mill typically produces 640,000

metric tonnes of paper annually. It has
six paper machines, three fiber lines
and a coating machine. The pulp mill is
supervised from five control rooms.
It produces sack and kraft paper, con-
tainerboard and market pulp.

The mill has recently invested in a new

recovery boiler and evaporation plant to
raise capacity and eliminate production units, measurements and calculated Each production unit consists of equa-
constraints. To ensure that the anticipat- properties. tions describing the time dependent re-
ed increase in production capacity is lationships between all incoming and
achieved, the company is implementing Production unit examples are digester, outgoing streams and manipulated vari-
an on-line production optimizer and ex- pulp tank, black liquor tank, lime kiln ables connected to the unit. These rela-
pects it to boost production and reduce and paper machine. Measurement ex- tionships may be considered as a gigan-
consumption of chemicals to a value of amples are flow, tank level, sulfidity, ef- tic dynamic mass balance for the com-
several millions of US dollars annually. fective alkali, reduction efficiency, black plete mill and are represented by a sys-
liquor density tem of differ-
The goals were to minimize the follow- and alkali ential and al-
ing: charge.
Pulp and paper mills con- gebraic non-
Variation in active production chemi- sume considerable heat and linear equa-
cals composition. Streams are electric power and hence tions. When
Cost of make-up chemicals. connectors energy management pres- these are dis-
Production losses due to disturbances. between the cretized in
Variation in amount of active produc- process units
ents considerable potential time, the cor-
tion chemicals in storage. and described for savings. responding
Variation of the distribution of active by the total number of
production chemicals in the system. flow and by the concentrations of the variables to be optimized can approach
different components that are relevant 50,000.
These goals were met by estimating the for each stream.
state of process variables based on mass To be able to couple the process model
balance modeling, and searching for the Measurements are connected to either to the measurements, a model of each
set of control variables to meet the ob- production units or to streams. The sensor or lab measurement is required.
jectives at minimal operational cost. pilot mill system with production units, The measurements are related to the
streams and measurements has the fol- state by using methods that consider
Implementation lowing size: both uncertainty of the models and the
Modeling – The dynamic mass balance 25 production units observations.
of the complete mill is modeled. The 38 buffer tanks
modeling is based on descriptions of all Approx. 250 streams or pipes State estimation: To determine the cur-
components in the system. These com- Approx. 250 measurements or obser- rent state, the sum of all measurement
ponents are categorized into object type vations noises (uncertainties) is minimized. The
groups such as: streams, production Approx. 2500 variables noise levels at the optimum provide ex-

ABB Review
4/2004 41
the stop time for a production object,
eg, digester.
3 Multiple mill functions are considered in the optimization.
4. Upper and lower bounds on change
of manipulated variables. Changes in
the manipulated variables are some-
times bounded by hard constraints to
avoid causing overly aggressive tra-
Mill Manager jectories. For example, a digester
should not change its production rate
at more than a given rate.
5. The production planning should start
Objectives Constraints Model from the current value of the state

The optimization results are used as a

Result basis for production planning.
Thin client
Presentation Simulation
Following the optimization, a simulation
State +
parameters is performed. This provides an indica-
tion of the effectiveness of the strategy
Intranet PC and predicts how long the process can
run before tanks over- or under fill,
Result Mill state
production goals are missed etc. This
simulated trajectory is compared to the
original plan.
What-if analysis
On-line Optimization
The automatically scheduled calculation
3 includes a state estimation, future op-

timization and a simulation. This cycle

cellent information for sensor or process variables, as for example production is repeated approximately four times an
diagnostics. Noise values are tracked in rate in lime kiln, are to be avoided. hour.
the database and are used to identify 3. Minimization of costs (such as make-
faulty sensors or model refinements. up chemical cost). What-if analysis: Several what-if analy-
4. Maximizing revenues from main ses can be started at any time on histori-
Optimization: The production-planning products and byproducts. One exam- cal or future scenarios to evaluate alter-
problem is formulated similarly to a ple of byproduct may be power pro- native strategies and paths.
model predictive control problem. The duction supplied to the grid.
optimization criteria consist of different Solution Output: In the engineering user
terms, quadratic and linear, and include The optimization criterion is minimized interface, many aspects of the model
terms to enable the following functions: subject to the following constraints: can be changed and all property values
1. Minimization of deviation from set- 1. Process from measure-
point trajectories of any variable. One model. ment, estima-
example is the paper machine pro- 2. Sensor tion, optimiza-
duction plan with its production rates model.
The ABB ‘On-line optimizer’ tion or simula-
and recipes. These set-points are au- 3. Upper and is a very powerful tool for tion viewed.
tomatically imported from the sched- lower process control and decision A customized
uling system. The paper machine is bounds on support and is expected to trend view
often re-scheduled at two-hour inter- variables. with many his-
vals. Other common examples are A mainte-
contribute to significant tory and future
tank level set-points and preferred nance stop improvements in the process data of given
concentrations of active production is intro- industry for years to come. properties is
chemicals. duced in generated in a
2. Limiting the number of changes of the opti- couple of min-
the manipulated variables. Too many mization by adjusting the upper utes and the trend configuration can be
adjustments of manipulated control bound of the production rate during saved for later use 4 . As soon as a

42 ABB Review
trend view is created, any user ment coupled with dynamic
can access this on the intranet production rates can now be
4 Customized trend describing issue in focus
web 5 . optimized in real time using a
large number of on-line meas-
From the web based user in- urements. The optimizer uses
terface the most important general methods, which is
computation result may be why it can easily be applied
viewed from any PC connect- to other applications or sys-
ed to the mill intranet or inter- tem types. The on-line pro-
net. It is also possible to per- duction optimizer is also ‘the
form the most important inter- missing link’ between ad-
action with the system through vanced process control and
this interface, e.g. information CPM (Collaborate Production
of maintenance stop duration Management system) to sup-
and stop time etc. port the planning function for
the integrated Pulp & Paper
Client expectations mills. The ABB ‘On-line opti-
Benefits: mizer’ is a very powerful tool
Increased paper production. for process control and deci-
Savings in make-up chemi- sion support and is expected
cals. to contribute to significant
More stable quality of active improvements in the process
Web-based graphical display with some common
production chemicals. 5 industry for years to come.
properties published on the customer intranet.
On-line identification of
production bottlenecks
easily viewed by the web
based user interface indi-
cating current and future
Improved decision support
for production management.
When operation decisions
must consider many second-
ary conditions in the mill,
the on-line optimizer pro-
vides invaluable alternative
scenarios for production.
Common operation strategy
for all shifts and control
rooms. By using the on-line
optimizer, operation man-
agement can systematically
prioritize between different
objectives and targets. When
the preferred prioritization is config- quantify the consequence of a longer
ured in the database and the optimiz- than expected stop.
er’s recommendation adopted, it is Identification of faulty measurements
easier to motivate the operation strat- by using state estimation diagnostic
egy than before. results.
More efficient preparation of the mill
prior to maintenance stops is desir- This is a brand new product in ABB’s Ulf Persson
able. When a maintenance stop is in- portfolio. The on-line production opti- Thomas Lindberg
troduced in the prediction horizon, mizer employs new and advanced Lars Ledung
the optimizer automatically considers methods, capitalizing on the impressive Per-Olof Sahlin
this constraint to minimize production evolution in computing power. Large ABB Automation Technologies AB
loss. It is also possible to evaluate a mill systems including the complete Västerås, Sweden
change in maintenance stop time and chemical balance and energy manage- ulf.x.person@se.abb.com

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4/2004 43

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