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English 3 QUIZ 1 April 1st (50 Score  


Complete the sentences with one of the co rect words or phrases ,

1. If you take a lot of showers, you will need ________________.

A the wake-up se vice

B extra hangers

C extra towels

D an iron

2. If you have a meeting at 8 30 in the mo ning, you can use __________.

A a travel agency

B an iron

C room se vice

D the wake-up se vice

3. If you need to make your clothes look nice, you should ask for ___________.
A an iron

B room se vice

C extra hangers

D the airpo t shuttle

4. If you don’t want to take a taxi to the airpo t, you can use __________.               
A have to

B should

C must

D can
5. If you brought a lot of clothes with you, you can ask for ________________.
A room se vice

B an iron

C extra hangers

D extra showers

6. If you have an extra person in your room, you will need to ask for _______________
A the airpo t shuttle

B room se ice

C an iron

D a rollaway bed

7. I almost fell asleep because the movie was so _______________

A bo ing

B funny

C unforgetable

8. She told a _________________ sto y that no one believed.

A silly

B thought-provoking

C fun

9. Mom thinks it’s bad for children to watch ________________ movies. 

A funny

B thought-provoking

C violent

10. I didn’t like this movie. It was ________________.

A weird

B hila ious

C funny
11. If you enjoy the sto ies about your childhood with great memo ies, you should see this
A romantic

B unforgettable

C hila ious


12. f you ________________  the radio like that you will damage it.
A use

B uses

C will use

D to use

13. You ____________  your fingers unless you use gloves.

A bu ns

B bu n

C will bu n

D won't bu n

14. If you ________________________ (get) back late, I _____________(be) ang y.

A gets / am

B get / will be

C got / won't be

D gets / were

15. If we _______________ (not/see) each other tomo row, we ________(see) each other next week.
A not see / not see

B not see / saw

C don't see / will see

D didn't see / won't see

16. If he____________ (come) , I _______________ (be) surp ised.

A comes / would be

B come / were

C came / am

D comes / will be
17.  I ______________________ (not/go) if you ____________________(not/come) with me.
A don't go / don't come

B won't go / don't come

C not go / didn't come

D didn't go / will not come

18. She ________________________(take) a taxi if it ___________________(rain).

A take / will rain

B won't take / will rain

C will take / rains

D takes ( rain

19. He____________  (not/get) a better job if he _____________ (not/pass) that exam.

A won't get / doesn't pass

B don't get / dont pass

C will get / didn't pass

D doesn't get / doesn't pass

20. If you _____________(not/want) to go out, I __________(cook) dinner at home.

A doesn't want / cooks

B don't want / will cook

C not want / cook

D don't want / won't cook

21. Acording to the audio we have to decide:
A Who will go on vacation?

B Who will go on a tou ist adcenture

C Who will get the p ize?

22. Who has climbed a mountain?

A Angie

B Jonathan

C Karen
23. Who has gone to the Pyramids of Engypt?
A Angie

B Karen

C Jonathan

24. Angie has

A taken a lot of tou ists

B taken a lot of tours.

C gone on vacation with many tou ists

25. Karen has

A lived in different cities

B lived in different places

C lived in many states.


Mean What You Say: The A t of Conversation

It’s always a good idea to study the language of a foreign count y before you travel
there.  But speaking with someone from another count y can involve more than just words in
a different language.  People in different count ies can have ve y different customs when they
People in Indonesia, for example, always want to be agreeable and polite, and this means
that they don’t like to say “no.”  In their native language Bahasa Indonesia),
there are many ways to say “yes.”  But twelve of these “yes” words actually mean “no”!
Australians are f iendly with people, but they value directness.  Australians prefer a clear,
direct response, even if it is not the one they wanted.

The French appreciate the a t of conversation, which can include arguing
as a fo m of ente tainment.  In this case, speakers may inte upt each other frequently.  This
is considered active pa ticipation in the conversation by both people.  It is better than one
person lectu ing the other.

As in many other Latin Ame ican count ies, titles are ve y impo tant in Costa
Rica.  People’s titles can indicate their professions, such as Doctor (doctor) or Ingeniero
(engineer).  Licenciado is used when talking to someone with a college degree.  If someone
doesn’t have a professional title, Señor Mr.), Señora Mrs.), or 
Señorita Miss) are approp iate. 

25. In which count y do people dislike saying no directly?

A Australia

B France

C Indonesia

D Costa Rica

27. Australians prefer to:

A say “yes.”

B receive a direct answer.

C say “no.”

D argue for ente tainment.

28. In Indonesia, it is considered polite to:
A agree.

B argue.

C be direct.

D be ente taining.

29. What can you expect to find du ing an argument in France?    

A anger

B lectu ing

C inte uptions

D lots of jokes 

30. In conversation, Costa Ricans like to:

A argue.

B inte upt.

C say “no.”

D refer to a person’s profession.

31. W iting 1 10 points)

W ite your own review about a movie you've seen. In your review, answer the following
questions: Make sure you w ite 100 words.

What kind of movie was it?

Who was in it? What was it about?
Was it funny? Romantic? Thought-provoking? Would you recommend it?
32. W iting 2 10 points)

You are going on a vacation with your family or a good f iend. W ite at least five sentences
about the hotel where you will stay. For example, w ite about the type of room you will need
and any features or se vices you want the hotel to have. 
Make sure you w ite at least 100 words.

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