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Professional Development Attended

Teaching Virtually: Reaching our Students Through Music by Natasha Thurman and Lorelei Batisloang

This clinic discussed the difficulties one might face while teaching in the virtual classrooms. It is
typically harder to get students engaged while they are at home and so near all the distractions that are
present in the home. So, because it is a completely new school environment to the students, the
teachers must teach the students how they are supposed to act when in virtual school. This is just like
teaching students how they are supposed to behave when in real school. The teacher needs to know
their expectations and plan accordingly. Teach them how to be good online students.

From Preparation to Pedagogy: A Muggle’s Guide to Wizardry by Reagan Brumley and John Morrison

This clinic discussed the importance of score study for music teachers. Oftentimes one might
think of score study as only being for big symphony conductors, but really score study is vital for success
at all levels. Morrison introduces a systematic way for directors to study their score. The director should
combine their knowledge of teaching with their study of the score. It is best to anticipate problems
when you study the score.

Self-Care for the Music Educator: Not Just a Buzzword by Beth Duhon and Amy Bennett

Many teachers suffer from burnout. Mrs. Duhon introduces what she calls “My Action Plan,”
which is a system whereby a teacher can plan out how they are going to make time for themselves. Just
like preparing for school, we must prepare our own personal lives. Then there is the issue of efficiency. It
is easy to get sucked into working very long ours without actually getting a lot done. Another part of the
action plan is determining how you can improve your efficiency at work so there is more of yourself to
give to your personal endeavors.

Not Your Mama’s Interview: Hacks and Tips to Land the Job by Kevin Lacefield

The virtual job search is a very different world from what we are used to, but getting a job this
year is likely going to be an entirely remote process. Mr. Lacefield starts with discussion of the resume.
So, hiring committees hardly look at your resume at all. That is not really new information for most
people, but it is going to be especially true during covid times. Then you should send a follow up email.
For the interview, treat your surroundings to a makeover as they will be seen and judged by the panel.

Supporting LGBT Musicians in Schools

The problems faced by today’s students are very numerous and complex. A teacher must strive
to make a culture where all expressions are welcome. Programming music by LGBT musicians helps a
great deal. This way we could maybe make the classroom more fair and equitable for all students.

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