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Ratios Take $ Information from

5 Important Ratios
the Basic Operating Statement
• ROI = Return on Investment • Sales Revenue = R
Five Important Ratios • Mp = Percentage Markup on Price • Gross Profit Contribution = G
• ROS = Return on Sales (Net Profit Margin) • Total Promotional Expense = T
Ted Mitchell • MROS = Marketing’s Return on Sales • Net Marketing Contribution = NMC
• Profit/Budget Ratio = Market Productivity • Net Operating Profit = Z

Ratios!!! 5 Important Ratios

• Ratios are much more powerful descriptions • ROI = Return on Investment = Z/A
of the Firm’s Performance than the raw • Mp = Percentage Markup on Price = (P-V)/P ROI
dollar values in the Firm’s Operating • ROS = Return on Sales = Z/R
• MROS = Marketing’s Return on Sales = A Classic Measure of Profitability
• Profit/Budget Ratio = Market Productivity =

ROI is important because it
Classic Measures of Profitability
decomposes into two parts
• Not Just Dollar Profit but a Profit Ratio! • ROI = (Profit Margin)x(Asset Turnover) • Both Parts Reflect Marketing’s Role in the
• Return on Investment (Total Assets) Ratio Business
• ROI = Operating Profit / Total Assets • 1) Profit Margin or Return on Sales (ROS)
• 2) Asset Turnover (Inventory Turns)

ROI is important because it ROI is important because it ROI is important because it

decomposes into two parts decomposes into two parts decomposes into two parts
• ROI = (Profit Margin)x(Asset Turnover) ROI = (Profit Margin)x(Asset Turnover) • ROI = (Profit Margin)x(Asset Turnover)
• Profit Margin, aka Return on Sales (ROS) • Often called
is a measure of how much of the Sales • ROI = (Return on Sales) x (Turns)
Revenue is converted into Profit Asset or Investment Turnover is a measure of • ROI =
• Profit Margin = Operating Profit /Sales Revenue how actively the investment is being used (Net Profit / Revenue) x (Revenue / Assets)
• or Asset Turnover = Sales Revenue / Assets
• ROS = Net Profit /Sales Revenue • ROI = (Z/R) x (R/A) = Z/A

Marketing is the Key to
• Need a top line if you are to have a bottom • Return on Sales measures the efficiency of
line. Profit Margin or the business at converting revenues into
Return on Sales (ROS) shareholder profits.
ROI = (Operating Profit / Revenue) x (Revenue / Assets)
Marketing has crucial role in Revenue and A popular business ratio
Operating Income
(For a discussion of Marketing Productivity, Return on Net
Worth, and Return on Marketing Investment see Mitchell
pages 17 and 54)

ROS Return on Sales

• Important because
Markup or
Profit or Operating Margin = • Used in many cost based pricing formulas
Net Profit or Operating Income / Revenue • Used as a measure of the firm’ s efficiency
the Gross Profit Margin
• ROS = Profit Margin = Z/R at converting revenues into share holder
A crucial operating ratio

Ratios as Measures of Marketing Ratios as Measures of Marketing
Profitability Profitability
• Markup is the ratio that measures the
efficiency of the firm at converting the sales • Markup Percentage or Contribution Ratio • Markup Ratio or Contribution Ratio
revenue due the production and delivery of = Gross Profit Contribution / Revenue
products into the Profits needed to pay for • = Gross Profit Contribution / Revenue
the rest of the firm’s operations. • or
• Or • = (Price -Variable Cost)/Price = (P-V)/P
• Unit Contribution / Selling Price

Markup on Price
• Important because • Markup and ROS always show up on the
Both Markup and ROS Ratios are firm’s operating statement!
• Used in cost based pricing formula
• Measure of Operating Efficiency
Very, Very Important!
• Used in many marketing calculations

Operating Income Statement Operating Income Statement
Quantity Q 10,000 units Quantity Q 10,000 units
Contribution Margin
Price P $120 Price P $120
Revenue R $1,200,000 Revenue and R $1,200,000
Commissions c $12 10% Commission rate Return
Commissions on Sales
c $12 10% Commission rate
Direct materials& labor
Direct materials& labor
Marketing’s Return on Sales
Unit Variable Cost
Total Variable Cost
67% Unit Variable Cost
Total Variable Cost
V $80
TVC $800,000
67% MROS
Unit Contribution Margin M $40 33% Markup Unit Contribution Margin M $40 33% Markup
Total Contribution Margin TC $400,000 33% Contribution Ratio Total Contribution Margin TC $400,000 33% Contribution Ratio A very important ratio for measuring
Period Marketing Expenses A $150,000 1.25% Advertising to Sales Period Marketing Expenses A $150,000 1.25% Advertising to Sales
Fixed Overhead & Admin F $200,000 1.67% Fixed Overhead & Admin F $200,000 1.67% Marketing’s efficiency
Operating Income Z $50,000 0.42% Profit Margin Operating Income Z $50,000 0.42% Profit Margin

Z = PQ -VQ -A -F Z = PQ -VQ -A -F

Simple Operating Statement

Don’t Forget Net Marketing
Quantity sold Q in units 100,000 MROS Better Efficiency Ratio
Revenue 8,000,000 Contribution Equation
Total Variable Cost 2,500,000 Profit after Promotion Expense (ZAP) or • MROS = Profit after Promotion/ Revenue
Gross Profit Margin 5,500,000 Net Marketing Contribution (NMC) or
Total Promotion Expense 3,000,000 • MROS = Marketing’s Net Contribution/Revenue
Profit after Promotion, ZAP or NMC 2,500,000 where
• Looks like ROS but does not have the long term
Research & Development 600,000 NMC = Net marketing Contribution
research and general administrative costs in the
Net Profit Z 1,900,000 P = Price per unit
V = Variable Cost per unit
Q = Quantity of units sold
T = Total marketing expenses e.g., advertising, sales salaries

Marketing’s Return on Sales Profit/Budget Ratio
• MROS is Important because • Market Productivity = (Net Marketing
Marketing Productivity Contribution) / (Total Promotion Budget)
• It is a better measure of marketing’s
efficiency at converting current efforts into page 17
profits than ROS • Marketing’s Productivity = NMC / T
A Profit to Budget Ratio

Marketing Productivity =NMC/T NMC/T is Closely Related to 5 Important Ratios

• Ratio is tracked from period to period to • Another measure of Productivity is Units Sold per • ROI = Return on Investment
$1000 in Promotion Expense
look for improvements or problems in the • Mp = Percentage Markup on Price
productivity of the marketing department • ROS = Return on Sales (Net Profit Margin)
• Quantity Sold / Total Promotion Expense (in
• Ratio is often used a guideline to discuss the thousands of dollars) • MROS = Marketing’s Return on Sales
change in revenue to be expected from a Or • NMC/T Ratio = Market Productivity p.17
change in Promotion Budget • Quantity per thousand = (Q x $1000) / T
(Useful in the simulation game)

Remember 5 Important Ratios
• There are hundreds of different ratios used • ROI = Return on Investment
by different managers • Mp = Percentage Markup on Price Any Questions?
• In different industries and professions they • ROS = Return on Sales (Net Profit Margin)
are called different things • MROS = Marketing’s Return on Sales
• In this course we will concentrate on only a • NMC/T Ratio = Market Productivity p.17
few important ratios!

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