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Labor and Delivery Meds

Name: Ampicillin/Penicillin
Uses or uses specific to OB: prevents Group B streptococcus (GBS) transmission to neonate
Appropriate routes: PO, IV, IM
Doses (again specific to OB): adults 250-500 mg q6h (PO) max 2-4g/day, 1-2 g q4-6h or 50-250
mg/kg/day in divided doses, max 12g/day (IV, IM); neonates-50 mg/kg/dose q6-12h
Side effects: IM injection site pain, diarrhea, N/V, oral/vaginal candidiasis, rash,
thrombophlebitis, headache
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, penicillin allergy, penicillinase-producing organism infection
Name: Ancef
Uses or uses specific to OB: treats infections due to S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. pneumoniae, E.
coli, P. mirabilis, and group A beta hemolytic streptococci
Appropriate routes: IV, IM
Doses (again specific to OB): adults, 1-1.5 g q6-12h, max 12g/day; children older than 1 month-
25-100 mg/kg/day divided q6-8hr, max. 6g/day; neonates-25mg/kg/dose q8-12 hr
Side effects: oral/vaginal candidiasis, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, fever, joint pain,
rash, IM administration discomfort
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, cephalosporin allergy, renal impairment, seizure history
Name: Anzemet
Uses or uses specific to OB: prevents nausea/vomiting
Appropriate routes: PO, IV
Doses (again specific to OB): PO: 100 mg, IV: 12.5 mg as soon as nausea/vomiting presents
Side effects: dizziness, lightheadedness, slow/irregular heartbeat, weakness, chills, fever, heart
block, HTN, hypotension
Contraindications: QT/PR/QRS interval prolongation, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia
Name: Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
Uses or uses specific to OB: Pruritus, antihistamine
Appropriate routes:PO, IV, IM, topical
Doses (again specific to OB): 25-50mg every 4-8hr, 1-2% cream or spray 3-4/day
Side effects: dizziness, hypotension, drowsiness, muscle weakness, urinary retention, thickening
of bronchial secretions, nose, throat, lips, dry mouth
Contraindications: Allergy, neonates, premies, breastfeeding
Name: Betamethasone
Uses or uses specific to OB: Accelerates fetal lung maturation in pts with preterm labor
Appropriate routes: IM, topical
Doses (again specific to OB): 2 12 mg doses, 12 to 24 hours apart.
Side effects: Increased appetite, abdominal distention, nervousness, insomnia, false sense of
well being, burning, stinging, pruritus
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, IM administration in idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura;
hypothyroidism, hepatic/renal impairment, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, glaucoma,
cataracts, myasthenia gravis, pts at risk for osteoporosis/ seizures/ GI disease, following acute
MI, elderly, systemic fungal infections.
Name: Bicitra MYA
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Calcium gluconate
Uses or uses specific to OB: Electrolyte replenisher, treats hypocalcemia and cardiac
disturbances from hyperkalemia, increases capillary permeability
Appropriate routes: IV
Doses (again specific to OB): in adults: 1-2 g over 2 hours to 10 minutes depending on severity
may repeat q6omin, in neonates: 200 mg/kg q6-12hr or 400 mg/kg as a continuous infusion
Side effects: pain, rash, redness, burning at injection site, flushing, nausea, vomiting,
diaphoresis, hypotension.
Contraindications: calcium related renal calculi, hypercalcemia, Ventricular fibrilation
Name: Cervidil (Dinoprostone)
Uses or uses specific to OB: for ripening of an unfavorable cervix in pregnant women at or near
term when there is a medical or obstetric need for labor induction.
Appropriate routes: Vaginal suppository (Cervidil)
Doses (again specific to OB): Vaginal suppository (Cervidil): 10 mg into posterior vaginal fornix
(space behind cervix) for 1 dose
Side effects:
Name: Clindamycin
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Cytotec (misoprostol)
Uses or uses specific to OB:Used to manage miscarriages, for abortion in first 70 days’ gestation
in combination with mifepristone, and for post-partum hemorrhage prevention and treatment.
Appropriate routes:PO, Intravaginal
Doses (again specific to OB): For miscarriages: 800 mcg once, intravaginal. Repeat ≥ 3hrs after
first dose and within 7 days of no response to initial dose; For Incomplete abortion and
postpartum hemorrhage 600 mcg as single dose, PO; 25 mcg q3-6 hrs., for Labor induction or
cervical ripening (some pts require the maximum dose 50 mcg, q6 hrs.); for abortion follow
manufactures’ guideline on Kit/Tablet.
Side effects:Abd pain and diarrhea; Nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia and headache occasionally;
Vomiting and constipation are rare.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to prostaglandins, Pregnancy. Caution in renal impairment
and cardiovascular disease.
Name: Demerol
Uses or uses specific to OB: for moderate to severe labor pain and post op pain after cesarean
Appropriate routes: IV, PCA pump
Doses (again specific to OB): IV: 25-50 mg every 1-2h, PCA pump: 15 mg every 10 min as needed
until birth
Side effects: tachycardia, sedation, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, altered mental status,
euphoria, decreased gastric motility, delayed gastric emptying, urinary retention.
Contraindications: do not give if birth is expected to occur within 1-4 hours after administration
Name: Duramorph
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Fentanyl
Uses or uses specific to OB: for moderate to severe labor pain and post op pain after cesarean
Appropriate routes: IV, IM, PCA Pump
Doses (again specific to OB): IV: 50-100 mcg every hour, IM: 50-100 mcg every hour,
Side effects: sedations, respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting.
Name: Flagyl MYA
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Hemabate (carboprost tromethamine)
Uses or uses specific to OB: indicated for aborting pregnancy between the 13th and 20th weeks
of gestation
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, Acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Active cardiac,
pulmonary, renal or hepatic disease.
Name: Magnesium Sulfate
Uses or uses specific to OB: relaxes the smooth muscles in the uterus by depressing the CNS;
prevention and TX of seizures in pts. with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia
Appropriate routes: IV, can sometimes be given IM
Doses (again specific to OB): 40 g in 1000 mL, piggyback to primary infusion, 4-6 g over 20-30
mins, then 1-4g/hr, D/C within 24-48 hrs. Maximum of 40 g/24hrs. total IV intake should be
limited to 125 mL/hr.
Side effects: hot flashes, N/V, burning at IV insertion site, dry mouth, drowsiness, blurred vision,
diplopia, HA, generalized muscle weakness, hypocalcemia, dyspnea, transient hypotension
Contraindications: intolerable adverse effects can occur (low respiratory rate, pulmonary
edema, absent DTRs, hypermagnesemia, urine output of 10 mL/hr); do not give to women with
myasthenia gravis
Name: Metoclopramide MYA
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Methergine (methylergonovine)
Uses or uses specific to OB:Prevent and treat hemorrhage following vaginal childbirth, manage
uterine atony, and subinvolution of uterus.
Appropriate routes:PO, IM, IV (IV is used in life threatening emergencies only)
Doses (again specific to OB): PO 0.2 mg 3-4 times/day/for up to 7 days.
IV, IM: 0.2 mg after delivery, repeat q2-4h PRN
Side effects: Frequent: Nausea, uterine cramping, Vomiting.Occasionally: Abd pain, diarrhea,
dizziness, diaphoresis, tinnitus, bradycardia and chest pain. Rare: Allergic reaction, dyspnea,
severe/ sudden HTN.
Contraindications:Allergies to the drug, HTN, Pregnancy, toxemia. Caution: Renal and Hepatic
impairments, CAD, PVD, in second stage of labor, and in use with protease inhibitor.
Name: Narcan
Uses or uses specific to OB: Reverses opioid-induced respiratory depression in woman or
newborn; may be used to reverse pruritus from epidural opioids.
Appropriate routes: IV, IM or sub q if IV is unavailable
Doses (again specific to OB): Opioid overdose: 0.4-2 mg IV, may repeat at 2 to 3 min intervals
until a maximum of 10 mg has been given
Side effects: maternal hypotension or hypertension, tachycardia, hyperventilation, nausea and
vomiting, sweating, tremulousness.
Name: Nubain
Uses or uses specific to OB: for moderate to severe labor pain and post op pain after cesarean
birth, may be used to treat pruritus associated with epidural opioids.
Appropriate routes: IV, IM
Doses (again specific to OB): IV: 5-10 mg every 3 h as needed, IM: 10 mg every 3 h as needed
Side effects: Sedation, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, respiratory depression,
temporary absent or minimal fetal heart rate (FHR) variability
Name: Phenergan (generic: promethazine)
Uses or uses specific to OB: nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy
Appropriate routes: IM is prefered, avoid IV if possible, PO, Rectal
Doses (again specific to OB): 12.5 - 25 mg q4-6hr PRN
Side effects: BLACK BOX WARNING: can cause death in children under 2 years, IV can cause
severe tissue injury. drowsiness, dry mouth and nose, urinary retention. Readily crosses
placenta May cause jaundice in neonates if take during pregnancy.
Contraindications: Children 2yrs and younger, severe CNS depression, treatment of asthma,
alcohol, CNS depressants, Anticholinergics, MAOIs
Name: Pitocin
Uses or uses specific to OB: oxytocin; labor induction, prevention of postpartum hemorrhage
Appropriate routes: IV
Doses (again specific to OB): 0.5 MU per minute and increased to 1-2 MU over 15 minutes to an
hour. For postpartum hemorrhage a dose of 10 MU given at 20-40 MU per minute
Side effects: Headache, confusion, chest pain, tenderness and irritation at IV/injection site
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, Significant cephalopelvic disproportion, unfavorable
positioning of the fetus
Name: Procardia
Uses or uses specific to OB: relaxes the smooth muscles including the uterus by blocking the
entry of calcium into the muscle
Appropriate routes: PO
Doses (again specific to OB): initial dose 10-20 mg q3-6 hrs until contractions are rare; followed
with 30-60 mg q8-12 hrs for 48hrs while corticosteroids are being given
Side effects: (mostly mild) hypotension, HA, flushing, dizziness, nausea
Contraindications: do not use with magnesium sulfate because it can block skeletal muscle. Do
not give simultaneously with or immediately after terbutaline because of effects on HR and BP
Name: Stadol
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Terbutaline
Uses or uses specific to OB: delays premature labor in pregnancies between 20 and 34 weeks
Appropriate routes: IV, SQ, PO
Doses (again specific to OB): 5mg 3 times/day.
Side effects: Tremor, anxiety. Drowsiness, headache, nausea, heartburn, dizziness.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. Cardiac arrhythmias with tachycardia, tachycardia caused
by digoxin toxicity.
Name: Vistaril
Uses or uses specific to OB: antiemetic, treatment of anxiety/agitation, antipruritic.
Appropriate routes: PO, IM
Doses (again specific to OB): 50-100mg 4 times/day or 37.5-75mg/day in divided doses
Side effects: drowsiness, dry mouth, marked discomfort with IM injection
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, Early pregnancy, subQ, pts with prolonged QT interval
Name: Zofran MYA[];’
Uses or uses specific to OB: Prevention/treatment of nausea/vomiting
Appropriate routes: IV, IM, PO
Doses (again specific to OB): IV,IM (4 mg single dose), PO (16 mg 1hr before induction of
Side effects: anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, HT3 antagonist.
Postpartum Meds
Name: Colace
Uses or uses specific to OB: Treat occasional constipation.
Appropriate routes: PO and Rectal
Doses (again specific to OB): 50 to 400 mg 1 to 4 equally divided doses daily
Side effects: stomach pain, diarrhea, or cramping. Irritated throat.
Contraindications: Allergies, severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
Name: Darvocet
Uses or uses specific to OB: Relieve mild to moderate pain with or without fever (THIS DRUG
Appropriate routes: PO
Doses ( specific to OB): 100mg/650mg every 4 hours PRN or 50mg/325mg every 4 hours PRN
Side effects: Dizziness, sedation, stupor, syncope, respiratory depression
Contraindications: Drug Addiction, Respiratory Problems
Name: Dermoplast
Uses or uses specific to OB: vaginal pain after birth
Appropriate routes: Tropical
Doses (again specific to OB): none
Side effects: burning, dark urine, worsening or pain, headache, pale skin, unusual bleeding
Contraindications: unknown
Name: Ferrous Sulfate
Uses or uses specific to OB: Iron replacement uses primarily in postpartum for the Tx and
prevention of anemia
Appropriate routes: PO/IV
Doses (again specific to OB): 30mg PO during pregnancy for prevention (increase to 120mg with
present anemia); 1000 mg IV given in 200mg infusions 5 times a day
Side effects: may cause dark stool, GI disturbances, Nausea,
Contraindications: Hypersenitivity, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis
Name: Folic acid
Uses or uses specific to OB: Tx of anemias resulting from folate deficiency in pregnant women.
Vitamin supplementation during periconceptual period which aids in decreasing the risk of
neural tube defects.
Appropriate routes: For anemia: IM/IV/SQ/PO; for neural tube defect prevention: PO
Doses (again specific to OB): For anemia: IM/ IV/SQ/PO 0.8 mg/day; For Neural tube
prevention: PO 400- 800 mcg/day, if women is at high risk or has family history of defect,
Side effects: allergic reaction rarely occurs when administered through the parenteral form
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to folic acid
Name: Morphine
Uses or uses specific to OB: relief of mod-severe, acute/chronic pain; analgesia during labor.
Binds with opioid receptors within CNS, inhibiting ascending pain pathways. Alters pain
perception, emotional response to pain.
Appropriate routes: IV, IM, SQ, PO, Rectal
Doses (again specific to OB):
PO: Child < 6mo: 0.08-0.1 g/kg q3-4h as needed
IV: Neonates: Initially, 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/dose q4-6h as needed
Continuous IV infusion: Neonates: INitially, 0.01 mg/kg/hr. Max: 0.015-0.02 mg/kg/hr
Side effects: sedation, decreased BP, diaphoresis, facial flushing, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness,
N/V, allergic rash, dyspnea, confusion, palpitations, tremors, urinary retention, vision changes, dry mouth,
headache, decreased appetite, pain/burning at injection site
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, acute/severe asthma, GI obstruct, paralytic ileus, severe
hepatic/renal impairment, severe respiratory depression
Name: Motrin (ibuprofen)
Uses or uses specific to OB: Blocks prostaglandin synthesis. Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory,
analgesic, and antipyretic effect. Inhibits platelet aggregation and prolongs bleeding.
Appropriate routes: PO/IV
Doses (again specific to OB): 200mg q4-6 hours, moderate pain 4000mg q4-6 hours. Should not
exceed 3200mg/day
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, dizziness, rash, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence,
abdominal cramps or pain, pruritus, increased BP.
Contraindications: Third trimester of pregnancy. Patient with urticaria, severe rhinitis,
bronchospasm, angioedema. Caution in people with hypertension, history of GI ulceration, and
impaired hepatic renal function
Name: Percocet
Uses or uses specific to OB: prevent immune response to Rh positive blood in people with an Rh
negative blood type and immune thromocytopenic purpura
Appropriate routes: IV and IM
Doses (again specific to OB): 50 - 300 mcg both IV or IM
Side effects: dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, itching
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Name: Percodan
Uses or uses specific to OB: Treats mild pain or fever. Prevents preeclampsia,
Appropriate routes: PO and Rectal
Doses (again specific to OB): 10 - 90 mg/kg/day q4-6h
Side effects: Respiratory depression, GI distress, lightheadedness
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to salicylates. Aspirin triad, asthma, rhinitis, nasal polyps,
bleeding disorder, and post oral surgery.
Name: Prenatal Vitamin
Uses or uses specific to OB: Pregnant mothers to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to
poor diet, certain illnesses, or during pregnancy
Appropriate routes: PO, IV, IM
Doses (again specific to OB): 10-600 mg/day
Side effects: headache, nausea, drowsiness, GI distress
Contraindications: Allergies, Iron overload disorder (hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis)
Name: RhoGAM
Uses or uses specific to OB: Given at 28 weeks gestation in women that have the Rh- factor in
their blood. Supressess the antibody formation in their blood from the fetus having Rh+ blood.
Aids in preventing miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, abdominal trauma, aminocentesis, or
chronic villus sampling.
Appropriate routes: IM in deltoid or gluteal muscle, IV in prefilled syringes
Doses (again specific to OB): 1 vial (300 mcg), microdose of 1 vial (50 mcg)
Side effects: possible allergic reaction, vomiting, nausea, hypotension, tachycardia, HA, malaise,
myalgia, localized tenderness and stiffness at injection site
Contraindications: Medication is made from human plasma, which can be against religious
beliefs if mother is Jevovah’s Witness. Possibility of transmission of infectious agents, and can
not be eliminated completely
Name: Rubella Vaccine
Uses or uses specific to OB: Women serologically nonimmune or without rubella vaccination
Appropriate routes: subcutaneous injection
Doses (again specific to OB): 0.5ml
Side effects: Fever, transient arthralgia, rash and lymphadenopathy are common
Contraindications: pregnancy [women cautioned to avoid getting pregnant within 28 days],
immunocompromised pts.
Name: Simethicone
Uses or uses specific to OB: Helps break gas bubbles in GI tract
Appropriate routes: PO
Doses (again specific to OB): 60 - 125mg/daily q4h
Side effects: Short of breath and dizziness
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Name: Toradol
Uses or uses specific to OB: NSAID that manages moderately severe acute pain, relieves ocular
Appropriate routes: PO, IM, Nasal, Opthalmic
Doses (again specific to OB): 20 mg - 40 mg/daily PO; 30 mg - 120 mg/daily IM; 30 mg - 120 mg
IV; 1 drop q6h Opthalmic;
Side effects: Headache, nausea, dyspnea, cramps, diarrhea, stinging
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to NSAIDS, intracranial bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis,
high risk of bleeding, incomplete hemostasis.
Name: Tylenol
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Tucks
Uses or uses specific to OB: Hemorrhoids, rectal & Vaginal discomfort following childbirth
Appropriate routes: topical
Doses (again specific to OB):pads PRN
Side effects: bloody diarrhea, severe pain, bleeding or irritation around rectum
Contraindications: allergy
Name: Vicodin
Uses or uses specific to OB: Treatment of moderate to severe pain in postpartum after delivery
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects: confusion, hypotension, constipation, nausea
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Nursery Meds
Name: Aquamephyton
Uses or uses specific to OB: Prophylaxis and treatment of vitamin K deficiency bleeding in
Appropriate routes: Sub-Q, IV- inject VERY slowly, not exceeding 1 mg per minute
Doses (again specific to OB): Prophylaxis: 0.5 mg to 1 mg within 1 hour of birth for a single dose;
Vitamin K deficiency: 1 mg sub-q or IM (higher dose if mother has been receiving
Side effects: Hypersensitivity or subcutaneous reaction; Clinical study reactions: tachycardia,
hypotension, generalized flushing pain, swelling and tenderness at the site, hyperbilirubinemia,
anaphylactic reactions, dysgeusia, dizziness, dyspnea, erythema, pruritic plaques, scleroderma
like lesions, erythema perstans
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to phytonadione or other component
Name: Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
Uses or uses specific to OB: Prevention of gonococcal ophthalmia in neonate, and treatment of
Appropriate routes: Ophthalmic
Doses (again specific to OB): Unit dose (¼ - ½ inch of ointment) for prophylaxis and ¼ inch q4-
12h for conjunctivitis.
Side effects: An allergic reaction with increased irritation, burning, itching and inflammation.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to erythromycin.
Name: Hepatitis B vaccine
Uses or uses specific to OB: immunization against infection caused by all known sub-types of
Appropriate routes: IM
Doses (again specific to OB): Recombivax HB 5 mcg/0.5 mL or Engerix-B 10 mcg/0.5 mL IM
within 25 h after birth, at 1-2 months, and at 6-18 months.
Side effects: rash, fever, erythema, swelling, and pain at the injection site
Name: Indocin
Uses or uses specific to OB: Reduces number and frequency of contractions to try prevent
preterm labor
Appropriate routes: PO
Doses (again specific to OB): Initial dose 50 to 100 mg PO. May repeat in one hour if no
decrease in contraction frequency , then 25 to 50 mg every 6 hours.
Side effects: Mother: indigestion, dizziness, heartburn, nausea, vomiting vaginal bleeding,
excess amniotic fluid, and inflamed stomach lining. Baby: reduction in urine the baby produces,
change in blood circulation, reduction in amount of amniotic fluid, bleeding in heart, high blood
pressure, kidney problems, jaundice, SERIOUS: closure of ductus arteriosus, necrotising entero
sclerosis, intraventricular hemorrhage, and periventricular leukomalacia
Contraindications: Women more than 32 weeks pregnant; women with hx of ulcers, bleeding
disorders, or kidney/ liver disease. Use with caution in asthma patients.
Name: Narcan
Uses or uses specific to OB:
Appropriate routes:
Doses (again specific to OB):
Side effects:
Name: Gentamycin
Uses or uses specific to OB: Used to prevent or treat a wide variety of bacterial infections
Appropriate routes: IV and IM
Doses (again specific to OB): Adult: 3-5 mg/kg/day IV or IM divided Q 8 hrs ; Infants 30-36
weeks gestation: 0-14 days - 3 mg/kg/day IV/IM and more than 14 days- 5 mg/kg/day IV/IM
divided Q 12 hours; infants over 36 weeks’ gestation: 0-7 days: 5 mg/kg/day IV/IM divided Q 12
hours and more than 7 days - 7.5 mg/kg/day IV/IM divided Q 8 hrs
Side effects: Neurotoxicity, gait instability, ototoxicity, kidney damage, edema, rash, itching,
stomach upset, injection site reaction. SERIOUS: ringing/ roaring in ears, hearing loss, dizziness,
and unusual decrease in urine
Contraindications: Patients with dementia-related psychosis, pre existing renal damage, use of
anesthesia or muscle relaxants prior to dose, prior aminoglycoside toxicity or hypersensitivity
Name: HBIG vaccine
Uses or uses specific to OB: protection against hep B
Appropriate routes: IM
Doses (again specific to OB): 0.5 mL
Side effects: mild rash, pain, redness, bruising, tenderness, cold symptoms, tremors, upset
stomach, diarrhea, N/V
Contraindications: Allergy, IgA deficiency, coagulation disorders
Name: Serophene (Clomiphene citrate)
Uses or uses specific to OB: Used to treat infertility in women; works by stimulating an increase
in hormones that support growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation)
Appropriate routes: PO
Doses (again specific to OB): Initial course: 50 mg orally once for 5 days; second course: 100 mg
once a day for 5 days
Side effects: upset stomach, bloating, abdominal/ pelvic fullness, flushing (hot flashes), breast
tenderness, headache, dizziness, vision changes (light sensitivity) SERIOUS: abnormal vaginal
bleeding, mental/ mood changes, eye pain, Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
Contraindications: Women who no longer make eggs properly (primary pituitary or ovarian
failure), hypersensitivity, pregnancy, liver disease or hx of liver dysfunction, abnormal uterine
bleeding, ovarian cysts or enlargement NOT due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, uncontrolled
thyroid or adrenal dysfunction, organic intracranial lesion such as a pituitary tumor

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