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Effect of pH on Interfacial Films and Stability of

Crude Oil-Water Emulsions

Abstract pH control than is required for surfact~nts and (~) need

for corrosion protection when the optimum pH IS suffi-
Oilfield emulsions are stabilized primarily by film-form- ciently acidic.
ing asphaltenes and resins containing organic acids and These factors indicate that the economics of pH con-
bases. Adding inorganic acids and bases radically changes trol in demulsification will be maximized when relatively
the physical properties of these films and their emulsion- large treating facilities are needed, when relatively large
stabilizing properties. Interfacial films show one of three surfactant concentrations are required to break an emul-
different physical characteristics when retracted in pendent sion when a relatively low concentration of the aqueous
drop tests. These compressed films have rigid, soap-type pha~e is emulsified in the oil and when the e~ulsified
or minimum film properties depending on the quantity of aqueous phase contains relatively low concentratIOns of
asphaltenes and resins in the crude oil and on the pH and reactive ions.
composition of the brine.
Because there are no broad guide lines for using pH
There exists for each crude oil-brine system an optimum control in breaking oilfield emulsions (and because the
pH range over which the adsorbed film exhibits minimum limited guides availal: 1e ar~ highly specific an? frequen~ly
contracted film properties. In this range, interfacial tension contradictory), this paper will attempt to clanfy the pnn-
is high - frequently near its maximum value - indicating ciples involved in using acids and bases to break emulsions.
the absence of highly surface-active species; crude ai/- These principles also should be useful in refinery separa-
brine emulsions generally show minimum stability; and tions and in other oilfield applications where stable or
surfactant requirements for breaking these emulsions are unstable petroleum emulsions are involved.
significantly reduced - sometimes no surfactant is needed.
Principles of Emulsion Stability
Oilfield emulsions generally occur as water droplets dis-
About two-thirds of the world's crude oil is produced
persed in oil (wi 0) and occasionally as oil droplets in
as emulsions that must be treated (demulsified) to be
water (o/w). These emulsion droplets are usually in the
marketed.' Approximately three-fourths of all domestic
crude oil produced must be treated. The percentage of crude 0.1- to lO-micron range. However, more coarsely dispersed
water droplets frequently are present in the emulsion. Pure
requiring treatment increases as fields become older and
hydrocarbons and water will not form stable emulsions
more water is produced. Demulsification most frequently
except in extreme dilutions where the large d~stance be-
is attained through use of surfactants, heat and electric
tween droplets inhibits coalescence. An emulSIOn breaks
treaters. It is estimated that over 75 percent of all oilfield
because interfacial tension acts to minimize the surface
emulsions are broken by chemicals generally containing
area of the dispersed drops by coalescence. However.
alkylene oxide condensates.' Although acids and bases are
emulsions can be stablized for long periods of time by
known to affect emulsion stability;-' they rarely are used
the presence of a third phase that adsorbs at the oil-water
in the oil field except in batch treatment of the most
interface and inhibits coalescence of the dispersed phase.""
severe emulsions.
Emulsions generally are stabilized by (1) repUlsive
Nevertheless, pH adjustment by using acids or bases in
charges on the surfaces of the dispersed phase and (2)
demulsification has some advantages over other methods.
adsorbed films that, being preferentially wetted by the con-
Mainly, it is cheaper. Acids and bases frequently are
tinuous phase, act as a physical barrier to inhibit contact
cheaper to use than surfactants, or can appreciably reduce
between the dispersed droplets.
the amount of surfactant required for demulsification.
Secondary advantages are that less oil is lost by emulsi- Both these factors generally are important in stabilizing
fication into the aqueous phase, and that less corrosion is and in breaking o/w emulsions. However, repUlsive charges
encountered when the optimum pH is basic. Limitations are less effective in stabilizing wi 0 emulsions which gen-
to the use of pH include (1) use in brines containing high erally are stabilized by adsorbed films.s For this reason
concentrations of reactive ions, (2) closer supervision for the nature and importance of these films at oil-water in-
terfaces were examined closely; as will be shown, pH
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office
Aug 16 1967 Revised manuscript received Feb. 12, 1968. Paper (SPE changes were found to affect the films significantly, and
1939') w;"s pre~ented at SPE 42nd Annual Fall Meeting held in Houston, this work led to laboratory tests of pH adjustment in
Tex., Oct. 1-4, 1967. © Copyright 1968 American Institute of Mining,
Metal1urgicaI. and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. emulsion breaking.
'References given at end of paper. This paper will present evidence to show that emulsions
This paper will be printed in Transactions volume 243, which will
cover 1968. are stabilized primarily by films that form around droplets

MARCH, 1968 303

of the dispersed phase. These films contain organic acids Emulsion-Measuring Tubes
and bases in widely different amounts. Adding inorganic Fig. I is a photograph of a series of pH tests made with
acids and bases strongly influences ionization of the or- screw-cap tubes of approximately IS-ml capacity. The
ganic acids and bases in the interfacial films, and radical tubes are calibrated with O.l-rnl markings and readings
changes in physical properties of the films (rigidity and are repeatable to ± 0.05 ml. These tubes fit into a six-tube
mobility) occur with changes of pH in the aqueous phase. holder that attaches to the shaking arm. Six 50-ml tubes
For most crude oil-brine emulsions, there exists an opti- were similarly employed using a large tube holder. Two
mum pH range for which the adsorbed film exhibits mini- 200-ml tubes were used to determine the water remaining
mum emulsion-stabilizing properties. Surfactant require- emulsified in the oil layer; these large tubes were equipped
ments for breaking the emulsion at this minimum film pH with circular stopcocks to allow removal of known quan-
are significantly reduced; sometimes no surfactant is needed tities of water or emulsion for analyses.
at all. An example of an optimum pH range for a crude
Preparation of Emulsions
oil-brine emulsion is shown in Fig. 1; in this case, the best
Emulsions were made by adding the desired volumes of
separation occurred in the neutral pH range of 6 to 8.
oil and brine until approximately two-thirds of the con-
Appal'atus and Pl'ocedures for tainer's capacity was filled, the air space was flushed out
with nitrogen and then the mixture was shaken for the
Making Emulsions desired length of time at a selected shaking rate. The
Conventional techniques employed in emulsifying medi- emulsifying tubes were calibrated and the percent of water
um-gravity crude oils are unsatisfactory for making repro- breakout was determined directly from the calibrated read-
ducible emulsions with viscous crude oils. Heating fre- ings. In tests at elevated temperatures, the system was pre-
quently is desired in emulsifying viscous crude oils, and heated 30 minutes to bring the liquids into temperature
care must be taken to prevent loss of volatiles and oxida- equilibrium before they were emulsified. After it was pre-
tion of crude oil components at elevated temperatures. A pared, the emulsion was aged 30 minutes at the test tem-
shaking mechanism that could make reproducible emul- perature to allow additional adsorption to occur at the
sions with 10- to ISO-ml volumes was designed so that the oil-water interface. Then the demulsifier was added and
emulsions could be made inside a temperature-controlled the mixture was reshaken using the previous shaking
uven and maintained in an inert atmosphere to prevent schedule.
oxidation and loss of volatiles.
Measuring Emulsion-Stahilizing Films
Emulsifying Apparatus The ability of crude oils to form films can be measured
A diagram of the shaking mechanism is shown in Fig. 2. easily with a pendent drop apparatus.'o In this method the
An electric motor rotates a disk. A sidearm is connected tip of a capillary is immersed in water and an oil drop is
to the disk and to a universal joint that connects to a rod formed by forcing oil through the capillary into the
passing through the side of the oven. Samples to be emul- aqueous phase. The oil drop is allowed to age in the water
sified are placed in appropriate-sized holders attached to for a short time and then is retracted into the capillary.
this rod. They are emulsified by shaking at controlled As the surface area of the drop is compressed to smaller
speeds up to 1,000 rpm. Stroke lengths can be 2, 4 or 6 in. dimensions, the film-forming materials that have adsorbed
In most tests emulsions were made by shaking for 5 min- at the oil-water interface are compressed until the film
utes at 600 rpm on a 4-in. stroke. assumes a crinkly or prune-skin appearance (lower part
of oil drop, Fig. 3).
The pendent drop technique can be used to approximate
the quantity of film-forming materials present in a crude-
brine system. In the technique used for this paper, a
freshly formed oil drop is photographed after being aged
for 20 seconds in brine. The oil drop then is contracted
until a sharp change is observed in the geometry of the
drop. This occurs when the materials adsorbed at the oil-
water interface become highly compressed. The drop then
is filled out to the size it attained just before this change
in geometry occurred, and a second photograph is taken
(Fig. 4) . The cross-section areas of these two drops are
measured from these photographs with a planimeter. The
ratio of the cross-section area of the compressed drop to
that of the original drop is the film ratio and is a measure-
ment of the rate of film formation.

Fig, I-Example of optimum pH range of 6 to 8 giving
maximum water breakout for crude oil-brine emulsion, Fig. 2-Shaking apparatus for preparing emulsions.


The film ratIo is directly proportional to the concentra- was used as a stabilny criterion. Viscosity contributes to
tion of film-forming materials in the interface. This does the stability of emulsions because it increases the floccu-
not imply that the same concentration of surface-active lating time of the dispersed water droplets and because
materials in different crude oil-brine systems would give larger fractions of polar asphalts and resins are present in
identical film ratios. This will be demonstrated later. How- these higher-viscosity, higher-density crude oils." Brines
ever, Harveyll showed that film ratio (film factor) can be
used together with the Gibbs equation and the film gas
law to calculate the concentration of surface-active com-
ponents in a given crude oil-brine system.

Nature and Importance of Films at

Oil-Water Interfaces
Examples of oilfield emulsions and of the emulsion-
stabilizing role played by a film adsorbed at an oil-water
interface are shown by photomicrographs in Figs. 5 and 6.
The distance between two marks on the scale at the bottom
of Fig. 5 is 5 microns, and most of the water droplets in
the system are from 1 to 5 microns in diameter. These
tiny water droplets are surrounded by a film formed by
adsorption of asphaltic and resinous materials from the
crude oil, along with solids that are dispersed in the system.
These films prevent water droplets from coming together
sufficiently to coalesce and separate from the emulsion.
An example of ruptured films that had surrounded water
droplets in an aged crude oil emulsion is shown highly
magnified in Fig. 6.
Correlation of Emulsion Stability with Film
Ratio, Oil Viscosity and Polar Oil Fractions
Film ratio and crude oil viscosity are excellent indexes
of emulsion stability, as shown in Fig. 7, which represents
45 crude oils from 21 reservoirs throughout the world. All
crude oils having film ratios of 20 percent or greater and
viscosities of 6 cp or greater produced stable emulsions;
86 percent of the crude oils tested fit this correlation when
only one of these two indexes (film ratio or viscosity) Fig. 4-Double-exposure method ot measuring film ratio.

Fig. 3-Emulsion-stabilizing rigid film is visible when Fig. 5-Natural crude oil emulsion (1 scale division
compressed by retraction ot crude oil pendent drop. equals 5 microns).

MAIlCH,1968 305
Percent Polar Fraction Interfacial Properties
Asphalt Resin Emulsions Films Glass Wettability

0-0.01 0-0.9 Unstable Mobile if present Water

0.05·0.10 9-10 Moderately stable Mobile Water
0.7-2.4 5·12 Stable Rigid Oil
14 17 Stable Mobile or rigid Usually water,
(depenjing on brine) some oil -wet

varied from 3 to 10 percent in salt content; all contained for petroleum emulsion stability. The contribution of polar
salt ratios of 10: 1 NaCljCaCI" and were unbuffered at crude oil fractions to emulsion stability is more clearly
pH 7. illustrated in the following sections.
Oilfield emulsions are stabilized by polar asphaltene and Film Mobility
resin fractions, as shown in Table 1, which summarizes
Observations of physical characteristics of compressed
data of Table 2. The asphaltene fraction is obtained by
films also can be made with the pendent-drop technique.
precipitation when the crude oil is diluted 40 times its
When a drop of crude oil is aged in brine and retracted
original volume with pentane. The resin fraction is ob-
so that the interfacial film is compressed, three types of
tained by treating the pentane filtrate from the asphaltene
precipitation with fuller's earth and then Soxhlet-extracting film mobility are observed :
with boiling toluene. Emulsions also can be stabilized by I. Solid (or rigid) films that under compression form
fine solids such as precipitated waxes, and by formation relatively insoluble skins as oil is withdrawn into the capil-
solids, scale and corrosion products that become oil-wet lary. (These films are of relatively high interfacial vis-
by adsorption of polar asphaltene and resin fractions in cosity.)"-"
the crude oil. 2. Highly mobile (or liquid) films that pack under com-
Many of these emulsifying crude oils showed oil-wetting pression to give a momentary distortion of the drop, but
characteristics on glass slides (Table 2) but this was not rapidly redistribute and return the drop to a symmetrical
so reliable an emulsion-stability index as film ratio or shape when contraction is stopped. (These films are simi-
viscosity. Oil-wetting ability on glass slides usually is in- lar to those formed by surfactants and are of relatively
dicative of nonsterically hindered nitrogen groups, and low interfacial viscosity.) 13-14
occurs only in those crude oils having higher asphaltene 3. Transition or nonmeasurable films (by the pendent-
contents. These results extend Bartell's and Neiderhauser's drop retraction technique) that show no distortion under
API Project 27" and support their conclusion that the film- compression of the pendent drop and whose presence is
forming components in crude oil are closely related to indicated only by the lowering of interfacial tension.
asphaltic substances, and are the chief factors responsible (These films obviously are of low interfacial viscosity;
the author has not attempted to measure them, however.) "
Effect of Surfactants on Film Properties
Film ratio and film mobility are strongly affected by
commercial surfactants. Relatively low concentrations (a
few ppm) of these surfactants drastically reduce oil-brine
interfacial tension. The surfactants occurring naturally in
crude oil (i.e., asphalts and resins) reduce the interfacial
tension only moderately at intermediate pH values . These
natural materials show strong surfactant properties that
are competitive with commercial surfactants only in highly

£! u
z 80 - 40 ~
'">w o
w 60 -
..... 30 C>
« «
, 40 -- ..._ ._- --r-- -
20 ~
--fi~Y-- +-. - _ . _ 0 _____ _ _ _

o '"
~ 20 --....i......- = FILM RATIO
! = EMULSION"- r - -
10 100 200

Fig. 7--Correlation of emulsion stability with film ratio

Fig. 6-Example of ruptured rigid films that once and crude oil viscosity (stable emulsions form when film
stabilized two large water droplets in a crude oil emulsion. ratio is over 20 percent and viscosity is over 6 cp).
acidic or basic solutions. Therefore, commercial surfac- 100r----------------------------,--------,
tants can easily displace natural surfactants from the crude I i
oil-brine interface at the intermediate pH conditions of
most produced emulsions. For economic reasons, how- w I I
'" . I
ever, it is desirable to add only the minimum amount of o
surfactant that is required to break the emulsion in the '" I
time available. Under these conditions, a concentration of g 50 ----.. __L- __
commercial surfactant insufficient to cover all the inter- < I
face present in the emulsion frequently is used. This re- '"
sults in a film of natural and commercial surfactants of a
mixture that determines the stability of the emulsion.
Fig. 8 shows how adsorption of a commercial surfactant
reduces interfacial tension sufficiently to displace the nat-
ural surfactants from the oil-water interface at pH 7.
10 20 40
Addition of 0.01 percent (l00 ppm) surfactant reduced INTERFACIAL TENSION - DYNES/CM
the interfacial tension between a 35° API gravity Vene-
zuelan crude oil and a 3 percent brine from 33 to 23 0.1 .01 o
dynes/ cm. This resulted in a mixed surfactant-crude film % SURFACTANT
having a mobility between that of the rigid crude oil film
Fig. 8-Displacement of a rigid crude oil film by
and the mobile surfactant film. Additional surfactant
caused the interfacial film to assume increased mobile
mobile surfactant film.
surfactant characteristics. Whether this change results in
decreased or increased emulsion stability depends on the oil emulsions. The following section gives some of the
chemical structure of the surfactant, i.e., on its size and results obtained.
ratio of hydrophilic to oleophilic groups. With emulsifying
Polar Fractions Determine Crude
surfactants, displacement of the rigid film did not result in Oil Film Properties
demulsification. When demulsifying surfactants were added, Fig. 9 shows how polar asphaltene and resin fractions
displacement of the rigid film resulted in more rapid de- from a 35° API gravity Venezuelan oil affect film ratio
mulsification. Adding more surfactant increased the mo- and mobility. In this series of tests, the asphaltene fraction
bile surfactant film properties of the interface and resulted was obtained by pentane precipitation, and the 12-percent
in more rapid demulsification until a concentration was resin oil was obtained by evacuating off the excess pentane
reached that retarded demulsification because of the after the asphaltene was removed. Asphaltene then was
strong surfactant film formed. added in increasing amounts, and the film ratio was
These results indicated that film tests should be made measured with the pendent drop apparatus. The 12-per-
of the natural surface-active agents that are present in cent-resin crude oil from which asphaltenes were removed
crude oil (particularly the polar asphaltene and resin frac- produced mobile or liquid films similar to weak surfactant
tions) to help understand their role in stabilizing crude solutions. Addition of asphaltene reduced these mobile


3 to 10 Percent Brine (10:1 NaCI/CaCI,) Unbuffered pH 7
Percent Percent Surface Crude Oil
Gravity Asphaltenes Resins 24-Hour Film Ratio Oil-Wet Viscosity
Crude Oil CAPI) (percent) (percent) Emulsion (Film Rigidity) (percent) (cp)

Wyoming 43.6 0.0 0.9 0 37'" 0 1

Venezuela 41.1 2.2 6.7'~'~ 60 10 30 4
Texas Gulf Coast 39.9 0.7 5.2 100 31 70 8
Texas Gulf Coast 39.0 1.8 5.0 100 24 80 5
France 36.0 2.0 8.5 100 56 75 7
Libya 35.0 1.7 100 35 75 13
Venezuela 33.8 2.4 12.1 100 40 50 11
Texas Gulf Coast 28.0 0.07 9.8 100**'" 3 10 16
Venezuela 13.2 14.0 16.8 100 Crude oil >10,000
too viscous
to measure
~'Mobile soap film (all others formed rigid films).
""~Pentane fraction remained dark (may be contaminated).
***Stability is reduced at elevated temperatures more rapidly than that of higher percent asphaltene crudes.

MARCH, 1968 307

film ratios to zero at 1.6 percent asphaltene content. Fur- 4. Asphaltenes promote strong oil-wetting of silica sur-
ther addition of asphaJtene increased the film ratio and faces. These effects are somewhat stronger in acid than in
resulted in rigid or solid films. Similar tests with 2.4 per- base. Resins and wax-oil fractions do not oil-wet silica.
cent-asphaltene oil with resins removed formed rigid films Asphaltenes plus resins promote oil-wetting in acid pH,
with ratios that decreased slightly in magnitude (film but change to water-wetting in basic pH if the salt content
ratio) as resin content was increased. Thus, the asphaltenes of the brine is kept low. Produced crude oils nearly always
are responsible for rigid film formation and the resins contain some fine solids, and it is well known that when
form reversible films; their interaction gives the film prop- these solids become partially oil-wet they tend to stabilize
erty of the crude oil. crude oil emulsions.
5. Asphaltenes make more stable emulsions than do
Effect of pH on Film Properties resins. The wax-oil fraction is not emulsifying; its primary
and Emulsion Stability contribution to stabilizing emulsions is in building vis-
cosity. Asphaltenes show slightly greater emulsifying prop-
Since these polar fractions in crude oil are known to erties in acid, and resins show slightly greater emulsifying
contain acidic and basic groups," the pH of the water in properties in base. The stability of emulsions containing
an emulsion can be expected to affect both the quantities both asphaltenes and resins shows varying sensitivities to
and types of materials comprising the interfacial film. pH. This will be discussed in the following section.
Therefore, an investigation was begun of how pH affects Qualitative tests indicated that the stability of most oil-
film properties and emulsion stability. field emulsions would be sensitive to pH changes. To apply
Effect of pH on Emulsion-Stabilizing pH adjustment to breaking oilfield emulsions, a more
Polar Fractions quantitative correlation between pH, film properties and
It was found that adjusting pH significantly affected the emulsion stability was needed. Therefore, the effect of pH
film-forming, oil-wetting and emulsion-stabilizing proper- on the formation of emulsions was examined.
ties of the polar asphaltene and resin fractions. The crude
Effect of pH on Emulsion Type
oil fraction remaining after these polar asphaltenes and and Stability
resins were removed consisted primarily of nonpolar waxes
and oils and was not significantly affected by pH. These The type of emulsion (w/o or o/w) as well as its sta-
results were obtained by making qualitative comparisons bility is affeced by pH, as illustrated in Table 3 for 50:50
emusions of a 13.20 API gravity Venezuelan crude oil and
of the properties of polar and nonpolar fractions from
several of the crudes listed in Table 2. Tests with these distilled water. Acid pH produced stable wI 0 emulsions
crude oil fractions were made in acidic pH 4, neutral pH (corresponding to oil-wetting solid films), whereas basic
7 and basic pH 10 brines containing 3 percent NaCl and pH produced stable olw emulsions (corresponding to
0.3 percent CaCl,. The following observations were made. water-wetting mobile soap films). These emulsions were
least stable in the pH 10 to 11 range and showed minimum
1. The rigid interfacial films formed by asphaltenes are stability at pH 10.5. However, increased brine concentra-
strongest in acid pH, intermediate in strength at neutral tion frequently produced wlo emulsions at higher pH.
pH and become very weak or are converted to mobile
films in basic pH. (Asphaltenes show both acidic and Reduction of Emulsion Stability
basic properties and can be considered as a higher molecu- by Reduction in Film Properties
lar weight ampholite having more basic amine-type prop- The relationship between film properties and emulsion
erties in acid and neutral pH, and more weak-acid proper- stability is illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11. Film ratio (which
ties in base.) is a direct measurement of the film-forming properties of
2. The mobile films produced by resins are strongest in the crude oil), interfacial tension (which is a direct
base and weakest in acid. (Resins show only acidic prop- measurement of the ease of distorting the interface) and
erties and can be considered as weak organic acids of percent water breakout (which is a direct measurement of
lower molecular weight than the asphaltenes.) emulsion instability) are all plotted vs the pH of the
3. The films formed with the remaining wax-oil fraction aqueous phase. The oil phase is the same 13.20 API
are insignificant. gravity Venezuelan crude oil used in Table 3. However, it
is diluted 50: 50 with toluene to reduce its viscosity so
that pendent-drop retraction measurements can be made.
The aqueous phase in Fig. 10 is distilled water, and in
pH = 7, OIL CONTAINS 12% RESIN Fig. 11 it is brine containing 2,000 ppm of bicarbonate ion
and 4,440 ppm of total salt content.

I I --+-~- --+-
(13.2° API Gravity Venezuelan Crude Oil + Distilled Water)
:E Emulsion Emulsion
..... :
;:;: \
I • 2.!:!.. Type Stability
I 3 wlo High
I 6 wlo High
OL------L---~-~-----~------~------~ 10 wlo Low
a 2 3 4 5
% ASPHALTENE 10.5 none Unstable
11 olw Low
Fig. 9-Asphaltenes give crude oils their rigid
film properties. 13 olw High


The film ratio plot in Fig. to shows that solid, prune- from pH to, which was optimum with distilled water, to
skin-like films are formed in the acid and neutral pH a pH of about 6 or 7, as illustrated in the film curve of
range. This film ratio becomes very small at pH to. At Fig. 11. Below pH 5, solid·type interfacial films are
still higher pH the film ratio increases and the film changes formed. Above pH 7, liquid or surfactant-type films
to a liquid surfactant type as additional soap formation occur. A transition zone occurs between pH 5 and 7. It
occurs. The second plot in Fig. 10 (interfacial tension vs is seen that maximum interfacial tension occurs simul-
pH) shows that this liquid film forms simultaneously with taneously with minimum interfacial film formation about
a very rapid decrease in interfacial tension. The interfacial pH 6; the percent water breakout goes through a maxi-
tension at minimum film ratio is still quite high, indicating mum in approximately this same pH range. Thus, in two
that highly surface-active species are not present. Some different aqueous systems, minimum emulsion stabilities
surface-active materials are present, however, or the inter- occur at widely different pH values corresponding to mini-
facial tension would be in the 40 to 45 dynes/cm range mum adsorption of film-forming components from the
typical of pure hydrocarbon-water systems. At still more crude oil.
acid pH than shown in this graph, the interfacial tension The variation in pH required for breaking emulsions of
becomes much smaller, similar to the drop in interfacial the Venezuelan crude oil with distilled water and with
tension shown at pH 11 and indicating that strong sur- buffering brine may be explained by a difference of pH
factants (probably positively charged nitrogen compounds") in the bulk aqueous phase and at the oil-water interface.'
are produced at extremely acid pH. A bell-shaped curve In buffered systems, these pH values are nearly the same.
for pH vs interfacial tension also was observed by Reis- In unbuffered systems, their pH values frequently differ
berg and Doscher." They reported that solid films were by several pH units. Thus, pH to bulk water and pH 7
observed in acid and neutral pH, but not in basic pH. bulk buffered-water systems both may have interfacial pH
However, no minimum film pH values or liquid-surfactant- values near 7 with the Venezuelan crude oil.
type film properties were reported.
The water breakout curve in Fig. 11 is for an emulsion
Percent water breakout in 24 hours is plotted against containing 13 ppm surfactant and a brine-oil ratio of 1: 3.
pH of the distilled water phase in the third curve in Fig. At the optimum pH of 6.5, 75 percent of the water origi-
to. Maximum water breakout occurs at pH to, which is nally emulsified broke out in 24 hours. Appreciably less
the pH of minimum interfacial film formation and also a breakout occurred at higher and lower pH. Similar tests
pH at which the interfacial activity is low (interfacial without surfactant gave a small (6 percent) water break-
tension high). If we go to higher or lower pH, we have out at pH 6 but nothing at the other pH's. A third test
less water breakout. Thus, emulsion instability is related series with 15 ppm of surfactant and an emulsion having
to minimum adsorption at the interface. a brine-oil ratio of 1: 2 gave optimum water breakout of
Fig. 11 illustrates these factors for the same crude oil 97 percent at pH 7 and 94 percent at pH 6. Appreciably
in 4,440 ppm of brine that contains 2,000 ppm of bicar- less breakout occurred at the other pH's.
bonate ion. This bicarbonate ion is a strong buffer and Generally, emulsions of high water content are easier
changes the pH required for minimum film properties to break than emulsions of low water content. Most com-

w 0
,I ---
I'" ~~ 0
i'... f- ~ J
I l
2 4 6
8 10 pH
~ y
0 40
2 4 6 8 10 pH

"'i\ ...-+--.
V r'a 20

Io V \ It>
1\ Io

10 0
2 4 6 8 10 pH
10 0
2 4 6 8
~ 10 pH
.,. L~
N 75
;1;7 5
~ 50
) ~
o / "'"'\

~ 25
[..-D'" ~ 50

w2 5 +
I- I-
~ ~ ppm
o 4 6 8 10 12 o
o 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 10-Stability of Venezuelan crude oil-distilled water Fig. ll-Stability of Venezuelan crude oil-bicarbonate
emulsion reduced by reducing film properties. hrine emulsion reduced by reducing film properties.
MARCH, 1968
mercial emulsion treaters contain a water layer and a In Fig. 15, water breakout in 24 hours is plotted vs pH
-sparge to produce additional water-oil contacts that are for this same crude oil emulsified with a 2 percent NaCl
helpful in diluting the emulsifying surfactants of the crude non buffering brine. The higher optimum pH of 11 to 11.7
oil, thus aiding in demulsification. Higher concentrations again illustrates that nonbuffering brines have higher opti-
of treating surfactant, within a limited economic treating mum treating pH requirements. The actual amount of base
range, generally result in more rapid breakouts but at needed, however, is less than that required for the buffer-
proportionally higher treating costs. ing brine at lower pH. Appreciably higher concentrations
of surfactant would have been needed to attain equivalent
Application to Specific Crude Oil-Brine Systems (99 to 100 percent) water breakout at the natural pH of 7.
13.2° API Gravity Venezuelan The water breakout curve for 18 ppm of surfactant
Crude Oil Emulsion with NaOH added for pH adjustment is particularly sig-
A series of tests with undiluted 13.2° API gravity Vene- nificant. The amount of NaOH required for pH adjust-
zuelan crude oil-brine emulsions at 185F showed that ment was calculated and added to the prepared emulsion.
maximum demulsification occurred in the pH range of 6 In the other three tests the pH of the brine had been ad-
to 7 (Fig. 12), the same pH as in the toluene-diluted tests justed before emulsification. Similar results were obtained
at 75F in Fig. 11. At a water-oil ratio of 2: 1, 95 percent in both types of pH adjustment. The same optimum pH of
water breakout occurred at pH 6 to 7 whether demulsify- 11 was obtained when NaOH was added to the emulsion
ing surfactant was used or not. However, surfactant did as when NaOH was added to the brine before emulsifica-
broaden the pH range over which maximum water break-
out was achieved. At a water-oil ratio of 1: 1, percent 100
water breakout was slightly lower, even with 50 ppm of
surfactant. 90

37.7° API Gravity Illinois Crude °1/\ 80 I

Oil Emulsions
The beneficial effect of pH adjustment in breaking 37.7° ".... 70
API gravity Illinois crude oil emulsions is shown in Fig.
13, which shows percent water breakout as a function of
pH. Optimum pH for demulsification is 10. More rapid
breaking was observed at pH 10 when 30 ppm of demulsi-
J 1_ ~_R_ ' - \
i i
fier was added. The 24-hour tests with 30-ppm surface <
50 +- NO SAA
c.:: '24 HRS
active agent (SAA) show fairly complete demulsification c:a
for pH 4 to 10. This field concentration is too high for 40 - .J-
laboratory tests since 100 percent breakout is observed ....
over the entire pH range of 4 to 10; these results suggest < I~-
that a combination of pH and demulsifier may be most ~
advantageous for treating emulsions. 20
24.8° API Venezuelan Crude Oil Emulsion 10
Fig. 14 shows the effect of pH adjustment on 4,440 ppm
of brine containing 2,000 ppm of bicarbonate emulsified 00
in 24.8° API gravity Venezuelan crude oil. With no de- 4 6 8 10 12 14
mulsifying surfactant added, maximum water breakout pH
occurred at pH 10 but water breakout was only 45 per- Fig. 13--37.7° API gravity lllinois crude oil emulsion
cent. With 30 ppm of surfactant added, maximum water with 10 percent brine (10:1 ratio oj NaCl/CaCI,)
breakout was 98 percent. Still higher concentrations of is least stable near pH 10.
surfactant would have been needed to attain 98 percent
water breakout at the natural pH of 8.3. 100

'"ar:::E: ..... 80
.... 0
o:t 80 ::>11)
N 70
z 0"
«w 60
WATER.i:-Of[ SAA ar:1I)
o::.c: A 1': 1 50 PPM:
caar: SO ~

<I: o 2: 1 0 PPM
w w"l"
ar: • 2 :1 SO PPM -- - t-C'I 40
al <ar:
ar: ~w
I- ~
..... 30 - -- ~---

<I: 20 «
~ 20 - .

pH OF AQUEOUS PHASE 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 12-132° API gravity Venezuelan crude oil emulsion
with bufJering brine (least stable in pH range Fig. 14-24.8° API gravity Venezuelan crude oil with
of 6 to 8 at 185F). bicarbonate bufJer brine (least stable near pH 10).


100 . ; ; I
pH for demulsification. This versatility greatly broadens

! 18 PPM SAA
{I t
the manner in which pH adjustment might be made in the

80 - _. . -.
j _. -1--- Effect of Brine Composition on Demulsification
70 ----1- :- Emulsions prepared with several different· crude oils and
brines were SUbjected to a series of tests by adjusting pH
LU 60 and treating them with surfactants. The goal of this work
a!: V)
was to define the effect of brine composition on optimum
~ pH for demulsification. Optimum pH values for demulsifi-
a!::I: 50 ---

LU~ cation of four crudes and seven brines are given in Table 4,
which shows a definite correlation between the optimum
~LU pH observed from water breakout data and that predicted
.- from minimum film pH data. Brine strength was varied
< from distilled water through dilute brines to 10 percent
brines that contained single sa Its or combinations of NaC!,
CaCl" MgSO" NaHCO, and Na,HP04 • Each crude oil-
brine system tested showed preferred but frequently dif-
ferent optimum pH ranges for demulsification. In those
11 12 cases where the optimum pH range was broader than two
pH units, the pH giving most rapid demulsification is
Fig. 15-24.8° API gravity Venezuelan crude oil with Although the optimum pH for demulsification varies
nonhufJering 2 percent NaCI brine (least stable widely when brine-oil compositions vary widely, the pH
near pH 11.0 to 11.7). range from 5 to 12 appears optimum for treating most
oilfield emulsions. An insufficient number and variety of
tion. Therefore, it seems reasonable that pH adjustment crude oil-brine systems were tested to draw final conclu-
similarly can be applied to break field emulsions or to sions regarding the effect of brine and oil composition on
prevent their formation. the optimum pH for demulsification. Nevertheless, some
Effect of Order of Acid or Base Addition and qualitative relationships appear warranted and may be
Concentration on Emulsion Stability helpful in locating more quickly the optimum treating pH.
Although most data given in this report were obtained In general, basic pH is optimum for most brines that
by measuring water breakout of systems in which pH was do not contain appreciable quantities of buffering ions
adjusted before emulsification, three series of tests showed such as bicarbonates and bisulfides. Crude oils emulsified
that successful emulsion breaking could be obtained sim- with non buffering brines generally have optimum pH
ilarly by adding acid or base after emulsification. Acid or ranges of 8 to 12 for demulsification, and most of these
base was used successfully in both concentrated and fall in the pH range of 9 to 11. For crude oils emulsified
diluted forms. If too much acid or base was added, the with buffering brines, a lower optimum treating pH range
system could be "back-titrated" with base or acid; in fact, of 6 to 10 frequently is observed. More viscous, lower
accelerated demulsification was observed in one series of API-gravity crude oils generally favor lower portions of
tests in which excess base was added purposely to an these pH ranges, whereas less viscous, higher API-gravity
emulsion and then back-titrated with acid to the optimum crude oils favor higher portions of these pH ranges for


Optimum pH for Demulsification (Crude Oils)"

Venezuela Illinois Venezuela Venezuela
Brine Test Procedure 13.2° API 37.7° API 35.0° API 24.8° API
Distilled water Maximum water breakout 9-11 10-12 10-12
Minimum film ratio 9·10 9·11 9-11
0.44 percent NaCI Maximum water breakout 8·10
Minimum film ratio 6-9
0.44 percent CaCl, Maximum water breakout 4-12
Minimum film ratio 5-12
0.44 percent brine (0.2% HCO;) Maximum water breakout 6-7 6-10 6-8 8-10
Minimum film ratio 6-7 9-10 7-8 7-9
0.44 percent Na,HPO, Maximum water breakout 6-8
Minimum film ratio 6-7
1 percent (10 NaCI/l CaCl,) Maximum water breakout 4(10)12 10-12 10·12
Minimum film ratio --g:} 1 9-12 9-12
2 percent NaCI Maximum water breakout 10-12
10 percent (10 NaCI/l CaCl,) Maximum water breakout 4-10 4(10)12 8-12
Minimum film ratio 5-11 8-12 6-12
'~Most of these optimum pH ranges for maximum water breakout were obtained from emulsions treated with 15 to 50 ppm
of demulsifying surfactants. The minimum film ratio data were obtained from oil·brine systems free of surfactants.

MARCH, 1968 311

optimum demulsification. Higher pH appears to give bet- 2. Love, F. E.: "Oilfield Emulsions . . . How to Make and
_ter demulsification in brines containing higher concentra- Break Them. Part I", Oil and Gas Internatl. (1962) Vol. 2,
No. 9,56.
tions of divalent ions.
3. Shapiro, A: "Demulsification of Petroleum", U. S. Patent
Conclusions No. 2,217,387 (1940).
4. Catanach, A E. and Gulley, R. P.: "Process of Breaking
1. Emulsions commonly encountered in producing crude Water and Oil Emulsions", U. S. Patent No. 2,566,980
oil are stabilized by films that form at the water-oil inter- (1951).
faces and interfere with coalescence of dispersed water 5. Sumerford, S. D.: "Resolving Emulsions", U. S. Patent No.
droplets. These emulsion-stabilizing films are composed of 2,662,062 (1953).
interfacially active materials from the asphaItene and resin 6. Harkins, W. D.: The Physical Chemistry of Surface Films,
fractions of the crude oil combined with ions from the Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (1952).
aqueous phase and insoluble fines in the crude oil-brine 7. Davies, J. T. and Rideal, E. K: Interfacial Phenomena,
system. Academic Press, New York (1961).
2. Emulsion stability can be decreased by conditions 8. Albers, W. and Overbeek, J. Th. G.: "Stability of Emul-
that reduce the film-forming capacity of the crude oil. sions of Water in Oil. I. The Correlation Between Electro-
These films can be minimized or their physical properties kinetic Potential and Stability", J. Colloid Sci. (1959) Vol.
14, 501-509; "II. Charge as a Factor of Stabilization Against
altered by treatment with acids and bases alone or in Flocculation", J. Colloid Sci. (1959) Vol. 14, 510-518.
conjunction with inorganic salts, surfactants, heat or
9. Sachanen, A. N.: The Chemical Constituents of Petroleum,
electricity. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (1945).
3. An optimum pH, at which value maximum emulsion- 10. API Recommended Practice for Laboratory Testing and
breaking occurs, exists for most crude oil-brine systems. Field Data Analysis of Surface Active Agents for Well
The optimum pH for maximum emulsion instability de- Stimulation, API, 1st Ed. (Nov., 1962).
pends on both crude oil and brine composition. Brine com- 11. Harvey, R. R.: "Theoretical Approach to the Investigation
position is the more important from the standpoint of of Films Occurring at Crude Oil-Water Interfaces", Trans.,
economics of pH adjustment. AIME (1960) Vol. 219, 350-353.
4. Laboratory results indicate that many crude oil emul- 12. Bartell, F. E. and Neiderhauser, D.O.: "Film Forming
sions can be demulsified at significantly lower costs if Constituents of Crude Petroleum Oils", Fundamental Re-
search on Occurrence and Recovery of Petroleum, 1946-47,
they are treated at their optimum pH values. It is not API (1949) 57.
common field practice at this time to adjust emulsion pH.
13. Reisberg, J. and Doscher, T. M.: "Interfacial Phenomena
5. In addition to pH, many other factors such as crude in Crude-Oil-Water Systems", Prod. Monthly (1956) Vol.
oil viscosity, water-oil ratio, brine composition, fine solids, 21,43.
agitation, temperature and aging also affect emulsion sta- 14. Kimbler, O. K, Reed, R. L. and Silberberg, I. H.: "Physical
bility. Because of these numerous variables, the final opti- Characteristics of Natural Films Formed at Crude Oil-
mum emulsion-treating system must be established by field Water Interfaces", Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (June, 1966) 153-165.
tests. Laboratory tests will serve as useful guides to the
field tests.
Acknowledgments J. E. Strassner is a senior research
The author wishes to express his appreciation to Esso chemist with Esso Production Research
Production Research Co. for permission to publish this Co. in Houston working in surface
paper. The assistance of F. E. Campion, C. D. McAllister, chemistry applications to petroleum pro-
J. L. Martin and P. D. Cratin in helping obtain much of duction and operations. Strassner
the data presented in this paper and in helpful criticism worked 6 years as a reseCNch chemist
of the work is gratefully acknowledged. and group leader in surface chemistry
applications at Dowell hefore joining
References Es.\·o in 1961. He received his PhD de-
1. Steinhauff, F.: "Modern Oilfield Demulsification. Part I", gree in chemistry from Louisiana State
Petroleum (1962) Vol. 25, 294. U. in 1955.


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