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Class: XI TA IPA 1

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas XI- SMAN 10 Bandung

1. Rara: I told you. I did it … I had no other options. You know how difficult the tests were!
Mira: I know. Still, that does not justify your act; cheating in exams is not the right thing
to do.
Complete the dialogue above!
a. Unless
b. So
c. As
d. Due to
e. After that

2. The flood caused by the heavy rain gave rise to the evacuation of hundreds of people.
Based on the sentence above, choose the correct answer that shows the cause, the effect,
and the signal word!
a. Cause: evacuation of hundreds of people
Effect: the heavy rain
Signal word: caused
b. Cause: The flood
Effect: the heavy rain
Signal word: gave rise to
c. Cause: The flood
Effect: the heavy rain
Signal word: gave rise to
d. Cause: The flood
Effect: evacuation of hundreds of people
Signal word: gave rise to
e. Cause: evacuation of hundreds of people
Effect: the heavy rain
Signal word: gave rise to

3. Which one of the following is not a subject of a formal invitation letter?

a. OSIS event
b. Parents and teacher meeting
c. Business meeting
d. Bridal shower invitation
e. Fundraising event
4. Hey Tina, ________ go star-gazing tonight?
a. Are you
b. How about
c. Would you like to
d. Shall them
e. Want you

The purpose of the invitation text is …
a. To persuade people to come to the seminar
b. To share the happiness
c. To invite members of the racing club to join the seminar
d. To describe a particular seminar
e. To tell a good seminar

6. From the invitation, we can say that...

a. Arkhan is the speaker for the seminar
b. The seminar’s speaker is Galang hendra pratama
c. Arkhan is the famous biker
d. Galang hendra pratama is a member of the racing club
e. The seminar will be held on March 16Th

7. ____ need some help?

a. Do you
b. Did you
c. Can you
d. Could you
e. Would you
The text is about ……
a. A senior prom
b. A school fair
c. A parents-teacher meeting
d. A party
e. A ceremony

9. Based on the text, what will happen if students come after 3 pm?
a. They cannot enter the school
b. They should show the invitation to enter
c. They have to arrange a stall
d. They can join the Fun Fair
e. They can own a stall

10. “Fair will include different food and toy stalls for you …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
a. Booth
b. Product
c. House
d. Box
e. Exhibition

11. What shall we do today? .......... we go to the library.

A. Shall I
B. Let's
C. Why don't
D. Would you
E. How about

12. .......... like a cup of coffee?

A. Can I
B. I'll do
C. Would you
D. Should I
E. Can you



Where do we usually find the text?

A. At the lake
B. At the beach
C. At the river bank
D. At the swimming pool
E. At the park


What is the purpose of the text?
A. to ask somebody to do something
B. to warn somebody not to do something
C. to advise somebody not to do something
D. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous
E. to inform that we have to touch it


what is the purpose of the text?
A. To warn people not to push the door
B. To advice people not to sit beside the door
C. To warn people not to lean against the door
D. To suggest people have to lean in the front of the door
E. To tell people not to close the door

16. What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a food-making process that occurs in green

plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The word photosynthesis means putting together
with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to
make sugar and other chemical compounds.
How is the light used in photosynthesis?
The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Each
food-making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts.
In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn form the soil to split into hydrogen and
What are the steps of photosynthesis process? Let me tell you the process of
photosynthesis, in a series of complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon
dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given
off in the process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the
soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds
essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed to produce
these compounds.

What step after the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air …
A. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed to produce these
B. Water drawn from the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.
C. Food-making process that occurs in green plants.
D. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process.
E. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants.

17. What are the photosynthesis need ...

A. Light, Carbon dioxide, humus
B. Candle, vitamins, hydrogen
C. Water, light, oxygen
D. Worm, soil, sun
E. Vitamins Sun, Water

18. What the product of photosynthesis ...

A. Root
B. Food and O2
C. Branch
D. Carbon dioxide
E. Hydrogen

19. What kind of the text above ...

A. Recount text
B. Narrative text
C. Explanation text
D. Hortatory text
E. Descriptive text

20. I _____ a fantastic movie at the cinema yesterday.

A. See
B. Look
C. Seeing
D. Saw
E. Look into
21. Peter: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”
Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”

From the dialogue above we conclude that….

A. Kate declines the invitation.
B. Peter wants to have dinner.
C. Kate loves Pete.
D. Peter invites Kate to have dinner together.
E. Kate really like Peter.

22. What the Underline sentence express?

A. Accepting invitation.
B. Refusing help.
C. Greeting.
D. Canceling invitation.
E. Ignoring invitation.

23. Is Peter inviting Kate?

a. No, she doesn’t.
b. Yes, he is.
c. Yes she isn’t.
d. No, they aren’t
e. Yes, she is

24. Mia: “Hi, Julia. How is it going?”

Julia: “I’m good. And how about you?
Mia: “I’m fantastic Julia. Do you know? This Saturday will be my Wedding Day.”
Julia: “Are you serious? What good news, Mia. Congratulation.”
Mia: “Thanks Julia. I would like to invite you to my moment. Will you come?”
Julia: “Of course my dear. I’ll be there. So tell me, where and when?”
Mia: “It will be on Ocean Park Avenue, at 9 a.m. Saturday morning.”
Julia: “Okay. I won’t come late.”
Mia: “Thanks Julia. You are the best.”
Julia: “What is the costume?”
Mia: “That’s up to you. Make yourself pretty!”
Julia: “Alright. Do you mind if I’ll bring something special for you?”
Mia: “Oh…. It will be great.”
Julia: “Oke. See you soon.”
Mia: “Oke. Don’t be late!”
Julia: “Yups. I won’t be late.”
When will Mia get married?
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Monday
E. Tuesday

25. Will you come?’

The above expression is included into the expression of….
A. invitation
B. introduction
C. asking opinion
D. giving opinion
E. Offering something


1. What do you know about explanation text?

 Explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural,
social, scientific and cultural phenomena.
2. Make an invitation of your sweet 16th birthday party!

Let us celebrate Imas Walina’s

17th Birthday

April 23, 2021 from 6pm to 10pm

Mercusuar Cafe

Jl. Lembah Pakar Timur 2 No.7, Ciburial, Kec.

Cimenyan, Bandung, West Java 40198

Rsvp 08567890

What type of this invitation?
 Formal invitation
4. When is the event held?
 Saturday 28 May 2015
5. If we want to join, who do need to contact?
 Monica at 650.557.7342

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