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Foremost, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude to Jesus

Christ for blessing and his love, the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled

“Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by using Phillips 66 Technique at

the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Mandrehe Utara in 2019/2010”. In arranging this

thesis, there were so many obstacles that faced by researcher, but the researcher could

pass it well because of love and mercy of Jesus Christ and all of the people around the

researcher who motivated and supported the researcher. Therefore, the researcher

intends to express great special appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Mr. Drs. Desman Telaumbanua, M.Pd, as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli, who

always gives motivation and support the students of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

2. Miss.Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd, as the Plh. Dean of Faculty of

Language and Arts, as the Chair of the English Education Study Program and also

as the examiner of study, her patience, motivation, support, suggestions, and

immense knowledge to researcher

3. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd as the first advisor for guidance, support, criticism,

ideas, motivation, and s uggestion in completing his thesis.

4. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S. Pd., M. Hum as the second advisor, who always gives

many suggestions and guides the researcher from beginning and to conduct the

research until finishing this thesis. He never gets bored in giving her time when the

researcher needs his opinion and never let the researcher feel down.

5. Mr. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, M.Pd as the Secretary of English Education Study

Program, and also as the examiner of education, for support, suggestion, correction

and motivation in finishing this thesis.

6. Mr.Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd, as her lecturer and also as the and her examiner of

research method, who always motivates, supports, and gives suggestions to the

researcher to finish this thesis.

7. Mr. Kristof Marthin E. Telaumbanua, S.S., M.Pd, as her validator, who always

helps to complete the researcher’s administration to finish this thesis.

8. All of the lecturers in English Education Study Program at IKIP Gunungsitoli who

have taught her well during studying at IKIP Gunungsitoli.

9. Mrs. Nunina Hia, S.Pd, as the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Mandrehe Utara, for

allowing her to conduct the research in the school.

10. Mr. Esahati Zebua, S.Pd, as the teacher-collaborator, who always helps her in

observing the teaching-learning activities of the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1

Mandrehe Utara from beginning to conduct the research until to complete the letters

to finish this thesis.

11. Sincere thanks for my lovely family Mrs. Natia Nduru (Mommy) and Mr. Otenieli

Lahagu (Daddy) for the endless love, pray, and support and also for her sister and

brothers (Anidar Lahagu, Heriyanto Lahagu, Astina Lahagu, Hengki Yanto

Lahagu) who always support, motivate and pray for the researcher during studied at

IKIP Gunungsitoli.

12. Special great thanks for her beloved aunt (Mrs. Khiliami Lahagu) who always help

her, advice, support, pray and give many things special for financial during the

researcher studied at IKIP Gunungsitoli.

13. Her beloved friends in Class B Rusti Damai Berlian Dawolo, Trisnawati Laia,

Ridho Kurnia Zendrato, Levistri Halawa, Desti Murni Laia, Endang Cahyani Zega,

Aspita Zega, Ricky Marthin Zebua, Mardatila Gea, Feliani Telaumbanua,

Vensensia Telaumbanua, Sartika Waruwu, Demiyanti Laoli, Wira Natalina Zega,

Sesilia Hulu, Yunila Telaumbanua, Telania Marundruri, Trias Zega, Marlin Kasih

Laoli, Rosa Nivesadari Waruwu, Ronald Kristian Daeli, Windy Elvira Sari Zebua,

Ratna Lestari Gulo, Jessy Elviana Hulu,Charles Teopilus Laowo,who have

supported and motivated her in finishing this thesis.

14. Her senior, Kemauan Gulo, S.Pd, Taondasi Hulu S.Pd., who helps and gives some

books to her, support and motivate the researcher to finish this thesis.

Lastly, the researcher realizes that this thesis is not perfect. Therefore, she hopes

all of suggestion and criticism for the reader to make this thesis can be better in the

future and will be useful for all of us.

Gunungsitoli, 2020

The Researcher,

Reg. Number: 16210004


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