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English for TOURISM 2 SOLEMNE Score  

1 APRIL 19th (59 points)


1. What time do you want me to _____ you _____ from the airpo t?
A pick up

B set up

C tu n up

2. 2.We were _____ for over an hour at customs.

A found out

B held up

C taken off

D hold up

3. 3. How well do you _____ your colleagues?

A pick up

B get on with

C get on

D get in

4. 4. Although I t ied phoning a few times, I wasn’t able to _____ to the airline.
A fill in

B tu n up

C get through

D get in
5. 5. Most of our company’s adve tising _______________________________ by direct marketing
A is doing

B is done

C done

D are done

6. 6. Our latest promotion has been well received, and in the last month alone, production
_______________________________ dramatically
A [increases / increased / have increased]

B increased

C have increased

D has increased

7. 7. The _________ of the high-end hotel chain was delayed due to financial difficulties.
A launch

B market

C demand

D boom

8. 8. Business has been _________________ever since we were awarded our first Michelin star.
A improving

B demanding

C booming

D marketing

9. 9. Although many of the beaches were crowded, we _____________________________ to find one

which was more secluded and almost dese ted.
A managed

B manage

C have managed

D has managed
10. 10. Some of the ente tainments team _______________________ come to the end-of-season pa ty
because they have other commitments that evening.
A have to

B mustn't

C can’t

D shouldn’t

11. 11.The night manager __________________ be on duty between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. eve y day.
A can’t

B doesn’t

C should

D must

12. 12. We’d like to find _________________________accommodation close to the local amenities but in
a quiet pa t of the town.
A the

B an

C no a ticle

D a

13. 13. ____________ Philippines is ________________ archipielago of beautiful islands

A The - the

B The – an

C c) No a ticle - an

D d) No a ticle - the

14. 14.On the news, it said that this afte noon would be sunny with _________________ showers.
A inte val

B low

C little

D scattered
15. 15. As the sun went down, it began to get a bit ____________________. a) b) freeze
A chilly

B freezes

C freeze

D heat

16. 16. Temperatures in the Russian city of Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, can go as
_________________ as 64°C.
A high

B hot

C low

D lower

17. 17. If I were you ___________________________________________________,

A I mightn’t take so much with me.

B I will buy some dollars before I go away.

C I can save some money before planning the t ip

D I would take some travelle ’s cheques just in case

18. 18. I advise you ...

A to keep your valuables somewhere safe.

B check on possible flight delays before reaching the airpo t.

C taking the excursion to the islands.

D paying attention to details.

19. Why __________________________________ about the different packages on offer and call me
A don’t you think

B not you think

C you don’t think

D No thinking
20. If you’d like to go snorkelling, I _______________________ you visit the San Pedro Ma ine Rese ve
A insist

B recommend

C consider

D encourage

Slovenia beats the all-time national record with below 20 °C this mo ning. Numerous
nearly 100 years old records broken with extreme cold across Europe

Many areas in Slovenia reached their coldest Ap il mo ning over the last 100 years! The
official meteorological station Nova vas na Blokah peaked at 20.6 °C which has set a new all-
time national record for the month of Ap il since the records began. Numerous extreme cold
records also across other pa ts of central and weste n Europe, deep freeze and mo ning
frosts have been dest uctive.

As we expected, the weather models were not wrong this time. An unpreceded extreme cold
has ve ified across many pa ts of Europe this Wednesday mo ning, following the significant
and histo ic snow a day before. Snowfall with some accumulation
was repo ted even at the seaside in Slovenia and Croatia islands Kva ner area).

In Slovenia, the weather station Nova vas na Blokah hit 20.6 °C and set the new official
lowest temperature for Ap il (the previous record at the station Nova vas was 18.0 °C set on
Ap il 4th, 1970 . There was another record of 26.1 °C recorded with an unofficial weather
station in the village Retje near Loški Potok.

The previous official record for Slovenia was held by station Pokljuka (elevation approx 1350
m ASL , with 20.4 °C set back on Apr 9th, 1956.

Many areas across the no the n Balkans have seen even lower temperatures than they were
du ing the last winter 2020/21. In the case of the Notranjska region in Slovenia (e.g. stations
Nova vas na Blokah, Postojna, and Babno Polje) this was the colder mo ning of the winter.

2021 set a new record having temperatures lower in Ap il than Janua y. Even if it happens in
March, it is extremely rare. This is just a plain example of how extremely cold and histo ic
vent this event and this mo ning was for Ap il.

The main reason for these extreme cold records is the Arctic cold air mass that spread
across a large pa t of Europe this week. Clear (no clouds) nights with barely any winds and
fresh snow on the ground with d y air mass in the mid-levels are
an ideal recipe for extremely cooling in the nighttime hours.

Unfo tunately, these temperatures were so extremely low that the ongoing blossoming f uit
trees and early growing states of the vegetation were simply bu ned and destroyed.

Ve y low temperatures with record-breaking cold and damaging frost ware also repo ted
from pa ts of England, France, Ge many, around the Alps, Italy, and Croatia.

Now, another night with ve y low temperatures is expected, with possibly again going well
below 10 °C in many areas. This will give vegetation just another kick and worsen the
situation and damage done. Sadly, this is the 5th year among the
last 6 years when sp ing damaging frost occurs. There will also be cold again on F iday
mo ning.
It might be the new no mal as the wa ming pe iods at the end of winter and in early sp ing
are becoming quite frequent lately. This helps vegetation to sta t earlier than usual, making it
even more vulnerable for any potential cold outbreaks that no mally follow at the end of
March or within the month of Ap il.

21. The peak of   20.6 °C  in Europe has set a new national record for the month of Ap il.

T T ue

F False

22. Luckily, alll this recent extreme weather has not been dist uctive.
T T ue

F False

23. The previous official record for Slovenia was held by station Pokljuka with 20.4 °C set back
on Apr 9th, 1956.
T T ue

F False

24. Despite this peak, there was another record of 26.1 °C recorded with an unofficial weather
station in the village Retje.
T T ue

F False

25. The main reason for these extreme cold records is not necessa ily the Arctic cold air mass
that spread across a large pa t of Europe this week.
T T ue

F False

26. A consequence of this extreme cold weather was that ongoing blossoming f uit trees and
early growing states of the vegetation were simply bu ned 
T T ue

F False

27. Another night with ve y low temperatures is expected which fo tunately might not affect
T T ue

F False
28. As we expected, the weather models were a bit wrong this time this time since they could not
predict this te ibly cold weather.
T T ue

F False


W ite an a ticle for a tou ism site highlighting an area in our count y. 180 200 words) In
your desc iption should include: 25 ponts)

In your desc iption you should include:

a) Attractions and Architecture 3 as a minimum).

b) Transpo t to get there. 2 options)
c)  Accommodation 2 options)
d) Modal verbs 3 different verbs)
e) The best time to go with 3 characte istics of the weather
f) 2 different ways to offer advice
i) 3 activities you can do there
j) 2 geographical features you can find there.
k) 2 If clauses.
l) 2 Connectors


1. London and the area around Kent can expect a couple of isolated showers, but mostly
humid through until Thursday
T T ue

F False

31. 2. Most of the rain from the weekend has disappeared

T T ue

F False
32. 3. Some of today's showers will be heavy, but it will be sunny in Manchester and across the
T T ue

F False

33. 4. Leeds will be sto my, with thundersto ms d izzle and heavy rain
T T ue

F False

34. 5. On the weekend, fo tunately, the d y weather will make way for mostly radiant skies and
little rain.
T T ue

F False

35. 6. Temperatures will stay mostly wa m at around 21 degrees for the weekend.
T T ue

F False

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