Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9 December 08, 2019 I. Objectives

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December 08, 2019
I. Objectives
At the end of the class discussion, the grade 9 students should be able to:
a. Identify gerunds and its uses in the sentence,
b. state the importance of gerund in daily conversations and/or
activities, and
c. write sentences with correct usage of gerund.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Gerund and its Uses in the Sentence
b. References: Essential English Worktext in Literature and Language 9;
Authored by Carolina T. Gonzales & Pillar R. Yu
Materials: Visual Aid, PowerPoint Presentation

III. Teaching Procedure

Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Attendance

Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The teacher will divide the students into two groups. Each group
will have 3 representative each to play “pantomime”. Each
volunteer will give a picture with a word. He/she will then act a
scenario referred by the word. The students on their seats will
guess the activity the volunteer is doing. The group with a faster
and more guessed words will be the winner and will be having an
added 5 points in their quiz.

B. Analysis
After the activity has been done, the teacher will ask the following
A. What have you observed about the words you have
B. Why is it that there is -ing in every word you have
C. Can anyone in this class guess what will be our lesson
for today?

C. Abstraction
With the help of the activity and the students answer in the review
of their topic in verbal, the teacher will now introduce the topic.
Gerund and Its Uses in the Sentence

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What is a gerund?
A gerund is a type of verbal. It ends in -ing and acts as a noun:
 Swimming is good exercise.
 Aini likes chatting with friends.
 You will enhance music skills by practicing.
Uses of Gerund in a Sentence
1. As subject of the sentence
Swimming is a good exercise.
Thinking requires effort.
Pretending innocence won’t help you.
Whispering in class is an obnoxious habit.
2. As object of the verb
She enjoys reading novels.
Then they began laughing.
Pardon my interrupting you.
Please stop talking.
3. As subject complement
Seeing is believing.
The students are copying long assignments.
Roy’s pastime is playing chess.
One of his duty was cleaning the bathroom.
4. As object of the preposition
She believes in doing what is right whatever the cost.
The mother was very grateful to the policeman for saving her child.
Traffic rules prohibit pedestrians from jaywalking.
5. As an appositive or noun in apposition
His recreation, fishing, has brought him self-satisfaction.
He always neglects his only duty, closing the kitchen door.
His job, cutting grass, does not require much skill.

D. Application
The teacher will group the students into 5 groups. Each group will
write at least 1 paragraph with a correct gerund usage in a sentence.

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ crosswise paper.
Underline the gerund and tell how each is used in the sentence in the underlined
space before the number.
___________1. Setting pornographic publication to flames had the approval of
the people.
___________2. Writing a column in a tabloid is a pleasant conversation with a
receptive lower-class audience.
3. He nurtures great hopes of surviving impeachment.
4. We heard of your winning the first prize in the oratorical contest.
5. Imagine his answering of such foolish questions.
6. The process of extracting iron from ore is called something.
7. Their winning the championship depends upon the daily practice.
8. The fans enjoyed watching the games.
9. What they like best is seeing the champions receive the games.

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10. This note, postponing our trip, is a big disappointment.
V. Assignment:

In a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Study the forms of gerund phrase and use them in your own sentences.

1. Write 2 sentences with gerund as the subject of the sentence.

2. Write 2 sentences with gerund as an object of the verb.
3. Write 2 sentences with gerund as a subject complement.
4. Write 2 sentences with gerund as an object of the preposition.
5. Write 2 sentences with gerund as an appositive or noun in apposition.

Prepared by:

Ilustra Ragrag

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