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FraunHoFer InstItute For BuILdIng PHysIcs IBP


42 (2015) NEw REsEaRch REsulTs IN BRIEf

Kristin Lengsfeld, Martin Krus,

assEssINg ThE lONg-TERm PERfORmaNcE
Hartwig Künzel, Helmut Künzel Of aPPlIEd ExTERNal ThERmal
INsulaTION cOmPOsITE sysTEms (ETIcs)
BacKground Just like in previous investigations, the
Fraunhofer Institute
External thermal insulation composite condition of the examined façades was
for Building Physics IBP
systems (ETICS) have been in use since assessed according to three levels of
Nobelstrasse 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany the early 1960s. In the beginning, these quality. As merely visual flaws (caused by
Phone +49 711 970-00 insulation systems were only applied using soiling or microbial infestation) are not polystyrene hard-foam boards and synthetic classified as a technical defect, these are not
resin plasters. Later on, mineral systems included. The diagram on page 2 gives an
Holzkirchen Branch
were also used. As early as in the 1970s, overview of the examined properties and
Fraunhoferstr. 10, 83626 Valley, Germany
the Holzkirchen branch of the Fraunhofer the time schedule regarding construction/
Phone +49 8024 643-0
Institute for Building Physics IBP was installation, on-site inspection, and status
Kassel Branch commissioned at several times to examine assessment.
Gottschalkstr. 28a, 34127 Kassel, Germany completed buildings to determine the
Phone +49 561 804-1870 reliability of these systems under practical Thin layers of render and the use of soft conditions. Investigation results on the insulating materials beneath the rigid render
durability of ETIC systems were published in are often supposed to be possible causes for
Literature IBP reports 192, 316, 382, 438 and 461. damage due to mechanical stress. However,
[1] Krus, M., Rösler, D.: Aufdoppelung von WDVS –
no evidence for this theory could be found
Hygrothermische Berechnung der Einsatzgrenzen unter-
schiedlicher Systeme. [Application of an additional insu- assessMent during repeated on-site inspections.
lation layer on ETICS – Hygrothermal calculations deter- The present IBP publication reports on the
mining the limits of application for different systems].
condition of external thermal insulation The age of the examined ETIC systems
Bauphysik vol. 33, June 2011 (issue 3, pp. 142–149).
[2] Künzel, H.: Funktionssicherheit und Lebensdauer composite systems (ETICS), which had ranges from 29 to 45 years. Within the
wärmedämmender Maßnahmen. [Functional reliability been evaluated at regular intervals since last ten years, five buildings did not
and lifespan of thermal insulation measures].
1975, the last examination dating back to undergo any renovation. Four buildings
VDI Bericht no. 356, 1980.
[3] Lengsfeld, K.: Beurteilung der Langzeitbewährung the autumn of 2014 – a detailed account were renovated by the installation of an
von ausgeführten Wärmedämmverbundsystemen. of the examination results is given in [3]. additional insulation layer on their ETICS,
[Assessing the long-term performance of applied ETICS].
Based on a selected number of larger but for no other reason than for energy
Valley: Fraunhofer IBP, 2015. (IBP-Bericht HTB 06/2015).
buildings, information regarding the retrofit. Two buildings were repainted.
long-term performance of ETICS can be Following the 2014 on-site inspection,
obtained, including specific information on the condition of the façades of ten out
the type of renovations that have become of eleven buildings can be classified in
necessary in the meantime. category 1 “practically free from defects”.
Only one façade, which had been
© Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP
Nachdruck oder Verwendung von Textteilen oder Ab- repainted, is locally affected by minor or
bildungen nur mit unserer schriftlichen Genehmigung major defects (category 2).
1 2 3

Diagram 1 Time schedule of application, on-site inspection and renovation of ETICS – Table 1 Maintenance and renewal
including indication of the façade condition of the external treatment of façades
Property (Project No.) Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Age Values estimated by building experts
1975/76 1983 1989 1995 2004 2014 of ETICS 1980 [2]
in years
Years until
first renovation or renewal
Type of external
Building demolished treatments Indicated Mean values

Mineral exterior


Synthetic resin
render on masonry
or insulating layers
Asbestos cement
determined at completed buildings
1970–2014 [3]

cracks, and discolorations are evident. This

Assessment categories Renovation measures example proves the importance of carefully
 practically free from defects A New façade coating
selecting system compatible materials.
 minor defects (occasional cracks at insulation Z Application of an additional insulating layer
panel joints or cracks at windows) with reinforced coating
 major defects (frequent or longer cracks, blistering,- The evaluation of ageing behavior and main-
detachment of coating, clearly visible) tenance requirements is similar for façades
provided with ETIC systems and for conven-
concLusIons edge; also, increased susceptibility to micro- tionally rendered external walls. In Table 1
The findings from repeated inspections of bial infestation may become evident. estimated maintenance intervals are com-
12 residential buildings featuring different piled for various external treatments of fa-
ETIC systems can be summarized as follows: As long as 21 years ago, the thermal insu- çades, based on the survey conducted among
lation of one property was enhanced by ad- building experts in 1980 [2] and on the current
There are systems that did not receive any ding another composite layer; another five assessment results. The new findings suggest
renovation coating during 14 up to 29 years, properties had additional thermal insulation that the average value for ETICS is slightly
yet do not show any technical defects like applied six or eight years ago – without any higher (22 years compared to 18 years).
cracks, blistering or larger areas of render deficiencies. Only near the ground, some
detachment. A building in Munich (Fig. 1–3), isolated cases of algae formation at the fa- Given these figures, the amount of mainte-
which was not refurbished since the appli- çade were noted. Grey discolorations are nance required for the investigated ETICS is
cation of the mineral insulation system in more common on surfaces exposed to we- minimal. The durability of renewed paint coats
the 1990s, can still be classified in category 1. athering and next to busy roads. In [1] it is can be rated as very good, mostly remaining
However, significant grey discolorations due pointed out that the material of an additio- free from defects over a longer period of time,
to soiling may occur (just like with conven- nal insulation layer needs to be compatible which is comparable to the performance of
tionally rendered façades), and in most cas- or well matched to the existing ETICS with rendered façades without thermal insulation.
es a certain extent of weathering of the regard to their hygric properties.
paint coats can be determined. In addition, 1 – 3 West façade of property no. 16 in
other typical phenomena may occur at ETIC In one system, several defects occurred due Munich, 4 years (left), 19 years (centre) and
systems: for instance, insulation fixings or to an inappropriate paint coat that was 29 years (right) after application of the ETIC
individual panel joints can become appar- applied twelve years ago. This façade is system, no intermediate renovation of the
ent at the surface and at the building’s partially covered with blisters and net-like façade.

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