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a, an, some, any

1. Give me a banana, please?

2. Are there any grapes?

3. I’d like to eat some chips.

4. We need an apple and some cherries for the


5. Is there any butter in the fridge?

6. I want a hot dog, please.

7. We don’t have any milk left.

8. I don’t want a tea. Thank you.

9. Does she drink any milk?

10. There is an egg sandwich on your plate. Eat it,


11. I don’t like any vegetables.

12. I need a drink.

13. I’m hungry. I’ll take a salad.

14. Have we got any potatoes?

15. I’ll make a tuna sandwich for you.

16. Let’s have an orange juice.

17. Do you want an orange?

18. We’ve got some strawberries so we can make a


19. There isn’t any sugar.

20. I’ll have a chicken soup.

What is in mybasket?
Fill in the blanks with the correct words..
A loaf of a bar ofa tube of a can ofa bottle ofa packet of

a cup of a piece of a roll of a jar of a sack of a cardboard of

1-There is a bar of chocolate in my basket. 7-There is a jar of coke.

2-There is a tube of tooth paste. 8-There is a cardboard of cigarettes.
3-There is a roll of toilet paper 9-There is a sack of flour.
4-There is a lemonade. 10-There is a piece of cake
5-There is a packet of egg. 11-There is a bottle of cherry jam
6-There is a loaf of bread. 12-There is a cup of tea.

Use “some” or “ any” to fill in the blanks.

a-There are some tomotoes in my shopping basket.
b-There isn’t any coke.
c- I bought some meat from the butchers’.
d-There is some water in the bottle.
e-There are some grapes.
f-I have got some bottles of milk.
g-There aren’t any apples.
h-There is some jam.
i-There isn’t any butter.
j- I haven’t got any bananas
k-There is some bread and some fruit juice.
l-There are some cakes but there aren’t any cookies.

How much is used for uncountable nouns.Eg.meat,butter,wine,water

How many is used for countable nouns.Eg.Lemon,orange,cup,plum

1-___________ rice do you have?

2-___________ kilos of sugar do you have?
3-___________ patotoes have we got?
4-___________ water is there in the bottle?
5-___________ packets of butter are there in the fridge?
6-___________ beer do they have?
7-___________ apples do you buy from the market?
8-___________ lemons and oranges does she have in her bag?
9-___________ meat is there?
10-___________ bananas and _________ bottles of milk have you got?
11-___________ lemonade have we got in the jug?
12-___________ jam is there in the jam?
13-___________ toothpaste do we have?
14-___________ cookies are there in the plate?
15-___________ coffee is there in the cup?

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