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Botanical name -pogostemon cabin

Family -lamiaceae
Local names- Hindi- Babuitulsi
Sanskrit -Barabari
English-sweet basil/French basil
patchouli is a species of plant from the family Lamiaceae, commonly called the "mint" or "deadnettle" family.
The plant grows as a bushy perennial herb, with erect stems reaching around 75 centimeters (2.5 ft) in height
and bearing small, pale pink-white flowers.
The world production of oil is around 800 t/annum. Java produces 2/3 of this quantity followed by China and
Malaysia. Cultivation in India has been meager but is picking up in the last 5 years and is around 600 ha,
producing 20 tonnes of oil per annum.  It is cultivated in coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam and
West Bengal
It is considered to be a native of Philippines and Malaysia.  The leaves are covered with trichomes all over the
epidermis, which contains the essential oil. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of shade dried leaves. The
herb is grown extensively in tropical climate of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Brazil, preferably
under partial shade.
The plant is a perennial, small bushy herb which yields fragrant leaves containing very sweet-smelling oil. The
leaves are simple, ovate to oblong ovate, leathery, dentate margins pale to purplish green in colour. Flowers
are borne both in axillary and terminal spikes. But seed is not produced. The propagation of the crop is
through stem cutting.
Patchouli is used widely in modern perfumery, by individuals who create their own scents and in
modern scented industrial products such as paper towels, laundry detergents and air fresheners. Two important
components of its essential oil are patchoulol and norpatchoulenol. Some of the highest qualities and variants of
Patchouli Oil are produced by Van Aroma, a well renowned producer in Indonesia

Patcholi also use as a insect repellent, incese,culinary,toys different industry.

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