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Noun- 3

1. Which is uncountable noun?- Star/ field/ 14. Tamara speaks very ______ Russian, but she
Rice/Foe knows _____ words.- little, a little/ little, a few/
few, little/ a few, few
2. Which is uncountable noun?- pen/ shirt/
15. I have finished reading the works of Shakespeare-
book/food countable/ uncountable/ common/ collective

3. Money- collective/ abstract/ countable/ 16. We pray five times a day. - countable/
uncountable uncountable/ common/ collective
17. The building is built of stone-countable/
4. We had some fun- uncountable/ countable/ uncountable/ proper/ adjective
18. I prefer chicken to beef- countable/ uncountable/
proper/ adjective
5. ______ is not thye only thing that tourists want
to see.- a scenery/ sceneries/ the sceneries/ 19. It is very difficult to find a _____ in this country
scenery at present.-work/ career/ profession/ job

6. I need______ soap to wash my dress with.- any/ 20. Hybrids have one more ____ per plant than the
other varieties. Corns/ ear of corn/ corn ears/
a piece of/ a/ much
corn’s ears

7. I bought ______ for my laboratory last week. – 21. ______ in this display is on sale.- Each furniture/
two equipments/ two pieces of equipments/ two each pieces of furniture/ each piece of furniture/
pieces of equipment/ two equipment pieces each furniture

8. Nasrin is an interior decorator, designs ______. – 22. Find out determiner in the sentence- Will it take
much time?-will/ take/ much/ time
furniture/ the furniture/ furniture’s/ some
furniture 23. ____ amazing song haunted me for a long time.-
Thus /that/ these/ those
9. The ______ of the office will be sold.- furniture/
furnitures/ the lover/ the patriots 24. It is time I had my ____ cut.-all the hairs/ hair/all
hairs/ the hairs/ hairs
10. She wants to satisfy her thirst. But there is
25. This building is made of____. Bricks and cement/
______ water in the glass.few/ a few/ little / not
brick and cement/ glasses and bricks/ iron and
11. Choose the correct sentence 26. I have got friends , so I am not lonely.- little/ a
a) We have many works to do in summer. little/ few/ a few/ fewer
b) We have much works to do in summer.
c) We have a lot of work to do in summer. 27. The glass on the table contains a ___ water.-
d) We have lot of works to do in summer.
little/ a little/ few/ a few/ fewer
12. No news _____ good news.- is/ are /was /were
28. I would like ___ salt in my vegetables. - little/ a
little/ few/ a few/ fewer
13. ______ can be grown on arid land. – Only a few
crops/ only few crop/ only a little crops / only 29. A lot of food was prepared, but hardly any of it
little crop was eaten. - little/ a little/ few/ a few/ fewer

30. I still have ___ money in my pocket.- little/ a 31. There is ____ milk in the bottle. - little/ a little/
little/ few/ a few/ fewer few/ a few/ fewer
32. He has --- friends in Chicago. – few/few of/a 35. Few men are free from fault. Here `few’ means-.
lot/much/much of Some/not much/hardly any/None.

33. There is ---- hope of his recovery.- 36. Zvi †Kv‡bv eÜz †bB ej‡jB P‡j|-He has a few
many/little/very/few friends./He has no friends/He has few friends/He
has the few friends.
34. She sold ---- milk.- little/a littel /
37. “The have little money” means-They have no 48. Can I have ---- milk in my coffee, please ?
money at all./They have almost no money/They Little/any/some/much
have yet some money/They have quite some
money. 49. Although southern California is densely
populated, - life in the northern part of the state.- a
38. He has few friends means he has- little people/only a few people/some of the
No friend at all/almost no friends/some friends/a few people/many people.
50. ---- traffic means --- traffic accidents, people
39. –milk has gave me has been spilt. Choose the should use public transportation more.
correct option.- few/a few/little/a little/the little. More, less/fewer, fewer/a few, less/less, fewer/few,
40. We should use – time we have in our hands to
complete our preparation. The little/the little of/the 51. There were --- guests han I expected.
few/few/little. Less/lesser/fewer/few.
41. Do you have --- to do this afternoon? If not, I’d
like to take you to a movie. 52. The group has had ---- ten captains in just five
Many works/much work/many works/much works. years.
Few/no few then /no fewer/not fewer than.
42. I dis not have – luggage, just two small bags.
Little/a little/much /many / few 53. Heavy fines and fail sentences have made ----
difference in preventing elephant poaching.
43. There are too many – during television shows. A few/ many / little/ the number of.
ts. 54. Choose the correct sentence: Let me give you an
advice/ Let me give you one advice/Let me give you
44. ---- people trying to get into the football stadium. a single advice/Let me give you a piece of advice.
There were too much/There was too many/There
were too many /It was too many/There was too much. 55. I need ----- milk.
A few/a little/a lot/a lot.
45. I would like –-- information, please.
An/some/few/piece. 56. Give me ----- milk.
The little/little/a little/a few.
46. I am going to buy --- bread for breakfast.
57. He is lazy. He never does ___ work.- some/ any/
a/the/some/lot/two. no/ none

47. I have ---- new books at home.-


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